The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 15, 1953, Image 5
V Thursday, January 15, 1953- THE BATTALION Page 5 Chafin Is Success As "OK '"Coach—Guy By BOB BORISKIE Battalion Sports Staff “If we can get by Snook tonight at the Consolidated gym, and then »take Milano in the game there next Monday night, we’ll be in good shape to take the district title. Snook and Dime Box are he teams that will give us the most trouble.” Coach 0. V. Chafin believes that those two games hold the key to Tiger chances in the district bas ketball race for the current sea son. Chafin, personable 29 year old head coach in all four major sports at Consolidated, came to the Tig- O. U. Chafin ers from Hearne in the fall of 1949, at which school he was head basketball coach and assistant football coach. Prior to his year at Hearne, he spent one year at Georgetown High as assistant football coach. Coaching Record Outstanding Since arriving at Consolidated, Chafin has established a fine coaching record in football, bas ketball, baseball, and track compe tition. His Tiger quintet has a phenom enal season record thus far of 13 tvins against a single loss, a 30- 25 setback at the hands of Love- *lady in a tournament at Madison- ville. Their district mark is un blemished, with four straight vic- torics. Completing his fourth season at the Tiger football helm last fall, Chafin has seen his teams emerge as district champs, district “co- champs, runners-up, and third place holders. The 1949 football season ended With the Tigers runners-up to Cal vert on a season record of seven wins, one loss, and one tie. In 1950 they were third behind Bas trop and Smithville and sported a record of five wins, four losses and one tie. The Consolidated footballer’s Pere bi-district champs in 1951 t with a season standing of 7 wins, Tour losses and a tie. Sugarland defeated them in the regional fame. Last season the Tigers were r co-champs with Hempstead, set ting a mark of nine wins against one tie. That tie, unfortunately, was with Hempstead, who was awarded the scoreless game on penetrations. Fine Basketball Record Basketball records under Coach Chafin have been equally impres sive. In 1950 the Tigers won the district title, but were eliminated in the regional tournament at Huntsville. In 1951 Consolidated Was runners-up to Milano for dis trict honors Avith a team Chafin calls one of his finest. The 1952 basketball season found the Tigers again walking off with the district banner, and again tasting defeat in the Hunts ville regional tournament. With the district divided into zones in 1950, Consolidated won the zone baseball title as a Class A competitor, but lost to Crockett in the district play-offs. The Tig ers had a fine record of 11 wins against two losses. In 1951, however, competing in Class B circles again, Consolidat ed baseballers won the bi-district (which is tops for the classifica tion) with a perfect mark of 16 Avins and no losses. This record AA r as attained mainly on the great pitching of Roland Jones. The past baseball season was a bad season by any standards, the Tigers posting two wins against eight losses. Coach Chafin finds some solace in the fact that he has eight lettermen back for this spring in the diamond sport. But he is turning the baseball reins over to Jim Bevans, and will con centrate his efforts on the re maining three sports. In his battle for the district basketball crown, Chafin uses six players who carry almost the en tire load during the games. Jackson Controls Rebounds Bobby Jackson, junior center and two year letterman, is a great rebound control man who uses his height to good advantage under the baskets. He has also earned letters in football and tennis. At one forward post Chafin uses Joe Motheral, senior three year letterman with a good eye for the basket. Motheral is a fine dribbler and scores a lot from up under the basket, utilizing tricky ball handling. He is a baseball letterman. The other forward position is capably manned by David Bonnen, junior tAvo year letterman. David is a really great defensive worker who keeps his man away from the basket and from shooting. He is a good rebound man who often gets the ball from much taller boys. 'FboTb'all, baseball, and track make David a four-sport letterman. Byron Andrews at guard is a senior two year letterman who is a very good defensive man, a good dribbler, and a fine long-shot art ist. He also possesses a baseball letter. Settled at the other guard posi tion is Fred Anderson, junior iwo year letterman who Chafin says is probably the best ball handler on the team. He di'ibbles well and is at his best when he is driving in for the basket. Cooner Very Dependable The sixth “starter” on the Con solidated basketball squad is Pinky Cooner, utility man who fills all positions. He is a very good shot who was directly responsible' for a Tiger win over Hearne prior to the Christmas holidays. He bucketed a long shot in the closing minute to bi’eak a 36-36 tie, and followed with another basket to insure a 40-36 victory. BATTALION CLASSIFIED BUY, SEIX, KENT OK TRADE. Rates . ... 3c a word per Insertion with a |5o minimum. Space rate in classified lection .... 00c per column-inch. Send 111 classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received in Student Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR SALE • 6 FOOT Montgomery Ward refrigerator. Good condition. $45. A-ll-X College View. • HELP WANTED • STUDENT wife for part-time work. Call Laundromat, 4-1262. REGISTERED nurse for office work. Call 4-9882. WANTED: Car hops, waitress, and cash ier. Triangle Drive-In. • WORK WANTED • 1948 Crosley Station Wagon with 1951; motor. In good running condition. See 104 Park Place, College Station. Phone 6-1283. MEDIUM SIZED two wheel trailer in good condition. Reasonable. Contact Project House 9-B. • FOR RENT • ONE NICE comfortable room in my home. Phone 4-7054, 401 Dexter S. ONE WAY trailer! Rent it here, leave it where you are going. Baker Tire Co. Night phone—2-2115, day phone—2-8159. • SPECIAL NOTICE • TRY OUR Sunday special spaghetti and meatballs. Triangle Drive-In. LEARN A HOBBY That Is An Art. New classes in WEAVING will begin Tues day afternoon Feb. 3 and Thursday eve ning, Feb. 5 meetiijg every wetk. Looms furnished. To reserve yours ENROLL NOW calling 2-1929, 4-4431 or by mail ing a card to DORIS COULTER handwavers 203 N. Munnerlyn An election to authorize the sale of $650,000 in school bonds will be held in the Music Room of A&M Consolidated High School, Tuesday, Jan. 20, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. E. E- Brown President Board of Trustees A&M Consolidated Schools Directory of Business Services INSURANCE of all kinds. Homer AdWlS, North Gate. Call 4-1217. TYPING—reasonable rates. Phone 3-1776 after 5. • LOST • LEATHER PACKET containing small note book and check book. $5 reward if re turned to Student Activities Office. NEAR COLLEGE Station post office pair of horn-rim glasses. Lewis A. Knowles, phone 6-3341 or 4-1114. ONE SLIDE RULE—Dietzgen No. 560706, black case. Contact Paul Pepper, Hous ing Office. SENIOR RING on sink at first floor rest room in A&I Building. John Pat Richmon, Dorm 17, Room 213. $10 re ward. Official Notice Probation Students All students'who are on scholastic pro bation for the fall semester, 1952, and all students passing less than 12 hours or making less than 12 grade points at the end of the fall semester must secure ap proval of their respective deans to reg ister for the spring semester 1953. The several deans or their representatives will interview such students in their offices on Friday, Jan. 30, 1953. H. L. Heaton Registrar Prompt Radio Service —Call— Sosnlik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Pfa. 2-1941 Bryan The CENTER INN SPECIALS IN THIS DEPARTMENT THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY CHARCOAL BROILED Fillet Mignon Steak Served with ^ Salad, Sauce ifcf* Potatoes We’ve got ’em . . . come and get ’em! Yes, we’re talking about the wonderful values you’ll find at THE SHOPPING CENTER, where high quality and low prices are teamed up to make shopping a real pleasure. You’ll find that although we offer only the top- quality brands of canned and packaged foods, the finest cuts of meat, and the best produce . . . you’ll be delighted with our rock- bottom prices. FRENCH FRIED SHRIMP Served with ^ Salad, Sauce / Potatoes ® “Serving a Variety of Good Foods’ From 6:30 to 9 a.m. SPECIAL “COST OF LIVING” PACKAGE SPECIAL PRICES Thursday P. M. thru Sunday LILT Home Permanent Refill Reg. $1.25 Size 69 c SAVE HALF A DOLLAR! Tuxedo TUNA 3 Lb. Can CRISCO SHOR 1 Lb. Pkg. ADMIRATION 2 Lb. Bag IMPERIAL 5 Lb. Bag KIMBELL’S Package 2 FOR . can 19c KRAFT DINNER . 25c TE MNC ALL 4 ITEMS FOR COFFEE SUGAR FLOUR $-1 99 i Armour’s—12 Oz. Kimbell’s Shoe String POTATOES . 2 Vi Oz. 10c TREET . 45c Dole’s—No. 2 2 FOR Kimbell’s—300 Size PINEAPPLE JUICE 25c HOMINY . . 2 for 15c Kimbell’s—46 Oz. Kimbell’s Jumbo—300 Size GRAPEFRUIT Juice 19c RUTTER BEANS . . 9c VETO Cream Deodorant Reg. 39c Value 29c Diamond—14 Oz. Diamond Early June—300 Size APPLE BUTTER . . 12c COOKED PEAS No. 2 WOLF CHILI Diamond—300 size . 55c PINTO MEANS 9c 3 FOR .25c T/M£ SAVING! MONEY SAVING METHOD OF BUYING YOUR WOODBURY’S After Shave LOTION Re. 50c Size 33c U. S. No. 1 California IMPERIAL VALLEY LETTUCE • EACH 5e ©—© CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANAS 2 lbs. 23c U. S. Cov. Graded Veal ROASTS LARGE FLORIDA TANGERINES 2 lbs. 15c Omek 39 C l]b Crown 45 C jf ) IDAHO RUSSETT VASELINE HAIR TONIC t 45c Size 39c Fresh Ground HAMBURGER . lb. 39c Veal STEW MEAT . . Ib. 39c Veal SEVEN STEAK . lb. 69c VEAL CHOPS . . lb. 59c Sliced Cloverbloom (Whole Armour’s Star WIENERS .' Armour’s Star BACON . . Armour’s Crescent Dry PRESSED HAM. lb. 49e SALT JOWLS . . lb. 15c MLRRINE For the Eyes Fresh Armour’s—Cello Roll—Pork Reg. 60c Size 39<’ PINE - O - PINE Disinfectant 8 oz. . . . 33c B C HEADACHE POWDER 25c size . 43c PORK LIVER . . lb. 29c SAUSAGE • FROZEN FOODS • FARM — PAK — INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN POT PIE Each 29c BIRDS EYE CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 2-6 oz. cans . . . 29c Ib. 55c .Ib. 45c . lb. 59c .lb. 35c . lb. 15c Pork .lb. 33c POTATOES. 5 »*• 33c © ® CELLO CARTON TOMATOES.... 13c FIRM GREEN CABBAGE 2c lb- Carton of G COCA COLA 23c Steen’s Ribbon Cane—25 Oz. SYRUP 29c DRIED PRUNES, Ib. 25c DRIED APPLES . lb. 29c Sun Valley MARGARINE . . lb. 19c Comstock—No. 2 PIE APPLES . . .23c Betty Crocker—Pkg. PIE CRUST MIX . . 18c Kimbell’s—No. 2 CUT BEETS . 2 for 23c Del Monte—303—Yellow CREAM CORN, 2 for 35c Del Monte—303 PEAR HALVES ... 25c PICTSWEET Spinach —- Ford Hook Lima Beans Mixed Vegetables Pkg. 19c The BIG Supermarket At Coulter Drive on Hiway 6 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK HOURS OPEN Monday — Thursday 8 A.M. — 8 P.M. Friday — Saturday 8 A.M. — 9 P.M. Sunday 8 A.M.—1 P.M. —4 P.M.8 P.M. Right Reserved to Limit Quantities T—*