The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 17, 1952, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
Page 2
General Fails to Realize
Responsibility in Talk
WfHEN A general spoke here recently he
” should have remembered: “Responsibility
walks hand in hand with capacity and
Through the years when we saw this
man direct A&M’s Corps of Cadets. Later,
we watched him rise in the ranks of the
Army. His duty justified promotion.
Yet his manner and speech to hundreds
of men who soon will be fighting for their
country failed to reach the heights he has
before. He forgot his responsibility.
He forgot to tell and re-emphasize to
these men who he had once commanded what
their duty would be and what their country
expected of them. He failed to keep a serious
tone when it was needed in restating his
famous phrase “No lieing, no cheating, and
“Tis education forms the com
mon mind; just as the tivig is bent
the tree is inclined”—Pope.
Is Germany
Another Korea?
1IISTORY repeats itself, and the Commun-
ists have had a knack for helping it along
during the last few years.
After the end of World War II, the Far
East Reds were crying for the unification
of Korea and for the removal of both United
States and Russian troops. Following the re
moval of the U. S. occupation forces, the
Korean War began.
This week in Vienna, Austria, the Com
munist-sponsored “Congress of People for
Peace” were insisting that the big powers
settle the German problem of unifying
Germany, now divided between East and
West. This must be done, they say, before
peace can be gained.
The objective of both Russia and the U.
S. pulling their forces from Korea was to
allow their unification. But the North Ko
reans attacked the South.
The only difference which might occur
in Germany is direction—not North against
South, but East versus West.
u Each man ivho has received the
higher education is resentful be
cause it has not done as much for
him as he has always believed it
woidd do.”—E. W. Howe.
Spirit of Christmas
SATURDAY will start officially the Christ-
^ mas holidays. Few will be sad.
In this time of war, however, Americans
should remember the significance of Christ
mas: “And on earth peace, good will toward
It’s easy to forget.
no stealing.” He did not show to these men
a respect for authority and for higher offi
cials. He had good intentions, yet they were
clothed with power.
His responsibility now is to educate. He
failed. He failed to show that men of excep
tional integrity are needed to produce a
world peace and keep it. He failed to illus
trate how the men of A&M can raise them
selves higher in the eyes of the world and
improve their military standards.
Tryon Edwards would have said to him:
“Sin with the multitude, and your respon
sibility and guilt are as great and as truly
personal, as if you alone had done the
“Character development is the
great, if not the sole, aim of educa
Loyalty Oath
May Disappear
"I OYALTY OATH laws may disappear rap
idly from the American scene.
Monday the Supreme Court ruled that
loyalty oath laws may not be* used to bar
persons from public employment just be
cause they once belonged to a subversive or
It struck down an Oklahoma law requiring
state employes to swear, on penalty of losing
their jobs, that for the five past years they
were not affiliated with any organization
listed by the U. S. Attorney General as sub
versive or Communist-front.
How this will effect the oath signed by
students here is not known. The difference
between the Oklahoma oath and the oath
here is in the number of years the person
has not affiliated with any organization list
ed as subversive. Texas requires the last two
years. Oklahoma the past five.
Little is accomplished by this oath, al
though many persons feel it will be the safe
guard to prevent Communist infiltration. We
are glad to see it go.
“/ care not what subject is
taught, only it be taught well”—
Thomas H. Huxley.
Gift Average — 36
i|^HE ALL-AMERICAN average for Christ
mas gifts via the mailman this year is
36. The Association of American Railroads
said each American can expect 36 gifts and
greeting cards this year. Their figures are
based on the mail it expects the railroad to
move by Dec. 25.
7 p. m.—Bowling Committee,
Room 2D, MSC.
7:15 p. m.—Hiliel Foundation,
Room 2C, MSC.
Executive Committee, Senate
Room, MSC.
7:30 p. m.—Tau Beta Pi Banquet,
Ballroom, MSC.
Piano Recital, Assembly Room>
Animal Husbandry Seniors, Soc
ial Room, MSC.
Air Foi’ce Reserve, Rooms 2A
& 2B, MSC.
Christian Science Meeting, Room
3D, MSC.
8 a. m. to 5 p. m.—Texas Board
of Architectural Examiners, Arch.
3 to 5 p. m.—Extension Service
Club, Assembly Room, MSC.
7:15 p. m.—Bosque County Club,
Room 2D, MSC.
7:30 p. m.—Aggie Wives Bridge
Club, Rooms 3B & 3C, MSC.
Trans-Pecos Club, Room 2C,
Marshall Club, Room 2A, MSC.
Land of the Lakes Club, Room
2B, MSC.
8 p. m.—MSC Bridge Committee,
Room 3D, MSC.
Pipe Smoking
(Continued from Page 1)
John Ginn, L. O. Williamson, M.
M. McCrary; large bowl, J. D.
Linton, J. G. Davidson, R. M.
Nixon, W. H. Morley, and Roy
Lilley; small bowl R. S. McClel
lan, Leonard Stolz, and B. E. Ha-
gee; professor’s division, V. F.
Ridgway and Ronald Logan; min
iature bowl, B. E. Hagee and Roy
Lilley; corn cob, W. H. Moi-ley,
Roy Lilley, and B. E. Hagee;
churchwarden, J. W. Moody; pipe
collections, D. B. Wheeler; cala
bash, D. B. Wheeler.
Cigar smoking division winners
were Les Gay, L. C. Washburn, R.
M. Nixon, and Virgil Walter. J.
G. Davidson and E. A. Younger
Avon the professional hand cigar
ette rolling, and Mrs. E. A. Young
er and Albert R. Berry topped the
amateur entries. Machine cigar
ette rolling winner’s were John
Linton, Albert R. Beny, and M. M.
Ross Hall Cannons
Will Not Fire Again
Both three-inch cannons and
the two 57 mm anti-tank guns
in front of Ross Hall received
fresh coats of olive drab paint
and hardwood plugs driven flush
into the barrels, last week.
Rust was beginning to form
in the rifling of the guns, so
the military department drove
in the pegs.
It could be the plugs will
prevent further “firing” of the
guns also.
Christmas Spirit
Covers L oca lA rea
Battalion City Editor
The best outdoor Christmas decoration on a College Sta
tion home will be chosen in a contest sponsored by the
Civic Development Committee.
Any kind of decoration that can be seen from the out
side of the house is eligible for the contest—lights, outside
Christmas trees, stand-up figures or anything else.
A first prize of $15 will be given by the development
committee. Second prize will be $10, and third $5. Judging
will be done by members of the Garden Club, and will be
completed by Dec. 23. Winners will be announced in The
Several houses have already put up decorations, and
others are working on some.
Toys Being Distributed
The Kiwanis Club is distributing between four and five
hundred toys to the underprivileged children of the city,
mostly Negroes.
The club collected all the toys and reconditioned them in
Consolidated High School's shops.
The MSC Directorate is also distributing toys collected at
the showings of the movie “Christmas Carol.”
Christmas Parties Planned Everywhere
Seems like everyone is planning
a party or an open house for the
holiday season. The city’s open
house is today from two to five in
the City Hall. Everyone is invited
and coffee and cake will be served.
Santa Claus Avill stop by College
Station on Christmas Eve to make
an appearance at the Recreation
Council’s party that night. Every
one, especially, the children, is
invited to that one, too.
The Reci’eation Council is spon
soring a similar party for Negx’oes
at Lincoln High School Friday.
Consolidated High School stu
dents will have their party just
before school lets out for the holi
days, Friday afternoon. It will be
in the gym, with entertainment
provided by the CHS chonxs.
Consolidated’s alumni Avill have
a party the night of Dec. 23 in the
school cafetex-ia. The pi’esent high
school seniox’s have beexx invited,
as well as all the former students
who are back home for the holi
days. The pui-pose of the thing is
to provide a chance for everyone
to get together.
“The Song of Christmas,” a can
tata telling the stotfy of the Na
tivity, will be sung and told to
night by a 30-Amice chorus com
posed of choir members from
every church in the city. It will
be at the First Baptist ChuX'ch,
starting at 7:30.
Twenty Chxistmas songs and
carols are in the cantata, Avith
xxax'ration fx'om Bible vex’ses.
(Continued from Page 1)
est heroic tenor, Melchoir has
staxved in six entex-tainment fields;
opex*a, concert, radio, television,
recox-dings, and motion pictux’es.
His latest movie, “The Stars
Arc Singing” Avill be x-eleased by
Paramount in Febx - uai'y 1953. Oth
er picturts in which Melchoir has
staxved include MGM’s “Thrill of
a Romance,” “Two Sisters fx*om
Boston,” “This Time for Keeps,”
and “Luxux-y Liner.”
Variety of Honors
In honor of his singing, Melchoir
has x'eceived decollations from sev-
ex'al countries. He has received the’ -
Commander Cross of Dannebrog,
the Danish medal of “Ingenio et
Arti,” Knight Commander of the
White Rose of Finland, and El ^
Mex’ito de Chile.
Other decorations include the
' French Legion of Honor and Of
ficer de 1’ Instx-uction Publique,
Knighthoods of Bulgax-ia, Saxonia,
and Coburg; as Avell as the Gold
Medal from Vassar College for
his contributioxx to music in Am-
ei’ica. He has also x’eceived the
Grand Lodge of New York’s Gold
Medal for the most outstanding
Free Mason of 1944.
Melchoir was made a Doctor
of Letters by Wagner College,
New York. More than 100 Ameri-
ican cities have made him an hon-
lorary citizen.
“Education is the cheap defense
of nations.”—Burke.
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published
by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examina
tion and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publication are Tuesday
through Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and va
cation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising
rates furnished on request.
Entered as second-class matter at
Post Office at College Station, Tex
as under the Act of Congress of
March 3, 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally by National
Advertising Services, Inc., at New
York City, Chicago, Loa Angeles,
and San Francisco.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches cred'
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Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444 or 4-7604) or at the editorial office room, 202
Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office,
Room 209 Goodwin Hall.
Ed Holder Sports Editor
Harri Baker City Editor
Peggy Maddox. Women’s News Editor
Today’s Issue
Joe Hipp ...News Editor
Chuck Neighbors Assistant News Editor
Ed Holder ...Sports News Editor
The Palace, Queen
and Dixie
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
2:00 P. M. to 6:00 P. M.
Greenville Ave. & Lovers Lane
•liiuininy Christmas!
What a shirt! What a gift! What a buy!
Tru-Sai) sport shirt
Pardon us if we get gabby about this luxurious-looking Tru-Gab,
but it has everything a man could ask for in a sport shirt. The
new shorter point collar that fits right and looks right with or
without a tie; pic-stitched flap pockets and collar; two-button
cuffs; ocean pearl buttons. And you can wash it till the cows
come home, it won’t fade or shrink. Tru-Gab's the gift to make a
man look and feel gay as a Christmas tree all year.
Bullock - Sims
217 N. N. Main Bryan
By Walt Kelly
JjV NONA'S FeeeziN' on tub tzou-by,
0t*t 0Y '
Port RAU ",
WhooibI mr/em\
/S' 77/ATP
NiDH’-m stop
Into The Wild Blue Yonder
By A1 Capp
/«rry Bennett, Bob Hendry, Joe Hfpp, Chuck
Neighbors, Bob Selleck Newa Bditors
Gus Becker..... Associate Bporta Editor
Vernon Anderson, Bob Boriskie, William Buckley,
Arnold Damon, Robert Domey, Allen Hays,
Joe Hladek, Bill Foley, Ed Fries, Raymond
Gossett, Carl Hale, Jon Kinslow, H. if.
Krauretz, Jim Larkin, Steve Lilly, Kenneth
Livingston, Clay McFarland, Dick Moore, Ro
land Reynolds, John Moody, Bob Palmer, Bill
Stepard, and Tommy Short Staff News Writers
gas B. Mattel..... ....SditonaX Writer
Jerry Wizlg, Jerry Neighbors, Hugh Phllippus
Gerald Estes Sports News Writers
Jerry Bennett, Bob Hendry Amusements
Jon Kinslow, Ed Fries .City News Editors
Willson Davis .Circulation Manager
Gene Ridell, Perry Shepard Advertising Representatives
Bob Godfrey.. Photo Shgravlhg Shop Manager
Bob Selleck, Leon Boettcher Photo-Engravers
Keith Nickle, Roddy Peeples Staff Photographers
Garden Collins., yi’s C’eri
TheiioQ McCords Staff C&xioaaiii