The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1952, Image 1
Circulated Dally To 90 Per Cent Of Local Readers Number 244: Volume 52 The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1952 Published By A&M Students For 75 Years Price Five Cents Engineer, a&s gLC Names 23 Seniors Curricula Cut By Six Hours Curricula requirements for en gineering and arts and sciences students will be cut six hours be ginning in September. The reduction will be made so students may have more time to cover essential subjects and to relieve the heavy freshman re quirements in both schools. Physical Education also will be reduced from three to two hours a week. It is a required course for freshmen and sophomores (to tal of four semesters) and bears no hour credit. This change was allowed in oi’- der to give students more free time to do outside work for aca demic courses and to take part in extra-curricula activities. No Agriculture Reduction The School of Agriculture an nounced no plans for reducing de gree requirements. Such a reduction would make the average arts and sciences de partment require 136 hours for graduation rather than the present 142. Engineering requirements would be cut from an average of 154 to 148 hours. “It is an attempt to help stu- ilents learn lots about less material lather than little about lots of .material,” said Dr. Howard W. Jlarlow, dean of engineering. He was ver-y enthusiastic about the measure, which has not yet been approved by the Academic Council. He predicted the lessen- Dorms to Close Saturday at 2; Reopen Jan. 4 All dormitories except Biz- zell Hall will be closed and locked at 2 .p. m. Saturday, said Harry Boyer, chief of housing. Dormitories will reopen 1 p. m. Tan. 4, he said. Students who wish to remain !»n the campus during the Christ mas holidays should contact stu- , jlents in Bizzell Hall who are leav ing concerning the use of their rooms, he said. In order to secure rooms, stu dents should bring a note of per mission from the Bizzell occupant to the Housing Office in Goodwin Hall. Students will then sign a roster showing his location for the holidays, so they can be lo cated in case of an emergency, Boyer said. Deadline for these preparations is noon Saturday, he said. Any student wishing to gain en trance to a dormitory closed dur ing the holidays, should check at the Housing Office for clearance. All students should close the windows and lock doors of their rooms, Boyer said. First floor win dows particularly should be lock ed for security purposes, he em phasized. Last regular meal in the dining halls will be served Saturday. Reg ular meals will be served again starting with supper Jan. 4. “Catherine the Great” Shown in MSC Tonight “Catherine the Great” will be shown by the A&M Film Society tonight at 7:30 in the MSC Ball room. This is the sixth movie shown by the Film Society this year. SHOPPING DAYS LEFT CLEAR And BRISK WEATHER TODAY: Clear to cloudy. The high temperature is expected to be around 55 degrees. The high yesterday was 53 and the low r this morning was 32. The low ,for yesterday was 24i ed requirements in engineering would help freshmen who have been overburdened with 18 or 19 hours in their first semester. The new degree requirements will not be retroactive. Students enrolled this year will be required to take courses as stated in the college catalogue for 1952-53. A sophomore who this year takes a junior course to be stricken from the catalogue as a requirement for his major next year will receive elective credit for the course. Align Standards Dr. David H. Morgan, dean of the college, said the steps were be ing taken as an attempt to align A&M with the standards in other land grant colleges for degree re quirements. Only four land grant colleges require more than the A&M aver age of 142 hours needed for an arts and sciences degree. They are Clemson, 150; North Carolina State, 147; Rutgers, 144; and Mis sissippi State, 144. Four land grant colleges require more hours for graduation in en gineering than A&M. They are Alagama Polytechnic, 160; Rut gers, 157; University of Massa chusetts, 156, and Purdue, 155. Same As A&M Two requii’e 154 hours for a de gree, the same as A&M. They are University of Maryland and University of New Hampshire. Approval of the change in cur ricula has been made by the Exec utive Committee. Okay from the Academic Council is expected aft er. final degree requirements are completed this week. Copy deadline for the new col lege catalogue is late this week. The new curricula must be com pleted and approved in order to be in the catalogue and to go into effect next year, said Dr. Morgan. He felt sure approval would be given in time. To Who’s Who for 1952-53 Officer Abundance Lawses New Congress ROTC Active Duty Delay Army ROTC students receiving commissions in January, excepting students in the Corps of Engineers, will not be called to active duty before June 30 or July 1, 1953, an nounced Col. Shelly P. Myers, PMS&T. , Engineers will be called to active duty within 60 days after graduation, he said. The newly commissioned January graduates will receive orders at the time of graduation. The delay in active duty assignments has been caused by an over-strength of officers in the Army’s branches, Col. Myers said. When asked if the announcement was an indication that June graduate active duty assignments would be delayed, the PMS&T said he had no indication that any difference would be noted. Tan Beta Pi Plans Initiation for 2 8 Men Thirteen students and 15 alumni will be initiated into the Texas Delta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi Wednesday night in the MSC. The organization is a scholastic honor society for engineers. Speaker at the annual fall ban quet-initiation scheduled in the Ballroom at 7:30 p. m., will be Dr. Herbert E. Morris, research direct or of Monsanto Chemical Co. in Texas City. Dr. H. W. Barlow, dean of en gineering, will welcome the new members. Responding for new stu dents will be Clarence Darrow Hooper. Response from alumni members will come from T. R. Spence. New Student Initiates Students to be initiated are Richard Stuart Atmar, Willie Aaron Crabtree Jerry Meyer Eu- College Town Hall Meeting Tonight Communism, socialism, and free enterprise will be discussed to night at 7:30 in a “College Town Hall” meeting in the biological science lecture room. Three Texas business men will mike up a panel to answer stu dent questions concerning politico- economic trends in the United States. Sponsored by the Texas Manufacturers’ Association, the “College Town Hall” is one of a series being held on Texas col lege campuses. The purpose is to bring businessmen and students together for an interchange of viewpoints on economics and pol icies. Open to Public T. W. Leland, head of the busi ness administration department, is cooperating with the Texas Manu facturers’ Association in arrang ing the program. The meeting is open to the public, Leland said. Businessmen who will be on hand for the meeting are C. E. Lyon, plant manager, Diamond Oil and Refining Co., Pasadena; Ray Horton, manager, employee rela tions department, Humble Oil and Refining Co.; and Joe Parish, chief engineer, Dow Chemical Company, Texas Division, Freeport. Public Relations Leonard Patillo, THA director of public relations will serve as moderator. “Officials of A&M are to be commended for inviting us to visit with them on their campus,” said Ed C. Burris, TMA executive vice president. “The panel of Texas businessmen welcome this oppor tunity to discuss with the stu dents some of the basic issues con fronting the people of the United States.” More than 8000 students and faculty members exchanged view- Major Goff Speaks To Reserves Wednesday Maj. P. M. Goff will be in charge of the 9807th VART Squadron meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday in the MSC. He will discuss “Plans and Special Operations.” A train ing film will complete the pro gram, points with businessmen serving on 13 panels in similar programs duilng the 1951-52 -school year. Discussions come from “off the floor” questions fired by students. The programs are unrehearsed. No speeches will be given and the program will be decidedly in formal, Leland said. banks, Charles Andrew Gary, Les ter Owen Hill, Richard Lee Hines, Clarence Darrow Hooper. John G. Leatherman, Jack Allen Lock, Joe Bill McAllister, James M. Reed, Ted August Rother Jr., and William Raymond Wilshire. A grade point ratio of 2.75 is required of juniors in their fifth semester. Juniors in the sixth se mester are admitted on the re quirement of 2.25 grade point ra tio, while seniors are required to hav£ a 2.38 grade point ratio for admission. Applicants Rated by Faculty Students were rated by mem bers of the engineering faculty on personal appearance, capacity for leadership, character, and social qualities. The new members were then voted in by members of the chapter. To be eligible for alumni mem bership an engineer must be out standing in his particular field. New Alumni Initiates New alumni members are the following: H. W. Beutel ’26, Mosher Steel Co., Dallas; C. L. Bryan '24, Gas oline Plant Construction Corp., Houston; Leslie L. Bums ’22, Dal las; L. H. Cardwell ’26, Dallas Power & Light Co., Dallas; J. A. Cotton ’31, Dallas; T. J. Kelly ’19, State Highway Department, San Angelo; D. D. Little ’46, Stan dard Oil of California, San Fran cisco, Calif. G. P. Mitchell ’40, Oil Drilling (See TAU BETA PI, Page 6) Hesitates On Tax Reduction WASHINGTON, Dec. 16— (H 5 )—Scores of incoming con gressmen are raising a go- slow signal on moves to cut the government’s record tax take. Responding to an Associated Press poll, 54 per cent of the House members and 74 per cent of the senators who took a def inite stand said something like this: They’re either flatly against ma jor tax cuts now or at least they want to wait, give Congress time to try to cut federal spending and balance the budget fh’st. This sentiment raises a prospect that major tax reductions, cham pioned by Republicans in the pres idential campaign, may not come before 1954. But many lawmakers, especially in the House, voiced a cry- of re sentment against high taxes and obviously would like to pass on reductions to voters as soon as possible. The figures showed this lineup: More or less positively for early tax cuts—83 House members, in cluding 51 Republicans and 32 Democrats; 10 senators, four Re publicans and six Democrats. Balance the budget and then see what can be done about taxes—68 House members, 38 Republicans and 30 Democrats; 18 senators, 13 Republicans and five Democrats. Simply inclined against tax cuts now—27 representatives, six Re publicans and 21 Democrats; 12 senators, five Republicans and seven Democrats. Fifty of the 268 congressmen who responded to the poll gave general replies that didn’t take a stand either way. The other 263 lawmakers didn’t reply or couldn’t be reached. Thursday Deadline Is For Paying Last Fees Last day for paying final in stallment fees for this semester is Thursday. Fee is $42 for corps students and $14.25 for civilian students. Penalty for late payment is one dollar for every day late for the first five days. The student is then dropped from the rolls. New Television Equipment Presented To College Today An A&M electrical' engineering graduate, Charles “Chili” Nobles, ’39, was responsible for a device that would have put television in every home in the nation.—Stra- tovision. Nobles is here today for the pre sentation of the sending and re ceiving equipment from the Sti’a- tovision plane to the electrical en gineering department. The Stratovision method was de signed to overcome the inability Nobles went to work for Westing- Charles (Chili) Nobles Television Equipment Inventor of television broadcast signals to follow the curvature of the earth. Television waves travel in a straight line, so their range is limited to the horizon. Noble presented the equip ment to President M. T. Har rington today at an MSC luncheon in honor of the event. The equipment includes both audio and video transmitters, and power supply units used in the airborne broadcasts. In accepting for A&M’s electrical engineering depart ment, Dr. Han-ington said “We are deeply grateful, not only for this generous gift, but for the opportunity which it offers us to take the lead in expanding instruction in this highly important field.” By the Stratovision method, these waves were aimed toward an airplane circling at 30,090 feet. The airplane received the waves and transmitted them both on to the next plane and down to the ground. The Westinghouse Corpor ation estimated eight planes could cover the entire country. Now manager of the detection system of Westinghouse Electric Corporation’s Air Arm Division, house right after his graduation in 1939. He started in television development and was transferred to radar during the war. He made major contributions to several highly-restricted, war-time radar designs. He got the idea for Stratovision while flying across Texas in 1944. “I suppose long hour of intense (See STRATOVISION, Page 4) Four Men Receive Honor 2nd Time By JOEL AUSTIN and FRANK MANITZAS Battalion Co-Editors Twenty-three students were named to Who’s Who at A&M last night by the Student Life Committee. The students were picked from a list of 54 nominees in a meeting which lasted for almost six hours. The 23 men will represent A&M in “Who’s Who Among Students in Ameri can Universities and Colleges,” a national recognition for outstanding students. Selection was based on popularity, leadership, and par ticipation in activities as well as a requirement of 1:5 grade point ratio or higher. Four seniors received the award for the second time. They were John Davis, Weldon Kruger, Darrow Hooper, and Gene Earl Steed. ♦ V/ho’s Who nominees were lim ited to students who had complet ed six semesters at A&M, a re quirement passed by the Student Life Committee last year. The committee also voted last year to allow a man the honor only once, effective this year. This regula tion was not considered retroactive and the four who made Who’s Who last year were made eligible again. It took five ballots by the com mittee to determine the final win ners. Six non-corps students were selected and 17 crops men were named. Named Who’s Who at A&M were the following (only three ac tivities are listed): William Lon Anderson—Presi dent AVMA Council; vice-presi dent, AYMA. Shelton Glenn Black—President, Agronomy Society; Cadet Colonel, commander 2nd regiment; Phi Eta Sigma. Ernest William Brucks Jr.- Athletic Council; Student Life Committee; AVMA Council. Thomas Bluford Collins Jr.— Head Yell Leader; Cadet Lt. Col onel, Corps Staff; Phi Kappa Phi. John Peter Davis Jr.—Student Senate; Student Life Committee; AVMA Council. John Graydon Goodman—Editor, Southwestern Veterinarian; Phi Zeta; AVMA Council. Ray D. Graves—Captain, foot ball team; All-Southwest Confer ence, football; Aggie Christian Fellowship. Clarence Darrow Hooper—All- America (two years), track; Ath letic Council; Tau Beta Pi. Smoking Awards Televised Today Pipe smoking contest winnei-s will be televised this afternoon at the awards presentation. Contestants have been requested to return to the MSC at 3:30 p. m. for a mock version of the pipe smoking contest, said Ray Daven port, assistant to the MSC direct or. This version will be televised along with the awards presenta tion, he said. Warren Ferguson, Houston representative of Fort Worth station WBAP-TV will film the affair for the station’s tele casts. The annual pipe smoking con test was held Thursday night in the MSC Assembly Room. |p BafflpPP fmmMBm ■ VIDEO WITH WINGS—This converted B129 is equipped with Stratovision equipment which could put television in to every home in the nation. Daniel D. Howell—Student Sen ate; Student Life Committee; Ca det Captain, commander Maroon Band. Oliver Cardwell (Putter) Jarvis —Editor, The Agriculturist; Ca det Lt. Colonel, corps chaplain; Agriculture Student Council. Hayden I. Jenkins — AVMA Council; president, Biology Club (three years); Honor Council, vet- erinary school. Weldon Dale Kruger — Cadet Colonel of the Corps; Student Life Committee; Tau Beta Pi. Robert E. McCarley—Cadet Lt. Colonel, commander Armor-Infan try Battalion; varsity football; president, A&M Christian Chm’ch student fellowship. J. T. Lamar McNew Jr.—Pres ident, MSC Council; Student Sen ate; Cadet ‘Captain, commander Squadron 12. Joe Braden Mattel— President, senior class; Cadet Colonel, deputy corps commander; Tau Beta Pi. William F. Munnerlyn Jr.— Captain, baseball team (2 varsity letters); Cadet Lt. Colonel, corps athletic officer; president, Aggie Christian Fellowship. Bobby Joe Ragsdale—Most val uable player award—track (2 var sity letters); Cadet Major, regi mental staff; Alpha Zeta. Ralph Wayne Rowe—AVMA Council; Arts and Science Council; Phi Eta Sigma. Charles McClung (Red) Scott— Student Senate; Cadet Lt. Colonel, first division staff; vice-pi’esident, Tau Beta Pi. Winfred Guy Shown — Student Senate, Student Life Committee, Cadet Lt. Colonel, corps adjutant. Gene Earl Steed—Cadet Colonel, commander second division; Stu dent Senate; president, Alpha Zeta. Joe Cummings Wallace—Cadet Colonel, commander first division; commander, Ross Volunteers; Stu dent Life Committee. Lyle A. Wolf skill—Student En tertainment manager; Cadet Col onel, commander first regiment; Student Life Committee. Sbisa Is Site Of Blood Drive The first blood drive of the school year will begin at 10 a. m. Wednesday in the Ban quet Room of Sbisa Hall. A quota of 200 pints has been set for this visit by the bloodmobile, said Lee Phillips, chairman. Although applicants are 50 short, A&M has always gone over the goal and many last min ute donations are expected Phil lips said. Coffee, hot chocolate, fruit juice, and cookies will be donated by the College Station Chamber of Commerce. Fruit juice will be given donors before the blood don ation. The bloodmobile can take 14 donors every 15 minutes. It will take donations from 10-11 a. m. and 1-4 p. m. French General Speaks At BAFB Graduation BRYAN, Dec. 16 — <2P> — A French Air Force genei'al will come to Texas to address a group of graduating cadets, one of them his son. Lt. Gen. Pierre A. Fay will speak Friday when 108 cadets re ceive their “wings” at Bryan Air Force Base.