The Women’s Story Letters from Santa Now Available By PEGGY MADDOX Women’s News Editor Just imagine how excited your child would be to get a letter from Santa Claus in answer to his own! A letter that comes all the way from the North Pole—where, as all child ren know, Santa stays except when he’s delivering presents on Christmas Eve. This year your child can have that thrill —thanks to the local Ames Travel Agency, and Pan Ameri can World Airways. Get Santa Claus Stationery from Ames or any Pan American office. There’s no charge for a sheet and envelope. Using the Santa Claus Stationery, you answer your child’s letter, and sign the answer “Santa Claus.” Then you ; write your child’s name and address on the envelope, and i place a six cent Air Mail stam on it. Return the stamped j and addressed letter to your Travel Agent or the Pan Ameri can office where you obtained the stationery before Dec. 16. That’s all you have to do. Your child gets a letter from Santa. ~ From there your letter goes by air to “Santa” in Alaska. A few days later your child will be delighted to receive an air mail letter from Santa Claus—from the North Pole. Church Meeting Underway Friday, November 14, 1952 THE BATTALION Page 5 Engineering Building Gets New Equipment Installed The long awaited move into the new Engineei-ing Building was completed Thursday afternoon. The move was made approximately 10 months from the time of the ground breaking. Occupying the new building are the aeronautical engineering de partment, the offices of the dean of engineering, the industrial en- gineex-ing department, and the Tex as Engineering Extension Service. Robert P. Ward, assistant dean of engineering, said everyone in volved was very pleased with the new building. The women of the A&M Pres byterian Church are having their Fun Fair in the education building this afternoon. At 5:30 p.m. a community supper will be served. Boothes at the fair will include a sewing booth, white elephant booth, cake booth and pastry booth. Women responsible for the fair include Mesdames Anderson, Dave Morgan, Guy Adriance, H o w a id Badgett, Fred White, V. E. Schem- ber, H. E. Hampton, J. K. Riggs, Roland Bing and Miss Caroline Adriance. The women of the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church have been collect ing clothing and food for orphans. For a community project they are taking fruit and cookies to shutins. The Aggie’s Wives Circle will take their cookies and fruit to sick Ag gies at the hospital. The Ruth Circle of the A&M Methodist Church will meet with Mrs. M. A. Murehead Monday night at 7:45. . . The Aggie Wives Circle of the same church will meet at 7:45 Monday with Mrs. Margaret Campbell at 9 B Vet Vil lage. . . Circle I of the A&M Christian Church will continue their study of “Beginning at Jer usalem” at 2:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. A. L. Cook. . . . Officers will be elected at a meet ing of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Our Saviour’s Lu- theran Church at 7:3- p.m. Thurs day. . . . The Associated Women of St. Thomas Episcopal Church will meet at 9:30 Tuesday in the Parish House. Clubs From Here to There Aggie wives of architectural stu dents will take on a new role Mon day night as they present the lat est fall fashions from Miller’s Fashions. Included in the styles to be shown will be maternity, office Nor cross . The Greatest Name in G R E E T I N G CAR D S Buy Now In Order That You May Get a Perfect Selection Caldwell’s Jewelers Bryan and holiday clothes that fall in a moderate price range. Modeling the clothing for the architectural wives will be Wanda Blackmon, Gayle Bynes, Jeanne McMullan, Faye Parsons, Jean Ross, Jo Ann Rush, Tucker Saxe, Virgie Sellars, Bobbie Sholar, Joan Walden. Mrs. Jackie Adams of Miller’s Fashion Shop will narrate the program. . . Virgie, who is president of the wives club, hopes that all the Aggie wives who can will attend because she believes that the show will present styles of interest to the working wife or the homemak er. . . When the Newcomers decide to entertain their husbands, they do it in a big way. Last week they had a party in the Ballroom of the MSC. Mrs. Howard W. Barlow and Mrs. Frank G. Anderson served the refresnments. Then the mem bers and guests heard a program by the Singing Cadets. The music was followed by bridge and canas ta. Maj. W. R. Herdner received the prize for the highest bridge score; Mrs. A. B. Hilton for the high socre in canasta; Mrs. Ed Lemman, the door prize. . . . The Vet Wives of ’53 have de cided to have a dinner dance at Maggie Parker’s Dining Room Dec. 13 for their Christmas Party. . . . The Campus Study Club will hear Lawrence R. Nolan discuss “Prob lems and Preparedness” in com nection with their program on Women In Business to be presen ted Tuesday at 3 p.m. . . . An other phase of a woman’s life (See THE WOMEN’S, Page 6) at