The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1952, Image 2

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Page 2
Friday, November 14, 1952
The A GGIE-Nizer
Young People Voted For
Ike—Were They Wrong?
Ij 1
Battalion Co-Editor
year, but it was expected he could But the Democratic crys of “You
not win. * never had it so 11 good” and “You
The Democrats continued in of- can’t take it away” set them back. , .
I 1 VERY publication you pick fice and with the coming of the The youths could not see how they
up HOW that the election Truman administration the young “never had it so good,” with con-
tremor has died town concerns people began to realize a President ditions as they existed,
itself with the main reasons cou l ( i not always maintain the high The young people voted.
America picked the Republi- r fP ect they .had presumed a man A + B ^ iff i lt F " ture / .
nnn nunrlirlofQ K'tr °f bis position required. They voted for Eisenhower be-
such an OV- They heard parents, friends, cause they considered him their
erwneimmg majority. newspapermen, radio commenta- chance for a brighter future. May- _
Many issues now have been tors, and others speak of corrup- be they would have to give up this 1 K ..
aired that up until voting day tion g° in g on in Washington; fur thing of not having it “so good” SXM
were rarely mentioned. Now c ' ,ats ’ dee P freeze® . They but it was worth while for a still |«§M7.
the newsmen have their didn’t stop to Sunk a certain brighter America a few years *
nViowinm j r amount of this corruption is found nence.
cnance to Sit back and say I in practically every administration. Soon the young people will break
believe Eisenhower won be- pv President Booed into their place in the adult world
cause this or that and few , , I t- • , as a Republican administration
people will argue. The Demo- , T . he y heard people hissing an tries to s h ow it can run the na-
crats have lost their arguing pow- n _? 1C .^ re fi.° .n, „ e li ^" tion and maintain prosperity.
^ceptataos? "’ ho lead b s r ° ur Ereat na - to ^ “Sey
ident were shown at the movies;
The young people are eagerly
anything as reason for victory.
are wrong ? Is it possible things
were “never so good?” They
want to know, and anxiously await
Stalin’s Hoax—3
AIA Chapter Receives
Charter From Director
Nationalism Ekes
Out Internationale
(An expose of Stalin’s repudiation of communism in Rus
sia, based upon first-hand observations behind the Iron Cur
tain by The Christian Science Monitor staff writer Ernest S.
Pisko.—The Editors.)
When Vyacheslav M. Molotov visited Washington as
Soviet Foreign Minister during the war, a military band
greeted him at the airfield with the playing of The Inter
Inside the Soviet-Union, whenever officials gathered for
some festive occasion, proceedings either were opened or
closed with the playing of The Internationale.
The Internationale, the flaming appeal to a worldwide
proletarian revolution, was the anthem of the Soviet Union
and the battle hymn of Communists everywhere.
Today, all this has changed. The Internationale has lost
its place of honor. It has been crowded out by The Hymn of
the Soviet Union which was performed for the first time on
Jan. 1, 1944, and which glorifies the “one and mighty Soviet
Union,” the “safe bulwark of the friendship of peoples.”
This change of anthems has its deeper meaning. On
the surface, it fitted into the sequence of measures by which
the Kremlin, after June, 1941, mobilized a general and non
political feeling of patriotism in the fight against the Ger-
—From The New York Times man invaders. But on a deeper level, the adoption of a new
and plainly nationalistic anthem signifies that Stalin appar
ently thought the time had come to tear down the pillar
of internationalism, one of the last Marxist pillars left in tfe
remodeled edifice of Sovietism.
Korean GI
Bill Funds
Now Available
Lenin Battled Nationalism
Marx and Engles, the two found- closely to the Marx-Lenin line,
ers of communism saw in interna- i n 1921,,at the 10th Party Con-
tionalism the ideal for mankind. gress, he attacked those comrades
Lenin followed their lead. In who had “deviated” from com-
1923, he wrote that “Marxism munism toward what he reproved
cannot be reconciled with any na- as “the colonizing spirit, the spir-
UP)—Veterans of the Korean tionalism”; and in 1917, he de- it of Great Russian chauvinism.”
tion—booed in public.
They knew nothing of bread
We hear people say it was the lines which were indicative of the lUL L(l ^
Korean issue that made the mom- Hoover administration; they knew lonmrrow 1
mas vote for Ike because they nothing of the assumptions of
wanted sonny returned home. many Democratic Party leaders
Others believe it was a question tha } this situation could come about
of morality; that Republicans under any Republican admmistra-
stressed the corruption, scandal, „ . . , ,
and excessive spending of the pres- , The yoath °{ America wanted a
ent administration. They hit the change; they had known nothing
moral aspects of our government what was in office at the P^es* ^ + r t r a wn-
and won heransp tbp-ir QnnnnBpHHr ent time and from what they The Brazos County Chapter of are Langford; William W. Caudill,
stand for what i<? mnrallv nVIif ^ knew, anything could be better, the American Institute of Archi- research architect for the Texas
y ® ‘ It was a matter of picking the les- tects received its charter in a Engineering Experiment Station;
But as a member of the coming ser of two evils in many cases. formal presentation ceremony last Arch C. Baker, college architect;
generation, which will take its A deciding factor in the vote night in the Science Lecture Room. Henry D. Mayfield Jr., and Wil-
place in the world in just a few of young Americans came from Edward L. Wilson of Fort liam E. Nash of Bryan.
years, we have a few points to add the Republican convention. Had the Worth, Texas director of the AIA, After the Brazos group receives War will get federal funds for dared that true internationalism j n 1931, he told the German
to the muddle. Ours is not quite diehard politician Taft been nom- made the presentation to Ernest its charter, members will begin education despite delays by “is characterized mainly ... by writer Emil Ludwig: “The task to
as bad as the \vomen who voted inated, they would have been Langford, head of the architecture interesting others who are eligible state agencies in approving R s relentless war against its own which I have dedicated my life . .
or ls ®, ower because he s nice largely split on their vote. They department at the college and to join, and to organize a student schools, the Veterans Administra- imperialist bourgeoise.” j s no t to strengthen any national
looking. had heard of his dealings on the president of the county chapter. chapter on the campus. The Thurs- tion said today. It is noteworthy that Lenin state—and that means an interna-
Voting Against Something political front and many feared Other widely-known architects day night ceremony is open to the The Korean GI Bill, which auth- branded “imperialism,” that is, a tional state.”
_/.!^a Republican administration under who will attend the meeting will public Langford said
Several million voters cast a bal- Taft would be the .same as the include Herbert M. Tatum of Dal- 1
lot for the first time Nov. 4. present Democratic reign. las, president of the Texas Society
They were voting against some- Clean Political Record of Architects, and Albert S. Gole-
thmg more than anything else. Eisenhower got the nod, how- fon of Houston, president-elect of
, None of them had seen a Re- ever, and they were faced with a ttm TSA group.
publican administration in power, man who had a clean political rec- Fbe chaitei members now make
They came into the world at the ord. They had heard and read of U P local chapter of AIA. They
time Franklin Roosevelt was elect- his military exploits during the ” :
ed,: and as they grew up the words second world war and to them he in c ,i,,. sr fT'csk'kvtov
;“President” and “Roosevelt” were was the chance they believed , 'X , V*^ ^
one in the same and it seemed im- America needed. He had some- ©CllCCilllGCl UGC. 4-0
possible that anyone else could thing different to offer, and thus Production and use of roughage
hold that office. became their choice by a large ma- for dairy farming will be discuss-
They became acquainted with the jority throughout the country. ed at a dairyman’s short course
word Democrat and were led to be- Then the political smearing be- here Dec. 4-5, in the assembly
lieve it was the only active party gan. Democrats unleashed their room of the MSC.
jp the U-S. They knew Republi- campaign attack on Eisenhower Dr. A. L. Darnell, chairman for
jeans had a candidate each fourth >and these people who were just the short course, estimated that
— beginning to learn how to use their attendance would exceed 150 per-
reasoning power wondered h o w sons.
“fine” this man Eisenhower really The short course is sponsored by
was. the department of dairy husbandry.
-c .
Student Life
Agenda Set
For Monday
•. ‘*,1
WhaFs Cooking
- • V J
: !fil
v •
orizes payments to veterans at- government’s desire to extend its i n 1934, he denounced any “dev-
tending schools approved by the rule over other nations, as a typi- jation toward nationalism” as an
states, says no allowances may be cally “bourgeois” trait. He ex- attempt “to undermine the Soviet
paid for any period during which pressed his opinion still stronger system and to restore capitalism.”
a school is not approved. in another context where he de- He demanded that this deviation
However, VA is authorizing its c | a . red that “Marxists wage ii de- wa s to be fought “regardless of
regional offices to back-date ap- cisive battle with nationalism in all whether it went in the direction of
provals. The approvals will be R s terms.” local nationalism or toward Great
retroactive to Aug. 20, 1952, when - For some time Stalin hewed Russian nationalism.”
the Korean GI training program m -..t
became effective, or to the date , ^ argets Reversed By Name
the \eteian began school, which- 1 these statements, of course, could be noticed in 1941, whet
c\ ei is the latest. I were made in that period when Stalin, in a conversation with tlte
VA said many veterans enrolled Soviet bands still featured The Polish Premier Gen. Wladyslaw
before state agencies had time to iInternationale. Kikorski, made the amazing state-
act, so large numbers were attend-| B , , , , . njy , ment that the Slav as children of
ing schools which had not been a P-8 a j U | so h a ’ V e the words. C <<a y° un £ a11 ^ still vigorous race”
proved. H it 1 zi r .. are “the best and bravest airmen
Veterans will get no mone$ r uiitilBf • nct , 1 , . V 1 nai ? 1 . e 0 ..- cosnippo j.j ie wol .id.” Such a remark,
their schools have' been approvedP tan,Sm ’ "Rernationalism has be- 1
Who’s Who selections for 1953 YMCA.
will be discussed Monday by Dan- 7 ; 3o p. m
ny Howell and Bill Brucks, selec
tion chairmen at a Student Life
Committee meeting, said C. G.
(Spike) White, secretary.
The meeting will be held at 4
p. m. in the MSC Senate Chamber.
ELECTED — C. N. Shepardson,
dean of the School of Agriculture,
Information Booth, Main Lounge h as been elected secretary of the
■MSC- Regional Instruction Committee
Rice Institute Headquarters, f 0 r the Division of Agriculture of
BSU Vespers, Baptist ^ oc i a ^ Room, MSC. Hie Association of Land Grant Col-
Student Center ^ p * m * MSC Married Couples leges and Universities.
Czech Club, Room 2A, MSC. Committee, Ballroom MSC Square
Southwest Texas Club, YMCA, dan . c ® Wlth Mr - & Mrs - Manning
Emergency meeting
Saturday yns p . m ._
Discussion will be only prelim- 8 a * m --12 noon—Fencing Team, Academic Bldg. To
inary, the actual selections taking R a G room J MSC
place in December, White said. 8 a. m.-2 p. m.—House Committee’s
^ Effects of the student organiza-
tion meeting schedule on the MSC
Six County Club, 104
finish plan-
byIhe^Tesrbut chec^finailJI 001 "® ? ne . of f the . Rov . i . e , t . regime ’^ bee^scorSb^Mai^, Engels, 1 and
will cover all training time, VA| tJC cURe S ° u l )Cla lon - Lenin not only as nonsense but
According to the current Krem- also as rankest chauvinism. But
Jin views, cosmopolitanism is a even more startling changes were
“reactionary ideology” that pa- soon to come.
triotism and the national pride ev- At a victory celebration, on May
ery Soviet citizen is expected to 24, 1945, Stalin in a special toast
^• ee ^ to the Russian people —- who
The new trend, which so strik- amount to about 50 per cent of the
ingly contradicts the Marxist- Soviet population — called this
A study is being made to deter- Leninist doctrine, gradually rose group “the most outstanding na-
mine which selection of bermuda to the surface during the war. The tion of all the nations forming the
is best for football fields, golf first faint ripples of its current Soviet Union.”
greens, parks and playgrounds, _ . ~ . *
and laws, said Dr. Marvin H. Fer- tuUSSian Culture Lauded
guson, A&M turf specialist. Since then the two themes dom- The journal Voprosy Filosofv
The turf research includes a fer- inant in Soviet domestic propagan- stated flatly that no nation has 1
Harold Browne and Arthur Ev- tilizer factorial which consists of da have been the virtue of national history of culture as rich as tha
ans, health and safety engineers four rates and four applications per pride and the Russian “nation’s” Russians and that “all the othei
Ferguson Starts
Sports Turf Study
Safety Program
Set for Monday
ning for Thanksgiving Party.
Eastland-Stevens County Club, from the U. S. Bureau of Mines, year of nitrogen, phosphorous, and claim to leadership in the Soviet countries of the world have drawn
306 Academic Bldg. will give a lecture and demon- potash on 64 plots. Three applica- empire, including the satelite coun- upon it and continue to draw upon
7:30 p. m.—Tyler-Smith County stration on “The Chemistry of tions in alh possible combinations tries. it.”
Club, Room 3C, MSC Fire and Static Electricity” in the are being used in this experiment, It is for the p Urp ose of foster- Clearly the new trend is a full
Permian Basin. Club, YMCA lecture room of the Science Build- he said. j n g. national pride among the Sov- reversal of the Marxist doctrine.
Lounge, Plan Christmas Dance. ing at /:30 p. m., Monday. John Clipping yields are determined iet people that every important in- It seems equally evident that Sta-
Tuesday W. Hill of the industrial education for each plot fertilized, and root vention and discovery—from the lin never took internationalism ser-
3 p. m. Campus Study Club, department said today. growth and turf development is construction of the first armed iously. He merely used it as a bait
for women in This lecture and demonstration being studied. The relationship be- cruiser to the airplane and tele- to hold the loyalty of Communists
in business. j s ma de posssible for the students tween yield and the level of nu- vision—now is said to have been abroad during those years when
and other campus organizations • G/OUCh AVill SpGak
will be discussed by Lamar Me- In Gainesville Today
New, MSC Council president, T x>ri , * , ,
White said. D ^* J - R - £ ouch ° f depart
ments of poultry and biochemistry
A speecial student aid commit- and nutrition, will speak at the YMCA, Program
tee will make a report concerning Florida Nutrition Conference in business. Ja> „. T .. 1T ^ AnriT ^, T ... n .. JiWVV xa aciIU w , lC ivc uccu <tu±uttu um-mg must; you a wuw
the air-ground force football game Gainesville today on “Secrets of 7:30 p. m.—Collegiate FFA Chap- i n the class of indoor accident pre- trients will be determined for the made in Russia. The Soviet jour- Soviet power was not yet suffi-
scheduled Dec. 18, he said. r Tnvircr *> qoi w„n .. . n . ~ „ , . ~ . * . ^ j 1
Turkey Ration Formulation.’
ter, 301 Goodwin Hall.
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
“Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
vention by the industrial education different fertilizer applications, nalist D. Zaslavsky went even fur- ciently consolidated,
department, he continued. The pub- This research should be of value to ther, claiming that “the genius of In the meantime, he apparent-
lie is invited .especially students supplement knowledge of turf Lenin and Stalin “has determined ly has found out that a Marxist
and professors interested in ac- grass response to fertilization, all future advances in the social state, built on internationalism
cident prevention, Hill said. Ferguson suggested. sciences.” (See STALIN’S HOAX, Page 3)
by Walt Kelly 4
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published
by students four times a week, during the regular school year. During the summer terms, and examina-
tion and vacation periods, The Battalion is published twice a week. Days of publication are Tuesday
thrqugh Friday for the regular school year, and Tuesday and Thursday during examination and va
cation periods and the summer terms. Subscription rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising
rates furnished on request.
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Post Office at College Station, Tex-
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March 3, 1870.
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Ed Holder
Harri Baker
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Ed Holder
Today *8 Issue
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. , . ey,
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