The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1952, Image 3
Friday, October 17, *1952 ' THE BATT’ALlON Page 3 Around the Conference Ags To Upset SWC Champs Holder By ED HOLDER Sports Editor The Aggies will win their first conference game of the year tomorrow and set a favored Horned Frog team back a notch or two. Ray Graves will cock his lightning fast and pin-point accurate arm to outpass Ray McKown. The duel wfll be some thing to watch. Graves also has a nack for running that has proved deadly many times, but so does McKown. Little Don (Babe) Ellis is coming more into the picture each game. He did great against Michigan, and will give the Frogs trouble tomorrow . . . also doing a little passing as well as running. The outcome of the game will rest in the power of the defensive squad, sparked by two men, both deserving of All-American honors. One of these already holds the title . . . tackle Jack Little. The other is end Walter Hill, Another man Who figures strong in that defensive wall is Marshall Rush. tti * IKi Fired up and looking for revenge over the 1951 game, . the Aggies should start rolling and show the fans something as they beat the SWC champs by 13 points. Texas, Rice, Baylor—Winners the Okies, but don’t count on then- staying’ down long Texas by at least 18. Here’s a close one that could go either way. The Mustangs boast a team which is supposed to be the best since their champs of ’48 and ’49, but from here it looks like it will go the other way. Still looking for the Owls to come to life like they showed pro mise of last year when they maul ed an Aggie team, we point to Rice by six points. The Owls have the power and they have probably been holding back a little. SMU lost Frank Eidom and that hurt. Rice starts their climb tomorrow. The Bears have lost their fii-st conference game, but they showed a good team in doing it. Loss of last year’s team has shoved Tech down the line, but they are playing -on their home field, and will be anxious to beat a conference team. It won’t be a run-away, but Baylor has the bet ter sciuad by at least 14 points. Lamar McHan has failed to show much, and hampered by in juries, he and his Razorbacks bare ly squeezed by Baylor last week. The game before they dropped be fore TCU in the conference open er. Gib Dawson, Tom Stolhandske, T. Jones, and company, will be hot to* redeem themselves over the licking they took from Oklahoma, and will try their best to run up a score. They looked bad against $*t*A*^ * V^HIIOREN UNDER 12 YEARS- f R£E — LAST DAY — Randolph Scott “CARSON CITY” THIS SIDE OF LAW’ Kent Smith —SATURDAY ONLY- “THE FIRST TIME’ 5 “LET’S DANCE” Technicolor U TODAY ONLY vp-M L0« IPNfj,, Starring LINDA STEPHEN GIGI^ HElt MLLV' PUD with VIRGINIA FIELD • A Universal International Picture SATURDAY ONLY •Warner Bros -"TECMMICOLO STARWlNe V EVE MILLER • PATRICE WYMORE AMES R. WE8B • FELIX FEIST xX j6hn’tV/TsT& JAMES I PREVIEW 11 P.M. Also Sun. & Mon. M-G-Ms GLORIOUS REELIN' MUSICAL PALACE Bryan Z'SS79 TONITE PREVUE 11 P.M. « BURT II Lancaster in daring feats^ never seen before! NICK CRAVAT NOW SHOWING Shelley WINTERS i Ricardo NiONTALB AN WrfllM CTfiPT ■ Cu*. rKVM SAT. NITE PREV. II P.M. % TOM EWELL* HARVEY LEMBECK BLANCHARD A tlNIVMSAl.lNItWWIKJh^. NCilM \ J J -t ' */ i j'SINGINfNi I THE RAIN' i coiorbv TECHNICOLOR | ' <5£Ne DONALD DEBB/e ! KEUYO'COHNOR’REYNOtOS QUEEN NOW SHOWING in Warner Bros’* FILMED IN riAWMl! NANCY OLSON JAMES ARNEfe^wX eoetPT FELLOW' c tcc,-D »• [CWioQ LWJWG iijur r Luow3..'*j&~«* £ WAfiMLR B50& CHS Tangles Waller Tonight The undefeated Consolidated High School Tigers, who have run up a total of 193 points against their. Opponent’s are looking for their sixth win of the season to night against Waller High School. Waller’s Bulldogs are reported to have a good team this year with a record of two wins, one loss and one tie. One of their wins was shut-out with a big score and Coach Othel V. Chafin doesn’t expect an easy game. Melvin Free, a tackle for Con solidated, and Buck Byer may not play tonight. Byer has a bad ankle and Free has been sick this week. The rest of the squad is in good shape. System Predictions Not Guaranteed Since disaster befell The Bat talions’ system last week, the pre 1 dictions for this Saturdays’ con test will not be guaranteed. Af ter a brilliant start, the system has steadily dropped off until its average has ended up at 47 per cent. According to the system: A&M over TCU by 17 points. SMU over Rice by 1 point. Texas over Arkansas by 1 point. Texas Tech over Baylor by 3 points. 4-1181 TODAY thru SATURDAY —Feature Starts— 1:10 - 3:17 - 5:07 - 7:14 - 9:21 SNIPER MARIE WINDSOR . aooiphe menjou i Columbia rtcrun NEWS — CARTOON No Prevue Tonight PREVUE SAT. 11 P.M. JAMES CORINNE I CAGNEY CALVEI dan DAILEY Sm c I NEWS — CARTOON CIRCLE PHONE 4-1250 TONIGHT LAST NIGHT Children Under 12 Admitted Free When Accompanied By An Adult. FILMED IN AFRICA > —ALSO— ^ *** Maureen O’ilARA TEctftflCOL 0 * ^ Jeff CHANDLER SATURDAY ONLY Sinc^in-; in the RyviW Gene KELLY Donald O’CONNOR . Debbie REYNOLDS j Ie^color \ —Also— “Baiineoine” Starring SALLY FORREST KEEFE BRASSELLE LIONEL BARRYMORE INTRAMURALS Safeties Highlight ’Mural Grid Play That rarity of football, the safe ty, continued its steady appearance in intramural football games Wed nesday, playing an important role in two of the four contests. Sq. 10 used a two-pointer to slide by B Inf. 2-0, in a stubborn defense battle. Harlan Wensel trapped an enemy balltoter in the end zone late In the game after the infantry had stopped an Air Foi-ce offensive thrust on their one yard line. Good passing carried Sq. 6 to a 14-6 win over B Arm., with an other safety playing a part in the outcome. Both clubs showed in dividual stars, J. Wise for Sq. 6 and Tom Stephens for B Arm. playing strong defensive games. Inrthe other games C FA scored a 13-6 win over Sq. 15 and Sq. 14 won from B FA by the same score. Ten points was the high for in dividual scoring in the day’s bas ketball games. Golla, Sq. 13, scor ed nearly half his team’s total output as they beat Sq. ill, 23-13. Sq. 7 held Sq. 15 scoreless in the entire first half to coast to a 23- 12 victory. A TC took an 18-6 de cision from A Arm. Griffin of the winners was high scorer with six. A Inf. had an easy time with ASA, 19-5. In tennis A QMC won all thi'ee matches to beat A Cml., 3-0. B Arm. won from Sq. 3 by the same margin. B FA and Sq. 8 won 2-1 deci sions from Sq. 6 and AAA. Cook and Mueller and Crowley and Wil lis were the winning twosomes for B FA. Sq. 8’s winning doubles were Dishman and Munnerlyn and Little and Hunt. Everything on campus has gone stark, raving J ■Arrow Plaid Sports Shirts in a wide selection of colors and fabrics $ 5.00 up »» .m/ioiv SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS- 1 Join the clan! Brighten up your wardrobe with ARROW PLAID SPORTS SHIRTS I 1 W' A m Everybody's wearing them— plaids are the biggest thing on campus. And these are the smartest plaids of all. Many different fabrics . . . with the famous Arrow label that means they're tailored to perfection. Good-looking. Easy-fitting. And all wash able. Our selection is terrific . . . you'll want several. W. S. D. Clothiers FOR ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES good oW Lucky =>- BULLETIN! College students prefer Luckies in nation-wide survey! A nation-wide survey based on actual student interviews in 80 leading col leges reveals that more smokers in these colleges prefer Luckies than any other cigarette —and by a wide margin. The No. 1 reason given for smoking Luckies? Luckies’ better taste. What’s more, this same survey shows that Lucky Strike gained far more smokers in these col leges than the nation’s two other prin cipal brands combined. Yes... LUCKIES TASTE BETTER! date and stay ou t late L university ^yaslu* 1 ^ 011 / //STUDENTS! Make $25! Send In your Lucky Strike jingles now! ETOOUet dr iJAA ■jfrtiz’u&xn- i^a^LCiu>C^'rtyxai’.y, 4U4£UCA'» UAPUiC MAtiUr.ACTUfi£B jpr Cig/UlCITea i FOR A CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER SMOKE Be Happy- Gouiacr! g |ir ^ w8g!l * D Caesar Fad a ^"^d 9 a\!ke— Blra W as cheered an^F ^ tWriU 6ut o C F a Scna tucky strike. Anth .ny K- No tre DO" 16 a 5