V 4 Page G THE BATTALION Wednesday, October 8, 1952 Bakery Chooses Rooms In MSC The MSC bakery is in the pro cess of moving to the lower level of the Center to the place former ly occupied by the receiving room. Miss Gladys Black, Center food director, gave the reason for the move as, “too cramped quarters Black. in the main kitchen for both the bakery and other food depart ments.” The bakery should be ready for use by Monday, according to Miss 10 11 C^ci ten cla r of? (L*uen td Ocioler (Clip This for Future Reference) 9 Quarterback Club, Ballroom, MSC Student Senate Meeting, Senate Chamber, MSC 10 Baylor Fish Football Game, Waco (Night) 10- 12 Texas Bar Assoc. Board of Directors, Assembly Room, MSC Texas G*un Collectors Assoc., Ballroom, MSC Group McDonald Luncheon, 2A & 2B, MSC Beta Sigma Sorority, 2C & 2D, MSC Beta Sigma Sorority, 2C & 2D, MSC Michigan State Football Game—Lansing 11- 12 386 Amid. Engr. Battalion, 2C & 2D, MSC 13-14 North Texas Producers Assoc., Assembly Room, MSC » 13 MSC Council Meeting North Texas Producers Assoc. Luncheon, Ballroom, MSC North Texas Producers Assoc. Dinner, Assembly Room, MSC Lions Club Luncheon, 2C & 2D, MSC Air Force Reserve, 2A & 2B, MSC 14 Kiwanis Club Luncheon, Ballroom, MSC Knife & Fork Club Banquet, Ballroom, MSC 15 Texas Dehydrators Short Course, Assembly Room, MSC Texas Dehydrators Short Course Dinner, Assembly Room, MSC Texas Seed Mfg. Board of Directors, 2A, MSC Brazos County TSCW Ex-Students, 3D, MSC 16 Student Senate Meeting, Senate Chamber, MSC Quarterback Club, Assembly Room, MSC A & M Employee’s Dinner - Dance Club, Ballroom, MSC, 7:30 p.m. Extension Eervice Club, 2C & 2D, MSC 17 T C U Fish Football Game—Ft. Worth (Night) Local Joint Apprenticeship Committee of Plumbing & Pipe Fitting, 2A MSC 18 All College Dance—Franke Carle and His Orchestra, Sbisa, 9:00 p.m. Frankie Carle and His Orchestra Concert, 7:15 p.m. Guion Hall T C U Football Game—Here 20 Student Life Committee Meeting, Senate Chamber, MSC Lion’s Club Luncheon, 2C & 2D, MSC Air Force Reserve; 2A & 2B, MSC 20-24 Extension Service Conference, Asscm., 3D, 3C, 2A, 3B, MSC 21 Kiwanis Club Luncheon Lucille Cummings—Town Hall Concert, 8:00 p.m., Guion Hall 22 Bricol Stamp Societv Dinner, Assembly Room, MSC Advisory Council of Accounting Conference, 2A & 2P», MSC 23-25 Local Supervisors & Directors of Trade & In dustrial Education, SB & 3C, MSC 23 Quarterback Club, Ballroom, MSC 24 Research Foundation Conference, 2A & 2B, MSC Research Foundation Luncheon, 2C & 2D, MSC A & M College Women’s Social Club, Ballroom, MSC Texas Rural Health Executive Committee, 2C & 2D, MSC Executive Council on Rural Health, Senate Cham ber, MSC 25-26 Texas Gun Collectors Association, Ballroom, MSC 25 Executive Council on Rural Health, Assembly Room, MSC Baylor Football Game, Waco 27-28 Air Conditioning Poultry Breeding Project, 2A & 2B, MSC 27 Lion’s Club Luncheon, 2C & 2D. MSC Air Force Reserve, 2A & 2B, MSC 28 Kiwanis Club Luncheon, Ballroom, MSC 30 Quarterback Club, Ballroom, MSC Teague Sees More Drought Aid In Texas WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 — (IP)—Rep. Olin Teague of Col lege Station predicted yester- d a y that drought - plagued counties in his state which have not already received aid would get early relief. Teague said Raymond Foley, head of the Housing and Home Finance Agency and director of the emergency relief program, told him he has asked President Truman to make more money aavilable to get hay delivered to livestock growers. The federal govemment already has shipped 20,371 tons of drought aid hay into Texas, according to the State Agriculture Mobilization Committee. The committee said 107 counties designated as disaster areas have ordered 90,488 bales of hay. Under the emergency program, the gov ernment buys hay in areas where its plentiful and sells it below cost to. farmers and ranchers in drought State Fair Has Guffaws Over Political Movement , Sill Pill! Newcomers Hold Tea Mrs. M. T. Harrington enter tained the Newcomers Club of the College Women’s Social Club with a tea at the president’s home Mon day afteimoon. In the receiving line with Mrs. Harrington were Mrs. Gibb Gil christ, Mrs. Ray George, president of the Newcomers Club, and Mrs. H. W. Bai-low, sponsor for the cur rent year. Mrs. Joe Davis and Mrs. M. M. Rotsch, out-going president, pre sided at the silver services at each end of the tea table. The center- piece was maroon and white chry santhemums and gladioli. The same motif was repeated in floral arrangements in the living room and den where the following officei-s of tthe club served in the houseparty: Mesdames L. A. Gim- brede, Paul McMurtry, Dale Hon eycutt, L. E. Davids, W. A. Kamm- lade, R. J. Vernon, James W. Grif fith, W. H. Hedener, Roland Bing, W. L. Tidwell and W. J. Morris. By ASSOCIATED PRESS Big grins and slight chuckles took over usually serious Texas politics Tuesday, at a giggle-a- minute pace. But it was still politics. . . Take the scene at the State Fair of Texas. A pretty blonde in the Stevenson - Sparkman Democratic booth, busy sorting literature to hand out, had time to say a cheery “good morning” to passersby. She apparently didn’t know what was about to happen across the boule vard. When the fair opened Saturday, the Democi’ats had a fair-sized white booth with large placax - ds and a neon sign telling Texans to vote for Adlai Stevenson and his running mate, John Sparkman. GOP Turquoise Across the wide street, the Re publicans—or Democrats helping them—had a turquoise-painted Ei- senhower-Nixon booth, a bit small er. That was too much for the GOP. Tuesday morning they finished work on a new booth with windows on all sides and painted red, white and blue. Big billboards went up, and Republicans launched a huge silver balloon with “Ike” printed on it. But still no blonde. . . In Houston, Eisenhower-Sup- porter John Blaffer had let his en thusiasm for the Republican can didate get him in a slight jam. Blaffer, an oil man, ordered some confetti to throw on a pa rade planned for Eisenhower next Tuesday when he is in Houston for a speech. But because of a tight schedule, the parade has been can celled. Now Oilman Blaffer has his con fetti—a whole truckload—and no place to throw it. On a downtown Dallas street, a Stevenson backer was telling an “undecided” voter why he should “stay with the Democrats.” “Remember those 35-cent steaks you didn’t have the money to buy?” asked the Stevenson man. “Look what the Democrats have done for you?” Highlights (Continued from Page 5) Sixth game: Vic Raschi and Al- lie Reynolds, Yankees’ two big siege guns, double team Dodgers, 3-2 . . . Two more home mns by Duke Snider, bracketing him with Ruth and Gehring as only players to hit four.home run in one sei-- ies . . . “Good, gosh, is that true?” asks the Duke, unbelieving. • Seventh game: Mickey Mantle’s towering home run in the sixth and his single in the seventh, scoring another run . . . “Those Yankees didn’t miss DiMaggio a bit—that Mantle killed us,” says a morose Jackie Robinson in the Brooklyn Dressing room. Junior College Conference Ends The Junior College Conference, which was held on the campus for two days, ended Tuesday. The ninth annual conference was at tended by 52 administrators from junior colleges in Texas, Okla homa, and Louisiana. Most of the work done in the conference was handled by discus sion groups, who reported on such topics as academic, vocational and pei’sonal counseling, and prob lems in agricultui-e, engineex-ing and semi-pi'ofessional engineeidng pxo grams. Today’s woi’k stax-ted at 9 a. m. with a symposium on “How Can the Junior College Help the In dustries of Our State.” Dx*. Ralph R. Fields, consultant to the con- ference px-esided. The symposium consisted of Lee E. Cook, vice pi-esident of Texas Power and Light Company; E. J. Fox, super intendent of industrial relations, South Texas Division, Texas Com pany; G. T. Orgelman, supexvisor, engineex-ing pex-sonnel, Chance Vought Aircx-aft; and H. F. Dodge, assistant supex-visor of technical sex-vices, Texas Employment Com- xxxission. Dxxx-ing the afternoon the con ference heaxd x-epox-ts of recoxd- ers and the confex-ence was eval uated. “Yeah,” said the wavering Dem ocrat, “but they ain’t done nothing for me this year! “The Dallas Morning News, sup- portixxg Eisenhowex- in the present campaign, joyfully announced that Adlai Stevenson was backing Ike. Of coux-se it was another man— not the Democratic Party’s candi date. Adlai For Ike The News quoted Caddo Mills Druggist Adlai Stevenson, 59, as saying “it was my name long be- fox-e the Democi-atic nominee was bora.” Both men were named for the same man—the nominee’s grand- father—but are not kinsmen. About the only serious news of the day, politically speaking, came from State Democi-atic Headquax- ters. The Democx*ats announced Sena tor Tom Connally would intx-oduce the presidential nominee when he speaks iix Houston, Oct. 18. And Speaker of the House Sam Ray burn, the Democrats said, would introduce Stevenson, Oct. 17, wheix he’s in Dallas. Speaker Rayburn also announced that iix case of rain Stevenson would speak at the Spox-tatoxium, a wrestling ax-ena, instead of at the State Fair grounds. . . Which led a wag to remark that any candidate that could get the “blame” fox- a x-ain in Texas would surely carry the state. I, Wives Bridge Club. Meets Thursday Tre Aggie Wives Bridge Club will meet Thursday night in the MSC Assembly Room at 7:30 p. m., said Mx-s. Anne Crosson, repox-ter. Last Week 89 Aggie wives play-' ed bridge. Mx-s. Gwen Collins and Mx-s. Evelyn Hearn won high scox-e and second high x-espectively fox- the regulars. Mrs. Pat Morley won high scox-e in the intei-mediate group. Teachers for the beginnex-s wei'e Mesdames E. L. Angell, G. W. Ad- riance and Jocco Roberts. Mrs. Crosson and Mrs. Jean- neane Cline were the hostesses. ' iplil slim m*i ki' ■ WINNER IN WOOL —Jeanne Davis, 22-year-old hazel-eyed blonde from Opp, Ala., is the “px-oud” winner of the title “Miss Sweatex* Girl 1952.” The judges said “the soft, all-wool turtleneck sweater caught our eyes.” Cantebury Club Holds Barbecue The Canterbui-y Club of St. Thomas Episcopal Church will have a hot dog barbecue in Hen- sel Park tonight at six. All membex-s of the’ clixb are asked to come and bx-ing their friends, according to the Rev. R, L. Dai-wal, minister at St. Thomas. Uppex-classmen will meet at the church for xides to the paxk and fx-eshmen will xneet at the Campus Theatre. Also oxx the Cantex-bury Club’s program for the fxxtux-e is a talk by Bishop Kennedy of Honolulu at a dinner in the MSC Friday, Oct. 17. What's Cooking Wednesday 6 p. m.—Canterbury Club, Ilensel Pax*k, Fish meet at Campus Thea- ter, Upperclassmexx at St. Thomas Church 7:15 p. m.—Hillel Cultural Meet ing, Room 2A, MSC 7:15 p.m. — Land of The Lakes Club, Room 3C, MSC. 7:30 p. m.—Architectural Wives Society, YMCA. 7:30 p.m.—Club De Las Americas, Room 128, Academic Bldg. Architectux-al Wives Society, YMCA South Solarium. 7:45 p.m. — Spanish Club, Senate Chambex’, MSC, Ox-ganization. 8 p. m.—Students Wives Circle of the A&M Presbyterioxx Church, Residence of Mrs. M. L. Cushion. Thursday 7:30 p.m. — Aggie Wives Bx*idge Club, MSC Assembly Room. Panhandle Club, Academic Bldg. Pasadena Club, 2nd floox-, MSC. !. i I i i i M PORTANT I-«#I Battalion Classifieds MJY, SELL,, RENT OR TRADE. Rates ... 3e a word per Insertion with a t5e minimum. Space rate In classified «ctlon .... 60c per column-inch. Send 111 classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received In Student Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR SALE • XIAVE JUST received new shipment of life insurance! First come, first served. . . . Eugene Rush, North Gate. WHOLESALE MEATS: Now’s the time to fill that locker or deep freeze with some good Baby Beef. Contact Tom Goodson, B-20-A, College View or call John Cowsar, 6-1303 afl Saturdays. fter 5 p.m. RESERVE your Christmas puppy now! The friendly, economical BAYARD KEN NELS has clean, comfortable boarding facilities. Trimming, bothing, nail clip ping, whelping, stud dogs, dog food, crate rental. Open Sundays. 6 south of College. supplies. On Highway 1031 MODE! and body. Pass seen at Bub Mousner’s way 6 C. S. Coupe, good motor, tires, sed inspection. Can be i 66 station, High- tor, Ca FENCE IF IT’S FENCE I HAVE IT —Also— Flowerbed and Driveway Trim NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 Years to Pay! Free Estimate! Pex-manent and Portable Lawn _Sprinkler Systems HUDSON TRADING POST W. C. (Bill) Hudson Rt. 1, Box 355A Ph. 3-3840 Bryan, Texas • FOR RENT • SINGLE room in extremely quiet residen tial liome. Linen and maid service. Ample parking. Two blocks south of the corps area. 401 S.. Dexter, phone 4-7054. NICE, large room for 1 or 2. Twin beds. Home of young couple. Call 3-3705. HELP WANTED PART TIME grocery Thursda worker. Experience ay and Friday after- outh noons and Saturday. Food Market. CASHIER, car hop, waitress wanted, ex perience unnecessary. Must be over 18. See Mr. Ferreri at Triangle. t. • WORK WANTED • WI TjL CARE for children for working mothers. Reasonable rates.. 104 Sul- pher Springs Road (3 doors behind Mais Grocery) or phone 4-8326. LOST RED WALLET in vicinity of stadium. Keep money in wallet but return papers. Phone 4-9652 or 6-1643. WAI^LET at Kentucky game Saturday night. Miss Bea Shipp owner. Finder see C. D. Gwin, Dorm 7-428. Reward. TAN WALLET, between Friday and mid night yell practice. Finder please re turn to L. M. Briziel, Dorm 8-119. Re ward. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th (Across from Court House) Call 2-1662 for Appointment Directory of Business Services North Gate. Call 4-1217. • SPECIAL NOTICE of fees are pay- Department The Second installment able to the College Fiscal Depa on or before October 17. Board tc ember 21, $46.20; room rent to Novem ber 21, $11.65; laundry to Nov $3.75; total fees due is $61.60. her 21, $11.65; laundry to November 21, Meeting Thursday, October 9, 7:30 p.m. at Brazos County A&M Club House. David A. Witts will speak on “Americanism.” fcUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. Si A.M. Stated meeting, Thursday, October 9, 7 p.m. A1 B. Nelson, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. Official Notice gat minded that Student Life Regulations re quire that all student home town clubs, technical societies, departmental societies and honorary societies, hava e cur; constitution and a list of their off! All student organization officers are re- gul uire that all student home town clubs, I societies e current leers on file in the Office of Student Activities 2nd floor, Goodwin Hall. Officers or fac ulty sponsors of these clubs and societies should call by this office as soon as possible and comply with this regulation. W. D. Hardesty Club Advisor Student Activities One ox - more favorites won every day of Delaware Pai'k’s 33-day meeting which ended recently. ANNOUNCEMENT Ifi. a'rtmFHTS PREFER EUCKIES COLLEGE STOTTS f Hi JSATIOB-'SIPE SURVEY. ' t::V ^ . - on actual student interview in . Hation-wid® survey as^^ ^ prefer Lu0 *ie S 80 leading colleges ^ ^ fcy a wide margin. Eo. 1 reaa o„ - » >orc w «... o—- „ ^ S "“ C 8 “ otMr than the natron ^ STUDlSHTS 1 . i Hurry’. Mail your Hurry’. HurI ? \ We pay $25 for every Strike 3inBl«- V,e as p m y any jingles one we use. Happy- |?o!°Box 67, New York 46, N.Y. ,4 m m % \f. G * * £ z 1-LL O A.!. Co.\_j£ pRODuei jy