The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1952, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, September 18, 1952 SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET 12th ANNIVERSARY ^ ^ *. v 11 ers —'" ■ - * - wamemm m 171? 171?—$60 in Free Prizes. (In Addition to Free Baskets) NOTHING JT IlILIL TO BUY. JUST COME IN AND GUESS THE NUMBER OF POUNDS OF . . . FOLGER’S COFFEE IN THE GIANT FOLGER DISPLAY • • • You do not have to be present to win. Winners will be determined next Monday and notified. 25 BIG PRIZES—Miromatic Pressure Cooker . . Counselor Bath-Room Scales . . . GE or Hammond Electric Clock . . . Cutlery . . . Plastic Apron. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 1 Lb. Folger’s . 79c 2 Lb. Can . . $1.57 Market Specials Fresh Tender Heart o’ Texas FRYERS . . lb. 59c Kraft’s Philadelphia—23 Oz. Pkgs.—CREAM CHEESE ... .29c Choice Veal POT ROAST . . lb. 59c Tender LB. VEAL CUTLETS . 99c • Frozen Foods • 6 Oz. Cans B n W 2 CANS ORANGE JUICE . 29c 6 Oz. Honor or Libby’s 2 Cans ORANGE JUICE . 33c 12 Oz. Cans Libby’s 2 CANS STRAWBERRIES, 63c 6 Oz. Cans Honor 2 CANS LEMONADE . . . 33c 10 Oz. Pkg. Honor—Chopped BROCCOLI . pkg. 22c • Fresh Fruits • & Vegetables Thompson Seedless GRAPES ., . 2 lbs. 25c 220 Size Choice Calif. ORANGES . . doz. 29c Hort. Farm Fancy 2 LBS. Yellow Onions . . . 15c Fancy Calif. TOMATOES ... lb. 19c 2” and Larger Size—Hale PEACHES .. 2 lbs. 25c Giant No. 4 Size Firm Calif. LETTUCE . 2 hds. 29c OCTOBER ISSUE NOW ON SALE jTUk l A Lb. 29c, 16 Count Tea Bags . 19c Fiction & features Food & Equipment Home Decoration Fashion. & Beauty Make & Mend Needlework Child Care ! • 5 GET DETAILS {AT OUR STORE AT OUR CHECK-OUT COUNTERS ANNIVERSARY SALE STARTS 4 PM THURSDAY — ENDING 7 P. M. SATURDAY SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET FREE! FREE! FREE! 12 Big Baskets of Groceries....Worth More Than $125.00 You do not have to buy anything to win . . . You do not have to be present to win . *. . Merely sign up any time Thursday^ and each subsequent time you come to the Store through Saturday . . . Drawings will De held at 4 ana b o c ock and at 9, 11, 2, 4 and 6 o’clock both Friday and Saturday. Winners will be notified at once. Thursday A factory representative will sample Sanitary Deluxe Quality Ice Cream all day SATURDAY Sanitary De Luxe ICE CREAM .... pint 27c A factory representative will sample Mel- lorine all day FRIDAY . . . MELLORINE . . ^ gallon 59c A factory representative will sample Carna tion Cottage Cheese all day FRIDAY . . . Carnation COTTAGE CHEESE . 1 lb. 23c * * * 1/2 Gallon Pasteurized SANIATRY MILK . . 2 for 79c (Plus bottle deposits.) 414 Oz. (25c) Pkgs.—Morton’s POTATO CHIPS . . , pkg. 21c 7 Oz. (25c) Pkgs.—Morton’s CORN CHIPS .... pkg. 21c Morton’s SALAD DRESSING . . pint 27c 3 Oz. Pkg. New Ace SHELLED PECANS ... pkg. 25c Made of Pure Sweet Cream MEADOW GOLD BUTTER . 89c Fresh As Can Be. 40 Count Pkgs—Tom’s—PEANUT BUTTER LOGS .. . Goodhope OLEOMARGARINE 35c Size Colonial POUND CAKE . . 25c Size Colonial RUM CAKE . . . pkg. 33c 1 lb. 17c f each 31c each 22c ^ Getting Larger Now. In Paper Bags PULLET EGGS doz. 45c Pillsbury FLOUR ... 5 lb. bag 39c Their Fine New Recipe ANGLE FOOD CAKE MIX . . . pkg. 59c . HOT ROLL MIX pkg. 27c Choice of three—Yellow, Chocolate, or White. A Pillusbury factory representative will be on hand all day SATURDAY . . . MEN LOVE LEMON PIE Serve one tnmght! More tender, flakier cfasts 15c Size Pkgs. FRITOS 2 for 256 14 Oz. Bottle Heinz CATSUP each 24c 12 Oz. Tumblers Kimbell’s Pure Peach or Apricot PRESERVES . each 23c Just Add Milk I Fresh or ca^e. - I Evaporated Pillsbury PIE CRUST MIX 2 pkgs. 27c SUNKIST LEMONS 490 Size doz. 29c Pillsbniy CAKE MIHS One Box at Half-Price Offer — 42c Value 3 boxes $1.00 -- CHILL-BLENDED >»°cess ti-sEf ' hit n-.uAi7nuuGic.-_v, 2 FOR 23c 24 Oz. 47c Hormel Pure PORK Kolbase SAUSAGE . . .lb. 59c 12 Oz. CHOPPED HAM ... 45c 7 Oz. CHOPPED HAM ... 33c 1 Lb. Mary Kitchen—ROAST BEEF HASH . .. ea. 41c 8 Oz. Mary Kitchen—ROAST BEEF HASH . 2 for 47c 12’s Mary Kitchen HAMBURGERS ... 53c 3 Oz.—DEVILED TONGUE 2 for 29c 12 Oz. FRANKFURTERS . 59c No. 1 BEANS & HAM ... 47c 8 Oz. 2 FOR BEANS & HAM ... 57c 8 Oz. 2 FOR ONION SOUP .... 41c 20 Oz. 9 ru. ONION SOUP .... 41c ^ mi OOL 8 Oz.—Little PORK SAUSAGE 38c Ouarter HAMS.... $2.25 Whole CHICKENS .... $2.25 (In Gravy)—Half CHICKEN .... 99c 1 lb. 29c 16 Oz. 2 for 65c 8 Oz. We Reserve the Eight to Limit Quantities Southwest Corner of the Campus, College 2 for 47c No. 1 33c 8 Oz. 2 for 39c 15 Oz. 22c 4 Oz. 2 for 37c pt. 31c qt. 55c HORMEL HAM 5^ For an easy Sunday dinner. or a magnificent company feast... No parboiling. Just bake and serve. Wide range of sizes. ftefattious tfotwe/jfcff; Popular Brands Carton CIGARETTES . . . $1.99 There is a 10c Coupon Redeemable at Our Store on Each Can, by Us ing It. 3 LB. CAN CRISCO 69c (The HORMEL boys will be in the > store in profusion and pass out the famous Hormel Coins with each item of canned foods purchased. The value of these coins (5c) is deducted already in arriving at the following prices.) kale hormel chili P^COHCARHE ! il|S (WITHOUT oo pa beans > lotroz, L J 1 LB. CAN 27c BAKED SPAM SPAM HORMEL Sliced BAODH i ib. Now In new FLAVOR- SAVER PACKAGE 59c Hormel BUDGET BACON . . . lb. 49c HORMEL Dact^ FRANKS Ib 49c CowCtirTme with ■Readv-to-eof HORMSLMSATS sV ,1 POUND Whole or l^hank . . lb. 59c Butt End, lb. 65e Assorted Cold Cuts ... lb. 55e #