The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1952, Image 1

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    Circulated Daily
To 90 Per Cent
Of Local Residents
The Battalion
Published By
A&M Students
For 75 Years
Number 197 Volume 52
s Opinions Vary
Price Five Cents
Cadet Corps Astir
On "What to Say’
t'* Battalion News Staff
The 77th year in the history of
A&M is trying desperately, and
with overwhelming success, to re-
a tain the reputation of its kin by
• continuing with many changes
which can and have greatly af
fected the evolution of the school.
In the few months of its birth,
it has seen a revolution in the or-
‘ ganization of the Corps of Cadets.
Now, in the last few days, it has
observed a change that has become
a bvei-sial subject on every
This was the resolution, which
was voted on and accepted by the
Senior cadet officers. It called
for the abolishment of the greet
ing, “Beat the H 1 outa !”
Although this was met with much
enthusiasm by most of the corps,
a great resentment arose because
of the fact that only the cadet of
ficers and not the senior class as
a whole were consulted.
^ Varied Opinions
Here are some student’s opin
“I’m glad they did away with
the saying,” said Jim Keeling, a
& senior from New London. “I think
‘howdy’ sounds much better. How
ever, I believe that the senior
class should have been consulted
rather than just the cadet offi
Ted Skeans from McAllen re
plied, “I think they were right in
eliminating it. A great many vis
itors on the campus are not fam
iliar with A&M traditions and
could easily get the wrong impres
sion from this greeting. Although
I believe the entire senior class
should have voted on this issue, I
think under the circumstances the
cadet officers were justified.”
Ticket Sales
■Better For "
Town Hall
Town Hall tickets are selling
better this year than in the six
previous years, said C. G. (Spike)
White, director of Student Activ
At the present time about 500
general admission student tickets
are left for sale from a total of
1,157. All tickets are expected to
be sold by Oct. 1, White added.
Tickets will be sold in each
freshmen unit tonight. Sales al
ready are going on in the new
area. Civilian students may pur
chase tickets in the Student Ac
tivities office, second floor, Good-
tvin Hall.
Salesmen are Lyle Wolfskill,
Guy Shown, Earl Beavers, Dar
rell Roberts, Weldon Kruger, Don
Carroll, Bill Hegmann, Bill High-
&Seith, Joe Wallace, and Joe Mat
tel. Others include John Akard,
^ John Hildebrand, Bill Young, Jer
ry Griffith, Rickey Black, Ronnie
Hudson, Joe Warrick, and Louis
V Town Hall’s first attraction this
season will be Ray Anthony and
his orchestra Oct. 1. Other attrac
tions include: Lucille Cummings,
contralto, who will appear Oct. 21;
The Longines Symphonette, Dec.
9; The Houston Symphony Orches
tra, Jan. 8; and Fred Waring’s
“Festival of Song,” Feb. 12.
Weather Today
partly cloudy with the possibility
of showers this afternoon. The
precipitation recorded at Easter-
wood Aix-port yesterday was 1.53
Some of the seniors maintain
that was ‘the cadet officers’ right
to vote on this issue without con
sulting the class as a whole.
Dallasite Bob McDowell argued,
“I am one of those who voted on
the issue. I voted it down because
I wouldn’t want my mother, sister,
or other visitors to hear some one
(See OPINIONS, Page 2)
Big Black Clouds Bring
Wind, 1.53 Inch Rain
A soaking rain rolled in on a huge black cloud late yes
terday afternoon to deposit 1.53 inches of the precious mois
ture on parched area farm land, as well as on the yellowed
grass about the campus.
The rain came with winds of near-hurricane velocity as
it pounded down on College Station last night. The wind was
recorded at 60 miles per hour. Several streets in the North
Gate area were flooded for a short time before drainage
facilities could carry away the water.
. Starting at 8:28 p.m., the rain peppered down until 1:28
a.m. today.
The weatherman calls for cloudy to partly cloudy skies
today with the possibility of rain this afternoon.
Solid Front Needed
In War on Com munism
Battalion News Staff
“To counteract the influence of
Communism in the world today,
the free nations should present a
solid front of things which we
as democratic nations, practice in
stead of preach,” said Reginald
Sorenson, Laborite member of the
British Parliament, in a speech to
the Wesley Foundation here last
Sorenson, for twenty years a
minister in the Free Christian
Church at Waltham, England, is
also chairman of the Indian
League, and has traveled exten
sively in that country.
Member of Commons
A member of the House of Com
mons, Sorenson represents a sec
tion of northeast London known
as Leyton. The sector lies between
Prime Minister Churchill’s and ex-
Prime Minister Atlee’^ districts.
In Sorenson’s opinion as a man
familiar with Far Eastern affairs,
he believes if khe West went to
war with Communist China, all of
Asia would unite against the white
He further believes to keep from
playing into the hands of Red
propagandists, democratic nations
should be careful how they con
duct their internal affairs.
Such things as race riots in the
United States and Union of South
Africa provide grist for the Com
munist mill for months at a time.
If a country is inwardly diseas
ed with racial and religious con
troversies, it loses its resistence,
according to Sorenson, to false
ideologies, just as a diseased per
son loses resistance to germs.
In order to effectively oppose
the spread of Communism, western
countries should try to aid weak
countries of low resistance to the
Red regime, with economic and
Reginald Sorenson
Speech Clinic Aids
Any Vocal Defect
Battalion News Editor
Probably one of the least known
but most valuable sections on the
campus is the Speech and Hearing
Conducted by Dr. Jack P. Clark
of the English department the
clinic specializes in curing defects
in students’ speech and hearing.
The significance of having such
a department is important to the
college as well as its students.
Faculty-Staff Dine
And Dance Tonight
College faculty and staff mem
bers will dine and dance begin
ning at 7:30 p. m. tonight in the
MSC Ballroom. The events are
sponsored by the A&M Dinner
and Dance Club.
New members who have been
associated with the college since
June 1, with the exception of stu
dents taking graduate work, are
entitled to guest tickets, said Mrs.
Ann Hilliard, social secretary of
the MSC. All other members of
the faculty and staff wishing to
attend must purchase tickets, she
About 390 tickets were sold by
Wednesday afternoon.
The dinner and dance is a
monthly feature of the college or
QB Meeting
Set Tonight
The A&M Quarterback Club will
have its first movie of the year
tonight at 7:30 in The Grove.
“Humble Highlights,” a sum
mary of all the important min
utes of 1951 SWC football, is a
sound movie in color.
It will be shown immediately
after yell practice.
According to Dr. Clark, 5 per cent
of every college’s student body
is hindered by defects in speech
and hearing. This means although
these students will leave school
with a degree they will be handi
capped in applying knowledge
gathered during their college car
eer because of impediments in ex
pressing themselves vocally.
Operated under the English de
partment, Dr. Clark’s clinic has
facilities 0 for curing any kind of
speech or hearing defect, includ
ing lisping, cleft pallet, stuttering
and high voice. Dr. Clark says he
can also train a person with a
strong foreign accent to speak
clear and natural English.
Individual Conferences
All training is done by means
of individual conferences with Dr.
Clark and lasts until the student
is cured. Dr. Clark explained he
is able to cure the majority of
these handicapped people, but
some cases have defects which
have waited too long for effective
Dr. Clark, who runs the clinic
alone, urges all students with
hearing or vocal defects to at
tend a meeting at 5 p. m. Friday
in room 210 Bagley Hall. A sche
dule for individual appointments
will be made at that time.
Licensed as a speech therapist,
Dr. Clax-k holds a Ph.D degx-ee
from The University of Wisconsin
in Speech Pathology and is also
a member of The American
Speech and Hearing Association.
There ai'e no chax’ges for his woik
with students.
Col. Anderson, Hooper
Speak to Kiwanis Club
Col. Frank Anderson, A&M
track coach, spoke on “Highlights
of the 1952 Olympic Games” at
the Kiwanis Club luncheon yester
day. Darrow Hooper, who won sec
ond place in the Olympic shot put,
also spoke.
other types of non-charitable aid.
This means loans instead of out
right gifts of help, said Sorenson.
In conclusion to his main ad
dress, Sorenson said the spread of
Communism is a measure of our
failure as Christians and freedom-
loving people.
Open Session
Following his main talk, the
Britisher opened the meeting to
questions and went on to explain
the average Englishman’s opin
ions on woxdd affairs, as opposed
to, or in agreement with his per
sonal understanding of the avex - -
age Amei'ican’s position.
Discussing to such things as
Red China, the Church of England,
socialization of industry, health
and education, Sorenson gave his
own views as well as those of his
On this, his second trip to the
United States in four yeax*s, Sox*-
enson will speak in the New Eng
land states, Wyoming, Colorado,
Oregon and other northwestern
and midwestern areas.
Sponsored by the American Soc
iety of Fx-iends, a Quaker organ
ization, he presents his opinions
and views wherever he finds an
Having traveled over most of
the world, the parliamentarian
finds American schools more abun
dant and better equipped but not
better staffed than those in Eng
land and other countries.
His opinion of A&M is “amaz
Pass Issuance Policies
Altered for ‘Fish’, Sophs
Vet Students
From Mexico
Visiting Here
Fifteen visitors from the
National Veterinary School at
Mexico City arrived on the
campus Tuesday for a 10 day
visit. The group is part of 20
students in the gx*aduating class at
the Mexican college.
The group is composed of 14
veterinary students and one inter-
pi'etex 1 . Miss Joyce Blank, the in
terpreter, is also majoring in Vet-
eilnai'y Medicine. Miss Blank is
the only woman in the graduating
class and is president of the group.
While visiting the college, the
group will see various parts of
the campus and the business and
cattle gi’owing areas throughout
the state. D. A. Adam, of the Ag
ricultural Extension Service, has
planned a pi’ogram of visiting and
study for the gx-oup.
They are sponsored on the cam
pus by D. W. Williams, vice-chan
cellor for agriculture, and are
staying in the MSC.
The gx-oup is sponsoi-ed on the
campus by D. W. Williams, vice-
chancellor for Agricultui-e for the
A&M System.
Representing President Har-
x-ington, Di\ David H. Morgan,
dean of the college, welcomed the
gx-oup to A&M yestex-day morn
♦ Continuance of an old policy and introduction of a new
one will play a major role in the life of freshmen and sopho
more cadets this year.
A new policy was formulated when the Academic Coun
cil omitted from this year’s college regulations any restric
tions on issuance of passes to non-contract cadets.
Present plans by the military department call for en
forcing of last year’s policy of allowing only cadet officers to
visit the Third Division.
“Corps commanding officers of individual units and
counselors in the Third Division will be responsible in issuing
week end passes,” Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, assistant com
mandant said. '
“Cadet Col. Brace Gibson, com
mander of the Third Division and
the commanders of the units de
cided with dormitory counsellox-s
to allow freshmen four passes be
tween now and Thanksgiving, not
including passes for the cox-ps
tx-ip,” Col. Wilkins added.
Problem to Commanders
In the past, college regulations
had prohibited issuance of week
end passes to freshmen and soph
omores on probation. Leaving the
pass-problem to unit coxnmanders
and counselors, continued Col. Wil
kins, will give the two classes
more freedom, not making them
feel cooped up.
The Thix-d Division will remain
closed to sophomores this year, the
assistant commandant said. “Ca
det officers, of course, will be al
lowed to visit the area, but we
feel that there ax-e enough cadet
upperclassmen in the area to
direct the fx-eshmen.
Each unit in the division has
four members from the sophomore,
junior and senior classes as of
ficers and non-commissioned offi
cers. Additional junior and sen
iors in the Third Division are on
Rainstorms Drench
Areas over State
Football Tickets
On Sale in MSC
Tickets for the Univex-sity of
Houston game may still be pux--
chased at the ticket booth in the
Since only 500 student tickets
were sold Monday and Tuesday,
the deadline has been extended
through Fx-iday noon,
j Approximately 1,500 non-stu
dent tickets have been sold to
By Associated Press
A line of towering thunderstoxmxs
moved acx-oss a wide area of Texas
Wednesday, loosing high winds
and heavy rains at many points.
Thx-eatening clouds px-ompted
Carswell Air Force Base at Fort
Worth to evacuate all flyable light
Winds up to 60 miles an hour
with rain lashed Waco about 5:30
p.m. Dallas repox-ted gusts of 44
miles per houx-.
Aggieland ’52 Due
For Delivery Oct. 1
‘Aggieland ’52’ will be distribut
ed Oct. 1, announced Roland Bing,
manager of student publications.
Further information will fol
low in “The Battalion”, Bing add
The Weather Bureau said the
squall line boiled up shortly after
noon just nox-th of Wichita Falls.
By 6:30 p.m., the line of storms
lay along a path fx-om Palestine
through Waco and south of Abi
lene. It was expected to continue
southeastwax-d before dissipating
along the gulf coast.
Brief but heavy showers fell at
Waco, Fox-t Worth, Dallas, Big
Spring, Mineral Wells and Texar
Cooled State
The storms cooled off a lot of
places. At Texarkana the ther
mometer plummeted from 91 de
grees to 72.
Elsewhere readings ranged
mostly from the middle 80s to up
per 90s.
Skies were clear to partly cloudy
over most of West Texas.
Senior Class
Meets Tuesday
In Ballroom
The first senior class meet
ing of the term will be held
in the Ballroom of the MSC
Tuesday night after yell prac
tice, Joe Mattei, senior class
president, announced today.
The first item on the agenda will
be the inti’oduction of class offi
cers and committee heads, and a
report by Mattei on the ox’ganiza-
tion of the class committees.
Under committee reports the
group will hear Don Greaney re
port on the objectives of the Tra
ditions Committee. Next Dale
Beitendorf will x-epoi’t on calendar
sales in the Freshman Area.
Bubba Blank, class social secre
tary, will tell of the procedure in
the* selection of a band for the
Senior Ring dance, and will also
x-eport on the Sweetheart Selection
A drive to revive the “Keep off
the Grass” campaign will be re
ported by Claude Holmes, and
Mattei will tell of the activities of
the Former Students Association.
Under New Business the first
discussion will probably be of the
change of the greeting during foot
ball season. Following that the
meeting will be adjourned.
Corps Uniforms
Required Monday
The Coxrps of Cadets will offi
cially go into unifoi*m no later
than Monday, according to Lt. Col.
Taylor Wilkins, assistant com
The exact date will be determin
ed by the speed in which uniforms
are issued, Colonel Wilkins added.
Military Surgeons
Hold Convention
Local medical reservists will
have an opportunity to gain pro
motion points by attending the an
nuel convention of the Association
of Military Sux-geons to be held
in Washington, D. C., Nov. 17, 18,
and 19.
For Better News Coverage
The Battalion’s Staff Appointments
Appointments on the editorial
staff of The Battalion were an-
has been on The Battalion staff woi’k with the feature writers.
for two years. He has sexwed in A product of the journalism de
nounced today by Co-Editors Joel the capacity of amusements editor partment, Hipp will begin his jun-
Austin and Frank Manitzas.
‘To give A&M and College Sta-
and also was managing editor of ior year as a news editor. He
the paper during the summer ses- woxked with the
tion the gi'eatest possible coverage sion this year.
we’ve divided our staff into sep
arate sections, naming news edi
tors who will help in keeping news
moving and coordinatinng the pap
er’s efforts,” the co-editors said.
“Persons interested in working
for The Battalion can contact us in
our offices in Goodwin Hall,” the
co-editors added. “There’s always
room for additions to the staff,”
they said.
Jerry Bennett of Fort Worth,
Bob Hendry and Joe Hipp, both
O’fr San Antonio, Chuck Neighbors
of Kane, Pa., and Bob Selleck
of San Benito will be the news
editoi's. They will sexwe alteraate-
ly as directors of makeup and
xxews selection for each issue.
Hax*x - i Baker of Memphis, Tenn.
will be the city editor while Ed
Holder of Wichita Falls heads the
sports depairtnent as editor. Woi’k-
ing with Holder will be Gus Beck
er of Mirando City. He will be
associate sports editor.
Mi’s. Peggy Maddox will con
tinue as women’s editor. Mrs. Mad
dox is the wife of Bill Maddox, a
pre-med student from Mercedes.
She was women’s editor last year.
Bennett, one of the five news
editors, is a journalism major who
A relative newcomer to the
newspaper field with one year of
experience, Hendry is a business
administration majoiv He also will
.last year.
Both Neighbors and Selleck are
comparative “oldtimers” on The
Battalion. Neighbors begins his
third year with the publication.
CO-EDITORS—Heading The Battalion staff this year are
Joel Austin, left, personnel administration major from
Alice, and Frank N. Manitzas, journalism major from San
having sei-ved as a sports reporter
and news writer. He is also head
of the publicity depai'tment of the
MSC. Editor of the summer Bat-
editorial staff talion, Selleck, a senior journalism
major, will work on the desk and
do photo engraving for the paper.
He seiwed in the capacity of
Sports Editor last year.
City Editor Baker begins his
sophomore year in the field of
journalism. Working with him
r will be city news writers Jon Win-
\ v : ' \ slow and Ed Fi’ies.
A senior journalism student.
Holder is in his fourth year of
woi’k with student publications. He
| has written both for The Battalion
and Commentator, student quar-
| tei’ly magazine, and is head of
The Battalion -MSC sponsored
A&M Quarterback Club. He also
directs the A&M Film Society.
Working with the sports staff
will be Jerry Wizig of Waco, Hugh
Philippus of San Antonio, Jeiry
Neighboi’s of Kane, Pa. and Ger
ald Estes of Fort Worth.
Joe Mattei, senior mechanical
engineering major from San An
tonio and senior class president,
is an editorial writer on the staff.
Other staff news writers in
clude Bob Boriskie, Steve Lilly,
and John Moody. Bob Godfrey
heads the student publications
photo engraving department £tnd
Davis is the circulation manager.