The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1951, Image 1

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4 copies
College Station’s Official
Newspaper; Circulated Daily
To 90% of Local Residents
The Battalion
Published by The Students
Of Texas A&M
For 73 Years
Number 57: Volume 52
Price Five Cents
Local Community Chest
Drive $750 Short of Goal
With only six days to go, the top, contributions will be distri-
1951 College Station Community
, Chest drive is still $750 short of
its $10,000 goal, Bennie Zinn, com
mitteeman, said yesterday.
A special committee is now con
tacting local business firms who
not contributed to the drive
||before the Dec. 1 deadline.
Deadline Tuesday
';. The extended drive will close of-
jj| ficially at 4 p. m. Tuesday when
* the, committee in charge of se
curing donations will meet in the
foAICA Cabinet Room to distri-
ifte contributions by check.
If the drive fails to go over the
buted in the same proportions as
were planned for the $10,000 goal.
Contributions will be divided in
the following manner: 10 per cent
will be kept in College Station to
be used for local emergencies
which may arise here. The remain
der of the money will be distribut
ed among various county welfare
Organizations receiving the lar
gest portions of the funds are the
Boy and Girl Scouts who will get
22.5 per cent and 20 per cent of
the money respectively.
Seven local charities will divide
Ag-TU Film Tonight
Closes QB Season
if Color films of the A&M-Texas will be shown at 8:30 p. m. The
thriller will be shown at tonight’s
Quarterback Club meeting. Glenn
Lippman, star halfback of the Ag-
gies, will be principal speaker and
ifWll comment on the film as it is
I The meeting will be in the As-
fsembly Hall at 7:30 p. m. The film
cinema includes halftime activity,
shots of the Aggie yell section, and
the minor fist-fights that occured
near the game’s end. The entire
film will be viewed in slow motion.
Lake Winner
Charley Lake, winner of the last
QB contest of the season, will be
awarded a check for two free din
ners at tonight’s QB meeting. Run
ners-up in the final contest in their
order of finish were W. M. Taegel,
J. L. Koontz, Noel A. Smith, Rich-
aid Baker, F. E. Bowen, and A. L.
Tonight’s meet ends the 1951
HI i Quaterback Club season. The next
meeting will be held following the
A&M-Houston U. game, which will
open the 1952 season.
Sponsors of this year’s QB Club
included the following merchants
in Bryan and College Station: Kel
ley’s Coffee Shop; Lack’s Asso
ciate Store; Cade Motor Co.; Park
er-Asti n Hardware Co.; The A&M
Grill; J. C. Penny Co.; American
Laundry Dry Cleaners; Sanitary
Farm Dairies; and Tom McCall’s
Phillips’ 66 Sendee Station.
41 percent of the donations. These
are the Brazos County TB Asso
ciation, Salvation Army, Crippled
Children’s Fund, Brazos County
Hospitalization Fund, Needy Chil
dren’s Fund, American Cancer
Society, and the College Station
Chest Charity Fund.
Help Needy
These groups help feed and
clothe needy school children, pro
vide funds when disaster occurs,
and help in accident cases. If fam
ilies are not able to pay hospital
bills, a program has been develop
ed in which the doctor donates his
services and the hospital minimizes
the bill.
Only one student, a Chinese boy,
contributed to the local campaign.
However, many students’. wives,
employed by the college made don
ations. Charlie’s Food Market em
ployes contributed 100 per cent.
Persons desiring to make con
tributions to the Chest campaign
should send donations to Johnny
Longley of College Station before
Tuesday, Zinn said.
“The committee is appreciative
of all organizations and individ
uals who gave their help to the
cause,” Zinn added.
Col. A. H. Ghaleb
Egypt’s Attache
Doe to Arrive
Friday Morning
Colonel A. H. Ghaleb, mili
tary attache of the Egyptian
Embassy will arrive at A&M
E 'day morning and will speak
open meeting that eve-
ning at 7:15.
His visit to the campus is spon
sored by The Battalion, the history
flepartment, the MSC Directorite
. and the UN Club. He will speak
.1 on the current crisis in Egypt be
tween the British and the Egyp
The colonel is a graduate of the
Royal Military College in Cairo,
and of the Royal Academy in Eng
During the war he served as the
executive officer in the Office of
the Minister of National Defense
in Cairo. After this tour he went
on duty as the military attache in
England and later was assigned
to the Embassy in the United
Since 1945 he has been the ad
visor to the Egyptian delegations
to the meetings of the General
Assembly of the UN security coun
cil and the committees for the
reduction of armaments.
According to Tom Rountree, co
ordinating chairman, he will leave
Saturday morning.
Aggie Players Slate
Tryouts for Play
Tryouts for parts in Somerset
Maugham’s comedy, “The Circle,”
will be held in the Assembly Hall
at 7:30 tonight and tomorrow.
Casting will be completed this
week and reading rehearsals will
be held before the Christmas holi
days for the play which is sche
duled for the middle of February.
“The Cat and the Canary,” which
was previously chosen, for the Ag
gie Players next production, has
been taken off the list for ama
teur production and is unavailable,
according to C. K. Esten, director
of the Aggie Players.
ORC Officers
Can Transfer
To Combat Job
The Army this week auth
orized officers of the Organ
ized Reserve, who hold com
missions in any of the non
combat branches to voluntar
ily transfer to the Infantry, Armor
or Artillery with immediate recall
to active duty, Col. ,C. M. Culp,
Chief of the Texas Military District
announced today.
The opportunity is open both to
reserve officers who are in civilian
status and those now serving as en
listed men on active duty.
According to the announcement,
both company and field grade offi
cers will be accepted, however, only
applications of field officers with
previous experience in Infantry
will be accepted now, as there are
no requirements for additional of
ficers above the rank of captain in
Armor and Artillery at this time.
Officers of the rank of captain
and above are required to have
previous experience in the combat
arm to which they request trans
fer. However, lieutenants may be
transferred and called to duty
withouth having served in the new
arm. Prior to reporting for duty
in their new assignment, however,
company grade officers will be
sent to school for a three-month
refresher course.
Top ages for those applying are:
Second Lieutenant, 30; First Lieu
tenant, 35; Captain, 41; Major, 44;
Lt. Colonel, 48. Thirty days no
tice will be given prior to actual
reporting date unless the individual
officer requests earlier recall.
Auto Prices
Boosted By
New Orders
Washington, Dec. 6—(TP)—
Higher prices for automobiles
can be expected to result from
a government order, ready for
issuance tonight, authorizing
car makers to compute new price
The authorization will be another
in a series by the Office of Price
Stabilization (CPS) allowing busi
ness concerns to recalculate their
prices under the Capehart provi
sion of the economic controls law.
OPS cleared the way yesterday
foi possible price increases on a
wide range of consumer items.
These include clothing, meat, foods,
milk and butter, gasoline, coal, to
bacco, drugs, beer and cosmetics.
The agency estimated about 100,-
000 manufacturers, processors, re
finers and mining concerns were
The Capehart provision requires
that OPS ceilings permit manufac
turers to take their pre-Korea
prices and add or subtract all cost
changes through last July 26 in
computing new ceilings. The pro
vision permits increases to a much
later date than previously author
ized by the price agency. .
The auto price adjustment will
be the third since the Korean out-
break. Car prices were first froz
en as of Dec. 1, 1950. Last spring
manufacturers were granted a 3%
per cent increase. In September
they were permitted another ad
justment which OPS expected
would average from 5 to 6 per
cent. M<?st of the industry has
been granted new ceilings.
Masons Name Gibb Gilchrist
State’s Highest Position
Battalion City Editor
Gibb Gilchrist, chancellor of the
A&M System, was elected top state
Masonic leader today at the 116th
annual communication of the Grand
Lodge of Texas, AF and AM, held
in Waco.
At 1:45 p. m. at the $2 million
Masonic Grand Temple in Waco,
officers and representatives of over
200,000 .Master Masons in Texas
elected Gilchrist most worshipful
grand master of the Most Wor
shipful Grand Lodge of Texas.
Woolket Senior Deacon
J. J. Woolket, head of the mod
ern languages department, was ap
pointed worshipful grand senior
deacon of the Grand Lodge. The
appointment was made by Gilchrist,
Gibb Gilchrist
Grand Master of Texas Masons
Dinner Dec. 19 Will Honor
25 Year System Employees
Twenty - eight employees who
have completed 25 years of service
with the A&M System located at
College Station will be honored at
the annual Christmas dinner in
Sbisa Hall, Dec. 19.
Honored employees will receive
a 25 year service pen and a scroll
from A&M. Gibb Gilchrist, A&M
System chancellor, will make the
Employees Honored
The following employees will be
honored: E. R. Alexander, Agri
cultural Education Department;
Dr. W. M. Potts, Chemistry depart
ment; H. C. Dillingham Electrical
Engineering; C. O. Spriggs, Eng
lish department; C. B. Godbey,
Genetics Department; Mrs. Eliza
beth Cook, Military Science De
partment; Dr. P. W. Burns, Vet.
Medicine Department; W. L. Pen-
berthy, Dean of Men; M. L. Cash-
ion, YMCA.
Also included: W. C. Higgs, A.
C. Magee, W. L. Owens Jr., and J.
Whitacre from the Agricultural
Experiment Station; H. H. Broach,
Knox Parr, M. E. Bledsoe, G. D.
Everett, W. S. Foster, B. F. Gray,
F. D. Roland, W. I). Seale, and Lil
lie B. Kinne from the Agricultural
Extension Service.
Steve Visoski comes from the
Building and College utilities; H.
C. Hertel, Fiscal Office. Elmo
Boone and Lonnie Thompson from
the hospital; and J. R. Thigpen,
G. L. Hightower from the Texas
Forest Service.
After Dinner Program
After the dinner a program has
been planned, said F. W. Hensel,
Chairman Arrangements Commit
tee. Joe E Sorrels, of the Civil
Engineering Department, will be
the Master of Ceremonies and the
Community Men’s Chorus will sing
Christmas songs announced Hen
The occasion will be on Wed
nesday evening at 7:15. Tickets
for the dinner will cost $1.50 a
Hensel also said that the dinner
is not restricted to a definite
group. He said that the public is
invited to attend and they will be
D. D. Burchard
Talks at School
Program Friday
Donald D. Burchard, head
of the journalism department,
will be on the program at the
annual meeting of the Texas
High School Press Association
in Denton Friday and Saturday.
Topics which Burchard will dis
cuss are “Headlines and Page
Make-Up” and “The Editorial Page
in the School Newspaper.” He will
speak on the Friday ,morning pro
During the remainder of the ses
sions, the journalism department
head will act in an advisory capa
city. This will be the second year
Burchard has appeared, on the
THSI’A program.
Sunday, Burchard will represent
A&M at a meeting of the Texas
Daily Newspaper Association In
ternship Committee. The session
will be held in the Baker Hotel in
Results of the summer intern
ship program for college journal
ism students will be discussed and
plans: formulated for the 1952 pro
Three A&M journalism students,
Christy Orth, Bill Streich, and Bob
Venable, took part in the program
this summer.
who previously served as right
worshipful grand senior warden of
the Grand Lodge.
S. R. Wright, head of the civil
engineering department, was ap
pointed district deputy grand mas
ter for the 29th Masonic District.
He replaces George Long, head of
the Student Loan Office at A&M.
Former President
Gilchrist was made chancellor of
the A&M System by the board of
directors in 1947. He was president
of A&M from 1944-47. The chan
cellor came to A&M as dean of
the School of Engineering in 1937.
From 1928 until 1937, Gilchrist
was state highway engineer, a pos
ition he held previously in 1924.
He was a consulting engineer in
Dallas from 1925-28.
A native of Wills Point, Gil
christ attended Southwestern Uni
versity at Georgetown, then went
to the University of Texas. He re
ceived a BS in civil engineering
from TU in 1909. In 1939, he was
awarded the degree of Doctor of
Science by Austin College at Sher
Gilchrist began his career as a
civil engineer as a surveyor’s chain-
man for the Santa Fe Railroad.
Eight year's later he became chief
engineer of the Gulf Coast Lines.
Served in France
During World War I, Gilchrist
served in France in the Army
Corps of Engineers. He was dis
charged in June 1919 with the
rank of captain.
While Gilchrist was state high
way engineer, the Texas highway
system was improved and expand
ed. He was elected president of tha
American Association of Highway
Officials in 1935.
Members of Sul Ross Lodge
Number 1300, AF and AM, at Col
lege Station attending the commun
ication include Gilchrist, Woolket,
Wright, Long, Joe Sorrels, Har
ry Boyer, A. B. Nelson, G. E.
Madeley, N. M. McGinnis, and I.
G. Adams.
Allies Down MIG, Damage
Another, No Losses Reported
Seoul, Korea, Dec. 6 — <2P) —
American warplanes shot down a
Red MIG today in the 11th straight
day of jet battles. The longest un
broken stretch of air fighting in
the Korean war.
U. S. Fifth Air Force said an
other MIG was damaged in a sec
ond fight. There was no report
of Allied losses.
The frozen ground front remain
ed quiet, save for an occasional
patrol clash and intermittent ar
tillery fire.
Poultry Judgers
Reserves to Hear
Dimitroff Monday
Commander George B. Dimitroff working on the protection of ships
CS Kiwanis Club
To Install Officers
, Ne/w officers of the College Sta
tion Kiwanis Club will be installed
j Monday night at 7 in the Ballroom
• of the MSC.
Officers to be installed are Otis
VMiller, president; H. E. Burgess,
first vice president; J. B. Baty,
second vice president; Doyle Let-
better, treasurer; and John Sperry,
Members of A&M’s poultry judging team, left
to right, Kenneth Grant, alternate, Bill Boardman,
Harlan Vaught, George Townsen, and E. D. Par
nell, coach.
from the Washington Office of
Naval Research will address the
combined Army and Navy Reserve
Groups in the lecture room of the
Biological Science Building at 7:30
p. m. Monday.
Commander Dimitroff, an out
standing authority and author on
astronomy, telescopes, and acces
sories, will lecture on “ijtate of
the Cosmes.”
At the end of his address, he
will talk to the local Naval Unit
on research activities.
The public has been invited to be
the guest of the combined Army
and Navy Research Groups for
Commander Dimitroff’s speech.
Birgai urn-born Dr. Dimitroff is
now Professor of Astronomy at
Dartm' nth. A U. S. citizen for
I many years, he studied at Boston
Univ< rsity and took his Master’s
and Doctor’s degrees at Harvard.
In 1937 he was Superintendent
of Harvard Observatory, where he
helped build some of the largest
Schmidt cameras, which have en
abled scientists to discover new
During the war Dimitroff join
ed the Navy. His first post was
with the Bureau of Ordinance,
from magnetic mines. He was also
on commissions to study atomic
developments in Europe and to
optical developments in Europe
and Japan. He is still in the Naval
Research Reserve.
For the 11 days, the air force
reports 33 Red planes destroyed,
one probably downed and 32 dam
aged, a total of 66. For the war,
its totals are 452—133 destroyed,
26 probables and 293 damaged.
Thursday’s first battle started
when 11 U. S. F-86 sabre jets, es
corting a photo reconnaissance jet,
tangled with about 40 MIGs over
The series of dogfights began
at 25,000 feet and lasted about 10
minutes. Lt. Charles S. Christtison
of Los Angeles scored the kill. It
was his first.
Lt. Alfred W. Dymock, Jr., of
Grants Pass, Ore., reported he
damaged a MIG in a brush between
18 American jets and nine MIGs.
Another 60 MIGs were sighted
about the same time, but Allied pi-
(See ALLIES DOWN, Page 3)
Craft Shop
Active Hs
Xmas Nears
The MSC craft shop has recently
become a beehive of activity with
the Christmas holidays near.
Students who have any spare
time and are not spending it in the
craft shop, are losing a tidy sum,
says Mrs. Carl Moeller, craft shop
advisor. A person can save approx
imately $50 by making presents
that would have to be purchased
elsewhere. It only takes a few
minutes of time that otherwise
Avould have been wasted on some
unproductive enterprise, says Mrs.
A purse for the girl, wife, or
mother can be made for $6—$10.
This represents a savings of $15
or $20. Leather work, ceramics,
metal work, copper tooling, and
silver screenings are the crafts in
which students can indulge in the
craft shop.
A demonstration by Bob Deben-
port will be held tonight making
Christina,s cards with silver screen
ings. This is another way which
the craft shop can help students
The craft shop is governed by
the craft committee, which is k
part of the Directorate of the
MSC. Don Tschirhart is chairman
(See CRAFT SHOP, Page 3)
Cnidr. G. Z. Dimitroff
Singing Cadets Leave
For Mexico Concert
The Singing Cadets left for a
singing tour of Monterrey, Mexico,
Laredo, and Harlingen, and Woods.
boro this morning. They left by
chartered bus at 11 a. m. Bill Turn
er, director, and 45 cadets are
making the trip.
Their first stop will be in
Woodsboro, where the students will
give a concert tonight. Friday they
will arrive in Monterrey and sing
for the Knife and Fork Club that
night. While there the boys will be
guests of the Institute Techilologi-
co De Monerrey, and will stay in
dormitories there Fi’iday night.
Monterrey Saturday, and give a
concert for the students of the In
stitute Saturday night.
Sunday the group will return to
Laredo, and sing that night under
sponsorship of the Laredo A&M
Mother’s Club. After the concert,
they are to be guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Halsell of Laredo at a
party in their home.
From Laredo, the Cadets will go
to Harlingen Monday, and give a
concert under sponsorship of the
Rio Grande Valiev A&M Mother’s
They will return to College Sta-
They will be taken for a tour of tion after the concert in Harlingen.