The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 1951, Image 6

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    Page 6
Wednesday, December 5, 1951
lit v, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rales
.... 3c a word per Insertion with a
13c minimum. Space rate in classified
faction .... 60c per column-inch. Send
til classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES
OFFICE. All ads must be received in
Student Activities office by 10 on the
day before publication.
Directory of
Business Services
INSURANCE of all lines. Homer Adams.
North Gate. Call 4-1217.
BIG BUY FOR BIG GUY: Fine uniforms
In excellent condition. Two green blous
es, 40 L, $23 each; two pairs pinks
32-33, $10; Short Coat, 40 L, $20; Long
Overcoat 42 R, $23. Or, buy the works
for $00. Call 0-3787 or see at 1006
G'lkeys Pet Cottage
301 E. 28th St.
• LOST •
SHORT COAT taken by mistake from
coat rack at Fountain Room of MSC.
Two vertical gashes under AMO patch.
Contained 2 pipes and green senior cap
In pocket. Two gold class stripes and
ground force patch. Valuable to owner.
Contact Student Activities Office.
HIGH SCHOOL class ring, 1951. Lost
Tuesday night at yell practice. Reward.
Box 5135.
SHORT COAT in Aggie line to Waco, Nov.
24th. Notify Lester Smith. Dorm 3, 413,
Box 4631.
TWO STUDENTS with photographic ex
perience, who are interested in photo
engraving work, report to room 211.
, Goodwin Hail. Come only if you have at
least one more year at A&M.
The Gift for Everyone on your GIFT
LIST. R.C.A. Victor’s 45 RPM Record
Player, $12.95, $6 worth of records FREE.
Shaffer’s Book Store, North Gate, Across
from Post Office.
yCall For and Delivery
Phone 4-4114 ;
Dr. Carlton R. Lee
303A East 26th
(Across from Court House)
Call 2-1662 for Appointment
Ordinance No. 167
An ordinance entitled “The Traffic Code
of 1951” defining words and phrases; pre
scribing regulations; providing for proce
dure and methods of traffic control; pro
viding for reports of accidents; prohibiting
driving under influence of drugs and pre
scribing a penalty therefor; prescribing driv
ing rules; providing for safety measures in
turning, starting, signaling, and stopping:
prescribing right of way; providing for
pedestrians’ rights and duties; regulating
special stops and restricted speeds; regula,-
ting stopping, standing, and parking; mis
cellaneous rules; regulating equipment on
vehicles; providing for inspection of ve
hicles; prescribing a penalty for violation
of this ordinance; prescribing procedure
upon arrest; prescribing an effective date;
repealing all ordinances in conflict here
with; and providing a saving clause.
Passed and approved this thirteenth day
of November, 1951, A. D.
Ernest Langford,
Attest: N. M. McGinnis
City Secretary
Ordinance No. 168
WHEREAS, by a vote of two-thirds or
more of its members, The City Council
selected and appointed a charter com
mission consisting of eighteen (18) mem
bers to prepare a proposed charter for
this city; and
WHEREAS, said Charter Commission has
completed its work and has approved and
recommended a proposed charter for adop
tion by the qualified voters and sets Jan
uary 8, 1931, as the date for a special
election to be held for the purpose of al
lowing tile qualified voters to pass on said
proposed charter; now therefore,
BE IT ORDAINED by tlie City Council
of the City of College Station, Texas.
1; A special election shall be and is
hereby ordered to be held on Janury
. 8, 1952, for the purpose of enabling
the qualified voters to pass on a pro
posed charter for the City of College
Station, Texas, as prepared and sub
mitted by the City Charter Commis-
2. Ballts shall be prepared so that voters
may vote “For the Adoption of the
Charter as prepared by the City Char
ter Commission” or “Against the
Adoption of the Charter as prepared
by the City Charter Cimmission.”
3. Polling place for said election shall
be the City Hall. The following per
sons are hereby appointed as elec
tion managers: L. G. Jones, Mrs. C.
B. Godboy, and Mrs. H; E. Burgess.
4. The polls shall be opened promptly at
eight (S) a, m. and closed at seven
(7) p. m. The provisions of the laws
of the State of Texas governing elec
tion shall be observed and only qual
ified voters shall vote. Notice of said
election shall be posted in three public
places and published in the official
city newspaper.
Passed and approved this the 13th day of
November, 1951, A. D.
s/ Ernest Langford, Mayor
ATTEST: s/ N. M. McGinnis,
' City Secreetary
Kiwanians Have
Musical Program
A former member of the Wich
ita Falls Smyphony Orchestra pre
sented a musical program at a
meeting of the College Station Ki-
wanis Club Tuesday.
Mrs, J. W. Diekert, flutist, ren
dered Handel’s “Sonita VII” and
“Allegretto” by Benjamin God
ard. She was accompanied by
Mrs. J. B. Baty, pianist.
Three new members were in
troduced at the meeting. Ray V.
Jarvi, mechanical engineer, was
presented by Roy Wingren, spon
sor. C. J. Burgin, entomologist,
Interest Growing
Uhlmann Contest
Although the deadline for sub
mittal of manuscripts is still
months away, much interest has
been! shown by the U. S. students
in the Third Annual Uhlmann
Awards Student Contest for 1952.
Substantial awards are offered
each year to the winning contest
ants who have submitted original
manuscripts dealing with market
ing phases of the grain business.
Three years ago, Richard Uhl
mann, then President of the Chi
cago Board of Trade, initiated this
contest to develop and stimulate
among college students a broader
interest in the marketing problems
of the grain business.
Women’s Council
Honors Foreigners
The College Station Council of
Church Women will honor the 75
A&M students from other nations
at their traditional Christmas Tea
on Sunday, from 4 until 5 p. m.
All council women are invited to
come with their husbands and meet
the international students.
The six member churches of the
Council of Church Women are the
A&M Christian Church, the A&M
Presbyterian Church, the A&M Lu
theran Church, St. Thomas Episco
pal Church, the A&M Church of
the Latter Day Saints, and the
A&M Methodist Church.
was presented by Don Vestal, and
Howard L. Gravett, zoologist by
John J. Sperry.
The club’s annual banquet for
the institutiion of new officers
is scheduled for Monday night at
7 in the Ballroom of the MSC. En
tertainment will be provided by a
choral group from Prairie View.
Foreign students at A&M will
attend the Dee. 18 club meeting.
J. H. Quisenherry, chairman of the
inter-racial committee, requested
members to invite foreign students
as their guests to the meeting.
Guests at the meeting were
Frank Anderson, A&M track
coach; Sgt. Marvin T. Higginson,
scoutmaster of Troop 102; N. C.
Jensen, presidenti of the American
Beekeeping Federation from Ma
con, Miss.; Paul Cutts from Chip-
ley, Fla.; and Roy S. Weaver of
Navasota, president of the Ameri
can Bee Breeders Association.
Other guests were Dr. Harry
Trelogan, with the Agricultural
Research Administration in Wash
ington, D. C.; Dr. Bernard Joy,
Research and Marketing Adminis
tration; Paul Campbell, official
classifier for Holstein-Friesian As
sociation of America from Ocono-
mowoe, Wis.; and I. W. Rupel, head
of the dairy department at A&M.
College Baptist
To Present Play
A missionary play entitled “Thy
Will Be Done” will be presented
at the College Station Baptist
.Church Tonight at 7:15.
Mrs. Drexel Toland, young peo
ple’s secretary, will direct thc(
play which is a part of the Lottie
Moon Christmas program for the
A quartet composed of Bill Alex
ander, Bob Ashley, Lamar Ashley,
and Andy Anderson will present
special music at the service.
Characters in the play are as
follows: Wayen Young, Davis;
Glenda Brown, grandmother; Pat
Gregg, Doris; Von Smith, John;
Patsy Ross, Mary; Myra Jackson,
Mandy; and Dorothy Berry and
Margaret Berry, Nancy.
Texas Ranks Na tion 9 s Second
In Non-Military Aircraft
McClain, Blum ’
Engagement <■
Plans Revealed
Washiington, Dec. 4—(A 5 ):—Air-
minded Texans rank second only to
Californians in the matter of main
taining nommilitary aircraft in ac
tive Qperating status.
A recent report issued by the
Civil Aeronautics Administration
shows that as of July 1 there were
4,230 such planes active in Texas.
As of July 1, California led all,
states with (1,490; Illinois was
third with 3,1(18.
Below July 1950
In all three leading states the
number was slightly below the fig
ures for July 1, 1950. In this re
spect, they followed the national
pattern. The total number of ac
tive civil aircraft in the United
States was 56,91!) on July 1, com
pared with 61,706 a year earlier.
The July 1, 1950, figures for the
top three states were: California,
6,820; Texas, 4,438; Illinois, 3,489.
In addition to the 4,230 civil
aircraft active in Texas as of last
July 1, there were 2,384' such planes
within the state classified as non
active, making the total 6,704. The
total a year earlier was 6,913.
One or More Active,
One or more planes were active
in all but 36 of the 254 Texas
counties when the survey was tak
en in mid-1951. Those with no ac
tive planes were:
Andrews, Austin, Burleson,
Camp, Coke, Cottle, Franklin,
Glasscock, Goliad, Hardin, Irion,
Jim Hogg, Kenedy, King, Live
Oak, Llano, Loving, McMullen,
Madison, Mills, Mitchell, Newton,
Rains, Real, Roberts,, Rockwall,
San Augustine, San Jacinto, Starr,
Sterling, Stonewall, Trinity, Ty
ler, Upshur, Wilson, Zapata.
Dallas County led the state with
511 active and an additional 337
classified as non-active.
Both Dallas and Tarrant (Fort
Honolulu—(dP)—The long rows of
wooden crosses marking the graves
of 13,000 World War II and Ko
rean war dead are being removed
from Punchbowl Cemetery. Flat
stone markers are replacing the
white crosses.
Worth) counties actually showed
increases in the number of planes
active July 1 as compared with
twelve months earlier. On July 1,
1950, Dallas had only 494 active
planes and 336 non-active. Tarrant
county had 291 active civil aircraft
and 156 non-active on July 1, 1950.
A few counties among those less
than 100 active planes also showed
100 Civil Planes Active
Four other Texas counties each
had more than 100 civil planes ac
tive as of last July 1. The four,
with the comparative figure for
July ly 1950, shown in parenthesis,
are: Harris (Houston), 384 (406);
Bexus (San Antonio), 282 (295);
Mrs. Bertrand
To Address
Church Women
Mrs. John R. Bertrand will
speak for the College Station Coun
cil of Church Women Thursday
morning at 9:30 on Station WTAW.
Her subject, will the “The Influ
ence of Christianity on Art.” She
will trace the development of
Christian Art from its earliest date
when the Christians were forced to
work and worship while hiding in
the catacombs of Rome.
Mrs. Bertrand was once an in
structor in Art at Sam Houston
State Teachers’ College at Hunts
ville. Later she worked with the
Methodist Students on that campus
as Wesley Foundation Director.
She is now an active member of
the A&M Methodist Church where
she serves on the Campus-Church
Relations Committee.
The College Station Council of
Uhurch Women sponsors a pro
gram each Thursday morning at
9:30 on Station WTAW. Each of
the six member churches is re
sponsible for the programs on a
monthly basis. The A&M Methodist
Church, with Mrs. Robert C. Sneed
as chairman, is in charge during
Cameron (Brownsville), 111 (122);
Nueces (Corpus Christ!), 107
Those counties with between 50
and 100 active civil aircraft within
their boundaries as of July 1, with
1950 comparable figures shown in
parenthesis, are:
Hidalgo, 97 (89); Wichita, 93
(96); Lubbock, 84 (64); El Paso,
76 (77) Jefferson, 76 (79); Travis,
70 (71); Potter, 67 (67); Hale, 60
(59); San Patricio, 52 (40); Gregg,
52 (57).
The engagement of Miss
Peggy McClain of Waxaha-
chie to Bob Blum, senior BA
major from Dallas, was re
vealed at an announcement
tea Saturday in the home of Mr.
and Mi's. Cooper Curry of Waxa-
Parents of the bride-elect, Mr.
and Mrs. Conde McClain, announc
ed the wedding would be solemniz
ed in their home on the evening
of Dec. 22.
WhaCs Cooking
SHIP: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.,
YMCA Cabinet Room.
Wednesday, 7:15 p. m., 1st Baptist
Church College Station. A play
“Thy Will Be Done” will be pre
sented at the prayer service.
DEL RIO CLUB: Thursday, 7:15
p. m., YMCA Reading Room. Dis
cussion of Christmas dance; club
picture for the Aggieland ’52 will
be discussed and the date set for
the picture.
day, 7:30 p. m., YMCA Reading
Room. Final arrangements for
Xmas party are to be made.
nesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 2-D MSC.
TRY : Thursday, 5:00 p. m., across
the tracks.
day, 7:30 p. m.
Guests for the tea were receiv
ed by Mrs. Curry and Mrs. T. L.
Baker, co-hostesses, the honoree
and her mother, the mother of the
groom, and Mrs. Fred Thompson*
who will be matron of honor in the'
Frank Sherrill, senior BP Ml
major, will serve Blum as bw^
The bride-elect is a graduatfjl
Waxahachie High School, and at
tended North Texas State College
in Denton. Miss McClain is present
ly employed in a clerical position
at Bryan Air Force Base. She was
a duchess in the Cotton Ball at
The future groom is a member
of the Business Society and the
Dallas A&M Club. Blum has been
the senior Intramural Manager for
2 years.
Following the wedding, the cou
ple will be at home in College Sta
Christmas Is Near
And the time is growing short for you to invite your
high school friends to A&M for a visit. Those of your
friends who will be graduated from high school in January
will be choosing NOW the college they will enter for the
Spring semester.
You Like A&M
You like the comradeship, the spirit that typify A&M.
You like the high scholastic standards, for you know that
your degree from A&M means something because of those
standards. You like the unmatched opportunity that you
have at A&M to make friends. These are just a few of the
things you like.
Your Friends Will, Too
So give them a chance to see what A&M is like. Invite
them to spend a weekend with you here. Take them to chow
with you; introduce them to your Aggie friends; show them
the MSC. And, above all, tell them what A&M means to
YOU. Then urge them to come to A&M this Spring. They’ll
like you for it, they’ll like A&M, and you’ll like having your
home town friends with you. Invite them down, TODAY!