The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 05, 1951, Image 1

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College Station’s Official
Newspaper; Circulated Daily
To 907^ of Local Residents
nr?i ir% 00 1 #
The Battalion
Published by The Students
Of Texas A&M
For 73 Years
Number 56: Volume 52
Price Five Cents
‘Fish ’ to Organize 2000 Believed Killed
Schedule Elections j n p hilippino Eruption
For December 17
In its final stages before being set off last Wed
nesday afternoon, the Texas University game
bonfire gets the traditional T House mounted at
its top by members of the Maroon and White
—Staff Photo by Diek Zeek.
Freshmen will got their first
chance to take part in the manage
ment of their class affairs Dec.
17 when they cast secret ballots
for the eection of officers for the
class of 1956.
Offices of President, Vice Pres
ident, Secretary, Treasurer, Social
Secretary, and Reporter are open,
and candidates may now file for
these positions in the Office of
Student Activities.
Requirements for candidacy are:
• The candidate must have a
grade point ratio of at least 1.0.
• Each candidate must agree to
serve out the term of his office
if he is elected.
The first rule was made, said
Pete Hardesty, business manager
of student activities, because some
)>altalion Sponsored
Prizes Given For Xmas Decorations
1 This year decorating up the
ffiouse or dormitory hallway will
§pay off in more than just the feel
ing of having done something nice
Christmas. The Battalion is
''•sponsoring a contest to award the
Souse or unit that puts up the best
looking Christmas decorations.
Prizes, which range from cash
to a free dinner, will be awarded
Dec. 18.
p Planned to promote civic good
will and to revive the old-fash
ioned spirit of Christmas, the con
test Mull have three divisions to
include every resident of College
Division I is «pen to everyone in
College Station except students of
the college. All married or single
students living outside the dorm
itories may enter Division II. This
classification includes all College Dec. 17. Entry blanks will be pub
Needed for Vet
Hospital Shows
An urgent call was issued
today for persons interested
in lending their talent toward
entertaining hospitalized vet
erans at Fort Hood and Mc-
Oiosky Hospital.
Miss Betty Bolander, MSC Pro
gram Consultant, has asked that
anyone interested call her at
4-5154 or contact her in the Di
rectorate Office in the Student
“At present, there are not
/pMough MSC Talent Bureau mem-
x-ftrs to take a show each month
to each of the hospitals. That
ihould be our Goal,” Miss Bolander
“We are especially in need of
, women entertainers,” she added.
Explaining the entertainment
program, Miss Bolander said that
I interested persons need not have
. professional ability.
1 “All you need is an interest in
making the patients’ day a little
more diversified. They will appre
ciate you,” Miss Bolander said.
Housing areas, as well as houses
or apartments anywhere in the city
which are occupied by students.
Division III is eligible to dormi
tory students, and prizes will be
given to the winning outfits, or
Morlcy Director
Pat Morley, contest director, re
ports 100% cooperation of all local
merchants contacted, to date.
“College Station businessmen
have already offered about $100
in cash and merchandise for con
test winners,” announces the di
rector, “And we’ve just barely
started the contest.”
Prizes Assured
Eree groceries, home appliances,
dress materials, cleaning service,
cash prizes, and dinner “on the
house” at local restaurants are
prizes already assured for the con
test winners. The Battalion will
publish the list of prizes, when it
is more nearly complete.
Rules for the contest specify that
all decorations to be eligible for
judging must be entered before
lished in The Battalion Dec. 10.
Judging will be done Dec. 18, and
prizes will be given to the winners
on that date.
Anyone may enter any, or all,
sections of his division, and is eli
gible for prizes in each section
he enters. Contestants entering
more than one section, however,
must make formal entry in each
section, to be judged.
All decorations must be visible
to the street, from which they will
be judged.
Division I, for all residents other
than students, has four sections. A
First Prize will be given the win-
Student Labor Aids
MSC Improvement
Student labor is being used by
the MSC to do jobs improving the
facilities available to students as
well as visitors.
Three students are now used to
replace the wiring that was not
satisfactory to carry the required
load and to install $1800.00 worth
of new equipment.
These projects are moving rather
slowly, as these students have their
class asignments and other school
activities to take care of along
with their working.
A sound reinforcement system
is being installed instead of the
PA system. This system makes it
seem as though you were talking
to the person himself rather than
a roaring sound.
The MSC is also confronted with
changing from heat to air condi
tioning during these odd days.
It takes about 2 hours’ labor
to switch from one to the other
as the weather changes.
Poultry Team Places
First in Judging Event
Ag Faculty
Sets Meeting
The agricultural faculty will
have a meeting of the teaching
staff of the School of Agriculture
in the Agricultural Engineering
Lecture Room at 7 p.m. today.
The problem of a system of ac
creditation for college training in
agriculture will be discussed.
. All staff members are urged to
be present, said Charles N. Shep-
ardson, dean of the School of Ag
of the offices require a certain
amount of outside work, and men
with low grade point ratios should
n’t be allowed to hold one of these
Hardesty then said the second
rule was laid down- because in the
past, some men who Were elected
left school at mid-term, thus leav
ing a vacancy of their office.
Deadline for freshmen filing has
been set for Dec. 12, and Hardesty
requested all candidates file be
fore then to avoid last minute con-
fuskwi in the printing of ballots
and checking of candidates.
The election is scheduled for Dec.
17 in the dorms and is to be held
sometime during call to quarters,
between 7:30 and 10.30 p. m.
First Sergeants from the fresh
man units will meet with Hardesty
in the Lounge of Walton Hall Dec.
10 after the evening meal to work
out final methods for holding the
Manila, Dec. 5 (Wednesday)
(TP)—Rescue officials,on devastated
Camiguin Island expressed fears
Wednesday that 2,000 persons may
have perished when mighty Hibok
Hibok Volcano blew its top Tues
day without warning.
The known death toll reported
by the Philippine Red Cross mount
ed to 146.
ner of the most beautiful window,
most attractive doorway, best dec
orated outside tree, and miscellan
eous sections.
The miscellaneous section will
include rooftop, hedge, porch, or
any other decoration not included
in the other three sections.
Division II, open to married or
single students living outside the
dormitories, has two sections. First,
second, and third prizes will be
given in the best window decora
tion group. A first prize will be
given for the best miscellaneous
decoration; anything other than
window displays.
Company Winners
Division III, open to dormitory
students, offers prizes for win
ning companies in two sections.
First and second cash prizes will
be presented the commanders of
the two companies with the best
signs, for their company funds.
First and second prizes will be
given in the other section of Div
ision III, for the floor decorations
made by two outfits. This section
is the only one of the contest which
will be judged from inside the
“If residents are as interested
in winning prizes as the business
men are in giving prizes, this con
test will light College Station like
one big Christmas tree,” remark
ed the contest director.
A&M Debaters
To Compete
In Invitational
Texas A&M Debaters will
attend the University of Tex
as Annual Invitational Debate
Tournament in Austin Dec. 7
and 8. Four teams will debate
the subject, “Resolved that all
Americans shouldbe subject to
conscription for essential service
during time of war)”
Teams are made ,up of two sen
iors, James Farmer and Dan Davis;
and two juniors, Bert Weller and
Joe Riddle. Both teams will take
the affirmative. Taking the nega
tive side of the question will be
two freshman teams composed of
Kenneth Scott and Willard Jenkins,
and Thomas Newton and Chapman.
This is the first of many tourna
ments which the debaters from
A&M plan to enter this year. In
addition to several other tourna
ments in Texas, trips have also
been planned to Mississippi, Lou
isiana, and Arkansas.
Harry Hierth and Lee Martin,
debate club sponsors, have an
nounced that plans are also being
made for the Annual Texas A&M
Invitational Speech Tournament to
be held here in the spring.
‘Kids Concert’
Slated Tuesday
By Symphony
The Houston Symphony
conducted by Andor Toth will
present a special children’s
concert at 3 p. m. Tuesday at
Guion Hall.
The program has been especially
chosen by the Symphony staff for
the understanding and apprecia-.
tion of school children from both
elementary and high school grades,
according to C. G. White, assist-,
ant dean of men for activities.
Prelude to Act III of “Lohen
grin” by Wagner will be the first
number presented. Other numbers
are as follows; Overture to the
“Bartered Bride” by Smetana,
Waltz from the “Nutcracker Suite”
by Tchaikowsky, the Enchanted
Toy Shop by Rossini; Sleighride
by Anderson, Serenade of the Ca
rols by Gould, and The King and
I by Rodgers.
Un-programmed encores are Die
Fledermaus, The Waltzing Cat, and
the Hot Canary. The concert will
last about an hour. Tickets will
be sold at each school and the
Guion Hall Box Office.
All teachers and school admin
istrators may attend the concert
without charge, White said.
Boyle’s Column
Christmas Spirit Backfires;
Scrooge Hands-On t Money
A&M’s poultry judging team
placed first in the Market Pro
ducts division of the National Poul
try Judging Contest in Chicago,
Nov. 27 and 28. The team was sixth
in Exhibition and seventh in Pro
The team is composed of Bill
Boardman, George Townsen, and
Harlan Vaught. Kenneth Grant is
alternate and E. D. Parnell is
In total individual scores, Board-
man was third in the contest and
Townsend was sixth. Boardman
wis first in Market Products and
'yownsen was seventh in Produc-
The team left College Station
Friday morning, Nov. 23. That day
they did practice judging at Dallas
and at Oklahoma A&M. On Satur
day they judged poultry at the
University of Arkansas and made a
tour of Swanson and Sons Poul
try Plant.
Sunday they visited the Univer
sity of Missouri and did practice
work at the college poultry farm.
The team did more practice work
Monday at the Henderson Produce
Co, in Monroe City, Mo., where
they also made a tour of the plant.
The team arrived in Chicago
Tuesday and went on a tour of
points of interest in that city. The
Graded Eggs and Dressed Poultry
entries of the contest were Tues
day afternoon.
All live birds classes of the con
test were Wednesday. Results of
the contest were announced at a
banquet Friday night.
New York — <7Pi — Once upon a
time Charles Dickens wrote a fa
mous Christmas carol about an old
shilling-squeezer named Ebenezer
Scrooge and how he caught the
holiday spirit.
Did you ever wonder what hap
pened after that? Well. . .
A well-dressed fat man, his arms
full of gaily-wrapped packages,
stood by a bus sign.
Idly he watched a red-and-white
street corner Santa Claus solicit
ing donations. A seedy old man in
a worn brown coat came by.
“Anything for the unfortu
nates?” cried the Santa, ringing
his bell. “Anything for the poor
The seedy old man paused, fum
bled through his pockets, pulled out
a worn quarter and put it in the
hand of Santa Claus.
“Christmas!” he jeered. “Bah,
He wrapped his worn brown coat
tighter around his throat, and
walked on. Then he saw the fat,
well-dressed man. He held out his
hand and said whiningly:
“Can you stake a fellow to a bite,
brother? I haven’t eaten for two
“But I just saw you give a
quarter to that Santa Claus,”
said the fat man. “If I give
you another quarter, will you
give that one away, too?”
“I probably will—it’s the old
Christmas spirit in me,” agreed
the seedy character dismally. “I
can’t help myself. The Christmas
spirit is a curse with me—it runs
in my family.”
The fat man said he didn’t un
derstand. The seedy man said he’d
be glad to explain—in return for a
“But you’ll have to go to the
restaurant with me,” he added de
spondently. “Giving me money is
no good—I’ll just give it away
myself, and go hungry.”
The two went into a cafeteria,
and the seedy man ate greedily.
Over a steaming cup of coffee
he told the following tale:
“My great-great uncle was a
prominent English merchant. He
had scads of money, but he was
such an old skinflint the family
looked forward to inheriting it
soon, figuring he would die of his
own meanness.
“One Christmas eve his nephew
—my great uncle, that was—went
in to wish him the compliments of
the season, and the old scoundrel
grumbled, ‘every idiot who goes
about with Merry Christmas on his
lips should be buried with a stake
of holly through his heart’.”
“A real miser,* murmured the
fat man.
“Yes, indeed,” said the seedy
man. “But that night the old
miser went balmy in the head or
something. He began to have hal
lucinations—to repent.”
“That was nice.”
“You may think so. But he
began to get the idea he was
Santa Claus. He was infected
with Christmas. He raised all
his clerks’ salaries. He began
A second mighty blast was re
ported Tuesday night.
Thousands of terror-stricken in
habitants Wednesday were fleeing
remote Camiguin Island in the
Southern Philippines. They packed
themselves into all available craft
and headed for Mindanao Island,
forty miles south.
Town Evacuated
The Camiguin capital of Mamba-
jao, on the northern side, was re
ported evacuated except for a
handful of rescue workers.
The task of searching for the
dead and missing was pushed de
spite extreme peril.
But rescue workers picked away
at the smoking layers of ash and
lava only along the fringe of a
6-square-mile devastated area.
Because of the heat and acrid
fumes, they were unable to get
closer to ten villages believed de
stroyed at the slope of the 5,620-
foot peak.
Philippines news seiwiee corre
spondents who reached the island
Tuesday night said four of every
five inhabitants in the ten villages
were believed to be dead.
Without Warning
The villagers were reported trap
ped when the volcano erupted with
out warning at 7:15 a.m. (5:15
p.m., time Monday).
The blast sounded like an atomic
explosion and shot a boiling smoke
cloud three miles above the peak.
Hot ashes and glowing chunks of
lava fell like rain across a wide
Eye witnesses said a group of
children on their way to school
at Panasan village perished in the
first blast.
They said a searing stream of
lava obliterated the village.
Vegetation was charred black.
Outlying roads were littered with
corpses of humans and animals,
blackened from the intense heat.
Virtually all water was. polluted.
The weather bureau station at
Mamba jao reported:
“There were minor slides Wed
nesday morning. Situation not yet
clear. Waiter system paralyzed.”
The second big blast was report
ed at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday (3:30 a.m.
Monday Dallas time).
US Pilots Bag Five
MIGs, No Losses
General Clarke
To Address
RV Initiates
Major Genera] Bruce C.
Clarke, Commander of Fort
Hood, will be the guest speak
er at the annual Ross Volun
teer Banquet in the MSC oil
Dec. 13.
General Clarke is a 1925 West
Point graduate previously serv
ing as a private in the army in
1918 and the New York National
Guard in 1920.
During World War II, General
Clarke became commander of the
4th Armored Division under Gen
eral Patton. He has received 22
decorations and awards. Five of
these are foreign decorations from
France and Belgium.
Today General Clarke is one of
the United States authorities on
Armored warfare.
The banquet will be held at 7:3(1
p. m. in the MSC Ballroom. After
the dinner, General Clarke will
speak to the Volunteers on. the.
topic, “Handling of Men.”
The Ross Volunteers’ banquet is
an annual dinner where the new
members are initiated and sworn
into the oldest student military or
ganization in Texas.
This year' 80 new members are.
going to be sworn into the Volun
teers making its strength 125 said
Dick Ingels, Commander of thO
Seoul, Korea, Dec. 5—<7P>—U. S.
pilots today reported shooting
down five Red MIGs and damag
ing five in the tenth straight day
of jet warfare over North Korea.
The U. S. Fifth Air Force said
no U. S. jets were lost or dam
The Wednesday bag raised the
U. S. toll of Red jets in 10 con
secutive days to 64—32 shot down,
one probably shot down, and 31
damaged. Announced Allied losses
are six jets.
donating to orphan asylums and
bird homes. When he died and
they opened his will—he was
flat broke.”
“Yes, but—” said the fat man.
“That started the family curse,”
continued the seedy man. “My
great uncle buckled down and pen
ny-pinched his way to a fortune.
What happened? When he got
sixty, he went balmy one Christ
mas, too. He started giving ev
erything away, and didn’t quit
until he had.
“The same thing with my un
cle. And me? Five years ago,
after a lifetime of scrimping, I
had $500,000. Then the peace-
and-good-will bug hit me. After
that it was Christmas every day
in the year with me. It still
is—and I’m stone broke.”
The fat man began to feel un
easy. He gave his seedy compan
ion a dollar bill, and said he had
to be getting home.
As they left the cafeteria a bum
stepped up and held out his hand
hopefully. The fat man merely
looked the other way. The seedy
man in the brown coat hesitated,
then dolefully pulled out his dollar
bill. He gave it to the bum.
“Thank you—and Merry Christ
mas,” said the bum.
“Christmas!” snarled the seedy
old man in brown, “bah! humbug!”
As he stamped off angrily, the
fat man called after him:
“Say, by the way, what is your
And the answer came floating
across the quiet of the night—
Documentary Film
Shown in Guion
A documentary film made up of
highlights from March of Times
films during the period from the
end of World War I through World
War II will be shown Thursday
afternoon in Guion Hall.
Three free showings of “Fare
well to Yesterday” will be made
according to the following sche
dule: 1 to 2:30, 2:45 to 4:15, and
4:30 to 6.
All military students will see
the film, but there will be room
for as many faculty and staff mem
bers as care to see it, according to
C. G. White, assistant dean of
men for activities.
The 10-day run of daily jet war
fare is the longest of the Korean
Five Russian-type jets were shot
down in a 35-minute clash between
29 F-86 sabres and 80 MIG-15s
over Sinanju Wednesday. Another
MIG was damaged. The time
equalled the longest jet battle in
The Communists put about 230
MIGs into the air Wednesday.
They far outnumbered U. S.
Damage Red Planes
U. S. F-84 Thunderjets damaged
three MIGs and an F-80 Shooting
Star accounted for the fifth MIG
damaged in other fights.
Ground action Wednesday was
minor. .United Nations forces
threw back squad and platoon
sized Red probes on the central
sector, an Eighth Army com
munique said. No significant ac
tivity was reported from the
Western and Eastern fronts.
An Allied announcement said a
U. N. raiding party stormed
ashore deep behind Red lines on
the East coast Monday in the sec
ond hit-and-run raid in two nights.
Black-faced American marines
and British commandos scaled a
cliff and attacked a vital Com
munist rail line south of Songjin,
about 815 miles north of Par
allel 38.
Shells from the
Will Address
Dames Club
All student wives are invited
to attend the meeting of the Dames
Club at 8 p. m. tomorrow in the
Cabinet Room of the YMCA, ac
cording to Marge Dolan, president.
Dr. Nena Harris, pediatrician,
will lecture the group about “Feed
ing Habits of Children.”
“Following the lecture the club
will vote on changing the meet*
ing date, which is every othet
Thursday night, and conflicts with
another club,” added Mrs. Dolan.
“The vote will be taken due to
the popular demand by members
of both clubs involved.”
The Dames Club is open to all
student wives, and club officers
hope for a large attendance at to
morrow night’s meeting to hear
the guest speaker, and to join the
Voters to Receive
New Charter Copy
Copies of College Station’s pro
posed home rule charter will be
mailed to all qualified voters in
the city next week, according to
Ran Boswell, assistant city secre
City officials will receive the
charters from the printers by Sat
urday, and all copies will be mailed
by Dec. 8, Boswell said.
Election date for the home rule
charter was set by the city council
by Jan. 8. City Hall will be the
sole polling place. To cast ballots,
voters must present this year’s
poll tax receipt, Boswell said.
Campus Painters
Get Penalties
A senior student in the basic
division was given an indefinite
suspension for his part in the
painting on buildings on the TU
Campus, the dean of men’s office
announced this morning.
Five freshmen who were also
connected with the painting were
given 16 hours extra duty and
were campused until Easter.
Banking Forum Scheduled
By Business Students
Over 300 people are expected at
the meeting of the Business Soc
iety tonight at 7:30 in the MSC
Ballroom, according to T. W. Le-
land, head of the Business depart
Invitations have been sent to
Bryan and College Station bankers,
students in the Economics depart
ment, and students in the Business
A panel composed of three Texas
bankers will answer student’s ques*
tions. The panel will consist of
J. Henry Simpson, vice president
of the American National Bank in
Beaumont; E. M. Faubion, assist-
vice president of the Second Nat
ional Bank in Houston; and Albert
Ball, vice president of the Second
National Bank in Houston.
Two short films will be shown
at the meeting. They are “Pay
to the Order of,” showing the use
of checks, and “How Banks Serve,”
showing banking service for the
typical American family.
Harold Kittlebrand, district
chairman of the National Publis
Relations committee of. the Amer
ican Institute of Banking, will
make a talk on “Your Banks and
What They Mean to Wou.”