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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1951)
First Time Published I SWC Sportsmanship Committee Constitution Battalion Page 2 Editorials THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1951 Editor’s Note: This is the first time the constitution of the Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Committee has been printed. Members of the committee ratified this constitution at a meeting held at the first of the school year in Arkansas. PREAMBLE: We, the members of an intra-collegiate organization here in after named the Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Committee, so hereby affirm our will and purpose to the fur therance of sportsmanship and good relations in every field of student endeavor. ARTICLE I RULES GOVERNING MEETINGS AND PROCEDURE SECTION I. Membership The membership of this committee shall be as follows: Four (4) members from each of the conference schools who hold the positions within their respective schools or their appointed alternates for any position. 1. President of the Student Government 2. Editor of the School Paper 3. Head Yell Leader (In the case of schools who do not have such a position, any yell leader.) 4. A representative from the varsity teams who may be either elected by the athletes or appointed by the president of the student government. 5. The executive secretary as a non-voting member SECTION II. Voting Committee voting will be conducted by schools. Each school will have one vote. SECTION III. Parliamefttary Procedure Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in all meetings with the understanding that as need arises aand at the discretion of the chairman the formalities of such rules shall be dispensed with. SECTION IV. Meeting Places There shall be a minimum of three (3) meetings dur ing each school year: the first to be held in the fall at the school who holds the chairmanship. The second at SMU immediately preceding the Cotton Bowl Game. And the third in the Spring at the school who is host to the Conference Track Meet. SECTION V. Quorum Regular business may be conducted provided a min imum of four (4) schools are represented. ARTICLE II SECTION I. Presentation The presentation of this trophy to the winning school will be annually at the Cotton Bowl Game. SECTION II. Voting There will be two voting times, one at the end of Basketball seasdn and the other in December. The com plete results of the first ballot (i.e. at the end of the basketball season) will not be made public. The distribution of the ballots will be done by the chairman of the current year. Results will be announced at the Spring meeting as a part of the old business. This information may or may not be printed in School Papers at their discretion and in no event will state paper pub licity be encouraged. SECTION III. Who May Vote Ballots will be sent to the conference executive sec retary, Athletic director, dean of students, the executive secretary of the alumni association, of each school. The follows: 3, 2, 1. SECTION V. Winner Selection The school receiving the largest number of cumula tive -votes from both the Spring and Fall Balloting will be declared winner of the Sportsmanship Trophy. The winner will be announced at the meeting immediately preceeding the Cotton Bowl Game. ARTICLE III OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES SECTION I. Chairman The chairman of this committee shall be rotated in SECTION II. Executive Secretary An executive records office shall be established on a permanent basis and located at Texas A&;M. The operation of this office shall be performed at Texas A&M by one or more resident students who will mODAY the TU-A&M rivalry takes form for the 58th time Iyp nnminQfnrl flno Tpyqq A Hplaafl+mn cinrl r» i on Kyle Field. College officials are estimating over forty Howdy Stranger the following order: School Year School Year School Year 51- 52 Arkansas University 52- 53 TCU 53- 54 Baylor In following years the rotation will be in alphabetical order as follows: the University of Arkansas, A&M College, Baylor, Rice, SMU, TCU, and Texas University. The duties of the chairman will be to preside at all meet ings and to send reminders to all schools relative to meetings of the committee and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of chairman. The delegation with the chairmanship shall name the chair man. be nominated by the Texas A&M delegation and ap proved by the committee. The person (or persons) oper ating this office shall bear the title of Executive Secre tary. The duties of this office shall be: 1. To collect and keep a complete file of all minutes correspondence, and other information pertaining to functions of the Southwest Conference Sports manship Committee. 2. To take and record minutes of all meetings. 3. To furnish member schools with information to their individual operations. ARTICLE VI This constitution can be amended by a favorable vote of five of at least six schools. ARTICLE V This constitution and all amendments passed pursuant thereto shall be considered the paramount authority for mat ters relating to the Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Committee. thousand people here to see the game. Whether you are here as an Aggie partisan or a TU rooter, we welcome you to the campus. While you are here make yourself at home. Consider this your second home. While you are on the campus there are a few things we would like to point out. A&M is one of the friendliest colleges in the nation. If you will notice there are men all around you who are smiling and saying howdy. This is not a put on act. It is a tradition we are proud of around the school and state. At times a man will meet you. This is not part of a game, but is a very vital part of our life. We think the best way to show our genuine western hospitality is to get to know each other. • '^1 And to know each other well. A: To you the visitors on the campus we say howdy. Have a good time and the best team will win. ^ Sportsmanship Code The purpose of the Sportsman ship code is to further good rela tions between Southwest Confer ence Schools. I Team A. Each member of the team shall: • Participate in the contest to the best of his ability, abiding by fair and proper means of conduct determined by the rules of the contest. • Treat contest officials with due. respect and courtesy and shall accept the official’s decision in good spirit. ® Accept victory or defeat in a gracious manner. II Student Body A. Pre-Game Courtesy. • The host school shall: a. Write a letter to the visiting school and team prior to the game. This letter should be published dur ing the week prior to the game in the visiting school’s paper. The letter should list activities of the weekend, i.e. banquets, dances and receptions. b. Provide receptions and direc tions for visiting students and team. c. Provide a means of informa tion booths or ushers to provide information about tickets, sections, seating, etc. B. Game Courtesy: • There shall be cooperation be tween yell leaders, band and other student organizations and student body, i.e., yell leaders cheers will not coincide, and student bodies four delegates of the schools to the committee, seven will not yell while teams are in a sports writers selected annually (one from each school, huddle or calling signals. selected at the Spring meeting, and eight votes to con ference officials who officiated during the season prior to the balloting. SECTION IV. Weight of Votes Ballots delivered to the conference secretary will be weighed as follows: 5, 3, 2. Ballots sent to sports writers will be weighed as George—Assistant at USC (Continued from Page 1) nia won the Pacific Coast title once and ranked high three times. He was chief assistant to head coach Jeff Cravath the past two years at USC. George joined the Aggie staff as line coach just before spring drills. He was named head coach in April, succeeding Harry Stiteler. George lists as the two high spots of his career his games against Notre Dame for USC when the Trojans won a Rose Bowl bid in 1938 by beating the mighty (See GEORGE, Page 4) • The student bodies shall avoid misconduct such as fighting and overt demonstrations, use of in toxicating drinks, disrespect and discourtesy toward teams and offi cials, and general discourtesies during the halftime period. C. Post Game Courtesy • Each student body shall dem onstrate: a. Respect to both teams after game. b. Respect to each other and to spectators. c. Mutual respect for school songs when they are played. (Adopted Oct. 15, 1948) The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published by students five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms, The Battalion is published four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms, and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscrip tion rates $G.OO per year or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class Blatter at Post Office at College Staton, Texas, Under the Act of Con- iress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office. Room 201, Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. JOHN WHITMORE Editor Joel Austin Associate Editor Bill Streich Managing Editor Bob Selleck Sports Editor Frank Davis City Editor Pat Morley Women’s Editor T. H. Baker. E. R. Briggs, Benny Holub. Bryan Spencer, Ide Trotter, Edgar Watkins, Carl Posey, Gene Steed, Jerry Bennett, Bert Weller Staff Writers Bob Cullen, Jack Brandt Staff Cartoonist Frank Scott Quarterback Club Director Dick Zeek Staff Photographer Pat LeBianc, Hugh Phitllppus, Gus Becker, Joe Blahchette Ed Holder Sport? Staff Writers John Lancaster Chief Photo Engraver Russell Hagens J Advertising Manager Robert Haynis Advertising Manager Sam Beck ' ' Circulation Manager Ag-TU Game (Continued from Page 1) of the Longhorns. One 7)f the Aggies best game of the year, Oklahoma was played against the same type formation; however, they also witnessed one of their worst days against a sim ilar formation used by the Razor- backs. The freshmen coaches of the Southwest Conference, Ed Price, Texas, and Ray George, A&M, will be meeting for the first time. George hails from California, while Price has been around long enough to know what the conference is like. The Aggies have won all four non-conference games and tied wdth Baylor and SMU. Losses were to Rice, TCU, and Arkansas. A&M Head Coach Ray George as quoted to have said: “I’m new in this league, so I’m not too familiar with this old ri valry with Texas. I hear that it’s pretty hot though, and I guess I should be scai’ed. “They tell me the Texas players are so tough they snatch doors off hinges and butt their heads through plaster walls,” he added. It was also said that if some traitor to the Aggie cause doesn’t slip ai’ound and tip the guy (George) off to the fact that he’s supposed to lose—he’s pretty apt to make the mistake of winning and ruining another grand old TU tradition.