The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 22, 1951, Image 4
Page '4 THE BATTALION Thursday, November 22, 1951 Belcher - Crandall Marriage Vows Exchanged Here Nov. 24 The first wedding ceremony to be held in the new A&M Methodist Church will unite in marriage Miss Barbara Gale Belcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Belcher, and Gene Crandall Burns, son of Mi’, and Mrs. Paul Burns of Tulsa Okla. The wedding will be at 3:30 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 24. The Rev. James F. Jackson will officiate. Soloists are Mrs. Alan Alter and Mrs. Marvin Butler, who will be accompanied by Mrs. R. E. Leighton at the church organ. Mrs. Leighton will also play the tradi tional wedding marches. Wedding Party Bridal attendants will be Mrs. Douglas Tiner of San Antonio, Matron of Honor, and bridesmaids Della Ann Young, Joan Rupel, Louise Street, Judy Oden, Barbara Van Tassel, and Celeste Curran. The best man will be the groom’s brother, Donald Burns of Tulsa. Ushers will be Barry Belcher, brother of the bride, Richard French, Marvin Butler and Alan Alter. Miss Belcher attended the Gal- ludet School in St. Louis, and was graduated from A&M Consolidated High School in June and St. Mary’s Academy in Austin. In June the bride-elect graduated from Con solidated High School. Miss Barbara Belcher To Wed Gene Crandall all dressed up and someplace to go Arrow Formal Shirts You really breathe easy in Arrow formal shirts . . . they re designed for extra comfort. Standouts for style, too. Be sure to see these two favorite “tux” shirts at your Arrow dealer’s in time for holiday parties. Arrow “Shoreham” $6.50 (left, above) Arrow “Kirk” $6.50 (right, above) ARROW SHIRTS & TIES UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS step in for Arrow Formal step out I; in style and ... •: .♦ A- V-: / J if f, k finnj I comfort! t'K- v// / .-M. , Say good-hye to those “formal shirt” blues! You’ll be at ease all evening long in these Arrow shirts . . . ARROW “KIRK”: Full dress shirt with the proper 2-stud front, starched pique bosom and cuffs. - ARROW “SHOREHAM”: “Tux” shirt with medium-point collar, semi-starched pleated bosom. French cuffs. W. S. D. CLOTHIERS Bryan for arrow university shies In high school Miss Belcher was active in the band, the Future Homemakers of America, the 4-H Club, and was for two years the assistant Brownie Scout Leader. She represented CHS in the Cot ton Ball as duchess. Miss Belcher is the daughter of D. L. Belcher, of the Engineering Extension Service of A&M. Burns is a graduate of Will Rogers High School of Tulsa, and of Oklahoma A&M at Stillwater, where he received both his BA and MA degrees in mathematics. After serving 16 months in the Navy, the bridegroom taught math ematics at Mary Hardin Baylor College for 2 years. He is now a statistician with the Blue Cross Company in Tulsa. Bride-To-Be ii% jM(F Miss Jane French Marriage Slated Dec. 8 French - Blaisdell Wedding Set Dec. 8 Miss Jane French, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. Clement French, will be married to Thomas M. Blaisdell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charles Blaisdell of Ber keley, Calif., at the St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel in College Sta tion. Vows will be repeated in the candlelit chapel at 7 p. m. Dec. 8, with the Rev. Orin G. Helvey officiating. Formerly the rector of the St. Thomas chapel, Mr. Helvey is now rector of St. An drews Episcopal Church of Bryan. Mrs. 0. G. Helvey will play tra ditional wedding marches at the chapel organ. Daughter of the Dean of the College, Miss French has chosen Miss Evelyn Reagan of Beeville fox' her Maid of Honor. With University of California The bridegroom is the son of the former Assistant Secretary of Commerce of the United States, who is now professor of Political Science and director of the Bureau of International Relations at the University of California. David Dickson of Washington, p. C., will serve the bridegroom as Best Man. Ushers for the wedding will be Richard French, brother of the bride, and Bill Lewis, both stu dents of A&M. Miss French attended high school at E. C. Glass School in Lynchburg, Va. Her undergraduate work was started at Earlham College, Rich mond, Indiana, and Virginia Poly technic Institute. At VPI, the bride-elect worked on the school paper, and also worked for I'adio station WUTV. Miss French was graduated from SMU last June with a BA degree. At SMU the bride-to-be was a representative to the WSGB, and was elected to Beta Kappa Gamma. Blaisdell, who received his BS in electrical engineering at VPI, was graduated from high school in Washington, D.C., and re ceived his BS in electrical engin eering at VPI, in Blacksburg, Va. The bridegroom' spent two years in the ROTC, and holds member ships in the ASEE and IRE societ ies. What’s Cooking BI-STONE A&M CLUB: Thurs day, Nov. 22, Academic 126, 8:30 p. m. All students from Limestone and Freestone Counties will meet to organize this club. All students from towns in these counties are urged to be present. BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Social Room, MSC, 7:15 p. m. Discuss plans for Thanksgiving Party. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Room 2C, MSC, 7:30 p. m. A special meeting to discuss dance plans. All members are urged to be present. DALLAS A&M CLUB: Thurs day, Nov. 22, YMCA Assembly Room, 7 p. m. Meeting will be immediately after chow if there’s no yell px-actice. GALVESTON COUNTY A&M CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Third Floor Goodwin, After Yell Prac tice.. Important vote on Christ mas Dance. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Thursday, Nov. 22, Basement of St. Mary’s Chapel, 7:30. LUTHERAN WALTHER CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Room 3A, MSC. After Yell Practice. MARSHALL CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Assembly Room of YMCA. After Yell Practice. PLANT SCIENCE COLLO- QUIM: Thursday, Nov. 22, Room 3C, MSC, 8:30 p. m. Discussion Topic: Plant response to light and temperature. SOUTHWEST TEXAS A&M CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Room 2C, MSC, 7:30 p. m. Distribution of placards and tickets for Christ mas dance. TYLER-SMITH COUNTY A&M CLUB: Thursday, Nov. 22, Room 3B> MSC. After Yell Practice. Christmas party plans to be dis cussed. Refreshments will be seiwed. PatriciaLynch-Henry Gilchrist to Wa At Bryan First Baptist Church Nov. Miss Patricia Ann Lynch, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lynch, will become the bride of Henry Gilchrist, son of Chancellor and Mrs. Gibb Gilchrist, Saturday at 8 p. m. in the First Baptist Church of Bryan. The bifde’s father is head of thd Geology Department at A&M. Gibb Gilchrist, father of the groom, is the Chancellor of the A&M Sys tem. The Chancellor will be' his son’s Best Man at the candlelit service. Miss Carole Lynch will serve her sister as Maid of Honor. Brides maids will be Misses Neddie Jane Bullock, Joan Rupel, and Mary Ann Richardson of Bryan; Misses Lois Agnor, Emily Ann Finch, and Patricia Forbes of Flouston; and Mrs. Errol Fry of Houston, and Mrs. Bryan Peel of Austin. Grromsmen Groomsmen will be James Neal Reeves, Houston; Joe A. Orr Jr., BA Students Offer Prizes For Contest Business administration stu dents, while conducting a survey of marketing conditions in the area, found people more cooperative when prizes were offered. The survey was conducted last week by a marketing and research class taught by J. R. Miller, pro fessor of marketing. Purpose of the survey, which was a class pro ject, was to determine why local Bryan and College Station shop pers journed out of town to make purchases. Questionnaires containing 11 questions were mailed to 490 resi dents in Brazos County. The names were picked from the city directory at random. In the letter containing the ques tionnaire, there was a note ex plaining that a drawing would be held and prizes given three win ners. Forty per cent of the ques tionnaires were answered and re turned, according to Dr. Miller. Prizes were given three local citizens today at the noon luncheon of the Junior Chamber of Com merce. The prizes, of merchandise and food, were donated by mer chants in the JC’s. Dr. Miller said a report will be made of the project to help solve problems for the merchants of College Station and Bryan. Tom B. King, D.D.S. Announces the Association of W. H. Ritchey, D.D.S. For the Practice of Dentistry 101 South Washington PHONE 2-7865 Bryan This Texas Aggie Doll has a warm, cuddly rubber body stuffed with cotton and foam rubber. The head is practical ly unbreakable plastic with sparkling lucife eyes that open and close. The eyelashes are long and silky. Caress him gently—he sighs affectionately. Pinch him—he gives a painful sob. Squeeze him roughly — he’ll yell to let you know it hurts. This is the ideal gift for her. Come in to day and ask . to see the Texas Aggie Doll. THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” San Antonio; Robei’t G. Scofield, Gainesville; Dr. Louis H. Porter, Dallas; Dr. James G. Gabbard, San Antonio; Irvin Carroll, Bryan; Frank S. Haines Jr„i Liberty; and Malcolm Douglass, Pampa. Dr. W. H. Andrew will officiate at the ceremony. Mi’s. Imogene Nash Robertson, oi’ganist, will ac company Mrs. R. W. Butler, solo ist. The bride-elect received a BA de gree in Applied Art from the Uni versity of Texas last June. At the University, Miss Lynch was a member of Pi Beta Phi, the YWCA, the Campus League of Women Vot- ers, the Pan Hellenic Society, the Cap and Gown Board. She also an Upperclass Advisor. A&M Graduate Gilchrist, who received his b; elor’s degree in civil engineei at A&M in 1948, was editor the Engineei’, student magaz Also while at A&M, the br ^ groom-elect was a Distinguis Student and won the Faculty gineering Award. Gilchrist took a degree in 1 from the University of Texas 1950, and is now a practicing 1 yer in Pampa. Miss Patricia Ann Lynch Will Marry Chancellor’s! Son Eugene Rush KNOW AVHO YOU’RE DODGING! There’s no use moving over on the othei side of the street every time you see a civ ilian with a brief case coming your way this picture and a pair of binoculars car save you many unnecessary steps. . . . Or, if you prefer to walk the Campus with the lighthearted and carefree attitude of his numerous other policyholders, why not gc ahead and buy your life insurance policj from Eugene Rush today, so you can devote the rest of the year to your studies—anc women! Specials For Friday-"' Nov, 2E-24 ® EXTRA SPECIALS • Ocean Spray—300 CBANBEEKY SAUCE ... 15c 303 Size STOKELY’S PUMPKIN . 2 for 25c ROYAL GELATIN . 3 pkgs. 19c Gold Medal FLOUR 5 lbs. 45c Fresh Corn Oft Cob—12-Oz. NIB L E T ’ S .15c No. 2'/i—Halves HUNT’S PEACHES 25c • GROCERIES • Pillshury’s PIE CRUST MIX ...... 2 pkgs 33c Libby’s—V/i SPICED PEACHES 35c 303 Size LE SUER PEAS 24c Georgia Stewart PECANS lb. 33c Pound Can FORGER’S COFFEE 83c Sanitary ICE CREAM . . Pt.—23c Qt.—45c Bon Maraschino—8-Oz. CHERRIES 27c None Such MINCE MEAT pkg. 19c Golden Palm—7!4-Oz. PITTED DATES 21c Vl Pound HERSHEY’S COCOA 25c Imperial BROWN SUGAR 2 lbs. 23c El Chico—3-Oz. QUEEN OLIVES 21c Meadow Gold SWEET CREAM BUTTER . . .lb. 83c Del Monte Mary Washington All Green—No. 2 ASPARAGUS SPEARS 49c 6-Oz. HERSHEY’S KISSES 25c 6-Oz. HERSHEY’S MINIATURES . . . . 27c Betty Crocker PARTY CAKE MIX pkg. 33c 15-Oz. SUN MAID RAISINS 21c Del Monte—No. 2 WHOLE GREEN BEANS 29c Baker’s—4-Oz. SOUTHERN STYLE COCOANUT ... 15c Tea Garden—12-Oz. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES . . 29c Merrit’s—Light or Dark FRUIT CAKES . 2 lb. $2.50 — 3 lb. $3.75 FARMDALE MARGARINE . . lb. 19c DIXIE MARGARINE lb. 27c Premier Whole Midget—No. 2 BEETS 29c Blue Diamond SOFT SHELL ALMONDS . . . lb. 43c Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING pint 33c 14-Oz. Heinz CATSUP 25c Del Monte—303 FRUIT COCKTAIL 23c Mott’s SWEET CIDER quart 25c Stokely’s—303 CUT WAX BEANS 21c Hershey’s—'/z LJ>. BAKING CHOCOLATE 39c Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP ...... 2 cans 21c Sanitary MILK . . Qt. Bottle Homo. 23 — Past. 22 • PRODUCE 33( Starking Red Delicious APPLES 2 lbs. California POTATOES ... .5 lbs. 39( COCOANUTS each 19< JJJiJlVAilJlUQ PINK GRAPEFRUIT . . . . BANANAS each 10< . lb. lit • MEATS • Choice Fat Broad Breasted Tom $ TURKEYS lb. 55c Hen TURKEYS lb. 59c Armour’s Star Whole or Shank End SUGAR CURED HAMS . . lb. 52c Butt Portion SUGAR CURED HAMS . lb. 56c Armour’s Star BREAKFAST BACON . . . . . lb. 49c Armour’s Dexter BACON . lb. 39c Choice Veal ROUND STlCAK . lb. 89( VEAL CUTLETS . lb. 98t Fresh Ground HAMBURGER . lb. 59( Lean Trimmed PORK CHOPS . lb. 59< Pork Loin END ROAST . lb. 53< WISCONSIN CHEESE . . . . . lb. 59( SELECT OYSTERS . pt. 89< Fresh JUMBO SHRIMP . lb. 79< • DRUGS • Colgate—Giant Size TOOTH PASTE . . 33t 60c Value BRECK SHAMPOO . . . . , . . . 49( 39c Size (Plus Taxi MUM DEODORANT .... . . 33< 7-Oz. LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC . . . . 39« Wildroot—60c Size (Plus Taxi CREAM OIL HAIR TONIC . . , . . 39( St. Joseph’s—100’s ASPIRIN . . 25< St. Joseph’s—‘Pint MINERAL OIL . . 39* J. & J.—59c Value BANDAIDS . . 49. 35c Size ALKA SELTZER . . 29. 2 Quart Aluminum—$1.19 Value SAUCE] PANS . . 99. Metal—13x15—95c Value WASTE BASKETS . . 89. 4-Piece Metal—$2.19 Value CANNISTER SETS . .$1.81 3-Piece Heavy Aluminum—$2.69 Value RANGE SETS • FROZEN FOODS • Honor Brand BROCCOLI pkg. 25 Lone Star—10-Oz. READY TO FRENCH FRY SHRIMP, 59 Sky Hy HORSE MEAT FOR PETS . . 2 lbs. 29! Snow Crop ORANGE JUICE 2 for 37 THE SHOPPING CENTER A PERSONALIZED SUPER MARKET COULTER DRIVE AT HIGHWAY 6