The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 23, 1951, Image 1
D. B. COFFBR COLLEGE ARCHIVjST STUDENT MEMORIAL CENTER F. E. 3 COPIES Official Paper Of Texas A&M College And College Station The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Number 27: Volume 52 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1951 Published by The Students Of Texas A&M For 73 Years Price Five Cents 'Saw Varsity’s Horns Off Military Department Issues ‘Saber Call’ to Aggie-Exs The Military Department this week issued a call to all students or former students who have sabers to loan or | donate them for use by the A&M cadet corps. Fifteen unit commanders are without sabers at the pre- ; sent time, the department reported, and manufacturers have j j curtailed production to the extent that none are available from that source. They called on the Former Student Association to dig I out their old sabers and send them in to the Association office or Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant. The Military Department said if the sabers needed re conditioning, that work would be done by the college and the sabers would be returned when school is over in the spring, if the owner so desires. Senate Solves Seating Issue For Home Tilts By ALLEN K. PENGELLY Battai.ion Staff Writer Positive action was taken last night by the Student Senate to al- liviate the seating arrangement problem which occurred at the last “ . . . Saw Varsity’s horns off, saw Varsity’s horns off ...” These Aggies and their dates “sawed” back and forth in the usual manner as the band played the “Aggie War Hymn” during the A&M-TCU game in Fort Worth Saturday. The Aggie student section filled almost one-fourth of the 34,000 capacity stadium along with dates and friends of students. Meyer Admits Illegal Kick TCU’s coach L. R. “Dutch” Mey er admitted the in-bounds kick-off executed by his team in the fourth quarter Saturday against A&M was illegal. Sportswriter George Kellam of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, who interviewed the TCU mentor, said the coaches had observed game films and admitted the illegal for mation. Aggie coach Ray George said he would register no protest. “TCU Won Fair and Square” Also commenting on the illegal formation used by TCU, Lorin Mc Mullen of the Star-Telegram said in a column this morning, “Aggie Coach Ray George said that the TCU game was over and done, that TCU won fair and square and that the mistake of placing the ball five yards outside the inbounds marker (53 feet and four inches from the sideline) was an honest one.” George was in conference this morning and could not be disturb- Ed when a Battalion reporter call ed at press time. McMullen quoted George as say ing, “That didn’t beat us, after viewing the pictures today we’re more inclined to blame missed tackles.” > United Nations Group to Meet The United Nations Club will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the YMCA for organizational pur poses, announced Charles Beagle, last year’s secretary. Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant, will be guest speaker at the meet ing. Col Davis will speak on the general organization of the Uni ted Nations and will use project ed slides and films to aid his discussion. Beagle extended an invitation to all students, both American and foreign, to join the club. He also said local citizens are welcome to become members. Kellam said Howard Grubbs, executive secretary of the South west Conference, reported at Dal las, “I have had no complaint from Texas A&M and I know of no prec edence for such a protest.” Explaining the strategy he used, Meyer told Kellam, “We planned before the game to kick off in that manner every time in order to keep the ball away from that Glenn Lippman. We played it 12 yards in from the sideline and always on the opposite side of the field from Lippman. “Abe (Abe Martin, assistant coach at TCU) and I were thrown off the track by (Art. 2, Section 2) the NCAA rules. It describes the area enclosed by the sidelines and end lines as ‘inbounds.’ Then Ar ticle 3 of Section 1 concerning kicks (“A free kick must be made from some point on or behind the kick ing team’s restraining line and be tween the inbound lines.”) led us to believe we could kick anywhere be tween the sidelines. Diagram Was Proof “Had we looked at the diagram which accompanies the rules we would, Of course, have known bet ter for it clearly identifies what we call ‘hashmarks’ as ‘inbound lines’ 17 yards in from the side line as the outside limits of the free kick. “It wouldn’t have made any dif- ference to us so far as the onside kick was concerned. We were pri marily interested in keeping that ball away from Lippman,” Meyer concluded. In his column McMullen quoted George as saying, “The play could have been worked just as well from the inbounds marker or from the middle of the field, but regardless of the kicking point, it still is ex tremely difficult to execute. “TCU could have practiced the play for a solid month and not done it any better. The ball skidded just right, bounced just right and the end appeared in the proper spot just right. Our lads were alerted for the play, too, but there wasn’t anything they could do.” A&M Mothers Consider Blood Bank for Area The first meeting of the Brazos County A&M Mothers’ Club will be held at 3 p. m. Thursday in the YMCA Building. The club’s tra dition of giving the first annual meeting in honor of mothers of Freshmen will be carried out. Dean of Men W. L. Penberthy, chairman of the local chapter of the Red Cross, will outline condi tions and requirements to be con sidered for establishing a blood bank here. At present, the closest bank for plasma is Beaumont. The establishment of the local blood bank is the club project for the year. Penberthy will explain the methods employed by the Red Cross to allocate blood for use both in national defense and with local requirements. Tea will be served following the meeting. Refreshment chairman, Mrs. M. L. Cashion, will be assisted in hostess duties by the other club officers. ^ Officers for 1951-52 are Mrs. E. L. Williams, president; Mrs. O. A. Ashworth, vice president; Mrs. L. E. Ellwood, secretary; Mrs. Carl Birdwell, treasurer; Mrs. L. L. Stuart, parliamentarian; and Mrs. R. D. Lewis, reporter. Committee chairmen are Mrs. D. W. Williams, finance; Mrs. Ide P. Trotter, hospital; Mrs. M. L. Cashion, hostess; Mrs. W. Leland, student Activity; and Mrs. G. E. Madeley, extension committee. Thursday’s meeting will be the first of three regular club sessions to be held this school year. \ols First; Aggies 16th In AP Poll New York, Oct. 23—<A>>_ Ten nessee, the pre-season favorite, re gained the top spot today among the nation’s college football teams and the fourth weekly Associated Press poll. Unbeaten Baylor climbed to sev enth; Texas, victim of Arkansas, slipped from fourth to tenth; the Texas Aggies, plumeted to six teenth; and Arkansas gained a nineteenth round. Sportswriters gave S M U 12 points, Rice 10, and TCU 4. •California last week’s top team, dropped to number nine. The Tennessee Volunteers, who routed Alabama 27-13 Saturday, received a warming total of 70 first place votes, put of 161 cast by the nations' sportswriters and Spoftscasters to take over the num ber one rating. This gave Tennessee 1,354 points a comfortable margin over Michi gan State, the number two team, with 1,202 points. Michigan State, a 32-21 winner over Penn State, had 28 first place votes and moved up from a third place ranking a week ago. The rough weekend for several top-ranking teams caused some juggling of the standings among the top ten, but only Texas A&M dropped out of the select group. The Aggies skidded from number six last week to number sixteen this week after being upset by TCU 20-14. Another team moving up is Bay lor, now number seven, after a number ten ranking last week. The Bears stomped Texas Tech 40-20 Saturday. All of the top ten teams, except Southern California, California, and Texas are undefeated and untied. First Ten 1.—Tennessee (70) 1,354 2.—Michigan State (28).... 1,204 3.—Georgia Tech (16) 1,022 4.—Illinois (12) 878 5.—Maryland (13) 841 6.—Southern Cal. (13) 711 7.—Baylor (2) 621 8.—Princeton (2) 528 9.—California (1) 435 10.—Texas 182 Second Ten 11.—Stanford (1) 164 12.—Cornell (1) 131 13.—Northwestern . 122 14.—Wisconsin 98 15.—Notre Dame 97 16.—Texas A&M (1) 91 17.—Kenttucky (1) 47 18.—Washington State 38 19.—Arkansas 26 Feds Reshuffle Delegation; No 'Go-Ahead’ Signal Yet Munsan, Korea, Oct. 28 — (A 3 ) Communists reshuffled their Ko rean truce delegation today but still had not given a go ahead sig nal for renewing armistice talks. Red China’s Peiping radio re ported two generals of the five- man Communist delegation have been replaced. A United Nations spokesman said the changes may indicate the Reds plan to place greater emphasis on military con siderations and less on political phases of an armistice. Reorganization of the Commun ist delegation was announced as the Reds ignored a U.N. challenge to ratify quickly new truce talk rules. That was the only thing still needed to reopen negotiations to end the fighting in Korea. The Red delay ruled out the possibility of a meeting before Wednesday. Joy Signs Rules Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, top Allied negotiator, signed the new ground rules Monday a few hours after liaison officers approved them. He asked North Korean Lt. Gen. Nam II, head of the Red truce team, to act quickly so ne- gotiations could be resumed promptly after a two-month inter ruption. While Nam II was silent the Peiping radio announced changes in the Red delegation, paralleling replacement last week of two mem bers ' of the U.N. truce team. Tfie broadcast said Chinese Gen. Fieri Chiang - Wu would replace- Chinese Gen. Tung Hwa, and North; Korean Gen. Cheng Du Kon would 7 succeed' North Korean Gen. Chang Pyqng San. (A Hong Kong dispatch identi-' fied .Pien as a former military at tache to'Red China’s embassy in Moscow. , The dispatch said the 46- year-bld general was in Moscow- this Fall:) “More Military Type” Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckolsj official ..spokesman of the U.N. command, said it was possible Pien; was “a more military type” than Tung who was regarded by the U.N. delegation as a political ad- Nuckols said Chang never gave any indication of taking an active part in negotiations. The cljfe.nge, Nuckols said, might indicate the Communists will show greater interest in the military aspects of an armistice. The U.N. command has emphasized military considerations throughout negotia tions and has accused the Reds of being primarily interested in polit ical angles. This was particularly true of the location of a buffer zone for the Too Few Homes With Boxes For Mail Delivery Twenty-six per cent of the houses in College Station have mail boxes, a survey conducted by the Kiwanis Club, showed. This is not a large enough num ber for house-to-house mail de livery to start, according to Dr. T. O. Walton, College Station post master. Two federal requirements must be met for the service to begin, house numbers and mail boxes. Over 80 per cent of the houses in the city have numbers, the survey showed. Residents were urged by Joe Sorrels, president of the Chamber of Commerce, to erect mail boxes. The requirements have not chang ed, Sorrels emphasized. The boxes may be placed on the front of houses or on fences in all areas except the wooded area of College Hills. In this area, mail boxes must be erected adjacent to the street on which the house is located. Another survey will be conduct ed, Sorrels said. Earl Cunningham is in charge of the committee which conducted the recent survey. armistice—the only point discussed so far. That’s the question nego tiators will take up when they meet again. Reds Insisted on Zone The Reds have insisted such a zone be centered on the 38th par allel, old political boundary be tween North and South Korea. Thf? Allies have been equally in sistent that the buffer zone be determined purely on military con siderations. They want it based on defensible positions approxi mately on the current battle line. Most of the battle line is north of the parallel. U.N. troops have been shoving it steadily north since the Reds broke off truce tlks Aug. 23. The Allied command said its demands will move north with the front. Tuesday U.N. infantrymen began enveloping Kumsong, former Red stronghold 30 miles north of Hie parallel on the Central Front. The center is the only current active ground sector. The air war blazed up again Tuesday in a clash of more than 100 jets. The U.N. said two Red jets were shot down and several damaged. The Allies, getting ready for re newed truce talks, are shipping big balloons from Japan to Korea to protect the Panmunjom site from air attack. home football game. A committee, under the direction of the Senior Class mapped out a plan whereby it will be virtually impossible for any student to sit in the wrong section, but still al low a maximum number to sit clos er to the 40-yard line. All seniors, both corps and non-corps will have reserved seats up to the 50-yard line. This new system makes use of the “ramping” technique to provide suitable seats for a minimum num ber of people. Each class will have a special ramp through which only members of that class will be per mitted to enter the stadium. Em ploying this system the Senate hopes for an even flow of students into the stands and insures the stu dent of finding his date or guest in the proper section. Here is how the new seating ar rangement operates: Each student will be issued a colored card that is perforated—one half to be kept by the student and the other to be issued to a guest. This card will admit the bearer to a designa ted section of the stadium. Harold Chandler, chairman of the committee, is making arrange ments to have prined color-coded cards to be issued to all students in time for the A&M-Baylor foot ball game. Use of Color Cards The color-code is as follows: a red card will admit any senior in to a section which extends from the goal line to the 50-yard line; a green card will admit any junior into a section which extends fi’om the end-zone to the 40-yard line; and a yellow card will admit any freshman or sophomore into a sec tion which extends from the mid dle of the end-zone to the 40-yard line. Non-corps seniors will enter Kyle Field through ram Q and sit in a section 10 rows from the top. Corps seniors will be admitted (See SENATE, Page 4) Pets On Parade At CHS Tonight Pets of all kinds, from alley Selected by a judging committee cats to registered pups, will com pete tonight in A&M Consolidated High School Stadium for ribbons and prizes. The event is the an nual Pet Show, sponsored by the Mother’s and Dad’s Club at A&M Consolidated. A grand parade is scheduled to begin at 7 p. m. The best perform er or best decorated entry will be Sascha Brastoff Here Thursday Noted Artist Plans Visit to A&M Sascha Brasthoff, nationally known artist, sculptor, and cera mist, is going to break away for a few hours Thursday afternoon from a week-long personal appear ance exhibition of his work in Houston to visit A&M. He will be the guest of the MSC Art Gallery Committee at a spec ial informal coffee Thursday after noon at 2:30 in the MSC second floor Serpentine Lounge, Charles Stiefel, committee chairman, said this morning. “We want to extend a cordial invitation to the students, fac ulty and general public to be with us and meet Sascha Blas toff,” Stiefel said. Sascha, as he prefers to be called, has been in Houston since Saturday making a personal ap pearance at a special exhibition of his work by Sakowitz Bros, de partment store. His work will be shown at only one other store in the nation, Marshall Field’s of Chicago. 7,000 Summer Visitors Listed More than 7,000 persons visited the A&M campus during June, July, and August, according to fig ures compiled by the MSC and col lege officials. The visitors attended short cour ses, conferences, and other pro grams. The largest single group to visit the campus was the Texas Home Demonstration Association, with 1,800 in attendance. Approximately 3,000 more peo ple officially visited the campus during the past summer than were recorded as visitors a year ago. An ex-GI, the young artist has I awards and is distinguished for risen to national prominence in its extraordinary color and rhyth- the few years since World War j mic composition. II, and his work has won numerous ' For the past few years Sascha Sascha Brastoff has been specializing in the field of decorative-utility art pottery and recent national magazine articles explain that his name is fast becoming the by-word among art pottery buyers. Ceramic Industry magazine says that Sascha “has taken truly fine art and translated it through the medium of art pottei’y in such a way as to make each piece an in dividual collector’s item having high utility as well as decorative value.” \ Sascha himself says, “ My goal was to bring collector’s items in art pottery within the reach of the average retail consumer, and I be lieve we are now doing that.” And Sascha does this through a system of rigid artist control in which he produces the ori- Senior Class Meets In MSC Thursday A Senior Class meeting has been called for Thursday night after yell practice, according to J. W. “Doggy” Dalston, class pres ident. Slated for the Ballroom of the MSC, the class will hear reports from all committees. The groups and their chairmen are as fol lows: traditions, Bob Langford; calendar sales, Van Vandenburg; Social C. L. Ray; gift, Ted Steph ens, campus beautification, Harold Hughes; class history, A. C. Burk- halter. Dalston said the class will also decide what to do about speaking on the campus during the week prior to each football game. ginal form and design of a piece and then after careful selection of colors sends his creation through a battery of personally supervised artists. Each of these assistants is al lowed to express freely his own artistic feeling within the limits of the basic design. The results is that no two pieces from Sascha’s production line ever are exactly alike, but are, in es sence, each an individual creation bearing his signature. Headquarters of the Sascha Brastoff organization are locat ed in Hollywood, Calif, where he operates a production plane and separate studio where he pro duces original designs and test pieces. The young artist agreed to ap pear at A&M after an exchange of correspondence with J. Wayne Stark, MSC director, who heard that Sascha was to appear in Hous ton and thought he might like to visit A&M. Though he expressed pleasure at being invited to A&M, Sascha is on a tight schedule in Houston and must return there immediate ly after his appearance here, Chairman Stiefel explained. headed by Dr. W. W. Armstead. A prize will be awarded the winner by R. B. Hickerson, ring master. All entries will be registered by 5:45 p. m., and the show will be gin at 6 p. m. Two rings will be set up on the field, one for pure bred dogs and one for common var ieties. Tables will be set up between the rings for pets such as cats, rabbits, birds, fish, turtles, and other small pets which may be en tered. Special provision is being made for pets weighing over 100 pounds, and trick pets. Ribbon awards will be handled by B. C. Moore. Other committee chairmen for the show are G. W. Litton, business manager; J. F. Fowler, concessions; Carl Landis, enteitainment; J. K. Riggs, equip ment; Walter Manning, organiza tions; John Denison, programs; and G. C. “Spike” White, publicity. Tickets for the show are being sold by grade school children, ac cording to V. W. Schember, ticket chairman. Tickets will be sold at the gate, he indicated. Senior Rings Arrive; Oct. 31 Last Order Date Senior rings which were to be ready by Oct. 1 are now in the registrar’s office said Mrs. Dell Bauer. “They may be picked up only in the morning,” asserted Mrs. Bauer, but warned “Oct. 31 is the last day in which orders for the rings may be taken to insure delivery before Christmas.” Music Program Heard by Lions The College Station Lion’s Club was entertained with a musical program Tuesday at their weekly noon luncheon in the MSC. Mrs. Harry Shannon and Robert Boone gave two vocal selections each, Mrs. Shannon, wife of a stu dent, starred here in the summer operetta “H. M. S. Pinafore”. Boone, who is music instructor at A&M Consolidated High School, sang Summer before- last with the Houston Lyric Theater which produced many of the outstanding light operas. Mrs. Shannon sang “One Kiss” and “My Hero.” Boones renditions were “Shad- drack..” and “The Flea.” Both singers were accompanied at the piano by Miss Betty Bo- lander. President A1 Price announced that a ladies night program will be held in place of the regular meeting next Monday. R. P. Wood of the Business Administration Department is in charge of ar rangements.