The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 22, 1951, Image 2
Battalion Editorials THE BOY STOOD ON THE BURNING DECK DemOCVatS Pool Votes Page 2 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1951 Forgotten Battle? DETTER THAN a year has passed since the conflict in ** Korea started. The conflict started with much ado and the characteristic American optimism. Now, better than a year later we are gradually drifting back to business as usual. Most of us, perhaps with the ex ception of those who have very close friends or loved ones over there, are thinking less and less of the men over there and more and more of our little everyday, petty problems. If you have been watching the newspapers, you have probably noticed that the Korean news has been getting less and less coverage and more and more of the least favorable spots in the paper. As long as American men are fighting and dying we are at war whether it is declared or not. All the reports coming in from the battle areas state that the fighting is worse than a great majority of that which was engaged in during World War II. Rather than a slacking of interest and effort, this should be a time of redoubled efforts. There are countless ways that we back here can make it a little better for those guys who are finding out what Hell is really like. The government is sponsoring more bond drives, the Red Cross is asking for more blood donations, the Crusade for Freedom is asking for funds to help man a Radio Free Asia station, and last but far from least in this short list is those ever important letters. These are just a few ways we can renew faith with those men who are giving every thing. * Anti-Truman Fight Starts (Editor’s note: Associated Press writer Don Whitehead tra veled through seven southern states and talked to people from all parts of the south to find out what is brewing in next year’s presidential campaign be low the Mason-Dixon line. The following story is one of a ser ies of surveys by AP reporters of the American political scene.) By DON WHITEHEAD Washington, Oct. 22 —(A 5 )— A “beat Truman” movethent led by powerful Dixie Democrats already is gaining headway throughout the southland even though President Truman has given lio hint he Will seek another term. This political usrising can hard ly be written off as just another “Dixiecrat” rebellion with no more steam behind it than the one which cost Mr. Truman 39 electorial votes in the 1948 election. This time the fires of political American, British Diplomats Still Question Red Sincerity By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Foreign Affairs Analyst After all these years of broken agreements and studied provoca tions, it seems a little strange to read that diplomats in Washington or in London or in Paris are spec ulating whether the Soviet Union is “sincere in its latest utterance.” But an elementary courge in Stalinism would convince them that “sincere” is an odd word to apply to the present rulers of Mos cow. Want Conference Washington dispatches quote the diplomats as expressing hope that the latest Moscow pronouncement might mean a four-power confer ence. Perhaps that is just what the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Battalion’s Comments on Magazine Article Questioned by History Prof Editor, The Battalion: For two days last week I held my breath while waiting for your editorial comments on William. Huie’s recent attempt to discredit the teachers and scholars in our colleges and universities. Friday’s half-hearted denunciation was nei- their effective nor very satisfac tory; it did a disservice to your paper and a gross injustice to a fearless editorial writer, H. L. Mencken. Your commentator seemed to ex perience difficulty in distinguishing between “good information” and opinions which he has probably en tertained since he first picked them us at his fourth grade teach er’s knee. There was precious lit tle information in Huie’s article, and even that was not to be found in what Mr. Rountree labeled “the brighter spots.” Typical of Inquisitors Rather Huie’s innuendoes, his vague allusions, and not so subtle implications are more typical of our modern inquisitors who em ploy unconstitutional means to pre serve the Constitution, who resort to lawless and disorderly defenses of law and order, who serve demo cracy by negating it, who, behind the fig-leaf of Americanism and individualism, would eliminate all that is worthy of those terms. That we need more honesty and responsibility in our public offi cials is not here denied; that it will be brought about by Huie’s in tellectual dishonesty and irrespon sible journalism is. Besides, cor ruption and incompetence are not peculiar to government; they are simply a reflection of the confused state of our social values and an inadequate preparation for adult life in general. In a business society, as Lincoln Steffens told us year’s ago, politi cians do not corrupt good business men: the exact opposite is more often the case. That college cam puses have not been immune to this contagion has been demon strated by recent development in the “business” of football, to say nothing of basketball. Your editorial reminded me of the nearsighted man who threw his glasses away because they made his home and friends look ugly. Let us hope that the editors of The Battalion are not planning to cure their intellectual myopia and thereby remove the eyesores of modern social and political problems by discarding their jour nalistic spectacles. As for the Mercury under Men cken’s editorship, it was the com plete antithesis of the current American Mercury, in more ways than one. Here I refer primarily to the forceful and courageous critical pieces by Mencken him self. No innuendoes or allusions for him. When he wanted to take a crack at Woodrow Wilson, he made no snide remarks about the Presi dent’s second wife as so many did in those days. No, Mencken tagged Wilson himself for what he was: “The self-bamboozled Presbyterian, the right thinker, the great moral statesman, the perfect model of a Christian cad.” The terms are a bit extreme perhaps, but nevertheless a fair appraisal of Wilson’s character. Mencken was one of the few hon- US Planes Unable To Attack Target A U. S. Rir Force Base in Japan, Oct. 22—(A 5 )—Crews of nine B-29 Superforts glumly returned tonight without having reached a “very special” target in North Ko rea. They unloaded their bombs— 144, one-hundred pounders in each plane—on hail facilities at often- bombed Hamhung instead. Lack of fighter cover was giv en as the reason the bombers turned back when 30 minutes from the target. By radio it was learned a runway accident at a fighter strip in Korea delayed takeoffs until it was too late to make the rendezvous. One fighter pilot was burned, but not fatally, in a crackup that halted use of the runway for precious minutes, it was learned after landing. The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texee, is published by students five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms, The Battalion is published four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms, and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscrip tion rates $6.00 per year or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Kntered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Staton, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office. Room 201, Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. JOHN WHITMORE Editor Joel Austin - Managing Editpr Bill Streich News Editor Frank Davis City Editor Allen Pengelly Assistant News Editor Bob Selleck Sports News Editor William Dickens Feature Editor Pat Morley Women’s Editor T. H. Baker, E. R. Briggs, A1 Bruton, Norman Campbell, Mickey Cannon, Monte Curry, Dan Dawson, Bob Fagley, Benny Holub, Howard Hough, Jon Kinslow, Bryan Spencer, Ide Trotter, John Robards, Carol Vance, Edgar Watkins, Berthold Weller, Jerry Wizig, Raymond York News and Feature Writers Bob Cullen, Jack Brandt Cartoonists Frank Scott Quarterback Club Director Jim Jenson Photographer Pat LeBlanc. Hugh Phillips, F. T. Scott, Chuck Neighbors, Gus Becker, Joe Blanchette, Ed Holder Sports News Writers John Lancaster. Chief Photo Engraver Russel Hagens • i ......: Advertising Manager Robert Haynie ..Advertising Representative “It would have been suicide to have gone through with the mis sion,” one officer commented en route back to base. “You heard one of our scouting planes report that four flights of MIG-15s had taken off from Antung. Without fighter-bombers ahead of us to knock out the Ack Ack around the target, and Sabre jets and meteors above us to keep off the MIGS, we wouldn’t have stood much of a chance.” At the early morning briefing before departure, officers of the 98th Bombardment Wing of the Far East Air Forces emphasized that “despite unfavorable weath er conditions this mission is of such importance we must have a go at it.” Because the target is still “very special,” its location and nature cannot be disclosed until it has been eliminated. Today’s flight was headed by Col. Edwin F. Harding, of Franklin, Ohio. The plane which flew on his right wing was commanded by Capt. George C. Kalebaugh of 3522 McKinley Ave., El Paso, Tex., and it carried one of several cor respondents on the mission. It is called “Tidy Widow.” Formerly named Miss Tampas, it is believed to hold the record for missions by any B-29 operat ing from this base—144, includ ing today’s. Nearly half of its successful raids were under the leadership of Maj. W. G. Cook of Deansboro, N. Y. Capt. Kalebaugh and most of his crew were making their “air medal flight—their tenth. They ar rived in Japan Sept. 16 from Ran dolph Field and flew their first Korea mission Sept. 22. A minute after the takeoff fog and overcast was so thick the out side engines were invisible, but at 6,000 feet there was sunshine. The top of Mount Fugi could be seen through billowy white clouds. Communications between planes were kept as brief as possible. After the non-appear ance of the fighters and the trip to Hamburg, the monotony of the run was broken by “bombs away!” Besides Kalebaugh, those who earned the air medal by today’s flight included S/Sgt. Thomas W. Luker, 1948 Gonzales. Rd., San An tonio, Tex., flight engineer. estly free men who dared criticize the trite and the commonplace, who resisted the overwhelming tide of mass opinion, who defied the censors and inquisistors of the witch hunts of an earlier day, who more than suspected that the American people were growing “more timouous, more sniveling, more poltroonish, and more igno minious every day.” “Himself a Better Citizen” Yet he rightfully considered himself a better citizen, more use ful to the Republic, than the “thousands who put the Hon. War ren Gamaliel Harding beside Fried rich Barbarossa and Charlemagne, and hold the Supreme Court to be directly inspired by the Holy Spirit, and belong adrently to every Rotary Club, Ku Klux Klan, and Anto-Saloon League, and choke with emotion when the band plays the Star Spangled Banner, and believe with the faith of little children that one of Our Boys, tak en at random, could dispose in a fair fight of ten Englishmen, twenty Germans, thirty Frogs, Forty Wops, fifty Japs, or a hun dred Bolsheviki.” On those Americans who do not try to censor or intimidate pub lic opinion but merely resort to a naive hope that eventually all will turn out right, Mencken was equally harsh: “The boobus Ameri- canius is a bird that knows no closed season—and if he won’t come down to Texas oil stock, or one-night cancer cures, or building lots in Swamphurst, he will al ways come down to Inspiration and Optimism, whether political, the ological, pedagogical, literary, or economic.” Outlook Not Youthful Mencken pointed out in the early 1920’s that the American out look was no longer youthful: “All the characteristics of senescence are in it: a great distrust of ideas, an habitual timorousness, a harsh fidelity to a few .fixed beliefs, a touch of mysticism.” I wonder what thoughts are now passing through the mind of this sucrri- lous scold who still wants to be known as a Christian and a pat riot. Somehow I fear your editorial of last Friday would have con firmed his worst suspicion that “The normal American of the ‘pure-blooded majority goes to rest every night with the uneasy feeling that there is a burglar under the bed, and he gets up every morning with a sickening fear that his underwear has been stolen.” George Rudisill, Jr. History Department P. S. The Mencken quotations come from his essay “On being an American” in his Prejudices: Third Series (New York: Knoph; 1922); and William Manchester, Disturb er of the Peace: the life of H. L. Mencken (New York: Harpers; 1951). Moscow machanitions mean. But is is nothing to express hope about. Moscow, they say, may now “agree” to a top-level meeting. Therei will be no four-power meet ing unless the Kremlin considers that to its advantage. This will not be “agreeing” to anything. It will be a matter of tactics. There are all sorts of reasons for supposing that a four-power meeting is right up Moscow’s al ley. It would throw a monkey wrench neatly into the rearmament works, so far as Western Ger many is concerned, for one thing. Propaganda Sounding Board Moreover, a four-power meeting would be a ready-made sounding board for Moscow’s propaganda. The Russians have been intent upon carrying out a program aimed at cutting the United States off from the rest of the world. If a four-power meetiing will carry this program a step further, they will “agree” to it. Our ambassador to Moscow says the Russians will respect nothing hut power: “We cannot negotiate with the Soviets when we are weak.” This does not mean we should purr soft word and timidly hope Moscow will “agree” to a four-power meeting. From the ex perience of the past, it would seem that the only four-power meeting with any chance of doing any good would be the one that Moscow had to plead for. Moscow Will Wait The way the situation stands now, Moscow will wait for the proper moment, condescend to have a meeting, and once again foster the hope among strife-weary peo ples that “the co-existence of two systems is possible.” But by the very definition of Stalinist Com munism, there can be no such thing as peaceful co-existence. Stalinism thrives on strife, and with the shape the world is in to day, Moscow surely must be chort ling. Notes From Grad School Candidates for graduation at the close of the first semester may clear their records for grad uation now. The Graduate School is now ac cepting “notices of intention to graduate”. Graduate students must file such a notice with both the dean of the Graduate School and the registrar. Nov. 1 is the last in February. Every student now should know whether he expects to complete his degree requirements at the: end of this fall semester. If he does intend to complete them he should file these notices soon per mitting a thorough check of his record to be sure that nothing has been overlooked. The forms for declai’ing a can didate’s intentiion to graduate are available in the office of the Dean of the Graduate School and in the office of the Registrar. revolt ai’e being tended by men who have not only great influence through the south—but men whose names are known across the na tion. Whether it could achieve greater results that the 138 State- Righters is a question for the fu ture. Even though the Democratic Na tional Convention is nine months distant, the south’s anti-Truman forces are groping toward a way either to deny Mr. Truman the party nomination, or—failing that —to block him in winning another term. These are facts and conclusions drawn froin a trip through seven southern states and talks with senators, governors, political lead ers, editors, businessmen and oth ers from all walks of life. This “beat Truman*’ movement has not yet developed a solid or ganization. Neither is the strategy clearly defined. But the direction is clear and the effort already is underway to pull the various state parts into a whole. Success Still Questioned Whether it will ever suceed is a point of dispute even ainong southern leaders. So far, the pro- Truman foi’Ces for the most part ai’e sitting on the sidelines wait ing to see what happens but de termined to keep the south on the side of the party nominee. The “anti” leadership is coming from Senator Harry Byrd of Vir ginia and Gov. James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, both bitter poli tical foes of the Fresident. They are in close touch with other lead ers in the South who are looking to them to call the signals. Next month prominent southern ers are being invited to Selma, Ala., on Nov. 1, where Byrd is scheduled to address an Alabama farm group. This meeting has tak en on growing importance, with some signs it may be the kick-off in the “beat Truman” drive. The picture is likely to become clearer, too, after the southern governor’s conference in mid-No vember at Hot Springs, Ark. Lost Southern Votes candidate and that Senator Taft of Ohio will win the GOP nomin ations: Southern delegations to the na tional convention would notify the convention in advance of their op position to Mr. Truman as a can didate and their intention of op posing him if nominated. Then if Mr. Truman were nom inated over the south’s objections (and Dixie leaders concede they couldn’t block it), the southerners would 1 call a convention to nomin ate a candidate of their own choice. Russell Mentioned The name most frequently men tioned for this nomination is Sena tor Richard B. Russell of Georgia, who polled 263 convention votes Three years ago, Mr. Truman lost all the electorial votes of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina, plus one vote from Tennessee. The voters went to the State’s Rights presidential candidate J. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. The 1948 State’s Righters re bellion lacked the support of the three years ago. south’s top-ranking political lead- With electors instructed for ers. But indications at this time Russell, some of these strategists are that there will be no such figure the south might deny Mr. lack next year—if Mr. Truman is Truman from 73 to 93 electoral Democratic flag bearer. votes and throw the presidential This is being made clear by election into the House of Repre southern democratic leaders in sentatives for lack of a majority Washington and others in Ala- by any of the candidates. bama, Georgia, Louisiana, Miss issippi, Texas, Tennessee and Flor ida—most of whom expect Mr. Truman to run again. The new strategy of anti-Tru man forces may be an effort to capture control of the south’s na tional convention delegations and to step up machinery to carry out the revolt within the framework of the state democratic parties. Possible Strategy Plan Here is a plan of possible stra tegy being discussed in Washing ton and among political leaders in other southern states, based on the assumption that Mr. Truman will be the democratic presidential The states figuring in this spec ulation, and their electoral votes, are: Alabama (11), Arkansas (9), Georgia (12), Louisiana (10), Mississippi (9), South Carolina (8), Texas (23), and Virginia (11). A presidential election in the House would give the south a strong position because each state has only one vote and Senator Rus sell is a powerful and highly re spected figure in Congress. In a three-way contest between Mr. Truman, Taft and Russell, some southerners figure Russell would win all the south’s votes and pull enough votes from Taft (See ANTI-TRUMAN, Page 4) Say, Men “ ‘The time has come,’ the walrus said, ‘to speak of many things . . ” And so it has. But we have just one thing to speak ot We want to remind you of a request we made a few days ago. It’s about that job that all you students should do. The Time Has Come Yes, the time has come for you to invite your home town friends who are high school seniors, to come to Aggieland for a visit. And this weekend is a good time for them to come. They can see the game between A&M and Baylor, they can have chow with you in the mess hall, they can spend the night in the dorm. It would be only a taste of Aggie life, but it would give them an idea of what it means to be an Aggie. So Invite Them Down Ask your friends to come to Aggieland this weekend. Show them around. Introduce them to your Aggie friends. Then tell your friends to come to school here this January, or June, when they graduate. If they do, you’ll benefit, and A&M will benefit, and they will benefit. LI’L ABNER Just Before The Battle, Mother!! By A1 Capp Pliiletelic Society To Meet Tuesday The Brycol Philatilic Society will meet Tuesday at 7 p. m. in room 21 of the Civil Engineering Building, announced S. R. Wright, secretary.