The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1951, Image 3
Friday, October 25, 1951 THE BATTALION Page 3 Football Pickings Cadets May Win Or Lose Says AB New York, Oct. 18—(AP)—California is the No. 1 team in the country. Under the Astute Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf, the Golden Bears haven’t lost a regular season game in four years, have a run of 38 straight excluding bowl engagements. A man who would pick against them should be measured for a straight jacket. Okay. Where’s the tape and scissors? We predict the end of Pappy’s string and also see strong upset possibilities facing two other top-ranking elevens, Tennessee and Texas A&M. Here Goes the Pickin’s Southern California over California: The Trojans have a good but not a great team. California is loaded with power. But the Trojans will be afire with desire to avenge past indignitaries. Tennessee over Alabama: The Volunteers are unbeaten and un tied. Alabama has lost three. But forget the records in this one. The Crimson tide will be more than a drunk of water. Texas A&M over Texas Christian: Another game in which com parative scores can be tossed out the window. We’ll string with the Aggies but wouldn’t faint if it went the other way. Texas over Arkansas: The Longhorns win their fifth straight but the Razorbacks have a tough hide. Won’t be easy. Michigan state over Penn State: The Spartans have been winning The fi hti Irish boimce back some close ones. This one shouldn t from their | MU shellacking . p itt be so close. has no Fred Benners. Maryland over North Carolina: XT x T , . t-. Jim Tatum’s collection of athletes „ ^ av y oy er Northwestern: Bob are too big, strong and fast. They ^jb r . ow ^ ulc j s himself and the could have a letdown and still pre- Middies make fewer mistakes Sparks Of Aggie Offense Fish Eleven Squeaks Past Polywogs, 27-26 vail. Illinois over Washington: John ny Karras and his buddies headed Navy is a fumbling, dazed giant, always dangerous. Pennsylvania over Columbia: for the Rose Bowl, for sure. Wash- The Lions, with better teams, have- ington still missing Don Heinrich, n’t beaten Penn in 14 years. Penn’s Notre Dame over Pittsburgh: Joe Varaitis the margin. The Others Quickly Friday College of the Pacific over Bos ton U; Boston College over De troit; The Citadel over Furman; Wake Forest over George Wash ington, Miami over Washington & Lee. Saturday East—Army over Harvard; Princeton over Lafayette, Cornell over Yale, Colgate over Brown, Rutgers over Lehigh, Holy Crpss over NYU, Syracuse over Dart mouth, Temple over Delaware, Bucknell over Buffalo, Maine over Connecticut, West Virginia over Geneva, Rochester over Vermont, Rhode Island over Massachusetts, San Francisco over Fordham. Midwest—Ohio State over In diana, Oklahoma over Kansas, Minnesota over Nebraska, Michi gan over Iowa, Wisconsin over Purdue, Iowa State over Missouri, Drake over Oklahoma A&M, Colo rado over Kansas State, Tulsa over Marquette. South—Georgia Tech over Au burn, Tulane over Mississippi, Van derbilt over Florida, Duke over VPI, Virginia over VMI, North Carolina State over William & Mary, Davidson over Richmond, Georgia over Louisiana State, Ken tucky over Villanova. Southwest—Baylor over Texas Tech, Southern Methodist over Rice, Houston over Hardin-Sim- mons. Far West—UCLA over Oregon, Stanford over Santa Clara, Ore gon State over Washington State, Wyoming over Brigham Young, Denver over Utah, Colorado A&M over Utah State, Montana over Montana State. A&M’s “sparks on the offense’’ are Billy Tidwell, right halfback; All-American Bob Smith, full back; Dick Gardemal, quarterback; and Glenn Lippman, right halfback and the SWC’s leading ground gainer. All are expected to see action tomorrow against TCU. All-American Team Too Many Throwers Four SWC Elevens Open Conference Race By Associated Press The “dog-eat-dog” routine of Southwest Conference football moves in this week-end. There will be throat-cutting and attempts thereof, figuratively speaking, from Fort Worth to Fayetteville. Four teams will be opening their conference race Saturday. Tw t o others will be continuing it. A&M, making its start, meets Texas Christian, victor over Ar kansas, at Fort Worth. Texas, the defending champion, TODAY & SATURDAY FIRST RUN —Features Start— 1:30 - 3.12 - 4:58 - 6:36 8:18 - 10:00 clashes with Arkansas, which al ready has lost two games. This ba- tle will be in Fayetteville. At Dallas, Rice and Southern Methodist plunge into conference warfare in a night game in the Cotton Bowl. Baylor, which started its fight for the championship last week by ending Arkansas, 9-7, takes on green but growing Texas Tech at Waco. The game between Baylor and the upstart Techsans, who licked Texas Christian last week, might be the best one of the lot. Tech, flecked with freshmen, isn’t being taken lightly by the Bears, which is fortunate. The Red Raiders aren’t to be taken lightly by any body. New York, Oct. 19—UP)—When the 1951 All-America football team is chosen by the Associated Press this year, it’s certain the squad will not lack for a passer. Throwers featured the 19 new players nominated today by the AP All-America board for considera tion. The additions brought to 38 the number already named this year. Offensive and defensive elevens will be chosen at the end of the season, with final picks being drawn from the squad nominated throughout the season by the new AP board. Heading the new list is Fred Benners, the Southern Methodist University halfback who complet ed 22 of 44 passes for 337 yards in helping forge SMU’s 27-20 vic tory over Notre Dame. Others nominated included Dick Kazmaier, Princeton’s All-Amer ica star whose passes beat Penn sylvania, 13-7; Gil Bocetti of Washington and Lee, who passed for two' touchdowns in the 44-14 conquest of" Ytrgtrriny and Bill Wade of Vanderbilt, whose expert passing topped Mississippi, 34-20. LAST TIMES TODAY “Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man” SATURDAY First Feature NEWS — CARTOON NO PREVUE TONIGHT » ; PREVUE SATURDAY 11 P.M. FIRST RUN Sunday thru Wednesday easy GRANT Bowling Team Will Give Free Lessons Boys from 8 to 14 years old who want to learn how to bowl will have an opportunity to attend free lessons beginning Saturday morn ing, Mrs. Elaine Lester - , MSG Bowl ing Alley manager, said this morning. Meeting throughout the bowl- season, the classes will be instruct ed by John Geiger, senior A&M student and member of the bowl ing team. Interested boys should be at the Bowling Alley at 9 a. m. Saturday mprning to enroll and attend the first class, Mrs. Lester said. Class es will meet until 11 a. m. with LARAINE OAT >5 CMSUS IMFMB • WS C80PU t iwiiuiirr* KwrsmDismJ i • t .r r i, t'o Storring- TOM COMWAY Released thru United Artists SATURDAY PREVUE Sunday & Monday HUMPMRiV' BOGART “Orthodox” T (Continued from Page 1) The Aggies will operate off the “orthodox” T but are capable of using other formations which was well demonstrated in the Oklahoma contest. TCU, supplied with the neces sary manpower, will employ the “two-platoon” system and their of fense will run of the double and the nationally famous “Meyer Spread.” The Horned Frogs will entertain the Aggies with a large squad, with a 200 pound average line and the backs around 180. Gilbert Bartosh, TCU’s “triple threat”, will carry the burden of the Frog attack. Last year Bar tosh completed 77 out of 150 passes for 1023 yards, carried the ball 171 times for 862 yards. He led tjie SWC with a total of fensive yardage of 1733. He fig ured in 321 plays—100 more than any other player in the conference. He was fourth in the United States. This game will be the 47th meeting of the old rivals which be gan in 1897. Over the long years, the Aggies have won 25 games, the Frogs 17, and four were ties. “The boys who are suppose to know” have picked the Cadets as 13 point favorites but no one would faint if it turned out just the other- way. Head TCU Coach Meyer is al ways full of surprises and it is likely that the Frogs will not be caught napping. Bob Ward, Maryland guard who rvas named the Associated Press Lineman of the Week, headed a list of defensive stalwarts. Ward played 47 minutes and gave an outstanding performance in beat ing Georgia, 43-7. Here are this week’s nomina tions: Offense Eastern—Dick Kazmaier, Prince ton back. Southern—Gil Cocette, Washing ton and Lee’s 5-formation quarter back. Big Seven—Ralph Curtis, “in side man” in Colorado’s single wing formation. Southwest—Fred Benners. Skyline—Bob Byrne, Montana halfback. Missouri Valley—Halfback John ny Bright, Drake. Boi’der—Aubrey (Red) Phillips, Texas Tech’s 205-pound offensive center and defensive linebacker - . Played 50 minutes against Texas Christian. Pacific Coast (southern sec tion)—Bill McColl, Stanford end. Pacific Coast (northern sec tion)—Johnny Olszewski, Califor nia fullback. Southeastern —Bill Wade, Van derbilt. Western Conference — Johnny Karas, Illinois back. Defense Pacific Coast—Les Richter, Cal ifornia guard. Missouri Valley—Jim Prewett, Tulsa tackle. Skyline—Jim David, Colorado Aggies end. Western—Roger Zatoff, Michi gan back. Southwest—Bobby Dillon, Texas back. He intercepted pass, made numerous tackles, ran punt back 43 yards and came from safety to tackle Frank Silva for safety that beat Oklahoma. Big Seven—Jim Weatherall Ok lahoma tackle. Southern—Bob Ward, Mary land’s All-America guard. East—Frank McPhee, Princeton end. Southeastern—none. World Series Cut Split By New York Cincinnati, Oct. 19—UP)—The World Series money melon was cut today and, while the New York Yankees got the most money, it was the losing Giants who set a financial record in the 1951 classic. In collecting $4,951.03 for each full share, against $6,446.09 for each Yank, the defeated national leaguers got more dough than any other second runner in history. The previous high for a loser W'as $4,829.40, paid to Brooklyn Dodgers in 1941. The cut for each Yankee receiv ing a full share this year was only the fourth highest. The best was the $6,772.05 collected by the victorious Cleveland Club of 1948, when it defeated the Boston Braves. The world champions voted full shares to 31 members and part shares to 16 others. The Giants decided to give 29 members full shares, and parts of shares to 11 others. Coaches, bat boys, ground keep ers, and office help figured in the money split made by each club. Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick’s office also announced these money facts of the six-game ser ies: The second place Cleveland club of the American League and the runner-up Brooklyns of the na tional circuit got $2,042.18 each. Cleveland full shares amounted to $1,223.47. Brooklyn’s full share was $1,345.35. The third place Boston Red Sox got $812.50 for a full share, while the third place St. Louis cards of the national circuit for $859.33 apiece. The fourth place Boston Braves of the National League and the fourth place Chicago White Sox divided their money so that each full share amounted to $412. The Yankee and Giant manage ment each got $206,969.11. The commissioner’s office will bank $245,018.63. By GUS BECKER Battalion Sports Writer The Aggie Fish football team just barely squeaked by the hard- fighting T.C.U. Wogs last night on Kyle Field, edging out a 27-26 vic tory. The Wogs were ahead all the game until Joel Smith, Fish quar terback from Lockhart, booted the bail through the uprights breaking a 26-26 deadlock in the last quar ter. Trailing at the half 7 to 19, the Fish roared back for 20 points in the last two periods for a hard earned win. Edward Kachtik, a Rio Hondo lad, played a great game for the cadets, both on defense and of fense. Kachtik ran 63 yards in the second quarter to score . the first Fish score of the game. In the third period Kachtik plunged across the goal for another six points. Fish Defense On defense, the Fish, although heavily outweighed played a fine game with Henry . Arnett a guard from Highland Park, Sidney Ther iot a guard from Gibson, Louis iana, and Marvin Tate a guard from Abilene showing up very well. Also in on many tackles were Fred Broussard of Dequincy, Louisiana, Ivan Greenhaw of Dal las, Billy Roberts of Galena Park, and Lawrence Winkler of Temple.. In the secondary Joe Boring from Dallas, Warren Anderson from San Antonio, and Ken Lang ford from Houston, looked very well on defense. Ends Bennie Sinclair of Mine- ola and Rollina Rubsamen of San Antonio made many tackles behind the line of scrimmage for the Ca dets. Line Looks Weak The Maroon and White line look ed very weak at times, especially in the early stages of the contest, but seemed to grow stronger as the game progressed. The same could be said for the Fish offensive backfield. During the first half the Wog backfield seemed to clik every time while the Fish backs couldn’t seem to hang on to the ball, fumbling several times. Edgar Hennig at quarterback, Virgil Patton at fullback and Ger ald Sandusky and Kachtik at the halfbacks seemed to work smooth ly in the second half as Patton scored two touchdowns and Kach tik one. Sandusky was a consis- tant ground gainer all evening. Hennig, a 1,90 pound lad from Ty ler appeared to be a very cool passer and ball handler, playing all the game except for a few min utes when Sam Howard came in to call plays. Although looking bad in spots last night the Fish certainly show ed that never say die spirit and with a little more polish should be able to keep their record at 1000. A&M Kicks Off A&M kicked off to the Wogs who failed to move on their first try on the attack. After stalling the Fish offense the Wogs directed by Roland Slinkscale, All - State, 165-pound scatback from Fort Worth, travel ed from their own 35 to break the scoring ice. The scoring play was a pass from Clinkscale to Weldon Dacus for 40 yards. Work Horse Clinkscale a workhorse was rem- inscent of Lindy Berry of T. C. U. who was the original workhorse. Clinkscale carried the pigskin al most every time and gained all but 30 yards of the Wogs yardage The try for the extra point by the Wogs was no good and that was all the^scoring for the first qaurter, which ended up Wogs 6 and the Aggie Fish 0. Early in the second period W. C. O’Neal playing guard for the Wogs intercepted Hennig’s pass and ran to the cadets 15 yard line. On the next play Clinkscale swept around his own right end to go over stand ing up to put the Wogs out in front by 12 points. The try for extra point was no good and the score remained Wogs 12 A&M 0. Kachtik Runs On the first play from scrim mage after the kickoff, Kachtik started on his own 38 yard line and ran all the way for the first Fish score going over standing up. Lyman Preston of Austin convert ed to put the cadets back in the game 7 to 12. Richard Vick, left halfback from Beaumont, kicked the ball to Clink scale on his own 5 yard line, he almost broke away carrying the hoghide all the way to the Aggie 48. Terry Herman of Gainesville relieved Clinkscale and led the way to paydirt hitting Dacus in the end zone to go out in front 18 to 7. David Finney finally split the up rights for the Wogs making the score 19 for the Wogs and 7 for the Fish as the gun signalled the end of the first half. T. C. U. Freshmen kicked off to the A&M Fish to start the second half of play and Ken Langford right halfback from Houston re turned the ball back to his own 39. James Self took the ball over the right side for 3 yards. Then San- (See FISH SCORE, Page 4) ftFTER m FIRST PIPEFliL YOU’LL ALWAYS SMOKE IT! WE ms COUPON for GENEROUS sample rr.i . R. TOBIN TOBACCO CO. | I 406 WOODBRIDGE AVE., DETROIT 26, MICH. j 1 Enclosed Is 10c. Rush me a somP 1 ' PockoR* | I COOKIE JAR Pipe Mixture. , j City, PLAN AHEAD! • BRING YOUR SOILED CLOTHES BY EARLY—BE READY FOR THE COMING WEEKENDS! CAMPUS CLEANERS Located for Your Convenience Next to College Laundry Over Exchange Store — New Dorm Area . ZERO NOStEt'TSD CORSU • POT ROBERTS• EVERETT SfcOANE BRETAGNE WINDUST UNITED STATES PICTURES r* 8STE3UTSD* WARNER BROS. ^ “HALF ANGEL” “I W£S A MALE WAR BRIDE” HEY, NON-REGS! Here is the picture schedule for all you non-military students for The Aggieland, your yearbook: Oct. 3- 6—All students whose names begin with A-C 8-10—All students whose names begin with D-F 11-13—All students whose names begin with G-K 15-17—All students whose names begin with L-M 18-20—All students whose names begin with N-Q 22-24—All students whose names begin with R-U 25-27—All students whose names begin with V-Z (Wear Coat, Tie, White Shirt) Make-ups will be made October 29, 30 and 31. All pictures will be taken at the ... AGGIELAND STUDIO . NORTH GATE EAST MEETS BEST IH NEW RELAY EVENT You’ve heard of the Penn Relays. But have you ever heard of a relay where the hurdles are mountains, the average stride is thirty miles, and the track stretches coast to coast? It’s the Bell System’s Ntadio-Nleiau and it brings East and West together in one of the most important events in the history of comnumications. Telephone construction crews have just recently completed the coast-to-coast iCiaeleo system. Today, Long Distance calls ride on radio microwaves,. beamed through the air from tower to tower. And, for the first time, television programs have been flashed from coast to coast. The new system supplements the thou sands of miles of wire cable that already tie the nation together. It helps make America’s vast communications network even stronger and more flexible. And it could hardly happen at a belter time. The demands of defense are heavy and urgent. HOW WORKS. Microwaves travel in a straight line. So relay towers are usually built on hilltops and spaced about thirty miles apart. Just as a runner picks up the baton from another runner; so each tower picks up microwaves from its neighbor, and with complex electronic equipment amplifies and focuses them like a searchlight, then beams them accurately at the next tower. And hun dreds of Long Distance calls ride the beam at the same time. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM