The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 18, 1951, Image 2
. ■' ■ Page A Battalion Editorials Page 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 LOOKS GOODW THE GYM f Egypt-Like Turkey Mt The muni of c- true* “1 goin Mati ters T1 houi tefs Con mad wai] negi L nesi of i side bla hill joir I pro tru reb ' g jou hei fie B A na rei sp pn Ai tie qt ec th di P ai W7ITH RIOTING breaking out and Britain sending more " troops into the area, the situation in the Middle-East takes on a still more serious aspect. One that the U.S. is not entirely blameless in. There is merit to both England and Egypt’s side of the argument, but one can’t help but sympathize with the Egypt ians as in many respects their position is comparable to that of the original thirteen American colonies. With all due consideration to the English in regard to the merits of their case, it seems that they should have thought that someday they would have to reap the conse quences of their imperialistic policies of a century ago. Now that they are in such dire economic straits, they need the help of the countries such as Egypt but it is rather hard to get a favor out of a person you have been kicking in the teeth for a hundred years. A question that poses itself when you are considering the Egyptian situation is whether the English are primarily concerned with protecting the Canal Zone from the Com munists or if it is a question of the revenue that the Suez Canal pours into the coffers of the currency starved English. At the same time that we feel sympathy with the Egyptians we are pro-English because of so-called blood ties between the American and English peoples. Another con sideration is of course the international security and strategic importance of the area. What the fair and equitable solutions is we don’t know but it seems that the situation has almost gone past the point where the Egyptians are willing to compromise. It is well and good for an onlooker to talk of compromise but it is harder for a person who has been exploited to believe in the promises of a compromise with the English The only solution, whether equitable or not, seems to be the withdrawal of the English and the making of an agree ment with the Egyptians similar to that which governs our relations with the Turks. Since the Dardanelles is of much more strategic im portance to the Russians and yet we still don’t suggest the quartering of a large body of foreign troops in the area, the Egyptians have a strong argument in their favor when they denounce the quartering of a large body of foreign troops in their country. It isn’t hard to imagine the reaction of American citi zens if a foreign power placed troops in this country when we- didn’t invite them to do so and not only when we didn’t invite them to do such but in spite of our protests to such action. ’ Whatever course of action this country takes, whether it is pro-English or pro-Egyptian, it is time that the action was a definite action and not as it has been where one week we' have gone one way and the next week the other. Our foreign policy seems to have been an attempt to refute the old saying that you can’t please everybody. Ob viously this not only hasn’t worked but there are few if any indications that it has any chance of working. It is time that we took this definite stand and to make sure this stand isn’t just a rubber stamp of either the pro- English or the anti-English policies. Stars not Lepers FEW days ago something happened that probably made the bulls in Ross Hall stop, gasp and recheck their fig ures of the first Corps parade. It was something that had never happened before—no one ever thought it could happen. The Senior Companies came out in the top of the list. In fact three or four of them ended in the top 15 in the corps. This is excellent when you consider there are 67 units in the corps. Past years, the military department would hardly even bother trying to grade the senior companies. But in addition to patting them on the back, we would like to reiterate that these men have terrific potentalities. The senior company men are not a bunch of left footed mis fits. While this is just a small point it does show that the men in the “un-ranked companies” are not forgotten. They have the makings of the best units on the campus. If you compare the esprit de corps of some of the senior companies, with some of the other units—the senior compan ies are out in front of them by far. Congratulations men of the “slick-shoulder battalion.” The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions ''Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. JOHN WHITMORE Editor Joel Austin Managing Editor Bill Streich News Editor Frank Davis City Editor Allen Pengelly Assistant News Editor Bob Selleck... Sports News Editor William Dickens Feature Editor T. H. Baker, E. R. Briggs, AI Bruton, Norman Campbell, Mickey Cannon, Monte Curry, Dan Dawson, Bob Fagley, Benny Holub, Howard Hough, Jon Kinslow, Bryan Spencer, Ide Trotter, John Robards, Carol Vance, Edgar Watkins, Berthold Weller, Jerry Wizig, Raymond York News and Feature Writers Bob Cullen, Jack Brandt Cartoonists Frank Scott Quarterback Club Director Jim Jenson Photographer Pat LeBlanc, Hugh Phillips, F. T. Scott, Chuck Neighbors, Gus Becker, Joe Blanchette, Ed Holder Sports News Writers John Lancaster Chief Photo Engraver Russel Hagens Advertising Manager Robert Haynie Advertising Representative TCU Welcomes Aggies Revolt On Campus Mustlnclude Distrust Of Liberal Acheson (This is the final part of “A enslave a potentially great nation Mercury and the Secretary of out to embrace it with the same Call for Revolt on the Campus” . . . The Soviets govern by holding State: between intelligent Conser- emotion as they had rushed to em- written by The American Mercury the people in a state of fear and vation and Hiss Acheson Liberal- brace Litvinoff in 1933. The young Editor William Huie. In yester- poverty. ism. American of 1951 must know this: day's Battalion, the first portion No man can distinguish between When I was twenty-two years Nothing inevitable has brought was printed which dealt with the friend and spy; trial is a mockery; old I understood the nature of the a. new measure of freedom to the Editor’s views of calling on col- and the people are doomed to life Soviet government; Acheson didn’t, world. We could have struck total- lege students for an overthrow of in a prison, ... (To talk of Soviet I was a friend of the Russian peo- itarianism a mortal blow. Instead, the Democratic party. In his op- recognition to end the American pie; Acheson wasn’t. I cherished the Power of Communism was en- inion of the present American poli- depression is ridiculous. The Sov- our traditional freedom and indiv- hanced by Acheson and his Liber- tical scene, Huie tells of while at- lets are in the business of.causing idual responsibility; Acheson was als—the same men who had been tending the University of Alabama, world depressions; depression is a infected with Socialism, at best. I aiding Sovietism since 1933. the discussions and demonstrations tactic in the war against us. supported Roosevelt in the hope of In domestic affairs the influence dealt mostly on the topic on how I closed with these words—and spreading opportunity for young of Acheson and his liberals has communism and socialism could forgive the flamboyance—I was Americans; Acheson supported been no less disastrous for youth, save America. In the end he ex- only twenty-two: You many notice Roosevelt in the hope of seducing Because they are collectivist they plained how, being against these that I have not used the term young men with a spurious “se- have imagined that the first pur- two forms of government, the Uni- “Russian recognition.” I resent its curity” and delivering them to a pose of the government of the Uni. ted States pulled through and use. There is a vast difference be- chain gang. ted States is to repair drains or now enjoys a greater amount of tween Russian recognition and Sov- Acheson typifies the Liberals raise pensions. They, have been too freedom than any other nation in iet recognition. It is because we who have betrayed American youth, much concerned with security and the world. Today, Huie tells of recognize Russia that we refuse to Once you understand the exulta- too little with opportunity, j “Why Youth Must Distrust Ache- recognize the Soviets. The Soviets tiort of Acheson and his Liberals They have busied themselves son.”—The Editor.) are not Russia. They are her ene- over the recognition of the Soviet over what the young American is Whv Youth Miict DWtrimt Acheson ™ es - American recognition of the government, then you can antici- to have instead of over what he is Soviet government would be a blow p a t e their foreign and domestic to be. They have proceeded oh the From the Congressional Record, to the millions of decent Russians idiocies which followed, here is an illustration of the dif- who are trying to make good their ference between the mind of a lib- revolution, oral and the mind of a young Con- For the same reasons that I had been opposed to Russian recogni- assumption that the purpose of liv ing is to live easily, with respon sibility, and with discipline impos- Dear Sir: ity, but from Washington. What happens: to America after 0 „ „ Tf . ,, ^ merica . R f hould never ^cognize ti j ^ for war inst E ? thv ed, not be the interrated personal servative. It shows the difference a Communist government. Amen- „„ A * 1Q o 0 T J ' J ^ TTT >• - between the mind of a Hiss or an cans should not so quickly forget Wfl1 . offoW WitW until In behalf of the student body of TCU, we would like to Acheson and my own 22-year-old those brave Russian soldiers who posed the F ai against Hitler until welcome you and the student body of AMC to Fort Worth mind. stood in their trenches robbed of j this weekend. The Student Congress extends an invitation ,. {* 19 f 3 clothing, food, and ammunition by ““ same reasons that Acheson men now prefer security to oppor to the members of your Student Senate and their dates to be JJj ^ted for Rooseveitf I was l who, when thev heard of the Ger- did - , £ they no h longe h r dare th to our guest at the game m a special 50 yard line box seat. supporter of the effort to unionize man successes on the Western By 1943 I took the ultimate de- iegaid lite as a charge but rather We would like for the members of the Senate and their workers in the South; I was a sup- Front, scrambled over their forti- ieat . Hitler for granted, and my as an a von uic simp y to be en- dates and vonr veil leaders also to be onr oriest at a recentirm P° rt er of the Tennessee Valley fications and attacked with stones prmcipal concern was the ehmina- Joyed, y p e o scrap the aares ana your yen leaaers also, looe our guest at a reception ^ uthorit J had 0X)V0Sed the fil :_ and bare fists The sons of men who tiort of totalitarianism from stem creed of personal responsi- m F °® ter Ha l 11 ^mediately following the game. ing of Communists from the stu- fought at Bunker Hill should nev- Eurasia. I want Stalin’s govern- b,llt y and relax m the upholstered We are looking forward to meeting you m the hope we dent faculty of my college; but er support a despotism which con- ment to be a casualty along with anthill ot the collectivist; then become better anni lain ted as well as stimulate the snorts- mv first national maeazine article dermis men like these to, slaverv. Hitler’s. But while I was busy whethei the inevitable totalitanan- kn n r he attacked Russia. I took pride in 1952 depends on the thought pro- stood in their trenches robbed of the stand afc Stalingrad) £ ut not cesses £ our youth . If ou * ^ may become better acquainted as well as stimulate the sports manship between our schools. I am enclosing a return envelope so you may inform us my first national magazine article demns men like these to slavery. Hitler's. But while 1 was busy was against the recognition of the I have before me a State Depart- helping to fight the war, Acheson ism Soviet government. ment document, dated 1933, on The and His s were persuading an ag My article was ’in reply to an Establishment of Diplomatic Rela- ”ig Roosevelt to deliver Eurasia the academicians is imposed by Russians or Americans becomes a problem for Hope lies only in revolt., a Red government (The third part of this article, be- emerged in China, Acheson and his The Battalion’s side of the issue, an( l State Department Liberals rushed will be published tomorrow.) TSCWAlma Mater as to the number of Student Senators and their dates. This argument by Paul D. Cravath, a tions with the Union of Soviet Soc- to Stalin information is necessary SO we can arrange to sit together lawyer, a sort of John Foster Dul- ialist Republics. It contains And when during the game les his day, who was one of the the correspondence Tf we ran he of service in anv other whv do not hesitate Wall Street leaders in the recogni- tween President Roosevelt II we can oe 01 service in any Otner way, CIO not nesitate tlon movement. Cravath thought President Kalinin, and it tells about to call Upon US. Our housing fallhties are limited, but we that “vast new markets on the the “very friendly private lunch- will be glad to house as many of your students as possible. Steppes” would relieve the Ameri- eons” held in Washingon in Nov- Information regarding housing will be available in each dorm- can depression. ember, 1933 for Litvinoff which iforv office The arguments in favor of Sov- says: “As I have told you in our tir wi n j .-i -p, • i • , , iet recognition in 1933 were the recent conversations, it is my ex- We ai e planning a small campus dance the Friday night same as those offered for the rec- pectation that after the establish- (Editor’s Note: For the benefit of all Aggies who will attend the preceding the game, your student body is invited to attend. Ognition of Red China today. The ment of normal relations between c Trip football game at TCU Saturday, printed below is the TSCW Gil Saturday night. Russ Morgan will be playing in the Lake Liberals said the Soviet govern- our two countries many Americans A i ma Mater which is t() be nlaved at halftime 1 Worth Casino. Ite manager Mr. Earby, has issued a spe- S «« ’ cial invitation for all Aggies to attend the dance. ers added that it waSi in fact; an 0 f the USSR.” At present we are checking on a special rate for your established government, apd that And here is an interesting dis- students but we have not definitely secured a reduction in recognition of it would be good coyery. Among the most frequently - business. named guests at those “very fnend- p . . , , , , , , u Here are excerpts from my ans- ly private luncreons” was the Hon- Agam let US welcome you to our campus, and we Will be wer . The facts about the “legiti- orable Dean G. Acheson. He wasn’t looking forward to seeing and meeting with you Saturday, mate” establishment of the Soviet even in the State Department then; Best of luck in Saturday’s game, and may the best team win. rule are well-known. A scheming he was just a Washington Liberal; SiricprelV venire band of arch-spies, animated by he wasn’t buzzing around the Rus- omwciy. tyuius, self-interest and fanaticism, and sians, passing tea and cookies to Dick Ramsey, _ supported by less than ten per Litvinoff because it was an official President, TCU Student Association cent of the people were able to duty; he was there out of devo- tion; recognition, to Acheson, was a wonderful and hopeful thing. Acheson was one of the midwives of Soviet recognition; he drank toasts and celebrated when it was accomplished. Acheson and Drew Pearson are now tying little messages to bal loons in the hope of reaching the Russian people. He says he now knows the difference between Rus sian recognition and Soviet recog nition. But why didn’t he share , my concern for-the Russian people Editor, The Battalion: turns out to be their college’s clanging of a locomotive’s bell to j n 1933. I think this whole affair of call- Homecoming Day (in 9 out of 10 add that final touch. On August 13, 1951, Acheson ing people “punks,” 2-per-centers, cases). Think of it—if we are di- All during the performance the sen t a message to the World As- gig’ems, etc., in the editorial col- vided among ourselves we WOULD people on the front row feared hembly of Youth at Ithaca, N. Y. umn is the most elementary “crud” be .the “little-map.” for their lives, since the niano cairl- “Tr ia fvaonr* LViciL murvir Hail! Alma Mater! Hail! Joyous we sing; Voices a-tune with love Shall loudly ring. Thy daughters sing to thee Praises to-day, Hail! Alma Mater! Guide Us on our way. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Readers Air Complaints About Editorials, Spirit, Guion Hall for their lives, since the piano He said: “It is tragic that many that has ever been published in the I’ve seen a lot of Vets, Non- started to roll across the stage, people have followed the road to Batt. Regs, and Aggie wives yell their especially during Mr. Smith’s num- regimentation, thinking it offered Batt. For the last 3 year’s the Batt heart out for A&M while we call has been stepping on Aggies toes each other “punks.” more and more each year. Finally, Read your hometown editorial last week, the dream “Watch Him page sometimes and see how often Well” was published in the Batt. they call the citizens of their com- Trash, pure trash, fellows; What rnunity “Ethiopian Idiots.” In will the next editorial be entitled? stead, they publish constructive term project to it’s list. Beat Hell out of A&M ? I wonder! ideas which will cause unity in Lets help Texas A&M Who do you think you are, call ing an Aggie a two percenter ir our school paper that we pay for If you see a man on this campus s ibl e for the Poor Farmers Pay- you think is a 2-per-center, go up i ng 3 times More for Date Tickets place of descension. auditorium fit for distinguished If you editors would produce an artists and the college, editorial entitled “Who is Respon- George E. Hartman Instructor in Business her. a short cut to progress. But by now Surely Texas A&M has outgrown jt should be clear to all”—even to Guion Hall by now. Any “fish” Acheson, I presume—“that the knows that was built in 1918, near- pa th of regimentation can lead ly forty years ago.' Perhaps The only backward—to tyranny, to ser- Battahon could add other long- vitude, to the degradation of man.” + ~ ,-+ ’" K "*' That about sums up the differ- ?et an ence between the Editor of the Strong ties of friendship true Bind us to thee Hours spent with thee are dear To mem-o-ry. With loyal love a-glow Sing we our song, Hail! Let our voices glad The notes prolong! On broad and rolling plains, ’Neath Texas skies, There, crowned with majesty, Thy buildings rise. Thou hast with purpose new Lighted our way. Hail! Alma Mater! Hear Our song today. E. L. Williams Leaves To Conduct Products E. L. Williams, vice director of to him and tell him to his face than other Colleges’Students Do?” (Editor’s Note—We understand the Texas Engineering Extension instead of getting behind a type- or something like that in tomor- bbab an auditorium is one of the Service, will be on leave, Oct. 22- writer that publishes the ( Official row’s publication, I would person- long range plans for the Memorial Nov. 2, conducting the third in. a Paper of Texas A&M College and a iiy come down to the Batt office Student Center. You will have to series of special training programs College Station that reaches all a nd hug each and every one of admit thHt the' staff of Guion Hall foi the Health and Safety Divi- over the State of Texas. y 0U around the neck. does the best they can with the sion of the Bureau of Mines in Do you honestly think you have L. Leatherwood ’52 equipment on hand). St. Clairsville, Ohio and Johnstown, the right to “call down” another ^,, , T , Aggie? Everyone has his or her (Editors Note In general we faults, and I don’t know anyone agree with you, as we have said on this campus that is perfect and ^ or P asb three days. But there has reached the point that he is arc a few P omts we must disagree better than the next Aggie. If with you on. you do cradle such thoughts, please, . (Fwst, we not only feel it our please remove the sentence “Pub- ri &m bo ca d down, censure, or lished Daily in the Interests of a P raise people, but it is our duty. Greater A&M College” from be- A newspaper can never become neath the title of the paper because anything more than a chamber of someone might think the paper was commerce publication if it just published at Oklahoma A&M or P n n. ts th ? good - .^ e be some other A&M. Do them that realists about the life around here. f avor It would be untrue to you as a I feel that The Battalion at readei ; and p u f | ^ °hK times is responsible for a lot of ^t a Pollyanna type of life the descension that is present . ' among our ranks here at Aggie- y ou check into the rec- land such as writing an editorial °rds, y° u will find that on many as delicate as “Keep Your Eye on occasions The Battalion has han- that Aggie” which eventually ends died “Calling downs” without up in a free-for-all over whose flag printing a word. We agree with flies over the bonfire. A bit high you in spirit on this idea, but we (See LETTERS, Page 3) Pennsylvania. First American Life Insurance Co. in Texas - - - - At Houston Bryan-College Agency JOE DILLARD, Mgr. REPRESENTATIVES L. E. (Skeeter) Winder, ’50 C. R. (Dusty) Morrison, ’46 John T. Knight Charles H. Sledge, ’50 A. H. “Heeter” Winder, ’52 306 VARISCO BLDG. PHONE 3-3700 HEY, NON-REGS! Here is the picture schedule for all you non-military students for The Aggieland, your yearbook: Oct. 3- 6—All students whose names begin with A-C ” 8-10—All students whose names begin with D-F ” 11-13—All students whose names begin with G-K ” 15-17—All students whose names begin with L-M ” 18-20—All students whose names begin with N-Q ” 22-24—All students whose names begin with R-U ” 25-27—All students whose names begin with V-Z (Wear Coat, Tie, White Shirt) Make-ups will be made October 29, 30 and 31. All pictures will be taken at the ... AGGIELAND STUDIO NORTH GATE LI’L ABNER Greater Love Hath No Ham schoolish, don’t you think? We must stick together and pull together and if necessary fight to gether as one body, even when could not adopt it as a policy—to personally chastize a person and publicly praise another. (On the ticket question, we are right or wrong, if the Corps of working on that item and will have Cadets or Texas A&M is to keep an answer very shortly, we hope.) the world-known name “The Fightin Texas Aggies” alive. This Despite Obstacles phrase will, for sure, be forgotten 17 if we continue to have descension Editor, The Battalion: among ourselves. Surely we must admit that Rise We all know that all the other Stevens performed remarkably well By AI Capp FINE TNIN6Y- U GAME, TOMORROW, AMD IS OKI THE OLD () m 1GHTA RE. colleges in the Southwest Confer ence want A&M to be the “little- guy.” At football games, for ex ample, everyone wants A&M to lose. For this reason, every time considering the obstacles placed in her way. First, we attempted to blind her with antiquated lighting equipment, then we charmed swarms of insects to accompany we play a game off Kyle Field, it her, finally we brought in the