The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 26, 1951, Image 1
Official Paper Of Texas A&M College And College Station NumberS: Volume 52 The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1951 See Corps Regulation Changes Page 2 Price Five Cents 40 Enter Race For Fall Elections Twenty-two more names were added Tuesday to the list of candi dates filing for student senator and student life committee, bring ing the total that have filed to 40. The supplimented list includes Dennis Zahn, Ralph Shannahan, Don Lyles, Lewis Riggan, B. G. Lewis, Neil Stovall, Robert Fowler, James Van Way, Bruce Miller, Melvyn Ranter, Charles McCul lough, Eugene Smith, Horace Van Cleve, and Hansel Kennedy. Also on the ballot will be John Devine, Guy Jackson, John Cole an, John Halsell, Wylie Briscoe, Freddy Adickes, Edward Dobbins, and Bobby Jones. Applications for filing for the positions must be completed and submitted to the Student Activ ities office by 5 p. m. Friday for the name to appear on the ballot to be distributed Oct. 3. Qualifications For Offices Qualifications for both the sen ate and the student life committee are the candidate must have a 1.0 Corps Officers Visit TSCf All College Nile Six representatives of the corps of cadets made a jour ney to TSCW in Denton Thursday to attend an all college night meeting. Those attending the affair were C. L. Ray Jr., corps chaplain and social secretary of the senior class; Eric Carlson, cadet colonel of the corps; Bob Dunn, corp adjutant and vice-president of the senior corps;class; Ken Wiggins, corps executive officer and student enter tainment manager; John Tapley, senior yell leader; and Pete Har desty, business manager of stu dent activities. The group was invited to at tend all-college night at TSCW by Mary Beard, president of the sen ior class. They left here at noon Thursday and upon arrival were escorted'to an assembly of’the stu dent body at the all-college night affair, after having supper with officers of the senior class at TSCW. At the assembly students of the college presented skits for each of the events to be held there this year. John Tapley and Bob Dunn acted as yell leaders in leading the student body in three yells and the Aggie War Hymn. At a meeting later that night corps trip plans were discussed and the Aggie-Tessie relationship was also a point of discussion. The group returned Friday at noon, after having breakfast with the senior class officers. grade point ratio, be a resident of the area from which elected, a classified sophomore attended A&M at least two consecutive se mesters prior to election, and have intention of remaining in school for remainder of office term. Ballots will be distributed in the Corps area dorms by the branch first sergeants and in the non corps dorms by the housemaster. Special representatives of the elec tion committee have been selected to distribute the ballots in Vet Village and College View. Same People Responsible The same people will be re sponsible for picking up and de livering the ballots to the Student Activities office following the elec tion. This year, candidates will have the opportunity of having their election platforms printed in The Battalion. The campaign speech must not be over 50 words in length and it must be turned in to the Student Activities office be tween 8 a.m. Friday and noon Saturday. These statements will appear in a series in The Battalion beginning with Monday’s edition. House Delivery Held Up By Mail Boxes Mail boxes and house num bers must be up before house- to-house mail delivery can be gin, according to Joe Sorrels, president of the College Sta tion Chamber of Commerce. The Kiwanis Club will make a | survey of the community in a short! time, Sorrels said. Dr. T. 0. Wal- ■ ton, College Station post master, j will use the survey as a basis for j his report to the Federal Post Of fice Department. The city has received authoriza tion to begin house-to-house house mail delivery as soon as mail boxes and house numbers are up, Dr. Walton has informed city of ficials. Persons not knowing their house numbers may obtain that informa tion from City Hall. Mail boxes may be erected on the outside of the house, about three feet above the ground. There is no require- ment to the type of mail box. “Some people have gotten the idea mail boxes must be erected on one side of the street only,” Sorrels said. “This is not true,” he explained “they are to be placed in front of the houses on both sides of the street.” Russ Morgan Vocalist First Town Haller TexBeneke Continues Using 10-Year Old Sax By BILL STRETCH Battalion News Editor Maybe it’s a superstition, but when Tex Beneke, master of the saxophone, and his orchestra ap pear in Guion Hall Oct. 8 for the first Town Hall presentation of the year, members of the audience will notice the leader playing the old est, most battered musical instru ment in the entire orchestra. “A good sax is like a good pipe,” Beneke says. “That’s why I can’t feel at home with another instru ment.” Beneke originally paid $200 for the instrument some 10 years ago. Since that time, he has spent over $750 having it repaired. Originally a member of the fam ous Glenn Miller orchestra, the present leader took over the group in January, 1946 when it was learned that Miller was missing in action. Beneke could have formed his own orchestra during the early part of his entertainment career, but chose to remain with the Miller group. “Leading a band has always been my ambition,” Beneke explains, “but I realized it would be vir tually impossible to duplicate the magnificent musical machine Glenn had built.” Following Miller’s death, Beneke was askked to carry on the band. Pupil and Instructor With the permission of Mrs. Mil ler many of the original Miller arrangements were adopted and the new aggregation set to work. Their first engagement, at the Capitol theater in New York, was a smashing success. They broke every box office record in the 26 year history of the thea ter. From that time on, it was only a matter of filling requests for their performances. In addition to their engagement at the Capitol, Beneke’s group has appeared in such famous spots as the Hotel Statler in New York, The Palladium in Los Angeles and the Michigan Theater in Detroit. His orchestra records for MGM and has appeared in several movie shorts produced by RKO, MGM and Universial. Beneke was born in Fort Worth Feb. 14, 1914. By the time he was nine, the musical “bee’ had stung him, and he persuaded his par ents to buy him a saxophone. When he was 13, he played in the school ROTC band and later formed a trio which included Ben Hogan, who played the drums. Hogan, at that time, had not gained fame as a golfer. At the age of 14, Beneke bought a clarinet but didn’t have to take lessons. Instead, he worked out his own fingering system which he still uses. Featured performers with the Beneke aggregation are vocalists Shirley Raymond and Bill Ray mond. Good Tickets Left For Tech Contest Student tickets for the Texas Tech game at Dallas Saturday night will be on sale at the athletic office and in Dallas until 6 p. m. Wednesday. Approximately 700 reserved seat tickets on the 50 yard line are still on sale. These tickets will be sold here until 12 noon Friday. Student tickets are priced at $1.20 and reserved and guest tickets are $3.60. Teague Requests A&M Be Deferred in UMT Manon Lovely to look at, smooth listening, Manon will be the feature vocalist with Russ Morgan’s Orchestra which will play for a three hour dance the night of the Baylor game, October 27. Prior to the dance will be a one hour concert in Guion Hall. Washington, Sept. 26—GP)—A Texas congressman yesterday urg ed that A&M students be exempt from the Universal Military Train ing Act. The congressman—Rep. Olin Teague of College Station—told army officials A&M and eight other military schools over the country should be certified by the | Defense Department as military colleges. Congress provided that students enrolled at West Point and the Nava! Academy at Annapolis and at military colleges certified by the Defense Department as exempt. The department has not certi- | fied these yet, Teague said. “It was clearly the intent of ! Congress,” Teague said in an in- : terview, “that those schools which 1 for several years have been recog nized by the army as military col leges should receive the same treatment as the two service aca demies.” Johnson Joins Teague Teague said Sen. Johnson of Texas has joined him in urging the Defense Department to take ac tion. “A great many colleges and uni versities have reserve officer train ing corps but there are only nine such schools which have been des ignated as military colleges,” he continued. Six Korean Veterans Added To Military Department Stafj Six veterans of the Korean War are included in the ten staff addi tions to the Military Science De partment, according to Col. Shelly P. Meyers, PMS&T. Maj. W. R. Herdner, new assist ant artillery instructor, was among the first troops to arrive in Korea. An assistant G-4 of the 24th In fantry Division, Maj. Herdner land ed in the third plane to be flown into Korea with Army troops on July 2, 1950.. A native of Colorado, Maj. Herdner entered the Army in 1940 after he, was graduated from Colo rado A&M. During World War II, he served 18 months in the Euro pean Theater with the Eighth Corps Artillery and later with SHEAF Headquarters. For his ser vices he was awarded the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star medals. Other new military personnel who fought the Korean War are Master Sgt. C. R. Nelson, sgt. maj. of the military science de partment; Master Sgt. S. L. Copeland, armor section; Master Sgt. W. R. Burgess, infantry section; Master Sgt. J. F. Wise, engineer section; Master Sgt. J. A Wells, TOTC operations ser geant. Lt. Col J. W. Pavton of Clear water, Fla. has been named the senior engineer instructor. A graduate of Norwich Univer- city in 1940, Col. Paxton received an MS degree in CE from Iowa State College in 1948. An RA of ficer in the Corps of Engineers since 1941, he served in the Pana ma and the Pacific zones during World War II, where he command ed an aviation engineer battalion, and later a member of the Stra tegic Air Command Staff. The holder of the Bronze Star and the Commendation Ribbon came to A&M from Ft. Leven- worth, where he completed a ten month course at the Army’s Com mand and General Staff College. Capt. G. E. Grady, a native Texan from Corpus Christi, has assumed the duties of senior sig nal corps instructor following a month’s refresher course at the Signal School, Ft. Monmouth. A graduate of the University of Texas, Capt. Grady also attended the Army’s ultra high frequency and radar schools. He performed lodgistical duties with a Signal Service Group in North Africa and Italy during World War II. Maj. J. W. Davis, a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1939, has been appointed the new senior anti-air artillery in structor. Leaving his position as assistant superintendent of the Virginia Game Commission, Maj. Davis en tered active duty in 1941 and re turned to VPI as a ROTC instruct or. In World War II, he commanded a hospital ship and served as a special advisor to the Army’s Hos pital Ship Platoons in Europe. He completed a wartime course at the Command and General Staff Col lege and recently returned from Germany, where he served with the 48th AAA Battalion of the First Infantry Division. The newest member of the teaching staff is Capt. H. T. Hunter, Jr., a 1943 graduate of the United States Military Aca demy, and a native of Tennessee. Aggieland Staff Barbeque Tonight All members of the Aggieland ’52 Staff, and those students who are interested in working on the yearbook, are invited to a bar becue supper Wednesday at 6 p.m. All members who have auto mobiles are urged to bring them to furnish transportation to the party. Everyone interested in working on the annual meet at six p.m. at the West door of Goodwin Hall Wednesday eve ning. An armored officer, Capt. Hunt came to A&M from the First Ar mored Division at Fort Hood. Dur ing World War II he served with the 605th Tank Destroyer Battal ion in Europe. He is now an in structor of the first year Basic ROTC. Gallery Committee Sets Art Showings Paintings of numerous Texas artists are scheduled for exhibi tion by the MSC Art Gallery Com mittee in one of the most exten sive exhibits since its organization. Besides the works of several Texas artists, the committee has arranged for the showing of 20 portraits by Guy Rowe which were used to illustrate the book, "In Our Image.” Xavier Gonzales, winner of the Nations Award for Arts and Let ters last May, will be represented by 20 paintings Oct. 12-26. Imagin ary portraits of Tallulah Bankhead, Winston Churchill, and Albert Einstein are included in an ex hibit of the works of the French artist Marcel Vertes April 4-25. Boughton Speaks To Jr. AMVA The first meeting of the local chapter of the Junior American Veterinary Medicine Association was held Tuesday night in the amphitheater of the veterinary hos pital. Football Program Sale There will be a meeting of all students who wish to sell football programs at the Texas Tech game this afternoon in Room 211 Goodwin Hall at 5 p.m. Cheapest Part of a College Education ’ BookPrices Up But 10 Percent By IDE TROTTER Battalion Staff Writer All the dealers interviewed em- handling costs are so much small- a result they are occasionally phasized the increase in the price er. caught short and run out of a par- of books has not been nearly as n , , . , . . ticular book. Just as often however “Books are the cheapest part of great as the increase in most com- • y ne W ucn y P 0,nl arn ° n £ are caU ght with discontinued a college education.” This is the modities. s the price they are paid for books bo oks on their hands and are forced opinion of one local bookseller. ^hat have gone out of use Local “Students here fail to realize Used Books Popular text merchants feel they do the Hint iiiqt o Hontm- mnct have student a service when they are ‘ ^ ‘ Used books are by far the most able to take an out of date book off popular with all students here at his hands since they make no pro- A&M. One dealer estimated if fit at all on the sale of these books, enough used books were available, to take a loss on them. New Editions—Late student must fine instruments, have fine books.” “If a dealer breaks even in his book department he is doing good,” 8{) , , t ld the same dealer pointed out. “Boys ^ ? u ^ nt 01 ms customeis woukl “Hard On Bookseller” should learn to appreciate this.” Solid as the consensus of Aggie prefer them. Used books are more profitable John England Mrs. Clara Howard Mrs. Howard and England go through a minuet as the MSC’s dancing classes start again. Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:45 until 9:30 p. m. for ten weeks. Sometimes, as has been the case in some courses this fall, new edi tions do not come off the press in time for the opening of school. ..rr,, . , , , It is the practice of one of the This has been an exceptional College Station stores to buy books year for the discontinuance of from studcnts at the wholesa i e books, and it makes it hard on a ice from 0ct> ! until th are ad . bookseller said one local salesman. vised by the Coll whkh bookg Another estimates that approxi- ai . e not go ing out of use. more than ten percent in price per cent of the current list price, b la . \c.vr i.'Vt' 6 ”. . 01 aate Despite the fact that books are since last year, and quite a few and resell them for 67 per cent of sro at A&M last yeai. probably more expensive now than have not increased at all. However, list. This is a considerable saving A third local merchant pointed ever before, all local booksellers one local book merchant estimates for the student. The bookseller is out that estimation and guess were agree this school opening has been the average price of books has also able to make a greater profit the merchants only guides to what as pleasant as any in several years risen 25 to 50 per cent since 1946. on the sale of used because his types of books to keep in stock. As in its dealer student relationship. opinion may be to the contrary, for the dealers as well as the buy- the College Station booksellers all ers. It is the policy of three local agree that no book has increased salesmen to buy used books at 50 “At each of these the students wpar uniforms all the time and are subject to discipline and train ing just as are the West Point cadets and the midshipmen. Texas A&M recently received an excell ent rating in an inspection by Fourth Army Headquarters.” The others recognized as mili tary colleges, Teague said, but which still lack Defense Depart ment certification for exemption from the UMT program are: Clemson College and the Citadel in South Carolina, Pennsylvania State College, Virginia Military In stitute, Virginia Polytechnic In stitute, Kemper Military Academy, Boonville, Mo., Brown Military In stitute, San Diego, Calif., and New Mexico Military Institute. Teague said he discussed the New Loan Fund Made Possible By Aggie-Exes A new student loan fund has been put into operation at A&M, George Long, of the student affairs office, said to day. This fund, to be known as the Alsup and Ramsey Fund, was made possible by two former students who met each other overseas. They both had received loans from the the Former Students Loan Fund and agreed to the usefulness of such a fund. Deciding that another fund was necessary, they contributed $60 toward the formation of the new fund. The Student Loan Fund, whose office is on the first floor of Good- Avin Hall, is open three days a week to all students who wish to borrow $50, or lesser amounts. There are no questions asked or require ments to be met to obtain a loan from this fund which last year lent approximately $65,888. The average loan from this fund Avas $15.25. There is no interest collected on these loans whose repayment per iods are 30 days in length, with possible renewals. For students desiring a loan for more than $50, the Former Stu dents Association has such a fund. However, before a student can se cure a loan from this source, a sound need must be given, a healthy financial condition must be exhibited, and the student must have a 1.5 grade point ratio. Although the loans are for an indefinite period, an interest rate of four per cent is charged to make up for any losses in the fund. matter about a month ago with Mrs. Anna Rosenberg, assistant secretary of defense in charge of manpoAver. • Last night, President M. T. Harrington informed The Bat talion, the college was working on this matter and final approv al was pending. “College officials are aware of this provision in the Univer sal Military Training Act, which grants certain privileges to stu- lents enrolled in an officer pro curement program. All that is lacking is for the Secretary of Defense to give his certification on this matter,” President Har rington added. He also said he felt the ap proval of this proposal will come in the near future. • “She told me A&M ivould be promptly certified,” Teague contin ued. “The next day her office called me to say she had left for Europe and that further study ivould have to be made of the situation before the certification could be made.” Teague said Senator Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex) has joined him in urging the Defense Department to take action in the matter. QB Club Meets Tomorrow, Ray George Speaks Coach Ray George will be the Quarterback Club speaker at the first meeting of the year at 7:45 tomorrow night. Movies of the A&M - UCLA game will be narrated by Coach George. A. D. Graham of Bryan, was last week’s winner of the Quarterback Club contest. He ivill receive two free tickets to the Aggie-Texas Tech game to be played in tha Cotton Bond Saturday night. Graham picked five out of the six winners, missing the Kansas U upset of TCU. Only one other contestant, Bob Blum, Law Hall, picked five winners. Graham edged Blum by making a more accurate prediction of the score. ' Next iveek’s winner ivill get two tickets to the Oklahoma game, to be played on Kyle Field, the night of Oct. 6. Contest entries may be mailed, delivered to the Battalion office, or deposited in a box located in the MSC. The Quarterback Club’s aims are dei'eloping interest and support of the football team and its coach* ing staff. Five MSC Staff Promotions Made By ALLEN PENGELLY Battalion Assistant News Editor Five new promotions have been made in the MSC administrational staff J. Wayne Stark, director, said today. Those receiving promotions are Miss Teresa Tunnell, foods di rector; Miss Betty Bolander, pro gram consultant; Mrs. Elaine Les ter, bowling alley manager; and Malcolm Thomas, assistant to the director. Miss Tunnell, former assistant food director, took over her job in June. Hers is the responsibility of arranging and managing all five foods sendees of the Center. These services include the Fountain Room, Coffee Shop, Dining Room, catering service, and food service to the guest rooms. To aid her in her duties, Miss Tunnell has from 75 to 100 employ ees. Even with this help, she often has to work 12 to 16 hours each day to see that all arrangements for the next day’s work are com pleted. Miss Tunnel is a graduate of TSCW where she majored in foods. After graduation, she became a foods service officer in the Army lyhere she spent 18 months over seas in the South Pacific. Born in Stevenville, Miss Tun nell came to A&M last year from Washington, D. C. where she was employed by Government Services Incorparted as cafe manager for the Department of Labor. “Promoted to program consul tant, Miss Bolander ivill work with me in special student activities and as advisor to the enterainment committee,” Stark said. “She will also assist student, faculty, and social organizations in the planning and preparation of banquets and dances.” Born in Brighton, Michigan, Miss Bolander did undergraduate work at Michigan State ivhere she re ceived a degree in psychology and philosophy. From Michigan, she ivent to Denver, Colo., ivhere she enrolled at Denver University’s graduate school to study Child ren’s theater and music. Miss Bolander came to A&M in September of 1950 as an assistant to Mrs. Ann Hilliard, social and educational director for the MSC. The new manager of the MSC Boivling Alley is Mrs. Elaine Les ter, previous supervisor and host ess of the Coffee Shop and Dining Room. She has approximately 20 employees to aid her in her work of keeping the alleys in good re pair, maintaining and buying equipment, and managing the bowl ing center. The wife of Daughitt Lester, she is active in social organizations, Veteran’s Wives Club ivhere she ivas secretary last year. “How ever,” she says my main interest is my daughter Suzanne and in helping Daughitt graduate ivith a degree in agricultural engineer ing.” Thomas Gets Promotion Early in the summer, Thomas was promoted from building super, intendent to the post of assistant to the director. He is responsible for making necessary sound, lighting, electronic equipment, and furni ture arrangements for social events, happening in the center. He is also in charge of all art work, and advertising in the center. “With this fine group of per sonnel in charge of operating the Center for the maximum enjoyment of the students, faculty, and resi dents of the community, I feel that the MSC’s second year of operation ivill be a success,” con cluded £tark.