The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1951, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION Tuesday, September 18, 1951 A&M Consolidated Students To Direct City Government Preparations are now being made at A&M Consolidated High School for National Kid’s Day, which is scheduled for Friday. The school is now in the process of electing officers who will as sume the duties of the College Station City officials from 1 p. m. until 5 p. m. Friday. Petitions are now being circu lated, and any student with as many as twenty names on his peti tion is eligible for office, except where class distinction must be made. On Thursday at ten a. m. speech es will be made for the candidates, and the elections will be held. Those officers which will be elect ed are the mayor and six council man from three wards. Two members of the Freshman Class will make up the first ward, two members of the Sophomore Class will make up the second ward, and two members of the Jun ior Class will make up the third ward. The City Council will appoint the city secretary and the city manager from the Senior Class. It will also appoint the assistant city secretary, city attorney, city marshall, and the utility superin tendent. The elected officers will go to the City Hall at 1 p. m. Friday afternoon, where they will be met by city officials and taken to their separate offices. There they will assume their duties. On Tuesday, they will be guests of the Kiwanis Club, and will sub mit a report of what they accom plished while they were in office. CS Ladies Sponsor Bible Study Courses Two Bible courses, Old Testa ment and New Testament Survey, sponsored by a group of College Station ladies are scheduled to be gin Friday at 9 and 10 a.m. in a classroom at the Baptist Student center. Open to Bryan and College Sta tion ladies, the courses include analysis and outline of each book in the old and new testaments. An exposition by the teacher of background, geography, customs, and languages which are needed as an aid to understanding the Bible, is planned. Arthur M. Smith, Baptist Bible Chaii’man will be the teacher for the courses. Persons desiring to register for one or both of the courses are asked to contact Mrs. S. E. Burgess of 4-8484. A nomi nal tuition fee will be charged. Doak Walker of the Detroit Lions wears low cut shoes on of fense, but changes to a high shoe on his right foot when kicking .ex tra points and field goals. New Morning Flight to |HOUSTON Departs 9:28 A. M. Pioneer —j A I R UN E S Phone 4-5054 for information and reservations-or call your travel agent WELCOME AGGIES 7^ Come in and say “Hello” **. ^ V. when you’re at the Gate <SS3O[=3=0; Holick’s Boot Shop Established 1891 at A&M Gilbert Holick, ’39, Owner Bride-To-Be Miss Barbara Adams Miss Barbara Adams, former technician at the Biochemistry lab oratory, who will mary July graduate Lloyd Ray Wright, of Throckmorton. Former Student To Wed Louisiana Girl Sept. 29 Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Adams of Alexandria, La., have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Bar bara, to Loyd Ray Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wright of Throckmorton. The wedding will be solemnized at the Emanuel Bap tist Church of Alexandria Septem ber 29, 7 p.m. The couple met at a faculty square dance at A&M, when Bar bara was employed in a technical capacity at the Biochemistry Re search Laboratory, and Loyd was studying Animal Husbandry. Wright was graduated in July, with a commission in Field Artil lery, after serving four years in R.O.T.C. training. The bride-to-be attended Louis iana College, Pineville, where she completed a course in Pre-med. She is a graduate of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, with a B.S. in chemistry and phys ics. While at LSU, Barbara pledg ed Beta Sigma Omicron, national honor society. Sorenson Slates Talks With Vegetable Growers Associate Professor Harold B. Sorenson will address the ninth annual convention of the Texas Citrus and Vegetable Growers and Shippers organization in Dallas on September 26, it has been an nounced. - Battalion Classifieds - Use battalion classified ads to MJY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rates . ... 3c a word per Insertion with a tSo minimum. Space rate In classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send til classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES IFFICE. All ads must be received in Stu- ient Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR SALE • USED CAMERAS, Leica III, C, like new, Robot I, good condition; Also, new Sig net, never used. Phone 6-6574. (1) 1% TON 4 x 4 1942 Chevrolet Truck. Seale'd bids will be received in the Office of the Auditor until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1951. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Auditor, Texas A&M College, College Station, Texas, for further information. 1942 GLIDER House Trailer. Good cab inets, closets. No furnishings. Fair woodwork. Needs outside repair. Strong chassis, good tires, wheels A real bar gain at $90. Call 6-3444' after 5 on week-days. TURTLES, TROPICAL FISH, GOLD FISH, BIRDS, DOG AND CAT SUPPLIES Gilkey’s Pet Cottage 301 E. 28th St. • FOR RENT • FURNISHED BEDROOM with, private bath, near campus. Gentleman pre ferred. Phone 4-9724. ROOM with private bath in professor’s home, near campus, Call 4-8659. Injury Benefits Available To School Pupils Student insurance for stu dents not participating in in terscholastic sport activities will be offered A&M Consol idated students this year, ac cording to L. E. Boze, principle. For a premium of $1.00 per school year, benefits are provided for injuries occurring in all super vised school activities on the grounds, buildings, or other placse of instruction used by the school. Transportation in vehicles under direct supervision of the school is also covered. The plan pays stipulated fees for specified injuries, but it does not guarantee to pay all doctor and hospital bills, Boze said. ATTENTION! New A&M Teachers: Nice two-bedroom house for sale in College Hills, only $700 down payment. Also new three-bedroom house for sale. Phone 4-8502. SINGLE ROOM. Private entrance, share bath. Two blocks from bus line Close to A&M College—Student preferred: 400 Mitchell St. FOR RENT—Private, cool bedroom, to bath. Call 4-4547. Next FURNISHED ROOM with private 4-9939_ bath. • FOR TRADE • WILL TRADE two box seat tickets to the Thanksgiving Game for two good tickets to the O.U. game. Going over seas in October. Write Lt. C. J. Mc- Mordie, 414 Irvington Dr., San Antonio, Tex. • WANTED TO BUY • USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women’s — and children’s. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 502 N. Main. Bryan, Texas. • HOME REPAIR • ALL TYPES home repair work—additions, roofing,, siding, painting, concrete work, and redecorating. Low down payment and 30 months to pay. For free esti mates call 4-9589 or 4-4236. • WORK WANTED • WOULD LIKE to keep children for work ing mothers in my home. Have had experience with the Junior Welfare League Nursery. Apt. A-5-D, College View. BABY SITTING, your home or mine, nights 50c an hour. Mrs. R. D Hargrove, 302 E. 33rd. Phone 3-6125.' Not player has been able to win the U. S. amateur championship three times in a row. Six men have won it twice consecutively. • HELP WANTED • STUDENT’S WIFE to operate popcorn stand at Campus Theater. Apply in person between 1 and 3 p.m. any day WAITRESS for morning shift. Smitty’s Grill, College Station. WOMAN Dance Instructor to teach Ball room Classes two nights a week. Contact Miss Bolander, Memorial Student Center Directorate Office. Phone 4-5124. EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted—$3.50 per day. Hours 5 a.m to 1 p.m., Sun days off. Kelley’s Coffee Shop. See Mr. Stacy. REGISTERED nurse for general duty. Bryan Hospital. Call 2-1340. • SPECIAL NOTICE • WELCOME, AGGIES to K&B Driving Range, Pinfeather Road, Bryan. Open every day at 4 :30 and all day Saturdays and Sundays. The opening Hillel meeting for year will be held Wednesday September 19 at the Memorial Student Center, Room 2B at 7:15. Bennett Kalmans, the new presi dent for the year, announces a social hour with refreshments welcoming all the new members GET your liability insurance. Homer Ad ams, North Gate, two doors east of College Station State Bank. Ph. 4-1217. Directory of Business Services ALL LINES of Life Insurance. Homer Adams, North Gate. Call 4-1217, Official Notice There will be a meeting of all students who have speech disorders at 7 p. m. Tues. Sept. 25th, 208 Bagley hall (M Bldg.). Dr. Clark will conduct a prelim inary diagnosis at that time. Freshmen and sophomores must have passes. FREE DINNER Watch for Your Name in This Space, Each Week, The . . 12th MAN INN Will give away a free dinner to the person whose name appears. • WATCH FOR YOUR NAME • Bring This By - - - - It’s Yours Free Joe Bill Hollis 10—402 WELCOME-- OLE ARMY WALDROP & CO. presents the comparative record of A&M and their 1951 opponents for the past 5 years * Home Games A&M Opp. A&M Opp. A&M Opp. A&M Opp. A&M Opp. UCLA Sept. 21 TEXAS TECH Sept. 29 0 6 29 7 14 20 26 7 34 13 *OKLA. U. Oct. 6 7 10 1 14 26 14 42 1 | 33 | 28 34 TRINITY Oct. 13 [ | ' | | 1 TCU Oct. 20 14 0 0 26 14 27 1 6 28 42 23 *BAYLOR Oct. 27 17 0 24 0 14 20 0 21 20 27 ARKANSAS U. Nov. 3 0 7 21 21 6 28 6 27 42 13 *SMU Nov. 10 14 0 0 13 14 20 27 27 25 20 RICE Nov. 17 10 27 17 41 6 28 0 13 13 21 *TEXAS U. Nov. 29 7 24 13 32 14 14 14 42 0 17 (1940—A&M 7 — UCLA 0) (1933—A&M 38 — Trinity 0) COLLEGE STATION STORE—North Gate BRYAN STORE—Mnm Street UNIFORMS.... Guaranteed to the last button • 4 (SUGGESTION: Tack This On Your Wall) A. M. WALDROP & CO. “SERVING TEXAS AGGIES SINCE 1896”