The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1951, Image 2

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    Page 6
Battalion Editorials
Page 2
sion is i
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to help
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dean o
Chicken in the Pot
riUrn)bn THE VACATION is over, and it is time for
recentlj ■*- work to start again. This morning an ap
proximate 6,300 students started off on the
first day of the 1951-52 school year.
But in spite of the regularity of the regis
tration lines Friday and Saturday, we are
) sis n/
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Well Done Exes
15c mil
til cias
lent A<
lay bet
THE Association of Former Students, fam-
ous for many programs it has participated
to J
■ M-:ti
in for the betterment of A&M College and
thie students that go here, launched a new
campaign Saturday night.
This new program which they began with
an initial investment of $27,000, should rank
right beside other programs they have spon
sored such as the Memorial Student Center
building, Opportunity Award Scholarships,
and others.
•' That money appropriated from their 1952
Development Fund will be placed in a Chapel
Building fund which will eventually finance
an inter-denominational Chapel to be con
structed in the heart of the A&M Campus.
; It was a noble gesture for the Associa
tion to sponsor and one that students in the
future will greatly benefit by.
! Too many times students find them
selves overburdened with troubles and prob
lems. We believe a Chapel whose doors are
always open would be the ideal answer for a
quiet, peaceable place to think, as well as
to afford a sanctuary for communing with
The Brazos County Ministerial Alliance
is in favor of the program and when it is
completed—whether it be next year or five
years from now—A&M will have a place
students can be proud of and a place they
chn respect and use frequently.
’ With a recommendation from Student
Senate and certain administrators on the
campus, the Executive Council of the Asso
ciation has agreed to allocate the money.
Let’s keep the ball rolling and get a
building we can be truly and reverently
proud to use.
not going to school during regular times.
Now, A&M is on, the brink of having one of
the finest years in its 76 year history.
As we start this year’s studies it is well
to look back and view a few of the advan
tages here.
The leaders, from the corps commander
to the president of the sophomore class, are
all capable men. All seem to have the better
ment of A&M as their secondary goal during
their stay here. We say secondary goal rath
er than primary, because we assume a per
son’s object in going to any institution of
higher learning is to get an education.
We have met with wonderful success in
the Basic Division. Men who were in the
Basic Division last year have gone back to
their homes and told their friends about it
. . . the result is one of the largest freshmen
classes we have had in many years.
A&M is one of the few schools in the na
tion that is not experiencing a tremendous
First of Five Exhibitions
Dallas Artists Display
Twenty Paintings in MSC
Battalion News Staff
Draft Officials Suggest
Larger Service Calls
Twenty paintings by three top
flight Dallas artists are now on
display in the promenade cases of
the MSC. This is the first of five
major exhibitions planned by the
MSC Art Gallery Committee for
the 1951-52 school year.
This exhibit differs in two ways
from two previous art exhibitions
sponsored by the MSC Art Gallery
Committee. During the Summer
exhibition, composed of some 65
paintings by pupils of Mrs. Ralph
Terry, instructor for the Art Gal
lery Committee, no portraits were
On another occasion, the four
paintings by the cowboy painter
H. O. Kelly were displayed in the
promenade. These painings were
given to A&M by Ford Motor Com
pany, and have been permanently
hung in the lounge on the second
Washington, Sept. 17—(A 5 )—A the depression, only about 1,000,000
decrease in enrollment. The national average Selective Service official said last men annually—or 80,000 a month-
is 11 per cent. Ours is well below this figure. ? lght lai 'g® r draft . calls and are becoming of draft age, a rate
^ ° towov n or own on r a cjvo moxnramo hlrolir rn nnnrmno tot* ahnnf III
The paintings by the 67-year-
old Kelly are termed primative
American. Unlike the paintings
now displayed, they are execut
ed on small canvasses, and the
figures, although done in detail,
are often distorted.
an internationally known Texas
artist, has captured such a like
ness. Mrs. Terry says he looks al
most ready to speak. Another por
trait is of Haltom W. Sumners,
who for 34 years was a member
of the House of Representatives
and presently heads the SMU Law
For pure beauty, Froman’s por
trait entitled “Sally” should fill
the bill for any Aggie, although the
girl portrayed might affect most
as a sister, not a sweetheart.
Adele Brunet’s “Portrait of an
Old Man” is the type of paint
ing which causes people to stop
and look twice. Of the paintings
for sale, it is the most valued
($1500). With the bottle in the
rear, the glassy eyes, the filthy
clothes, it might insult some peo
ple’s ancestry. A perfect descrip
tive noun for the old man is
Brunet’s portrait work differs
from Froman’s in the sense that
the latter’s is good from'the view
of the person as an individual,
while Brunet’s is good not from the
individual standpoint as much as
from what the individual typifies.
In the painting entitled “Indian
Woman”, to some people it ex
presses love, or to others mourn
ing. Two of the still life paintings
exhibited are by Brunet. The artist
makes clever use of Chinese figures
in her composition “Green and
Gold,” and the figures of cats in
“Turquoise Cats.”
In conventional and decorative
florals, comment was exchanged
on two paintings by Inez Stauh
Elder which were placed in the
same case. As in many things,
conventional and decorative
paintings are a matter of de
“Persimmons” by Elder leans
more toward the conventional than
the decorative in that the aitist
has not deliberately cut out the
background to the extent of “Calla
Lillies.” Although a poll was not
taken, it seemed that more people
were attracted by the persimmons
than by the lillies. However, the
reason may be as one person put
it, “Look the persimmon picture
costs more ($165) than the lillies
fewer deferments are inevitable.
The Aggies also have a blessing that has The official, General Counsel
so completely filled the needs of student life P aniel Omer, said this is_ true
1 ^ because military manpower is the
that at times we can not remember what scarcest wartime
commodity in
life was like without it. This is of course the America.”
. Speaking on a ‘Liberty’ broad-
Memonal Student Center. Housed m this cast, Omer said the pool of avail-
one building is a service to the students, abIe military manpower, inade-
staft, and guests that is far better than any- duced each month because of:
thing else any other Southwestern school • A shortage of 18%-year-olds
, _ , entering the manpower pool. Be-
Ccin DOciSt
Of a less tangible nature, we can boast
about going to a school that is made up of
one of the greatest fraternities in the na
tion—The Texas Aggies.
cause of low birth-rate-years
The greatest service of advertising
is to make known a good product to
the largest number of prospects at
the loivest possible cost.
—H. B. Le Quatie.
Garden Club
Of A&M Has
First Social
likely to continue for about 10
years longer until the years of
higher birth rates have their im
• A “very high” rejection rate,
currently about 60 per cent.
• A relatively large draft call—
for October, more than 46,000 men.
“We cannot plan on reduced
calls over the next two years,”
Omer said.
“On the other hand, if we are to
maintain a 3,500,000 armed force,
of we must expect larger calls.
— No Men—No Deferments
“When we run out of men, the
inevitable result is a curtailment
of deferments.”
Raymond B. Howes, staff asso
ciate for the American Council on
Education, said on the same pro
gram that the council is sending to
all college presidents the recent
assurance of Anna Rosenberg, as-
Seven portraits by Ramon Fro-
man, who gained a place in the
field of painting by his success
with portraits of prominent Texas
people, are among the paintings
now exhibited.
The portrait of Frank Kelpper,
Graduate Items
To Be Printed
In view of the increasing
interest and enrollment in
graduate studies at A&M The
Battalion will make space
available for some regular
news items and notes of interest to
Graduate Faculty, staff members
sistant secretary of defense, that and g raduate students,
rp, , , • n » n nr the deferment of college students The office of the Graduate
T ^ e . f ^i me A t l ng . 0f . th . e . A , & ^ M Will be continued. School will cooperate in furnishing
Her testimony to the effect that material believed to be of interest
the defense department will have and value from day to day. By
to ask Selective Service “to set keeping such Graduate School
aside the student deferment next news and notes in approximately
year, because we will not have the same place in the Battalion
Garden Club of the year was in the
form of a tea in the assembly room
of the MSC from 3 until 5 p.m.
Friday. About 100 members and
prospective members called, and
What too many are after is a job,
with good pay, and not much work.
So far, science has developed no
process to make pupils like to study.
the Bryan Garden Club members men” was released Sept, they may be easily found and may
“Bedtime for
Tuesday and Wednesday
the tarth has ever seen!
were honored guests.
Mrs. A1 B. Nelson, general chair
11 by the Senate Appropriations become of considerable interest to
Bryan 2‘81119
“The Prowler”
TUES. thru SAT.
Committee. The next day she is-
Turkey Aid
for Showdown
man of the function, met guests at KUe( j a statement saying the col-
the door, and the receiving line was j e g e deferments will be continued
composed of the club officers: Mes- during the next academic year but
dames R. E. Snuggs, president; W. ma y j iave t 0 be “tightened up” the
W; Armistead, Marion Pugh and fo i Iowin g year .
Gibb Gilchrist, vice-presidents; • ,• r i. j.
Betty Jane Shaw, recording secre- Th £ e ls , no bu t that
tary; R. E. Schiller, Jr., corres- M F S ' Rosenberg s testimony was
ponding secretary; C. C. Doak, misunderstood, Omer said,
treasurer; Fred E. Weick, reporter; Omer said there is no plan to
and John Hill, historian. abolish college deferments “unless
Coffee and cake were served there is a substantial change in
from a table decorated with & flor- the size of the armed forces.”
al arrangement in red, which was
the large number of staff and. stir-
dents now involved in graduate
• Ottawa, Sept. 17—hP)—The dis- capacity, virtually on a pool basis,
puted American proposal to ex- to get the most out of the money
tend the Atlantic alliance to Greece they spend for arms.
and Turkey headed for a showdown
today in the North Atlantic Treaty
Cpuncil meeting here.
Top United States officials pri
vately expressed confidence that it
would eventually be approved. But
opposition by any one of the 12
nations in the Council could block
the plan and Denmark and Nor
way were reported still cold to it.
'U. S. Secretary of State Dean
Apheson conferred yesterday with
foreign ministers Salvard Lange
of Norway and Ole Bjorn Kraft of
Denmark in a last minute effort to
win them over.
Meanwhile, as the Council came
up to the fourth session of its Ot
tawa meeting, which opened Sat
urday and is scheduled to end
Thursday, there were these other
Military Aid at Peak
• The United States was report
ed telling its European allies here
that American economic and mili-
® Secretary Acheson, British
Foreign Secretary Herbert Morri
son and French Foreign Minister
Robert Schuman conferred with
foreign policy chiefs of Belgium,
Holland and Luxembourg yester
fastest possible schedule. Author
ities said this probably would go
before the Council today.
# The United States threw its
flanked by a silver candelabra
holding five red tapers, and a sil
ver coffee service. Mrs. C. B.
Campbell, Mrs. M. T. Harrington,
and Bryan Garden Club president,
Mrs. Allister Waldrop alternated
pouring. Guests were registered
It will be the purpose of this
“Graduate School Corner” to ex
plain and interpret Graduate
School rules and regulations, with
special emphasis on the new rules
and the changes decently made in
old rules. It is hoped that this will
enable everyone to handle their
graduate activities more rapidly
and with less confusion and diffi
Dr. Timm Attends
Economist Meeting
full weight behind suggestions, by Mrs. George Potter.
long advanced by Canada and some Mrs. T. W. Martin was in charge
Western European countries, that of distributing yearbooks, which
the Atlantic alliance should deal outline the club theme for the
with non-military political and ec- year, “Texas Roundup.” Two
Dr. Hyrus R. Timm of the agri
cultural economics and sociology
department, attended a meeting of
extension economists in Monticello,
From time to time strictly news
items i-egarding the activities of
this Graduate School or other
good Graduate Schools will be re
ported where they appear to be of
interest to significant groups.
The office of the Graduate
School solicits the cooperation par-
william harrigan
Ill., Sept. 8. He presented a chart ticularly of the members of the
brochure on “Economic Progress Graduate Faculty in suggesting
Which Has Accounted for the items which would be worth men-
day on plans now Mng pushed ^ic^m^tba 8 develop flower shows will be held this yea^ Crowing Interdependence of Agri- tion in future
through to give Western Germany
maximum independence, short of
a peace treaty, and to get German
military forces into General
Dwight D. Eisenhower’s European
Defense Command as soon as pos
over the years into some sort of one in the Fall, and one in the
“Atlantic Community.” Spring. Schedules for the Fall
The Ottawa conference is expec- show were distributed at the tea
ted to make a declaration to this b y M rs - L. B. Middleton and Mrs.
effect, after creating a committee H. L. Gravett. Mrs. Armistead is
issues of “The
culture and Business.”
Graduate School Coraer.”
• Acheson told the Council Sat
urday that the Atlantic Treaty na
tions must press their defense
to work out practical ways of clos
er cooperation on non - military
Holds Center of Attention
The Greek-Turkish issue held
buildup urgently. Morrison and the center of attention for three
program chairman for the year.
The club is interested in increas
ing its membership, and anyone
interested in gardening is invited
to call one of the officers for the
date of the next meeting.
Schuman were reported to have
reasons: First, the United States » -j
taken a similar line in their speech- j s pressing for a decision on it /\ 111 Ofl HI I'll I
es. while also stressing the eco- -i-Vn'c. umoV- c. Q /.r,r.ri u
es, while also stressing the eco
nomic burdens being borne by the
European countries in arms pro
this week; second, it is controver
sial; third, it is the one specific
problem which the Council may re
solve in its Ottawa meeting. All
(Continued from Page 1)
asked the policy-making group to
Master Plan Submitted
other matters under consideration pass on information concerning this
here appear certain to go over to bill to their clubs.
u „ aah QTir i • General Eisenhower was re- a meeting of the Council in Rome The council unanimously endors-
tary aid has reached its peak and p ort ed to have submitted to the i a te next month. ed the proposed state constitutional
ffo'^tW^sMe of°thTTuantic IS S CCn f tra ] Str - ategy T ? 0ard Vl ’ The problem is difficult because amendment which will be voted on
e *f tWr rearmament and French militaiy chiefs a re- SJ ?hc Seandihay£,-havc X Former Student Association
; Instead they are being told all the vised master plan for the defense iected to s t re tching the Atlantic President George Morgan also call-
Ajdantic powers must make more of Western Europe, calling for Treatv bloc into the Eastern Med- ed on A&M President M. T. Har-
efficient use of their production more men and more guns on the iterranean. They have contended rington for a report on plans for
the new school year.
The Battalion
this would destroy the basic con
cept of a security arrangement be
tween North America and Western
Europe, and probably complicate
the problem of organizing Western activities of last year and told the
Reviewed Activities
Dr. Harrington briefly reviewed
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
(( Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
European defenses.
The United States and more re-
councilmen of his expectations for
president said 6,300 students had
already registered and approxi
■ The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texrs, is published by students five times a week during the regular school year.
During the summer terms, The Battalion is published four times a week, and during
examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication, are Monday
through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer
terms, and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscrip
tion rates $6.00 per year or $.60 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
cently Britain, France and Canada ma t; e iy 300 m&re are expected to
have supported the idea, some of em , oll by the deadline Sept. 29.
Entered as second-class
(natter at Post Office at
College Staton, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally
by National Advertising
Service Inc., at New York
City, Chicago, Los An
geles, and San Francisco.
them reluctantly, because Turkey
has been pressing for an American
guarantee of its security for more
than a year. American officials
believe extension of the Atlantic
Treaty to include both Greece and
Turkey is the best way to meet the
„ The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all
nqws dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news
of, spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter
(herein are also reserved.
Coffin’s C of C Quiz
Published in East Texas
‘The enrollment figures indi
cate that A&M will have almost
as many students as last year,
compared with a more than 11 per
cent decrease in most other U. S.
colleges,” the president said.
Athletic Director Barlow
“Bones” Irvin and Head Football
Coach Ray George also spoke at
the breakfast held in the MSC
To the Freshman Class and
Warm Greetings to
Returning Old Friends
Let us take care of your . . .
and I N S I G N I A 1
—Three Stations to Serve You—
MAIN PLANT—Back of Sbisa Hall
-Over The Exchange
‘Serving Texas Aggies Since 1927’
Produced by Aubrey Wijber£ and Jack Polleifea l< *
Presented by Sherrill Corwin
Directed by EdaorG. Ulmer.
St. Thomas’ Episcopal Chapel
906 Jersey St., Southside
Across the Drill Field from Duncan Hall
Holy Communion
. 8 A.M.
Church School, with Aggie Coffee Club . . .
Morning Prayer and Sermon
9:30 A.M.
(Holy Communion on 1st Sundays) . .
. 11 A.M.
Evening Prayer, Student conducted . . .
6:30 P.M.
Training for Lay Readers and Acolytes .
. . 7 P.M.
Fellowship Hour
7:30 P.M.
Holy Communion, Breakfast following . .
6:30 A.M.
Evening Prayer
7:15 P.M.
Canterbury Club
7:30 P.M.
Rev. Orin G. Helvey, Vicar
Rev. Lawrence L. Brown, Director, Canterbury Bible
Chair, Chaplain to Students.
The Ham What Am
By Al Capp
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office
Room 201, Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-6324) or at
the Student Activities Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall.
Joel Austin .....; ; ...Managing Editor
Bill Styeich ....J - News Editor
Frank Davis a. City Editor industrial survey project.
A quiz for chamber of commerce
managers was carried in the Aug
ust issue of East Texas, official
organ of the East Texas Chamber
of Commerce. It was prepared by
John W. Coffin, associate research
engineer in charge of the Texas
Engineering Evperimer.t Station’s
Frank Lovejdy
“i Was a cosimums