COLLEGE ARCHIVjS'p STUDENT MEMORIAL CENTER F. E. Oldest Continuously Published In Texas College Newspaper The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Published by Students Of Texas A&M For 73 Years Number 1: Volume 52 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1951 Price Five Cents Carlson First Air Force Colonel of the Corps Against Andy : ■ Wf V : f 11 Erice W. Carlson For the first time in the history of the A&M Cadet Corps, an Air Force branch student has been chosen to direct and lead the mili tary portion of the student body. Eric W. Carlson, former service man and distinguished student, needs no introduction to upper classmen of the Corps, but for the benefit of the new students at the College, it might be well to give a little of the background of A&M’s new four-diamond colonel. The 22-year-old economics major was born in Elgin, Texas, a com munity cldse to Austin. From the time he was a young boy. he has wanted to come to A&M. Carlson’s parents came to the United States when they were in their early 20’s and their son spoke very little ex cept Swedish until the time he started grammar school. After graduation from high school, Carlson served in the army for two years and rose to the rank of T-4. He received basic training at Aberdeen, Md. and was sent to japan within six weeks after enlisting. While overseas, he saw service in the military police and with the ord nance. After enrolling as a freshman in the Fall of 1948, Carlson made up his mind to make the military a career. It was the military cus toms of A&M which made him de cide on such a career, the tall, Corps Commander said. As a freshman, he served as a major on the air force squadron staff at Little Aggieland, the Bryan Field Annex. He was also (See CARLSON, Page 4) FSA Gives $27,000 For Start of Chapel By JOEL AUSTIN Battalion News Staff A student chapel for inter-de- Oominational use on the campus re- eeived unanimous approval by the Association of Former Students Executive 'Council which met on the campus this weekend. The council pegged $27,000 of the $60,- 000 1952 Development Fund to ward a Chapel Building fund. The policy-making group of the Association first considered a re port from the special committee which would have allocated the $27,000 for a complete renovation of the YMCA Chapel Room. The committee’s recommendation was voted down at the suggestion of Councilman Tyree Bell, member of the A&M System Board of Direc tors, the amount was set aside as the first contribution to the Chapel Building fund. The Executive Board of the council highly favored the idea of an inter-denominational student Chapel and made it their top rec ommendation to the council. Placed In Center of Campus The chapel would be placed in the center of the campus which would make it easily available to students at all times. “The building would give Aggies a place of quiet and solitude and a convenient sanctuary for commun ion with God,” the Council was told in the recommendation. Other objectives approved for A&M Laundry Sets Schedule James Kingcaid, superin tendent of the College Laun dry, has announced the sche dule of pick-up and delivery of laundry. Pick-up and Delivery stations are as follows: Dorm 12‘ for stu dents living in the project houses, Vet Village and Dorms 1-12; Hart Hall for students living in Hart, Mitchell, Legett, Milner, Bizzell, Law and Puryear Halls; Post Graduate Hall for all students liv ing in Dorm 14 through 17 and Walton Hall; and the Quonset Hut for students living in the College View Apartments. The laundry will operate the same way as in the past, Kingcaid added. Students will be allowed one bundle of laundry a week, without extra charge. Day for laundry turn in will be according to the surname of the student. Students whose last names be gin with an A-D will deposit it on Friday, E-I on Monday, J-N on Tuesday, O-S on Wednesday and T-Z on Thursday. Laundry will be returned in two or three! days af ter reaching the laundry. All laundry must be turned in at the sub-station before 8 a. m. on the designated day. An extra charge will be made for all bundles turned in late or out of place. the 1952 Development Fund were as follows: • $10,000 was set aside for Op portunity Award Scholarships to complete the 1950 program. • $1,000 was placed at the dis posal of the President of the Col lege for use as a special emergency fund. Monies from this fund would finance minor expenses which can not be paid out of state funds. • $22,000 was allocated for pub lication of The Texas Aggie, offi cial publication of the Association of Former Students, and also oper ating expenses of the FSA office. Three Day Meeetings The three day meetings which saw the Executive Board in session Friday night and Saturday morn ing and the Executive Committee convening Saturday night and Sun day morning, were attended by some 73 delegates from all over the United States and one foreign country. The Saturday evening meeting was called to order by Association President George Morgan of Beau mont who gave a short welcome to the council men and visitors at tending. Association Vice-President A. F. Mitchell of Corsicana repoiTed on plans for better-informing high school principals of the importance and value of Opportunity Award Scholarship applications. Dick Hervey, executive secretary of the Association, reported on ac tivities and accomplishments of the organization since the last council meeting in May. President Morgan introduced the area vice-presidents and J. R. Shel ton of Abilene gave a condensed report concerning work of all the vice-presidents. Financial Status Reviewed The financial status of the Asso ciation was reviewed by L. B. Locke of College Station, followed by a progress report of the 1951 Development Fund by Dick Her vey.' Selection of 1952 Development Fund objectives followed Hervey’s report. Reporting for the Historical and Archives committee, D. B. Gofer, college archivest, told of the need for a permanent building to pre serve and display items collected by his office. President Morgan announced that a book written by George Ses sions Perry and published by the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company entitled “The A&M Story” would be released by that firm early in November. Dick Conway of the Football Film Committee told the Council that $2,270 had already been sub mitted as advance rental on the two films to be used in the Foot ball Film Ch-culating Library. He said the tremendous response to the new plan may require the pur chase of three films instead of two copies of each A&M game this season. Showing of the Humble Oil and Refining Company’s film “Football Highlights of 1950” was the final item on the meeting’s agenda. Gilchrist Calls on Voters Gibb Gilchrist called on voters of Texas to support a constitutional amendment which would broaden the base of our permanent Univer sity fund (for A&M and Texas University) Sunday morning. Speaking at a breakfast session of the Association of Former Stu dents Executive Council Gilchrist (See AMENDMENT, Page 2) Pinky Swims To Settle Coffee Rib The biggest problem confronting the 10 and 3 o’clock coffee club since the price of coffee went up has been solved. Pinky Downs can swim. Members of the morning and afternoon coffee club had a long standing argument on about wheth er or not Pinky could swim. They said the man the P. L. Downs, Jr. Natatorium was named after could not swim a lick. The man who made “Gig ’em.” famous finally proved he could Friday. The problem was solved when Col. Frank Anderson, track coach, challenged Downs to a swimming meet. The challenge was accepted and the training began. Betting on the event reached its highest pitch when the name of the swimming pool was put up as a stake by Downs. Col. Andy said he would turn over his job to Downs if he lost. At the end the bets were cancelled. Both men agreed that Art Adam son, swimming coach, should be the match maker and handle the pool arrangements. President M. T. Harrington and Dean C. C. French were named judges of the event. At swim time Col. Andy showed up at the pool attired in a cut away coat, top hat, glasses and false nose, and swim flippers. The flippers were ruled out by Adam son. Timing the event turned out to be a problem. A stop watch aaid an alarm clock were not deemed adequate and both contestants agreed on a calendar. Colonel Andy jumped the gun twice, each time losing his spec tacles and diving to retrieve them. After he was proclaimed winner, he did a flip-flop backward dive from the diving board, just to show he had something left. Then he walked around the pool to the starting end, where he dived to retrieve his glasses again. The crowd cheered wildly as Downs reached the finish, half a length behind Anderson. Downs had proved that P. L. Downs, Jr., natatorium was not named for a non-swimmer. College Nile Program Set for 7:30 Grove ■ Three Dictionaries Approved by Mayo Dr. T. F. Mayo, head of the Eng lish department, has requested that freshmen registering for English 103 or 104 purchase only accept able dictionaries for work in these courses. Dictionaries which are approved by the Department of English are: Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, G&C Merriman company; the Am erican College Dictionary, Harper and Brothers Publishers; and Win ston Dictionary, Advanced or En cyclopedia Edition, John C. Win ston company. No other dictionaries will be ac cepted, Dr. Mayo warned. - : i Uli Hi Maj. Gen. Clark L. Ruffner, commander of the U. S. Second Infantry Division, greets his new assistant commander, Brig. Gen. Haydon L. Boatner. General Boatner joined the second div ision late in August. He came to Korea from duty as command ant at A&M where he served from 1948 through 1950. Eats Eggs Bird Loose--Likes Bread, Boiled Eggs, Grasshoppers Ever hear of a bird who likes boiled eggs, bread and grasshop pers ? Well, believe it or not, one exists but its whereabouts is unknown. Dr. Leonard Wing of the wildlife department says the bird was lost about 7 a. m. Friday morning somewhere in College Hills. It is a royal pheasant but its correct title is Faisano Real, the Spanish name. This unusual bird prefers to walk although it can fly if it de sires. Dr. Wing asks that anyone find ing the pheasant contact him at the wildlife department or at his home. The latter may be reached by call ing 6-2921. Dan Davis Returns Dan R. Davis, associate professor in the Agricultural Economics and Sociology department, has just completed a six-weeks fellowship with the college business exchange program provided by the Founda tion for Economic Education of New York. •j ston Back To The Old Grind \ V P/ Chemurgic Lab Moved The chemurgic research labora tory of the Texas Engineering Ex periment Station is now located in the old Science building. Staff members are Dr. W. W. Meinke, manager and Miss Florence Farr, research assistant. Hup/ two THPtB -foup (\ Social Activities SPORTS ot> 'V. J CLASSES p.Gkf’ Harrington, George And Pinky to Speak By BILL STREICH Battalion News Staff At, 7:30 the fuse will be lit on what promises to be one of the greatest years A&M has even seen. The student body will assemble at The Grove to take part in the memorable and spirited program, always typical of All-College Night. The Aggie band, pulse of the fighting spirit, will touch off the program, which includes talks by President M. T. Harrington, Head Football Coach Ray George, and P. L. “Pinky” Downs. Coach George will also introduce members of the football varsity squad. f L ew j () be, head yell leader, will introduce Dr. Harrington, who will welcome both old and new students to the college. Between each talk, there will be songs, played by the band and yells led by the five yell leaders, Jobe and John Tapley, sen iors; Tom Collins and George Rush, junior yell leaders; and Curtis Wilson, non-corps yell leader. Next on the program will be Coach George, who will introduce members of the football squad, by. position, and make a few com- ments concerning the forthcoming gridiron season. After George’s talk, “Pinky” 1 will make a few of his well chosen comments concerning Aggie for tunes for the coming year. While All-College Night is the first official program of the young school year, other activities have been taking place on the A&M campus in preparation for the Fall semester which opened this mom. ing at 8. Freshmen began arriving on the. campus two weeks ago to take part in the annual Freshman Week pro gram which began Sept. 14. Up perclassmen assigned to the Fresh man Regiment were also on the campus at the same time taking part in orientation activities and aiding the new students in becom ing accustomed to Aggie life. Orientatiions, Assignments Thursday and Friday of last week, seniors and juniors, assigned to other Corps organizations, took part in orientation programs and activities designed to get the school year started with the least diffi culty. Then on Saturday, registration was held for all students who did not register Aug. 26, The campus was buzzing with activity all week end as students secured keys, moved possessions into rooms and began the process of readying things for another school year. As usual, there were lines al most everywhere one might look. The* Exchange Store, which had been rushed the previous week with freshmen was crowded even more with the return of the upperclass men. The Housing Office was also a center of activity over the week end as new and old students se cured keys, and made changes in rooms. New Council Organized At Consolidated With school two weeks old, A&M Consolidated High School organ ized its student council Wednesday when two representatives from each class were selected to form the major governing body of the school. Jerry Leighton, elected last Spring, is president of the student council. An important meeting of the council is planned for Monday when an election date will be set for the student city officers in connection with the annual Kids Day sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. The council will divide the school into four wards, comparable to the four city wards, from which two aldermen will be elected by the students in the wards. A mayor will be elected by the school. The officers elected will fill the city positions for a short time on Kids Day, Sept. 21. Recommended By Faculty One boy and one girl from each class comprise the student council. Council members are selected from a list prepared by the faculty. Stu dents must have an 80 average in their studies to serve on the council. Celeste Curran and Gayle Klip- ple were chosen by the Senior Class to serve on the student coun cil. Martha Ergle and James John- were selected by the Junior Class. Sophomore and Freshman Class representatives are David Bonnen, Penny Laverty, Carole Williams, and Roy Courim. Mrs. A. R. Orr, math teacher; L. S. Richardson, school superin tendent; and J. C. Chaney, indus trial education instructor, are the class sponsors for the Senior Class. Class sponsors for the other class es are as follows: Mrs. J. T. Duncan, and O. V. Chafin, Junior Class; Robert Boone, Tom Ryan, and Carl Lan- diss, Sophomore Class; and Mrs. S. S. Sorensens, Mrs. Owen Lee, and Mrs. Mildred Byrd, Freshman Class. Room Mothers In addition to the class sponsors, each class has room mothers. Room mothers for the Senior Class are as follows: Mrs. R. E. Leighton, and Mrs. J. B. Blakely. Room mothers for the other classes are Mrs. Paul M. Andrews, Mrs. H. W. Barlow, and Mrs. Joe Motheral, Junior Class; Mrs. S. S. Fleock, Mrs. Byrd Price, and Mrs. Carl Landiss, Sophomore Class; Mrs. F. M. Smith, and Mrs. J. S. Beaty, Freshman Class. Class officers were elected at Consolidated High School last week. Bob Barlow was elected pres ident of the Senior Class. Other Senior Class officers are Waaida Goodwin, vice-president; Glenda Brown, treasurer; Dorothy Holick, secretary; and Martha Jane Ar nold, reporter. The Junior Class elected as its president Tom Barlow. Joe Moth eral Jr. is vice-president. Other officers are as Allows: Barbara Van Tassel, secretary; James John ston, treasurer; Margaret Arnold, Sgt. at arms; Barbara Robertson, historian; and Antone Nemec, con cession manager. Jimmy Bond was elected presi dent of the Sophomore Class. Vice- president is Pinkney Cooner, sec retary, Eleanor Price, treasurer, Ann Williams, and reporter, Bobby Jackson. Freshman Class officers are Clifton Bates, president; George Letton, vice-president; Ann Beaty, secretary; Travis Engelbrecht, treasurer; and Jerry Oden, report er. Meeting Rooms At MSC Ready Student organizations de siring to hold meetings in the MSC may begin filing appli cations tomorrow at 8 a. m. Mrs. Ann Hilliard, social di rector of the MSC, said Sunday. These applications may be obtained in the social and educational of fices of the MSC and must be re turned by 5 p. m. Sept. 26. The MSC will not be able to accomodate all student groups de siring meeting rooms, Mrs. Hil liard said, but every effort will be made to take care of the larger, more important organizations, and those which make applications first. Hometown clubs are scheduled to meet on the first and third Thurs day nights of each month, while technical groups will hold their meetings on the first and third Tuesday nights. Each Wednesday night will be given to religious groups. The Student Senate will hold its meetings on the first Thursday and the MSC Council on the second Monday. Every third Monday the Student Life Com mittee will meet. Application blanks should be filled in by club presidents who will indicate time of his club’s meeting, date and membership of the dub.