The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 13, 1951, Image 4
Page '4 THE BATTALION Thursday, September 13, 1951 rsB >UY t3c ' lectl »>1 . >FF lent lay SEN ho V< (20) be bi 194 ii TVi 1 SWC Ramblings Left Halfback Glenn Lippman began his first day at calling sig nals yesterday for the A&M foot ball team . . . it’s a plan which -is set to relieve some of the pres sure from the quarterback . . . the Cadet gridsters continued to work their top defensive unit against the •single wing attack, the chief offen sive weapon of the Aggies first foe UCLA. . . " At Dallas, Southern Methodist 'Stressed their favorite method of OPENING SAT. 1 P.M. rtrf-1 j togs*' {wad vioos, society eioseib 1 attack—the forward pass, both of fensively and defensively . . . the Ponies are preparing for their first foe, Sept. 22, Georgia Tech. . . Texas had a little rain but con tinued to work out steadily at Austin. . . Fullback Byron Town send is said to have suffered a neck injury but is resting comfortably tonight . . .’ stress was placed on pass defense as the Longhorns first opponent is mighty Kentucky, who boast the accurate passing of Babe Parilli . . . Sonny Sowell became t (See SPORTALK, Page 5) GAY WITH MARDI GRAS COLOR*BYf? lECHNICOLOR! with Written by SY GOMBERG and GEORGE WELLS Directed by Produced by PREVUE SAT.—10:30 P.M. Sunday and Monday Hie funniest new idea on film since' -wii/i WALTER SLEZAK* JESSE WHITE • Qtid Introducing non REAGAN DIANA LYNN A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE mmmm COMING—SEPT. 14TH Friday Night Prev.—11 P.M. SKY- STGRY OF HOWARD HUGHES JOHN WAYNE ROBERT RYAN LIATHMW 5 O' 1 "' ^ V-' ' •“***»* recmcotoK .with DON TAYLOR JANIS CARTER JAY C. FLIPPEN WlLlfAM HARRIGAN .EDMUND GRAINGER 'radio, M » QUEEN STARTING—SEPT. 14TH WEEKS RUN .GREGORY % Pick COLOR BY -t-N* „ TECHNICOLOR wcntaYPAOPL WALSH »c.s.fmii* Screen Play by Ivan Soli & Ben Roberts end Aeneas MacKerul* More Players Use Plastic 7 ii loai More A&M football players are eight yards per carry against Ar- beginning to wear the plastic mask kansas, then two weeks later sot: as scrimmages get tougher. Issued a national record for rushing to the team at the start of the against a major opponent when he season, the plastic masks were a gained 297 yards in 29 carries “voluntary choice” of the individual against Southern Methodist, players as to whether or not they Smith’s performance convinced would be worn. Now, twenty play- the A&M coaches lb*, a player ers as well as All-American Bob can still turn in a top pci roncrnce Smith will wear the mask. with a broken nose vd: u properly Reduction of facial bruises and Protected. V now masks are cnol- TODAY thru, SATURDAY FIRST RUN —Features'Start ’—■’ 1:49 - 9:45 - 5:50 - 7:55 - 10:00 Head Trainer Bill Dayton shows Head Football Coach Ray George and End Charley Hodge, Full back Bob Smith, Center Hugh Meyer, Halfback Augie Saxe, and Tackle Jack Little the new plas tic mask which all members of the A&M grid team may wear. Purpose of the masks: reduc tion of cuts, head injuries, facial bruises, and concussions. Downed Kosse 52-0 Tigers Meet Madisonville Coach Othel Chafin’s A&M Con solidated gridsters travel to Madi- sonville Friday, where they will try to remain the favorites in the newly constructed 7-team district. Last Friday, the Tigers thor oughly whitewashed a Kosse elev en, 52-0. Halfback Jerry Leighton starred for the winners, scoring three touchdowns. Halfback William Arnold scored two while Dave Bonnen, Gayle Klipple, and George Johnston each scored one. Johnston also success fully converted four of eight point- after-touchdown boots. Power, Speed—Ground Consolidated showed all of their power and speed on the ground, as their passing attack was never needed. Only two passes were thrown by the Tigers, both incom plete. Although Coach Chafin believes his forward wall is slow but that his speedy backfield makes up for it. Johnston, who quarterbacked the team last season, will play at the end post this weekend and Arnold has also been transferred, from end to halfback. Anderson—Quarterback Quarterbacking the Maroon and White is 120-pound soph Freddie Anderson. The starting line-up will include ends Johnston, 135 and Dave Bon nen, 135; tackles Dan Williams, 155, and Thomas Wade, 130; guards Jimmy Bond, 140, and Don Royder, 125. Center Pinkney Coon- er will weigh in at 150, while Klip ple hits the scales at 135, Leighton at 149 and Arnold, 135. The first two hits of the year at the Polo Grounds for the Phils’ Andy Seminick were home runs. Both were off Jim Hearn. FRESHMEN ORDER YOUR DARK GREEN SLACKS TAILOR MADE TO FIT YOU — GUARANTEED FIT We Also Carry — READY MADE GREEN SLACKS REGULATION KHAKI SLACKS AND KHAKI SHIRTS Our Alteration Department is handy to sew patches on shirts and cut them down on the sides. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF MILITARY SUPPLIES SUCH AS SOCKS, BELTS, TIES, CAPS, BRASS INSIGNIAS, ETC. Experienced Alteration Department Bring us your issue uniform to get it altered properly and sew the patches on—You won’t regret it. . . . ZUBIK’S UNIFORM TAILORS 1896 — 55 Years of Tailoring — NORTH GATE 1951 cuts is one of the reasons why the masks are worn, but elimination of concussions and head injuries is the hope of Aggie trainer Bill Dayton. “Many head injuries happen as the result of a player ducking his head,” Dayton says. “We believe that by the use of this face gear, we can eliminate head-ducking, and our players will see where they are going. When they watch their op ponents, they are able, by reflexive action, to keep their heads out of the way.” Dayton, who 1 is one of the direc tors for the National Athletic/ Trainers Association, expects a no ticeable decrease in Aggie head in juries as a result of using the mask. The mask is patterned after the leather-steel mask which Smith wore to protect his nose, broken during last year’s Baylor game. While wearing the mask last sea son, Smith averaged better than er and also offer better vision. JPJ MA ■ ,•6619 ^7: EVERY MONDAY KG R A 8:0ft P.M. , AMERICA^ LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS mmimmA PREVUE' FRIDAY 11 P.M. FIRST RUN Sunday thru Wednesday 6 6 'Frogmen NEWS — CARTOON PREVUE SATURDAY 11 P.M. FIRST RUN THUE3.. thru SAT. “little Big lorn” NEWS — CARTOON ifesl/U 7^ .... * V>' yrtprv rc tv;-- - , s a ."r raama SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ★ Grocery Specials ★ Kraft’s New Tangy Mayonnaise Base SEA ISLAND - Salad Dressing . . . pint 45c 2 rolls 27c ... can 21c . 3 cans 28c . . . can 53c 1000 Sheet Rolls. Top Quality SOFTEX TOILET TISSUE . Buffet Cans. Premier All-Green ASPARAGUS CUT SPEARS. No. 1 Tall Cans (IOV2 Oz.)—Frost PUREE No. 1 Tall (16 Oz.)—Keta BROOKDALE SALMON...... 43c Value, Today’s Market—Libby’s—Excellent Buy * VEAL LOAF can 25c No. 2 Cans Libby’s TOMATO JUICE -.2 cans 27c No. 2 Cans Grade A—Orchard Gardens—Texas GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.... .... 3 cans 28c Use Top for Table Coasters—Swift’s, Homogenized—1-2-Oz. Jar PEANUT RUTTER. . ...... .31c 2»/2 Cans Libby’s FRUIT COCKTAIL........ can 35c 2</ 2 Cans Del Monte—Halves BARTLETT PEARS can 45c Fancy Quality Orange Pekoe & Pekoe McCORMICK’S TEA ... . 12-Oz. Libby’s Vacuum Pack WHOLE KERNEL CORN. Sunbeam No. Yz’s Cans GRATED TUNA 2 303 Cans Del Monte’s Mission Brand .... SUGAR PEAS . .2 cans 27c 3 Lb. Pkg. Mrs. Tucker’s SHORTENING each 79c No. 2 Cans Medium—3 Sieve Moonrose—Fancy Blue Lake WHOLE GREEN BEANS 2 cans 43c Money Back If Not Entirely Satisfactory—KimbeH’3 No. 2 Cans CHILI- Without Beans 65c For a Refreshing Summer Drink KOOLAID DRINK MIX 6 pkgs. 25c . . Vz lb. 45c . . 2 cans 31c cans 55c ★ Fresh Frails d fe^eiaHes iv BANANA SQUASH . . ... . Ik l5e Coming in Extra Nice. Nn. i Capf POTATOES. 29c Sweet Yellow ONIONS .... • . . . Ib , 5c No. 5 Size Calif. ICEBERG- LETTUCE .... head 10c Snowball Nice Size Heads CAULIFLOWER eacli 29c Thompson Seedless GRAPES . . . . Ik 14c Fresh TURNIP or MUSTARD GREENS ..... . . 2 bundles 23c 2Yz Inches Diameter. New Mexico ELBEKTA peaches . . . Ik 14c 'k Market Heart o’ Texas—Pan-Ready FRYEF Armour’s Cheese Food—Spread igr Decker’s Tall Kara Choice Veal SEVEN SI Loin End—No. 1 POE ★ O0o Jo rosea Worth the Difference. Grade A—Deluxe SANITARY ICE GEE 6-Oz. Honor Brer-d pr SurwcnY ORANGE JUICE . . . 5-Oz. Sunk is t LEMONADE . . . Honor or Birdseye , ■ . . G R E E N P E A S . . Full 16-Oz. PkTfu He or Bror.J STRAWBERRIES Birdseye Spears BROCCOLI... Low Everyday Price. U Gallon M E L L O K R E M E . ★ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SOUTHSIDE FOO HAVE YOU TRIED OUR ICE-PACKED GARDEN-FRESH VEGETA; . . plat 28c 2 caas 43c 2 cans 33c 2 pkgs. 47c • • pkg-. 47c • pkg- 29c . . each 65c pr @1 mil es hAi&tf? * 59c . box 89c 49c 99c B3e 59c