The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 22, 1951, Image 1

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    Commandant Appoints Eight New Regimental Commanders
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Jeptha W. Dalslon James G. Anderson, Jr. Roy R. Striekert, Jr.
Infantry Regiment Commander Artillery Regiment Commander Armor-Engineer Commander
Harold T. Chandler
First AF Wing Commander
John B. Wright
Howard W. Kruse
Louis E. Stuart
Grady L. Smallwood
Second AF Wing Commander Composite Regiment Commander Seventh Regiment Commander Eighth Regiment Commander
Published by Students
Of Texas A&M
For 73 Years
The Battalion
Number 208: Volume 51
Oldest Continuously Published
College Newspaper
In Texas
Price Five Cents
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'Officer’s Training Course
| Scheduled Sept. 6 and 13
The Commandant released yes-
teerday the cadet officers and non
commissioned officers’ orientation
courses schedule for both the
freshman regiment and upper
classmen group.
Eighth regiment cadet officers
and non-commissioned officers
orientation course will begin at 9
a. m. Thursday, Sept. 6, with a
Welcome by President M. T. Har
rington and Dr. C. C. French
dean of the college, in the MSC as
sembly room.
Officials to Speak
At 10 a. m. Col. Joe E. Davis,
Col. E. W. Napier and Col. S. P.
Myers of the School of Military
Science will speak on the function
and responsibility of cadet officers,
in the MSC assembly room also.
Dr. John Bertrand, dean of the Ba
sic Division, will talk on Organiza
tion-Basic Division, in the MSC as
sembly room from 11 a. m. to
11:50 a. m.
From 1 p. m. until 1:50 p. m.
Dean Bertrand will explain coun
seling in the basic division, in the
YMCA Chapel. •
Col. Davis and Col. Napier will
talk on the exercise of voice and
command, in the YMCA Chapel,
at 2 p. m.
Counselors and the cadets offi
cers and non-commissioned offi
cers will meet in the counselors’
offices for the final phase of the
course, from 3 p. m. until 4 p. m.
Thursday, September 13, is the
opening date for the officers and
non-commissioned officers orienta
tion course for the upperclassmen
of the new area.
Welcome By Harrington
A welcome by President Har
rington, Dean French and Dean
W. L. Penberthy at the MSC Ball-
Final Review Set
For Fish Cadets
Final review for the Summer
school freshman battalion has been
scheduled Friday, Aug. 24, at 6:30
p. m.
Slated for the Main Parade
Ground, uniform for the review will
be number I Khaki with overseas
cap and necktie. Sabers will be
carried by authorized personnel.
At the review, awards will be
presented to the outstanding cadet
of the Freshman Battalion and to
the outstanding cadet in each com
pany and squadron. The awards
will be engraved silver identifica
tion bracelets.
“T would like to stress that the
cadets winning awards are now in
competition with freshmen who
will enter school in the Fall se
mester. The awards will be pre
sented to those cadets displaying
outstanding qualities during the
Summer session,” said Lt. Col.
Marion P. Bowden, assistant com
“Students attending school this
Summer are not in competition
with the regular session freshmen
because they will move over to
the cadet corps area in February,”
Col. Bowden continued, “although
they will be eligible to compete for
sophomore honors to be presented
on Mother’s Day.”
The final review for the fresh
men will conclude their military
activities for the Summer.
Friday night, at 8:30 p. m. in
the MSC Ballroom, the Freshman
Battalion will have a dance. The
Aggieland Combo will play for the
room, at 9 a. m. will precede the
main part of the course.
Col. Myers and Col. Napier will
speak on “Leadership, Responsibil
ity” in the MSC Ballroom at 10
a. m.
At 1 p.m., Athletic Director Bar-
low Irvin and Coach Ray George
will explain the athletic program,
in the assembly hall.
“Health Facilities”
Lt. Col. Bowden will speak on
Health Facilities, at 1:30 p. m.
in the Assembly Hall and G. C.
“Spike” White will talk on Stu
dent Activities at 2 p. m. in the
Assembly Hall also.
At the main drill field from 3
p. m. until 4:50 p. m. Col. Myers
and Col. Napier will explain The
Exercises of Voice and Command.
On Friday, September 14, 1951
from 8 a. m. to 8:50 a. m. in the
MSC Ballroom Col. Davis will
speak on the Policies and Methods
Used by the Commandant and
Corps of Cadets.
Articles of Corps
From 9 a. m. until 9:50 a. m. Lt.
Col. Bowden will talk on the Ar
ticles of the Cadet Corps, in the
MSC Ballroom.
Captain Perry will speak on
Property Responsibility (Govern
ment, Dormitory and Mess Hall) at
10 a. m. until 10:50 a. m. in the
MSC Ballroom.
The counselors and the cadet of
ficers and non-commissioned offi
cers will meet together in the coun-
selors office from 11. a. m. to 11:50
Col. Davis will hold an open
forum in the MSC Ballroom from
1 p. m. until 1:50 p. m.
From 2 p. m. until 5 p. m. the |
assignment of cadet rooms by com
pany commanders and first ser
geants in the Housing 1 , office then
a meeting of the Corps Staff,
Regimental and Battalion com
manders will be held in the MSC
ball room by Colonels Davis, Nap
ier and Myers.
Eric W. Carlson Appointed
A&M’s Corps Commander
Eric W. Carlson, former corps sergeant-major and out
standing junior student last year, was named colonel of the
corps of cadets yesterday.
Official announcement of Carlson’s appointment to the
position came yesterday afternoon when President M. T. Har
rington put his signature to the list of officer appointments
for the 1951-52 corps of cadets.
Executive officer of the corps is Kenneth M. Wiggins,
liberal arts major from St. Augustine.
Wiggins and Carlson both served on the corps staff last
year. ^
Carlson was named sergeant-major of the corps last
: ^February and became the first Air
Force ROTC cadet to receive that
distinction. He will also be the
first Air Force colonel of the corps.
The tall, blondehaired economics
major from Elgin owns a grade
point ratio of '2.9—a fraction short
of a straight “A” average.
In his sophomore year he was
outstanding cadet in the class of
’52, and was presented the Cald
well Award last spring at Mother’s
Day ceremonies. The Caldwell
Award goes to the corps’ outstand
ing junior cadet.
Kelly Takes
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Eric W. Carlson
A&M’s new colonel of the cadet corps and top cadet officer,
Carlson is the first Air Force cadet to receive that honor. Up
until this time the position had always been filled by a student
from an Army branch.
General Leroy Lutes, Fourth
Army’s commanding officer, has an
nounced that Lt. Col. John J. Kel
ley of College Station has taken
over one of the top Public Infor
mation posts for the United States
Fourth Army.
Col. Kelley took over the job
of Public Information Officer, re
placing Col. Thomas B. Woodburn
who has retired from active ser
A 1939 graduate from West
Point, Col. Kelley gave up his job
as cavalry-armored training spec
ialist at Texas A&M College.
He will make his headquarters
at Fort Sam Houston, which is
also the headquarters for the
Fourth Army, which includes in
its command, Texas, Louisiana,
Oklahoma and New Mexico.
Kenneth M. AViggins
Corps Executive Officer
Other Top Officers
Other top officers listed in Gen
eral Order 1 from the comman
dant’s office, were the eight regi
mental commanders who will hold
the rank of full colonel. The regi- j
ment leaders are as follows:
Jeptha W. Dalston, infantry reg
iment; James G. Anderson, Jr., ar
tillery regiment; Roy R. Striekert,
Jr., armor-engineer regiment; Har
old T. Chancier, first AF wing;
John B. Wright, second AF wing;
Howard W. Kruse, composite regi
ment; Louis E. Stuart, seventh
regiment; and Grady L. Smallwood,
eighth regiment.
Voris R. Burch, Jr.
Consolidated Band Commander
A&M Cadet Officer Appointments Announced for 1951-52
(Editor’s Note: The following
U, list of newly appointed officers
is very lengthy and it is quite
possible that some errors were
made in spelling of names, etc.
We have made an effort to re
produce the promotion list from
General Order 1 which was re
leased by the Commandent’s.
Office yesterday, but if an er
ror appears in your name, we
assure you it was not intentional
and please accept our apologies
in advance.)
Corps Staff
Colonel of the Corps Eric W.
I Carlson, corps commander; Col.
I Kenneth M. Wiggins, executive of-
| ficer; Lt. Col. Charles R. Dunn,
I adjutant; Lt. Col. Douglas V.
1 Adamson, intelligence officer; Lt.
I Col Billie B. Turner, operations of-
I ficer.
Lt. Col. Jessee C. Fletcher, sup-
I ply officer; Lt. Col. Voris R. Burch,
I Jr., commander consolidated band;
I Lt. Col. C. L. Ray, corps chaplain;
I Lt. Col. Dale E. Walston, public
I information officer; Lt. Col. Bob
I Chapman, communications officer;
I Lt. Col. Don P. Hegi, corps infor-
I mation officer; Maj. James W.
I Rogers, drum major consolidated
I band.
M/Sgt. Donald F.’Carroll, com-
| munications sergeant; M/Sgt. Joel
I E. Austin, corps information ser-
I geant; M/Sgt. Oliver C. Jarvis, in-
j fantry regiment liaison; M/Sgt.
Lyle A. Wolfskill, artillery regi-
ment liaison.
■ M/Sgt. Guy W. Shown, 1st Air
B Force wing liaison; M/Sgt. Weldon
R D. Kruger, 2nd wing liaison;
* M/Sgt. Edward W. Hegmann, com-
r r, posite regiment liaison; M/Sgt. Joe
C. Wallace, armor-engineer liaison;
M/Sgt. Donald E. Greney, consoli
dated band liaison, M/Sgt. William
F. Munnerlyn, Jr., 7th Regiment
Headquarters Consolidated Band
Maj. J. K. Miller, ,exec.; Capt.
L. E. Robinson, adj.; Capt. S.
Dugan, supl. off.; M/Sgt. J. B.
Raynaud, Sgt. Maj.; M/Sgt. G.
Jenkins, supl. sgt.
Maroon Band
Capt. L. A. Holmes, cmdr.;
Capt. R. L. Robinson, drum major;
1st. Lts. V. R. Berry, second-in-
command; L. R. Bennett, pit. Idr.;
H. J. Thomas, pit. Idr.; K. M.
Cooper, pit. Idr.; R. M. Redwine,
pit. Idr.; T. W. Carlise, sch. off.;
H. J. N. Pyle, tr. inf. off. 1st. Sgt.
D. D. Howell, first sgt.; T/Sgts L.
R. Bockholt, pit. sgt.; H. L. Simon,
pit, sgt,; G. Staff el, Jr., pit. sgt.
S/Sgts. Don H. McClure, sch.
sgt.; F. L. Vinz, comm, sgt.; E. H.
Cooper, pit. gd.; V. K. Roberts,
pit. gd.; C. M. Cocanougher, pit.
gd.; L. R. Cervenka, sq. Idr.; P. R.
Pearson, sq. Idr; G. W. Berner,
sq. Idr.; H. D. Hullan, sq. Idr.; L.
B. Simmons, sq. Idr.
White Band
Capt. Grover G. Ellisor, cmdr,
and drum major; 1st Its. W. E.
Midgley, pit. Idr.; L. R. Jarrett,
pit, Idr.; G. L. Hurkrider, pit. Idr.;
B. E. Fereday, pit. Idr.; A. H.
Cooper, tr. inf. off.; 1st Sgt. D. E.
Krueger, first sgt; T/Sgts; J. I.
Jordan, pit. sgt.; J. M. Eller, pit.
S/Sgt. O. A. Prather, sch. sgt.;
J. S. Shafer, ath sgt.; J. E. Drake,
suply sgt.; K. W. Monroe, comm,
sgt.; R. S. Travis, pit. gd.; R. S.
Thomas, pit. gd; J. H. Thomas,
pit. gd; S. C. Guthrie, pit. gd.; R.
D. Williams, sq. Idr.; L. A. Walker,
sq. Idr.; D. M. Gibson, sq. Idr; E.
L. Boettcher, sq. Idr.
• HOUSING ASSIGNMENTS for all military units were announced
yesterday by the Office of the Commandant. Freshmen will branch
out this year and live in Milner Hall and Leggett Hall in ad
dition to Dormitories 14, 15, 16, 17 and Walton Hall. See Page 2,
Col. 1.
• JUDGE JOHN W. GOODWIN, one of the two remaining graduates
from A&M’s first class which started in 1876, passed away recently.
See Page 4, Col. 4.
• ALLIED COMMANDERS believe the Communists called the peace
talks purely as a means for stalling U.N. activities in Korea. See
Pag0 Col. 1.
• WHILE NEGOTIATORS TALK over the conference table, Allied
soldiers continued to combat the enemy on front lines. For latest
developments, see Page 4, Col. 6.
• TEXAS UNIVERSITY’S football prospects for the coming year
are discussed by Sports Editor Andy Anderson. See Page 3, Col. 1.
Headquarters Senior Battalion
Lt. Col. J. W. Dobbyn, cmdr.;
Maj. T. D. Haralson, exec.; Maj.
J. W. Ward, oper. off.
A Seniors
Capt. G. E. Goodman, com
B Seniors
Capt. M. Deutsch, commander.
C Seniors
Capt. P. S. Park, commander.
D Seniors
Capt. T. D. Davis, commander.
E Seniors
Capt. G. H. Lang, commander.
Headquarters Infantry Regiment
Col. J. W. Dalston, cmdr.; Lt.
Col. L. E. Jobe, exec. Majs. R. L.
Collier, Jr., adj.; J. W. Phillips,
oper. off.; K. B. Anderson, supl.
off; T. E. Moses, regt. inf. off.;
M/Sgts. C. F. Hornstein, sgt. maj.;
W. A. Dunn, supl. sgt. T/Sgts G.
R. Harper, comm, sgt.; C. R. Raw
lings, trans. sgt. S/Sgts H. F.
Miller, color sgt.; B. H. Hudspeth,
color sgt.
Headquarters 1st Infantry
Lt. Cdl. B. A. Underwood, cmdr.;
Maj. C. E. Clinger, exec.; Capt.
C E. Sebesta, adj.; Maj. M. D. Riff,
oper. off.; Capt. W. E. Stallings,
Jr., supl. off., T/Sgts. R. E. Wal
lingford, sgt. maj.; J. G. Fritts,
supl. sgt.
A Infantry
Capt. D. M. Jenninson, cmdr.;
1st Its. R. E. Bicqham, pit. Idr.;
T. M. Stephens, pit. Idr.; D. S.
Morris, ath. off.; H. E. O’Connell,
tr. inf. off.; 1st. Sgt. A. E. Mas-
sengale, first sgt.; T/Sgt P. .J. V.
Shepard, pit. sgt.; S/Sgt. H. V.
Steel, pit. sgt.; J. W. Krieger, Jr.,
ath sgt.; J. E. Harris, supl. sgt.;
W. L. McNair; trans. sgt.; R. M.
Anderson, pit. gd.; J. A. Turcottee,
sq. Idr.; R. Henderson, sq. Idr.;
S. J. Buchannan, Jr., sq. Idr.
B Infantry
Capt. R. F. Semlinger, comm.;
1st. Its. A. S. Goodloe, second-in-
command; M. E. Stratemann, ath.
off.; J. H. Hancock, sch. off. T/Sgt.
C. R. Blank, pit. sgt.; S/Sgts. D.
R. Richey, sch. sgt.; E. A. Werner,
comm, sgt.; M K. Manly, trans
sgt.; P. T. Blazey, pit. gd.; D. E.
Williams, pit. gd.; J. N. Thompson,
sq. Idr.
C Infantry
Capt. F. W. Snyder, comm.;
1st. Its. M. G. Smathers, second-
in-command; C. A. Peterson, pit.
Idr.; 1st sgt. W. K. Zimmerman,
first sgt.; T/Sgt. J. D. Gorman,
pit sgt.; S/Sgts. R. E. Arhelger,
sch. sgt.; H. L. Moore, ath. sgt.;
C. A. Roper, supl. agt.; D. R.
Heath, comm, sgt.; W. G. Delaney,
pit. gd.; G. S. Hare, pit. gd.; R.
W. George, sq. Idr.; W. L. Polser,
sq. Idr.; R. D. Wells, sq. Idr; Q. E.
Milhollin, sq. Idr.; O. D. Fisch-
grabe, sq Idr.
Headquarters 2nd Infantry
Lt. Col. F. E. Hood, cmdr.; Capt.
D. B. Austin, adj.; Maj. T. M.
Nanny, oper. off.; Capt. V. E. Zou-
zalik, supl. off.; Capt. D. R. Pat
ton, batt. inf. off.; T/Sgts. T. N.
Fields, sgt. maj.; R. W. Jones, Jr.
supl. sgt.
D Infantry
Capt. J. R. Gottlob, Jr., cmdr.;
l§t. It. C. E. Osborn, pit. Idr.;
T/Sgts. J. E. Cook, pit. sgt.; V. D.
Howell, pit. sgt.; S/Sgts. W. O.
Cawley, sch. sgt.; J. R. Frey, ath.
sgt.; R. L. Miller, trans. sgt.; D.
G., Zahn, pit. gd.; W. J. Willmann,
sq. Idr; D. S. Tabb, sq. leader;
W. C. Moses, sq. Idr.; L. V. Cleg-
horn, sq. Idr.
E Infantry
Capt. P. L. Shaffer, cmdr.; 1st.
Its. E. F. Houser, second-in-com
mand; J E. Morgan, pit. Idr.; R.
L. Jones, ath. off.; J. F. Gibson,
tr. inf. off.; T/Sgt. E. D. Francis,
Jr. pit. sgt.; S/Sgts. B.. J. Rankin,
sch, sgt; J. O. Childs, ath.; T. E.
Perkins, supl. sgt.
Headquarters Artillery Regiment
Col. J. G. Anderson, Jr., comm.;
Lt. Col. R. B. Curry, exec.; Majs
J. H. Hughes, adj.;.W. A McSpad-
n, regt. inf. off.;
M/Sgt. C. M.
Scott, sgt. maj.; T/Sgt. H. P.
Schults, Jr., comm, sgt.; M/Sgt.
S. Jennings, supl. sgt.; T/Sgt. R.
K. Ford, trans. sgt.
Headquarters 1st Artillery
Lt. Col. B. J. Neal, cmdr.; Maj.
L. W. Stallings, exec.; Capt. T.
J. Savage, adj.; Maj. A. F. Summy,
oper. off.; Capt. D. L. Tschirhart,
supl. off; Capt. G. C. Merbeth,
batt, inf. off.; T/Sgts. J. C. Math
ews, sgt. maj.; C. R. Slone, supl.
sgt.; S/Sgt. C. H. Pluenneke,
comm: sgt.; R. B. Killian, trans.
A Field Artillery
Capt. J. C. Milligan, comm.; 1st
Its J. D. Gressett, second-in-com
mand; F. M. Johnston, pit. Idi’.;
S. A. Mosteller, pit. Idr; J. W.
Carper, sch. off.; 1st. Sgt. J. E.
Moore, first sgt.; T/Sgt.; H. C.
Hultgren, pit. sgt.; A. W Holland,
Last Day of Publication
For Regular Batt Staff
With this issue the regular Summer Battalion staff ends
its job. Until Sept. 17, however^you will continue to receive
The Battalion twice weekly—Tuesday and Thursday.
The City of College Station was far from being an ex
citing place this Summer—except for a few isolated cases.
But the heat continually kept our growing city in the state
spotlight with the thermometer rising to 107, 108, and re
maining above 100 for 23 consecutive days. It was hot!
The regular staff will be waiting for all returning stu
dents Sept. 17 with our first big edition of the Fall.
—The Editor.
pit, sgt.; S/Sgts D. E. Flatt, comm,
sgt.; G. D. Boring, pit, gd.; J. D.
Crockett, pit. gd.; E. H. Zeach,
sq. Idr.; J. M. Hughitt, sq. Idr.;
R. A. Hartman, sq. Idr.; C. Elliott,
sq. Idr.
B Field Artillery
Capt. J. W. Little, 1 cmdr.; 1st
Its R. L. French, second-in-com
mand; S. Cowan, pit. Idr.; J. B.
Brannen, pit. Idr.; P. D. Terry,
ath. off.; T/Sgts B. R. Heath, pit.
sgt.; D. R. Buchner, pit. sgt.; sgts.
C. E. Berger, sch. sgt.; J. S. Boyd,
ath sgt.; II. A. Mueller, comm, sgt.;
H. E. Caches, supl. sgt.; H. F.
Welsch, Jr., pit. gd., R. C. Stinson,
sq. Idr.; B. G. Johnson, sq Idr.
C Field Artillery
Capt. E. H. Fatheree, cmdr.; 1st
Its R. H. Huey, second-in-com
mand; W. B. Hayes, pit. Idr.; F.
B. McDaniel, pit. Idr.; J. D. Mugg,
Jr., ath. off.; E. A. Elmendorf,
sch. off.; E. M. Martin, tr. inf. off.;
S/Sgt. J. J. Seligman, comm. sgt.
Headquarters 2nd Artillery
Lt. Col. H. W. Van Cleave, cmdr.;
Maj. W. H. Beazley, exec.; Capt.
R. W. Calloway, adj.; Maj. W.
Roberts, oper. off.; Capt. J. M.
Ivy, supl. off.; Capt. C. L. Ross,
batt. inf. off.; T/Sgts M. J. Ditt-
sgt.; B. K. Balke, trans. sgt.
D Field Artillery
Capt. W. E. Fosberg, cmdr.; 1st
Its C. G. Massey, second-in-com
mand; DR. McCoy, pit. Idr.; J. J.
Millender, ath. off.; A. C. Umi-
tia, sch. off.; 1st. Sgt. G. H. White,
first sgt.; T/Sgt. S. T. Grissom,
r, sgt. maj.; D. L. Bull, supl.
.; S/Sgts W. T. Simmons, comm.