The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 17, 1951, Image 1

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    Published by Students
Of Texas A&M
For 73 Years
Number 187: Volume 51
The Battalion
Oldest Continuously Published
College Newspaper
In Texas
Price Five Cents
Firemen’s Training School
Begins with 750 Registered
On the Firing Line
' The twenty-second annual Fire
men’s Training School began on
the campus yesterday with 750
firemen, fire marshals and instruct
ors participating in the training
K Conducted by the Texas Engin
eering Extension Service, the week-
long training school will be under
White Proposes
Of Ag Laws
’ . Texas State Commissioner of
* Agriculture John White said yes
terday that he would propose that
a committee be named to investi
gate the laws that govern agricul
ture in the state.
I “It is time we had an inventory,”
the commissioner said in a talk be
fore the Short Course for Seeds
men being held at A&M. Twenty-
five seedsmen are attending course,
which lasts through Friday.
White said that findings would
be presented to the legislature
looking toward more up-to-date
laws governing agriculture in the
K “We plant 15 to 16 billion pounds
of seed each year in the United
States, biggest plantings being
that of wheat and oats,” Dr. R. D.
Lewis, director, Texas Agricultur
al Experiment Station, told the
; j “You can’t have good seed un-
Ijess you have good heredity,” he
said. “We throw away millions of
dollars each year by poor seeding
methods. Low-priced seed are of
ten the highest in cost.”
I He urged seedsmen to increase
the supply and demand and lower
the cost on seed performance.
Short Course
Slated Here
A three-day herdsmen’s
short course sponsored by
the Animal Husbandry De
partment will be held at
A&M’s new beef cattle center
Aug. 9-11.
The course will include work on
breeding, feeding and management
of the breeding herd, as well as
feeding, fitting and showing pure
bred cattle.
The first day will be devoted to
^election, breeding, management,
Registration and transfer of pure
bred cattle. Winter feeding for
breeding cattle, selection, feeding
and handling show prospects up to
Show time will be taken up the sec
ond day.
The third day will be devoted to
ptudy of show classificatioin, pre
paration of cattle for show, show-
. Ing and selling purebred cattle.
A registration fee of $5 per
person will be charged to help de-
Afray expenses of the course. The
yonly other expenses will be for
\ loom and meals. Registration will
J be held at 8 a. m., Aug. 9, and the
course will begin one hour later.
Room reservations in the MSC
or one of the dormitories on the
; campus may be obtained by writ
ing F. W. Hensel, Placement Of
fice, College Station, or the A&M
Animal Husbandry Department.
the direction of H. R. Brayton,
chief of the firemen training de
Four Courses
Under the auspices of the State
Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ Asso
ciation of Texas, the school is div
ided into four courses—general
basic, advanced, fire department
instructors’ course, and fire mar
shals’ course.
This year’s school, having at
tendance from over twelve states,
has, 85 instructors, most of whom
are chiefs or drill masters of both
volunteer and paid fire depart
Fire Fighting Training
Only one hour of the five day
progi’am will be devoted to meet
ings. During the remainder of the
time the firemen will receive
training on fire fighting of var
ious types of fires in the field and
familiarizing themselves with dif
ferent types of modern fire-fight
ing equipment.
Aside from 18 wood shacks,
4.000 gallons of gasoline, and
12.000 gallons of oil, equipment
will include a five-compartment
gasoline transport truck to be used
in overflow and spill fires, a com
plete sprinkled system, and a
wrecked B-29 airplane for use in
crash fire demonstrations.
Meet In Assembly Hall
All groups of the school met
for an opening session in tthe As
sembly Hall yesterday moming.
Following the meeting, all mem
bers met with their scheduled
groups located at various points
on the campus.
President Emeritus Frank C.
Bolton, member of the Advisory
Board of the Firemen’s Training
School, was luncheon chairman for
the group at noon yesterday.
French Robertson, southwestern
regional coodinator of civil de
fense, was principle speaker for the
luncheon. The title of his speech
was “The National and Regional
Picture of Civil Defense.”
Friendliness Backfires;
Coffee Money Returned
Friendliness has backfired on Student Publications
Manager Roland Bing.
In a recent order to the A&M Athletic Department for
two tickets to the Texas A&M-Texas U. football game this
Fall. Bing enclosed a check for &7.70 (to cover the price of
the tickets, 25 cents mailing fee and 25 cents Olympic fee).
To his order he also added a nickel for “a cup of coffee,
without cream,” for C. P. Ownby, business manager of the
Athletic Department.
Monday, Bing received the following letter from the
Athletic Department.
“Dear Mr. Bing:
Your ticket order has been accepted with reservations for
the following reason: the applicant has attempted to bribe a
state employee in the performance of his duties, by attaching a
5 cent coin for coffee, without cream. The following action is
being taken: the coin is hereby returned with an addition of
2 (two) one cent coins with a picture of a former president who
is noted for his character as symbolized by his actions in office.
Very truly yours, Athletic Department, A&M College.
P. S.—Please use the coins for the addition of sour cream,
on the morning that you receive your two Texas Tickets—for you
will be in a mood for it.”
The letter contained a nickel and two pennies.
Bing is still waiting for his tickets.
Inspecting the firing positions of college cadets
on the firing range of the Fort Hood ROTC
Summer camp are Lt. Floy W. McGine, kneeling,
ROTC Branch, Army Field Forces, Fort Monroe,
Va., Col. H. L. Boatner, standing in center, and
Lt. Col. Allen S. Wilder, right, ROTC Section,
G-3, Fourth Army. Lt. Col’s McGine and Wilder
visited the post on a tour of Fourth Army ROTC
camps and were accompanied on the local inspec
tion by Col. Boatner, who is also professor of
Military science and tactics at A&M.
Fine Performance Recorded
Royal Scots Musical Team
Fills Grove to Capacity
Battalion Feature Editor
Singing selections from opera,
operetta and hit Broadway musi
cals, the Royal Scots, nationally
known singing ensemble, present
ed an entertaining program before
a capacity crowd at The Grove last
Opening with a special arranged
Kansas City Area Mobilizes
For Herculean Clean-up Task
Kansas City, Mo., July 17—UP)—
The battered Kansas City area, mo
bilized today for a Herculean clean
up task as flood waters, swirling
eastward, struck new blows at
Missouri River towns.
Receding flood waters in this
metropolitan area of 9,000,000 left
block after block of muck-covered
And in Kansas, a line of wrecked
or partially damaged towns and
cities stretched across the eastern
and central parts of the state.
Costliest Flood
The latest damage estimate for
Kansas and Missouri is $750,000,-
000—the nation’s costliest flood.
Water still covered many sections
but it was fast slipping back into
river channels here and in Kansas.
But to the east of Kansas City,
small towns along the Missouri felt
the full force of the turbulent riv
er. Lexington, Wellington, Nor-
borne and Hardin, Mo., were flood
ed. Some dikes in central Mis
souri gave way.
The runoff of Kansas flood wat
ers also buffeted Oklahoma. Mi
ami, in northeastern Oklahoma,
suffered its worst flood beating in.
history from the Neosho-Grand
High Water
High water poured over 130 to
150 blocks of the town of 12,000,
forcing approximately 3,500 pei 1 -
sons from their homes.
President Truman, reported deep
ly concerned over the flood situa
tion, planned to fly over the Mis-
souri-Kansas disaster area today.
He was scheduled to make a brief
stop at Independence, Mo., his
home town and fly back to Wash
ington tonight.
The flood has brought death to
17 persons, tied up highway and
rail transportation, forced more
than 70,000 from their homes and
severely damaged the industrial
capacity of numerous towns and
In Kansas City, Kas., and Kan
sas City, Mo., four major industrial
areas covering thousands of acres
were flooded. Water during the
height of the flood stood more
than 20 feet deep in some places.
Quartermaster Cadets Back
From Stay at Beach Resort
A five-day old fire that ravaged
a seven-block area and injured 14
firemen was left to burn itself out.
Fire Chief Harvey Baldwin called
it the most desti-uctive Kansas City
fire in more than 30 years.
Fire Destruction
The fire destroyed or damaged
24 major firms. Preliminary esti
mates indicated damage would run
well over $1,000,000.
The flames were fed by oil and
gasoline floating on flood waters.
Receding waters left scenes of
desolation. Houses standing on
end, lying on their sides or tilted
at weird angles. Porches hung
on the tops of light poles, bedding
on utility wires.
QMC Camp Correspondent
beach enjoying the sun, and the During the training period the
water, pursuing their favorite cadets will learn the practical side
pastime — the numerous members and operation of the QMC. They
Fe. Lee, Va., July 13—(Delayed) of the opposite sex which frequent- will operate nine different types
' • " ’ • ■’ ed the place. of QMC companies, including
During the past two weeks the mobile bakeries, reclamation and
. —Sunburns and talk about the
numerous girls we have encounter
ed has been the order of the day acres of Ft. Lee have resounded maintainance outfits and laundry
since the return of the QMC with the firing of the M-l and the and bath units.
Special demonstrations by
units on field maneuvers at the
reservation will be presented for
ROTC Summer campers from a carbine by the cadets of the ROTC
two day stay at Camp Pendleton Camp. Several members of the Ag-
near Virginia Beach.
gie delegation have achieved the
Nearly the total complement of distinction of Expert, while most
the camp made the “training trip” of the remainder have been desig-
to the luxurious Virginia resort nated as either Sharpshooter or
city. The only “catch” in the trip Marksman.
|||was that the quarters provided
I.; ffor the Cadets were not too lux
urious—but then pup tents never
Since Camp Pendleton is a
deactivated army post that has
been turned over to the State
National Guard, the barracks
they were not in such hot shape
for us to stay in.
Most of the group, Aggies es
pecially, spent their time on the
By the time this article reaches
print the total 1900 man comple
ment plus the Officers and
NCO’s of the QM Camp will have
moved to A. P. Hill Military
Reservation for a five day biv
ouac. The camps will entruck at
5 p. m. Monday morning for the
reservation located approximate
ly 75 miles north of Ft. Lee near
the historic city of Fredericks
the cadets. At least one special
night problem will be done by
ROTC men.
Forty or more of the 47 Aggie
QM cadets are planning to attend
the party being given for all Ag
gies of the various camps near
Washington by the A&M Exes of
the area, on Saturday July 21.
Those missing the party are the
few who will return to the land of
plenty, Texas, a week early to at
tend Summer School.
Camp here will end at 1100 on
Friday July 27.
Frank Davis
No newcomer to Battalion read
ers, Davis officially took over
the duties of City Editor for the
paper yesterday. He is journal
ism major from Bryan, and is in
his junior year.
At the Grove
Tues., July 17, Movie, “Curtain
Call at Cactus Creek” with Donald
O’Conner—8 p.m.
number, the ensemble displayed
their vocal artistry with fine show
manship and ingratiating person
alities throughout the program.
The male quartette, composed
of Lawrence Lane, Melvin John
son, Bernard Izzo and Lawrence
Gray, sang “Now Let Every
Tongue Adore Thee,” “Passing
By,” and “Let Me Wander Not
Changing to a lighter tempo
with “Hey Robin, Jolly Robin,” the
quartette provided a humerous at
mosphere for the audience.
Singing “E Lucevan le Stelle”
from Puccini’s “Tosca”, Lane, dis
played a clear and lyric tenor
Lida DaValle, the lassie with
the five lads, displayed her lyric
soprano voice well in singing
“Voices of Spring.” For a se
lection from “Porgey and Bess,”
Miss DaValle joined Izzo, bari
tone, in a duet.
Costumed in colorful Scotch
kilts, the ensemble opened the sec
ond poi’tion of the program with
OPS Schedules
Price Talks In
Bryan Tonight
Merchants and business
men in Brazos County and
vicinity will have an oppor
tunity to obtain first-hand in
formation about government
price regulations Wednesday in
Bryan. *
Price specialists from the Hous
ton district Office of Price Stab
ilization will conduct the clinic
with the cooperation of the Bryan
Chamber of Commerce. They will
advise and assist businessmen on
all OPS regulations.
Charles H. Winefich, Jr., Hous
ton OPS director, has urged busi
nessmen throughout the area, in
cluding operators of such con
sumer services as laundries, ser
vice stations, barber shops, beauty
shops, etc., to bring their OPS
problems to the clinic.
“OPS clinics are being held on
a local community level in order
to help all businesses comply with
government price regulations,”
Winerich said. “All questions will
be answered by our representatives
and they will give businessmen and
the public every assistance possi
Two Profs Attending
Grading Demonstration
Roy Snyder, U. D. Thompson,
and A. L. Smith, members of the
Animal Husbandry Department and
Extension Service attended a Beef
Grading Demonstration in West
Texas last week.
The group also attended grading
demonstrations in Lubbock, Ama
rillo, Big Spring, McKinney, and
a performance of Harry Lauder
Particularly entertaining were
“Roamin’ In the Gloamin,” “I Love
a Lassie,” “Annie Laurie,” and the
hit songs from “Brigadoon” and
“The Song of Norway,” two Broad
way musicals.
Merrill Jackson, accompanist
for the ensemble, displayed his
concert pianist ability when he
played “Evening in Granada” by
“Show Business” sung by the
ensemble and “I Got a Song”, a
solo number by Izzo proved to be
the audiences’ preferences for the
Concluding the program, the
ensemble sang “Lift Thine Eyes”
and “May the Good Lord Bless and
Keep You.”
Army Reports
Progress Noted
In Peace Talks
Munsan, Korea, July 17—UP>—
For the second day in a. row the
army reported “some progress” was
made today in Korean war cease
fire negotiations.
Delegates spent an hour and 35
minutes in two sessions debating
the agenda.
They meet again at 10 a.m. Wed
nesday (7 p.m. Tuesday EST) for
their sixth conference in Kaesong.
Communist Opened Sessions
North Korean Gen. Nam 11, chief
Communist delegate, opened Tues
day’s sessiorrs, a U. S. 8th Army
announcement said. Most of the
55-minute morning session was de
voted to a discussion between Nam
and Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, chief
United Nations delegate, of the
allied proposals for 1 the agenda.
A&M Graduate
May Get Boost
To Lt. General
Washington, July 17 — (JP)
Maj. Gen. Andrew D. Bruce,
whose personal and military
background centers in Texas,
has been nominated for pro
motion tP a lieutenant general.
General Bruce is now command
ant of the Armed. Forces Staff Col
lege at Norfolk, Va. Born at St. following
Louis, Mo., he went to Texas as a '
young man and graduated from
Texas A&M in 1916. He entered
the army in that year and his first
assignment was at an Officers
Training Camp at Leon Springs.
Bruce returned from World War
I and was again assigned to Texas
at Camp Travis. He was profes
sor of Military Science and Tactics
at Allen Academy, Bryan, in 1928.
In World War II, Bruce headed the
Tank Destroyer Center at Camp
Hood before taking the 77th Divis
ion to the Pacific.
He won the Navy D.S.C. with
oak leaf cluster and the Legion of
Merit as a divisional commander in
the Guam, Leyte and Okinawa
He returned from Asia in 1947,
again to Texas, as Deputy Com
mander of the Fourth Army at
Fort Sam Houston.
Texas A&M made him an hon
orary doctor of laws in 1946.
Boatner Nominated
For Brig. General
Texas A&M’s commandant of Section, Third Army Headquarters,
the corps and professor of military
science and tactics has received
word that he has been nominated
for promotion to Brigadier Gener
Col. H. L. Boatner, who is pres
ently Deputy ROTC Camp Com
mander at Fort Hood, has been
recommended for the appointment
by President Truman.
Col. Boatner’s military career
began in 1918 when he enlisted in
the Marine Corps. In 1920 he en
tered West Point and was gradu
ated in 1924. In 1934 he received
an M.S. degree from California
College in Peking - , China.
Assigned to A&M
In August 1948 Col. Boatner was
assigned to Texas A&M College.
He will return to College Station
from Ft. Hood on July 27 to await
urther orders from the Army.
At the time of Pearl Harbor;,
Col. Boatner was in the Oeprations
Fireman Dies
In Dormitory
W. T. Childress, Fire Marshal of
Texas City, died Monday night in
Dormitory 1 on the campus. He
was enrolled in the Fire Marshal’s
course now in progress at A&M.
Mr. Childress, 47, had been in ill
health for several years. He suf
fered with high blood pressure and
was under a doctor’s care at the
time he enrolled in the short course.
Mr. Childress was sleeping on
the lower bunk of double-decked
beds. His roommate heard him
fall from the bed and immediately
summoned a doctor. Childress was
dead upon the doctor’s arrival.
Time of death was placed at 1:30
a.m. and the cause of death was
attributed to a heart attack.
Two other firemen from Texas
City have returned to their home
with the body. Funeral arrange
ments are pending.
San Antonio. In February 1942
he flew overseas with General Stil-
well and was with him in Burma
at the time of its collapse in 1942.
Commander In India
Later Col. Boatner became com
manding general of the Chinese
Army in India. A year later he
became commanding general of
the Combat Troops, Ledo Sector,
and in October 1944 became com
manding general of the Northern
Area Combat Command.
Shortly after that he went to
China and became deputy com
mander, Chinese Combat C o m-
mand. After 44 months overseas
he was assigned as G-l, Fourth
Army, Fort Sam Houston.
Col. and Mrs. Boatner live at
406 Throckmorton.
Considerable time was required
in clarifying definitions and in
making translations.
In the afternoon Nam elaborated
on the Reds’ idea of what the
agenda should include. He appar
ently came with the English and
Chinese translations of his remarks
already prepared.
Both Joy and Nam, who do vir
tually all the talking, read their
During give and take discussions
acr oss the greerr topped table they
have plenty of time to write their
replies while translators are read
ing the English and then the Chi
nese translations.
“The afternoon session of the
conference was more formal,” the
army statement said. It added:
“The United Nations command
delegation felt that some progress
may be recorded in the conference
For the third day there were
no Red guards near the tiled build
ing where meetings are held. The
allied party saw only two armed
Communists in Kaesong.
Both were North Korean police.
One stood in a traffic circle with
a red flag in one hand, a white
flag in the other. He presumably
was directing the almost non-exist
ent traffic. The other was lead
ing an ox cart.
Negotiators in Good Spirits
Negotiators appeared to be in
good spirits when they came out of
Tuesday’s sessiorrs.
As they met, U. N. bombers
swept across the quiet war front,
up the heaviest night
raids of the Korean war. The
U. S. Fifth Air Force flew llt>
sorties Monday night in radar-
controlled bombing attacks on Red
air fields, troop concentrations and
supply centers.
The shooting will go on until
negotiators agree on armistice
terms. And actual cease-fire ne
gotiations could get underway only
after completion of the agenda.
The first five days of meetings
were devoted to drafting the agen
da. Each side submitted a list of
subjects to be dismissed.
Sessions Began at 11
Tuesday’s sessions began at 11
a.m. (8 p.m. Monday, EST) in the
red-tiled building that has been
converted from an exclusive re
staurant of prewar days to an ar
mistice conference hall.
Delegates conferred for 55 min
utes, then recessed for lunch until
2 p.m. The afternoon session
lasted until 2:40.
From all outward appearances
negotiations went smoothly. But
none of the ten negotiators would
discuss what had happened as they
emerged into the bright sunlight.
Dr. Mon lux Speaks
At Lions Meeting
“Africa is a fertile field for
Communism,” Dr. W. M. Monlux
of the Veterinary Pathology De
partment told members of the Col
lege Station Lions Club yesterday
at their weekly luncheon in the
Speaking on the topic “Travels
in Africa,” Dr 1 . Monlux said that
bad living conditions caused by
the white man’s domination of the
economy have brought dissatisfac
Dr - . Morrlux recommended that
the United States aid the African
economy with missionaries and
The speaker was introduced by
Dr. W. A. Boney, program chair-
Traffic Committeemen
Appointed by Keese
A six man Citizens Traffic Com- irrg, the problem of traffic parti-
mission has been appointed by cularly in the North Gate area,
Mayor Ernest Langford to inves- was discussed. Reference was made
tigate traffic conditions in College during the meeting to the existing
Station and make recommendations city ordinance passed in 1943,
to the city council. The ordinance specifies that
Authorized at the last council parking for 250 feet east and west
meeting on July 9, the commission of the red light at the intersection
is headed by C. J. Keese who is an of Sulphur Springs Road and Main
instructor in the Civil Engineering Street shall be parallel and limited
Department. Charles Leighton, to 30 minutes. Twelve hour park-
Tom Taylor, Les Richardson, Col. ing is authorized in the ordinance
F. G. Anderson, and Earl Cunning- on the south side of Sulphur
ham are the other members of the Springs Road,
commission. Violators Fined
Committees Appointed Violators of the ordinance can
To facilitate more extensive stud- be fined not in excess of $25, the
ies and recommendations Keese has law stated.
broken the commission down into Traffic regulation has three as-
five sub-committees entitled streets pects, according to Keese-education,
and pavement, schools and driver enforcement, and engineering. He
training, publicity and records, urged drivers to acquaint them-
traffic safety, and signs, signals selves with traffic laws and regula-
and marking. tions, and stressed that the safe
During the recent council meet- driver is the courteous driver.