The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 12, 1951, Image 4
Page 4 ' T ^ r ~ THE BATTALION Thursday, July 12, 1951 FIT MSC Schedules Summer Dance A summer dance honoring mar ried couples has been slated for the MSC ballroom on August 3. The dance will be informal and will feature nickelodean music. The music will be continuous through out the evening, according to Dick Van Tyne, dance committee chair man of the MSC. “We are providing some very special entertainment for intermis sion,” Van Tyne said. Couples will be hosts and host esses for the evening, the dance committee chairman added. USE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO 3cr, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rate* „ ... 3c a word per Insertion with a ISe minimum. Space rate In classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send HI classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES ♦FFICE. All ads must be received in Stu dent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the •ay before publication. • HOME REPAIR • ALL TYPES home repair work—additions, roofing, siding, painting, concrete work, and redecorating. Low down payment and 30 months to pay. For free esti mates call 4-9589 or 4-4236. jFJ. . - • FOR SALE • SCHWINN 26-in. motor bike, good con dition. Spring action. Valli Nail. 6-6484. BABY BATHINETTE. Excellent Con dition. Phone 4-4489. NICELY FURNISHED duplex, newly painted. Private baths and double ga rage. Near Campus. Also record player. Phone 4-9428. • FOR RENT • UNFURNISHED or partly furnished 2 bedroom house for rent in College Sta tion. See John W. Geiger, A-8-Z Col lege View or write Box 2855. • WANTED TO BUY • USED BABY STROLLER. Phone 4-4433. USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women’s — and children’s. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 502 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. • WANTED • CHEAP second-hand bicycle or reason ably priced motor bike. Phone 6-6146. • HELP WANTED • BATTALION Circulation Manager. See Roland Bing, Room 211 Goodwin Hall. • MISCELLANEOUS • FREE termite inspection and estimate. International Exterminators Corporation Power spraying for flies, mosquitoes, and other pests. Phone 2-1937. SUL ROSS LODGE No. 1340 A. F. & A. M, Stated 7 p.m meeting Thursday, S. R. Wright, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN WARD III Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in Ward III between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on July 24, 1951, at the City Hall for the purpose of filling a vacancy as alderman from that ward. Signed: Ernest Langford, Mayor W. M. McGinnis, City Sec. Official Notice NOTICE TO AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS The Extension service has announced that, in the future, all prospective county agents will be required to have credit for Ag.Ed. 441 and Psychology 301 or 303. Students who plan to seek employ ment with the Extension Service on grad uation should plan to include these two courses In their program. Chas. N. Shepardson Dean of Agriculture Summer students to be graduated at the end of either six weeks terms are remind ed that July 20, 1951, is the last day on which they may order graduation an nouncements. Walton D. Hardesty, Bus. Mgr. Student Activities Graduate students bring your course of study to registration with you on July 16. Ide, P. Trotter, Dean. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Board of Trustees of the A. & M. Consolidated Independent School District will receive competitive sealed bids for the erection of a five classroom Elementary School and Cafeteria on the Jersey Street Campus and a two room Negro Science Building »t the Lincoln School Campus until 3:00 P.M., July 31, 1951 in the Library of the A. * M. Consolidated High School on Jersey Street. Plans and specifications will be avail able after July 10, 1951 at the office of the Architects, Paul ft. Silber & Company, 1919 Cinncinnati, San Antonio, on deposit of $30.00. All bids must be submitted on forms prepared and supplied by the Architects. A certified check or bid bond made pay able to the Board of Trustrees of the A. & M. Consolidated Independent School District in the sum of $2,000.00 for the Elementary School and Cafeteria, and $500.00 for the Negro Science Building must accompany bid on the general con tract, $500.00 on the Plumbing and Heat ing, $250.00 on the Electric Wiring and $400.00 on the Kitchen Equipment. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to accept any and reject any or all bids. Signed: L. S. RICHARDSON, Supt. A. & M. Consolidated Schoolf NENA ANN HARRIS, M. D. announces the opening of her office above Aggieland Pharmacy, North Gate, College Station. Practice limited to infants and children. Hours, 10-12 a.m. — 2-5 p.m. Office Ph.: 4-9652 Home Ph.: 2-7708 EXPERT WATCH, JEWELRY, and OPTICAL REPAIR CALDWELL’S JEWELRY STORE 112 N. Main, Bryan Ph. 2-2435 SALE i UsMrn? a Co, mmn eCorm**- •iNeti.u** At Our College Store Only Placement Office Job Calls Job No. 1. The Standard Tool and Machine Compajny has an opening for a mechanical engineer to do design, estimating, steel fab rication, and smaller work. Job No. 2. The Standard Oil Com pany has an opening in their Chi cago office for a chemical engineer and economics studies. Job No. 3 Plastic Engineering and Sales Corporation is interest ed in employing a chemical engi neer for corrosion work. There will also be some sales work. Job No. 4. The Gulf Refining Company has openings for civil engineers, mechanical engineers and geology majors. Job No. 5. There is an opening for mechanical engineers with the Gulf States Paper Corporation in their Research and Development Department. This opening requires a man with several years of ex perience in machine design work. Job No. 6. The Dallas Power and Light Company is interested in hearing from summer graduates who would like to make a career of the public utility business. Job No. 7. The Federal Correc tional Institution has an opening for an education major to join their staff as a vocational training and crafts instructor. Job No. 8 There are a number of openings for civil engineers, archi tects, and business majors with the Granco Steel Products Company. Job No. 9. The Houston Light ing and Power Company is interest ed in employing an industrial en gineer to be trained as a safety engineer in their power depart ment. Job No. 10. The Oil City Brass Works has an opening for a me chanical engineer. Job No. 11 The St. Louis, San Francisco and Texas Railway Com pany has openings for civil and mechanical engineers. Job No. 12. The Galena Park Senior High School has an open ing for a commercial-math teacher. Job No. 13. The South Park Pub lic Schools is in need of a coach and an industrial arts teacher for junior high school. Job No. 14. There is an opening for a military science instructor and assistant commandant at the San Marcos Baptist Academy. Press Stopped (Continued from Page 1) nel desired by me at the confer ence site, was refused passage to pass your control post by your armed guards. “2. I have ordered this convoy to return to the United Nations lines. “3. I am prepared to return with my delegation and continue the discussions which were recessed yesterday upon notification from you that my convoy, bearing the personnel of my choosing, includ ing such press representation as I consider necessary, will be clear ed to the conference site.” Job No. 1. The Celanese Corpora tion of America has openings for chemical engineers for research and process engineering. They are in terested in men holding B. S., M. S., or Ph.D. degrees. Job No. 2. The Kopperel Public Schools have openings for someone who can teach agricultural and science courses. Job No. 3. The Tellepsen Con- struction Company is interested in hearing from A&M graduates in all the engineering fields. Job No. 4. The United Cotton Goods Company, Inc. has a sales position open. They prefer a mar ried veteran. Job No. 5. There are positions open for civil engineers as rodmen with the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company. Job No. 6. The Magnolia Petrol eum Company is interested in busi ness majors and also chemical, petroleum, and mechanical engin eers. If there are a sufficient num ber of graduates interested, they will have a representative come to the campus to interview. Anyone interested should sign up for an interview no later than August 1. Job No. 7. The Tabasco Consoli dated Independent School District is in need of a vocational agricul- Zinn States Storage Plans For Baggage Arrangements for students to store baggage during the second Summer term were an nounced this morning by Ben nie A. Zinn, assistant dean of men. Students may store baggage in the Gun Room of Dormitory 16 Friday afternoon, July 13, from 2 to 5 p.m. The storage will be handled by the Agronomy Society and all rev enues received will be placed in their treasury, Zinn said. Baggage will be stored at stu dent’s own risk, but all possible precautions will be taken to safe guard it. Fees for storage are as follows: lamps, 40 cents each; all other baggage 40 cents per piece for containers not exceeding two cubic feet in volume (footlocker size), other pieces will be stored at proportionate rates; bicycles, $1 each. All storage charges will be paid at the time of storing, Zinn said. Students are urged to remove all items from storage as soon as the Fall semester begins, he said. The gun room of Dorm 15 will be open Monday July 16 from 3 to 5 p.m. for students who are re turning for the second Summer term to draw their baggage, the assistant dean added. ture instructor and also an assist ant coach. Job No. 8. The Day Manufactur ing Company has a sales position open. They prefer someone be tween the ages of 24 and 35 who is married. Job No. 9. The Callisburg Con solidated School has an opening for someone to teach general agri culture and some shop course in high school. Job No. 10. The Des Moines Public Schools have a vacancy for someone to teach math and science. Job No. 11. The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company have sales openings in their tractor tire sales division. Job No. 12. The Ruberoid Com pany is interested in employing a chemist. After a 6 months train ing program, the trainee will be permanently assigned to the re search laboratory. Job No. 13. The Flandreau Pub lic Schools in South Dakota have an opening for an instructor for an institutional on-the-farm train ing course for veterans. Job No. 14. The Sandia Corpora tion is interested in employing ac countants for industrial accounting. Job No. 15. The Goose Creek In dependent School District has teaching positions open for their high school, junior high school, and elementary schools. Job No. 16. The Texas Prison System is interested in employing an auditor. No. 865 — Permanent positions are now open with an instrument and chemical corporation for per sons interested in the fields of physics and electronics. These openings are for all degree levels. No. 886—Positions are for phys- ists, mechanical, and electrical en gineers to do research and devel opment work with a manufacturing company. No. 887—A large manufactur ing company has openings in the Research Department for mechan ical, electrical, industrial, and civil engineers, architects, and physic ists. No. 890—A large metal corpo ration in Nevada has openings for chemistry and chemical engineer ing majors. No. 897—A construction c o m- pany is interested in employing some civil engineers for Army con struction work. No. 898—Openings are available for sales work with the manuufac- turer of chemical products used by the oil industry. Practical oil field experience and some know ledge of Spanish would be helpful. The electrical wire and cable div ision of one of the large rubber companies have sales openings for electrical engineers. Opportunities for foreign em ployment in the Persian Gulf area are now available for mechanical and chemical engineers. One of the Houston lumber com panies is interested in employing a young man with accounting bookkeeping training who is inter ested in learning the retail lumber and building material business. Job No. 1. The Virginia Carolina Chemical Corporation is interested in all agricultural majors for sales work. They manufacture agricul tural chemicals and fertilizer. Job No. 2. The Texas Electric Service Company is interested in employing some electrical and me chanical engineers. If enough of the August graduates are interest ed in interviewing, a representative of the company will come to the campus. Anyone who would like to talk with this company must make a tentative appointment at the Placement Office on or before July 18th. Job No. 3. The Carbide and Car bon Chemical Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has openings in process engineering and plant maintenance for mechan ical, electrical, chemical, and in dustrial engineers. Job No. 4. Chance Vought Air craft Company still has openings in'its Engineering Training Pro gram. Majors in the following fields could qualify: mechanical, electrical, aeronautical, and civil engineering. Job No. 5. Columbia University is in need of two graduate assist ants for the next year. Candidates may work toward a Master’s De gree in the fields of mechanical, civil, industrial, architectural, and electrical engineering. Job No. 6. The Factory Insur ance Association has openings for engineers for fire inspection work. Job No. 7. Robert E. McKee, Gen eral Contractor, is interested in employing some civil and architect ural engineering graduates. Job No. 8. The Shell Chemical Company still has openings for me chanical and chemical engineers and also chemists. Job No. 9. The Standard Oil Com pany has openings for chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineers for overseas work. They prefer single men due to critical housing shortage. Job No. 10. The Tennessee Valley Authority has openings in their Design Division for civil mechan ical, electrical, and architectural engineers. Biology Professor Publishes Article “Preliminary Observations on the Effects of Temperature and Light upon the Reproductive Cycle of Gambusia Affinis” is the title of an article recently published by A. B. Medlen of the Biology Depart ment. Medlen’s article appeared in the June issue of COPEIA which is the official journal of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Her petologists, Government that must wade through a hodgepodge of red tape cannot be efficient. Today red tape ‘ threatens our National Security! f, The bipartisan Hoover Commission made 3 00 specific rec^ ommendations for streamlining the Federal Government. Now, with 50% of the Hoover Report recommenda tions enacted into law, a big start has been made. Billions of dollars of your tax money are already being saved an- , nually. However, there’s still much more that must be done; To learn how you can help put your government in fight* Ing trim, send today for the FREE booklet -'Will We Be Ready?” This booklet gives the rousing story behind the Hoover Report—the startling facts it uncovered—the wonderful progress it has made. With it you’ll be well prepared to work for better government—to help finish a job on which our National Security may well depend. The Hoover Commission and The Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report. The Hoover Commission was cre ated unanimously by Congress in f 1947 on a bipartisan basis—6 I Democrats, 6 Republicans. The 1 Citizens Committee is a bipartisan, 1 a | non-profit group to encourage \ enactment of Hoover Report rec ommendations for greater effi ciency in the Federal Government. mm ded h TEAR OUT COUPON TO REMIND YOURSELF TO GET THIS FREE BOOKLET WITHOUT FAIL Hoover Report, Box 659, Philadelphia, Pa. I WANT TO LEARN more about how I can work for "better government at a better price.” Please send me your free bipartisan booklet "Will We Be Ready?” Name- Address.. This advertisement published in the nation's interest by The Battalion wmmBuv Specials for Friday & Saturday - July 13th & 14th FEATURES • Gold Medal Flour 5 lbs. 39c No. 2 STANDARD TOMATOES 2 FOR . . . 31c Musselman’s—303 Apple Sauce . . . 2 for 25c 12-oz. NIBLETS MEXICORN . 2 for 35c 303 Comstock—No. 2 Pie Apples . . . 1 r 1 HUNT S PEAR HALVES . . . 25c .... 15c Sanitary—/i Pt. TART.F! CRTCAM Mrs. Tucker’s . 3 lbs. 69c Shortening . . . • MEATS • Carton 6 Coca Cola . . . . .... 19c Armour’s Star BACON lb. 59c Jello 3 pkgs. 19c Fair Maid—39c Value BANANA LAYER CAKE . . 32c Meadow Gold SWEET CREAM BUTTER . lb. 75c Dixie MARGARINE . . . lb. 25c Large Family Size CHERRIOS or WHEATIES . 21c CRUSTQUICK ... 2 pkgs. 23c American SARDINES... 3 cans 23c Crystal White SOAP 2 bars 15c Giant Size V E L . . . . . pkg. 69c Giant Size White King SOAP POWDER . . . pkg. 59c Chase & Sanborn COFFEE.... . lb. 83c Texsun—46-Oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ... 19c Betty Crocker DEVILS FOOD CAKE MIX . . 33c Betty Crocker PARTY CAKE MIX . . pkg. 33c Betty Crocker GINGER CAKE MIX . .pkg. 27c 12-Oz. ARMOUR’S TREET . . . . 45c Kimbell’s—'/ 4 POTTED MEAT . . . 3 for 25c Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP . . . 3 cans 19c Diamond—300 PORK & BEANS . . 3 cans 25c Del Monte—303 FRUIT COCKTAIL . . . . 23c Del Monte—No. 2 PINEAPPLE JUICE . . . . 13c Lilly—!/ 2 Gallon MELLOKREAM . . . . . 59c Kimbell’s—12-oz. APPLE JELLY . . . . . . 15c Kimbell’s—12-oz. PEANUT BUTTER . ... 27c 20-oz. BISQUICK . . . . . . .27c 14-oz. DEL MONTE CATSUP . 2 for 39c Kimbell’s—303 SMALL GREEN LIMAS . . 19c Kimbell’s—303 WHOLE GREEN BEANS . .19c Lucky Leaf APPLE JUICE . . . . . qt. 25c Tall Cans PET MILK . 2 for 25c Kim Dog Food 2 cans 15c BACON Sugar Cured BACON SQUARES . lb. 43c . lb. 39c Dixon’s WIENERS Sliced LARGE BOLOGNA Pickle & PIMENTO LOAF Longhorn CHEESE lb . lb. 49c . lb. 59c . lb. 49c 59c <1 8-oz Pimento CHEESE SPREAD VEAL CHOPS lb. 35c 89c Veal CROWN ROAST . lb. 79c CHUCK ROAST lb. 69c Veal Fresh Ground HAMBURGER . . . .lb. HAMHOCKS ..... .lb. ... lb. 75c 63c 29c Fresh JUMBO SHRIMP SUNDRIES 50c Size JERGEN’S LOTION (Plus Tax) . . 39c Cashmere—29c Value (Plus Tax) BOUQUET TALCUM . . . . 19c 8-oz. Pine O Pine DISINFECTANT 89c Size DRENE SHAMPOO . 29c . 69c Package of 4 GILLETTE THIN BLADES, 2-15c • FROZEN FOODS • ™ ... lb. 45c .... 29c Blue Water FILLETS PERCH A. Montz—12-oz. STRAWBERRIES Minute Maid—6-oz. ORANGE JUICE 23c Minute Maid—6-oz. LEMONADE ... 2 for 31c • PRODUCE • Large Freestone PEACHES Large Freestone PEACHES Thompson’s SEEDLESS GRAPES . Bu. $3.25 . . lb. 8c. . lb. 19c SUNKIST LEMONS . . doz. 19c PASCaFcELERV . . 2 stalks 29c SANTA ROSA PLUMS . 2 lbs. 25c iii THf ' .-'j mm fe '->••• V' - r v,- rt/,;-.-CA ;;•'•' '• -( |||v - COULTER DRIVE AT HIGHWAY 6 / / w K -vf#5C:ENTER^^i^^: 'Wv * - “ 1 i a -- u m ^