The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 10, 1951, Image 1
College Station’s Official Newspaper; Circulated Daily To 90% of Local Residents The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Peace Talks Aimed At Saving American Lives, See Story, Page Two Number 184: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1951 Price Five Cents / Special Election Called; Out-of-City ♦ Utility Rates Cut By FRANK DAVIS Battalion News Staff A special election will be held July 24 for the purpose of filling the position of councilman for Ward III which was vacated by E. E. Adams recently, it was decided last night at the monthly meeting of the College Station City Coun cil. An ordinance was passed calling for the election to be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the City Hall, /and named Mrs. W. B. Clements and Mrs. Lloyd D. Smith election judges. Must Reside in Ward According to law, councilmen must reside in the wards they rep resent. When a councilman moves to a different ward, he automati cally vacates his post. Over-charges made to water con sumers living outside the city lim its will be refunded. The council voted on the matter after more than 30 minutes of discussion. The group also agreed that util ity fees for persons living outside the city limits should not be higher than the additional cost for sup plying the service. The resolution necessitated the repeal of section one, Ordinance 130 which author ized the city to charge customers outside the city twice the city rates. A council meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m., Fi’iday at the College Station State Bank for the purpose of discussing the annual budget. The council authorized the print ing of 25 bonds totaling $25,000 which can be placed in the bank and sold as needed. Such action requires the approval of the state attorney general. Payment of Bill A resolution was approved pro viding for the payment of a bill totaling $3,235.62 to J. C. Culpep per for water utilities and street improvements placed in additions opened by Culpepper. Water util ities will be paid out of water bond funds, and the mayor was author ized to borrow the money to pay for College Station’s share in the street improvements. The concrete street markers which are gradually replacing the old metal ones were discussed at the meeting. Every intersection in the North Gate area will soon have the new markers. They are being produced at the rate of four each day, according to Raymond Rogers, Waco Boys Club To Tour Campus Sixty members of the Waco Boys club will be greeted upon their arrival July 12 for a tour of A&M, ity Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist of the A&M System and Dr. C. Cle ment French, dean of the college. The Waco Boys Club is one of the outstanding clubs of its kind /n the United States. The members are boys from 12 to 16 years of age. They will arrive at noon and will have lunch in the Fountain Room l%ie MSC. Cu city manager. As they are com pleted, the old signs ai'e being re moved and the new ones erected, he said. Discussed Parking Parking in the North Gate area was discussed, but no definite ac tion was taken other than to make reference to an old ordinance which limits parking time in the area, and which has not been enforced for several years. Those attending the council meeting were Ernest Langford, mayor; Nester McGinnis, city sec retary; Harry Boyer, R. B. Hal- pin, Bill Fitch, Howard Badgett, city councilmen; W. Barger, city attorney, Rogers, L. P. Dulaney, utility superintendent. Firemen School Scheduled Here July 15-20 Arrangements for the Fire men’s Training School to be held July 15 through July 20 have been announced by F. W. Hensel, assistant director of the placement office. Registration for the 700 expec ted trainees will be held in the MSC Ballroom at 1 p.m., July 15. A registration fee of $10 per per son will be required, according to Hensel. All the meetings for this year’s training school, sponsored by the Engineering Extension Service and State Firemen’s and Fire Marshal’s Association, will be listed on the regular program which will be issued at a later date. Rooms for the trainees will be secured in college accommodations at the time of registration, Hensel said. Dormitories 1, 2, 3, 4, and the first floor of dorm 5 will be used for housing and a charge of $1 per night per person will be re quired, he added. ‘H.M.S Pinafore’Sets Sail in Grove Tonight Workmen immediately began to repair the home of Major T. F. Peters which was damaged yester day morning after a Bryan Police Department patrol car tore into the structure. The Major’s BAFB Man Meets the Cops automobile is seen in the far left of the picture. Estimated damage to the car and house was around $500. Workmen are employed by Smith- Hawk Company. Bryan Policeman Crashes Into Provost MarshaVs Home The newly assigned Provost Marshal for Bryan Air Force Base, Major T. F. Peters, became acquainted with the Bryan law en forcement officers unexpectedly yesterday morning. A patrol car 1 plowed into the side of his home ' at 701 North Avenue. Police Sgt. Charles Kincannon and Officer Bert Baxter were chasing a speedster south on Highway 6 at approximately 7 That Fort Hood Sunshine Armor Campers Get Rif le Medals By JIM LEHMANN Armor Camp Correspondent Fort Hood, Texas, July 7 (De layed)—The first three weeks of camp found the following men either qualifying for the expert or sharpshooter medals by firing the M-l rifle: Expert: Harold Humphrey. Sharpshooters: John Coolidge, A1 Crownover, Don .Harrell, Johnny Ireland, M. C. Saccai*d, Gene Lyon, Hugo Mangum, Bill Maxey, Ken Osborn, Butch Prochaska, Don Tank Drills College cadets undergoing consideration for commissions as second lieutenants in the U. S. Army are learning the actual operation of tanks at the Fort Hood ROTC Summer camp. Members of this tank crew are Armor cadets John Homer, lower left; Gilberto A. Garza, lower right; Hugh J. Mangum, top left; and Fred L. Gard ner. Garza and Mangum are cadets from A&M. Homer and Gard ner represent Oklahoma Military Academy, Reiniger, Lynn Stuart. Bill Trimmer, Bo Walker, Willie Williams, James “Big Gun” Damon, Bill Luker, Roger Barlow, Sonny Blaine, Gene Duke, Bob Lincecum, and Skip Mills. Bill Luker, the boy who always smiles, while sitting under a cool palm tree near one of the air conditioned rifle ranges here at Hood, takes time out from drinking his mint julips to com ment, “I’ve found a home here in this man’s army.” Chico “Motormouth” Mason thinks he has developed a new method of powering the luxurious M-4 tanks we are using next week; He has decided to install sails on the top of each tank to utilize his large amount of wind. For this novel invention, cadet Mason has been recommended for a promotion of some sm-t. Dick Knight, who has recently completed his AH degree by cor respondence, has been influenced by the lavish hotel accomoda tions, short working hours, deli cious food, and the mountain cool climate here at Hood to buy some ranch land nearby so that he may punch cows on weekends in addition to his future duties as a second looey. However, Dick will probably sell his property when he discovers that triple time is paid by the army for weekend work, especially guard duty. Jug Jackson has become so fas cinated by the privilege of instruct ing a class in physical training that he has decided to apply for a position of instructor in the | WAC upon completion of his ROTC training. Jug realizes that al though the Fort Hood formula of lots of sleep, vitamin-rich chow, balmy sea breezes, and nigbt life in Killeen builds muscles in a hur- | ry, he wants a more appreciative audience in the form of the fair army lasses. The last three weeks of camp will find us actively engaged in tank gunnery, platoon tactics, and company maneuvers out in the scenic countryside. Some of the Aggies in the ROTC camps in the East may be nearer cities, but none can even match the beauty of the Hood terrain on a bright, hot July day. a.m. when, according to Bryan police Chief Rip Collins, a pick up truck suddenly turned left in front of their car. In order to avoid a collision, Sgt. Kincannon, who was driving, swerved off the highway. Hitting a ditch, the driver lost cojitrol of the car which then crashed into the garage of the corner house. Speed of the police car was about 60 mph, according to Collins. Both patrolmen were taken to Bryan Hospital. Extent of the in juries to the men was not known. “It sounded like a double explo sion,” Major Peters said. A gap ing hole was placed in the west side of the garage, and the Maj or’s automobile was knocked against the kitchen wall. “My wife, hearing the sound and seeing the fragments of wall which floated through the house, ran with the baby into the bedroom,” he said. Estimated damage to the house was fixed by Horace Kraft, in surance agency, at $300 lo $400. The new house is owned by B. F. Vance, and was completed only three weeks ago. By WILLIAM DICKENS Battalion Feature Editor Tonight at 8 “the curtain will rise” at The Grove’s stage for the first of two performances of “H. M. S. Pinafore,” famous comic operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan. Second and final showing of the summer musical production will be featured tomorrow night at the same time and place. This summer’s production is un der the co-direction of C. K. Es- ten, professor of English, and Bill Turner, director of musical activ ities. Esten is directing the dra matics and Turner is the music director for the operettic show. Orchestra Accompaniment Musical accomplishment through out the program will be furnished by a student orchestra conducted by Bill Turner. Taking the female lead will be Sue Shannon in the character part of Josephine. The male lead and the character part of Ralph Rack- straw will be played by Tommy Butler. Other members of the cast in the supporting roles will be Robert Langford as Dick Deadeye, Don Forney as Sir Joseph Porter, Har ry Gooding as Captain Corcoran, Jean Marie Edge as Buttercup, and La Rue Brown as Cousin Hebe. Dick Adams and Ben Blanken ship will' be seen in the roles of Boatswain’s Mate and Carpenter’s Mate, respectively. Acting as stage production man ager for the operetta is M. C. “Pete” Carson. He is assisted by Mary Vaden, Don D'amke, Eliza beth, Cooper, and Alice Burke. Popularity Proved The popularity of the operetta is shown in that it has been played throughout the nation in continuous years since 1878 when it was first produced. In the musical production, it may easily be recognized that Gilbert is satirizing Britain’s Royal Navy, English politics, and the English caste system. Providing continuous laughter for the audience, the characters act Melodies that are lovely in them selves and that cleverly underline the wit and humor of the words are the means by which the players express their emotions. “Pinafore” is a British man o’war in the harbor of the great naval base of Portsmouth, England. Cap tain Corcoran, a member of the upper classes, as were all British naval officers of that time, is in command of the ship. Love Adds Conflict Ralph Rackstraw, a handsome and humble sailor and a member of the crew, is in love with Corco ran’s lovely daughter, Josephine. Josephine is in love with him, but a conflict arises as they are sep arated by an impassable social abyss. Adding to the conflict, Josephine .is being courted by Sir Joseph Porter, the First Lord of the Ad miralty, head of the British Navy. Sir Joseph, a person who has a great opinion of himself, supplies a great deal of the humor of the Damage to the two cars was es- in an outrageously improbable timated at' $500. manner with perfect earnestness. First Semester End “ • . . ... * ■. -j -.v' •' Nearing, Exams Set Lt. Ben Brittain Gets Assignment Lt. Brittain Assigned To Intelligence Second Lt. Ben F. Brittain, re ported to Syracuse University yes terday for training in the Air In telligence Division, U. S. Air Force. The son of Mrs. E. M. Hertz, 504 Williamson Drive, Brittain was called to active duty as a second lieutenant in the Air Force this month. He was graduated from A&M last June. Brittain served before his grad uation as advertising manager for the Battalion and helped to or ganize The Battalion Quarterback Club which brings to the campus each fall prominent Southwest Con ference coaches and athletic of ficials. A veteran of World War II, Brit tain will be stationed at Syracuse University for one year. During that time he will take an inten sive course in the Russian langu age. His subsequent assignment will be in some phase of Air In telligence woi’k. By JOEL AUSTIN Battalion Editor A&M students entered the home stretch yesterday as the final week of the semester began with a bitter realization that examinations start Friday. Following the examinations Fri day and Saturday will be registra tion Monday morning, and thus a new semester will be underway again. For those students who habitually inhabit this campus it will be a welcome change for a short time as new teachers, new classmates, and new courses (to those fortunate enough to pass) break the monotony which has pre vailed the past six-weeks. Little Differences in Corps Our 250 freshman corps mem- bers will find little difference in their day-to-day schedule, since military science classes continue uninterrupted both semesters. But there will always be those new Summer-schoolers who tell you how wonderful it is to attend class during the vacation months. “A class at 7 and another at 9 . . . finished by 10:30 and in the sack the rest of the day, what a life!”, they will say, but* it won’t be long before they, too, follow the wayward path and see that a chap- ter-a-day assignment or a quiz mice a week cuts in on that precious “sack” time. Although registrar H. L. Heaton has not released a full examina tion schedule for publication, de partment heads and teachers have been advised of times for giving exams and students should be get ting the announcements from in- structors in classes now. Registration Set Registration for the second term will find the usual long lines con fronting the South entrance to Sbisa Hall with the E, F, G, H, I, J, K, initialed boys getting the 8 a. m. honors. Next come A, B, C, D at nine, followed by S, T, U, V, W, X,Y, Z at 10, and finally the lucky ones who registered first last June, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R. Classes will, of course, begin bright and early at 7 a. m. Tues day, July 17. The registrar has set Friday July 20 as the last day that a student may enroll in the college for credit during the second term. Students who expect to attend the second Summer term can be gin shelling out their money to the Fiscal Office at 8 a. m. Wed nesday morning. The Fiscal Of- flee Will have a" representative : in the Housing Office from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. that same day to save students the .long .hike to .the Administration Building. - Time is .short, examinations are nearing, . and the *. old coffee. pots will be brewing lute next Thurs day and' Friday nights—with , cof fee, of course. knowingly convinces her that she can respond to Ralph’s love while he tells her of the doctrine of equality of all men—“love levels all ranks.” While leaving the ship for shore in order to be married secretly, Josephine and Ralph are discover ed. Ralph is put in the dungeon but Buttercup comes to his rescue by revealing that Ralph is really the Captain of the ship. With the discovery of the proper identities, the lovers are free to be married without the conflict of social abyss. The ex-Captain takes Buttercup to be his bride, and Sir Joseph, not to be left out, settles for Hebe, one of his female rela tions. Mixed Chorus Members Aiding in the musical selections, the members of the mixed chorus are Jerry Armstrong, Robert Ash ley, Betsy Burchard, John Hilde brand, John King, Rosalie, Kobetz, Bill Lawshae, Ed Leeman, Barbara Miller, Martha Miller, Alice Moore, operetta as he seriously considers [ Judy Oden, Bill Pirtle, John Rich- himself far above Josephine in I ardson, Wanda Rohr, Nancy Steph- station. ens, Barbara Van Tassel, Ken Van In a visit to the ship to make Tassel, Dick Van Tyne, and Bill love to Josephine, Sir Joseph un- ' Young. Negotiators Refuse Comment on Talks Seoul, Korea, July 10—(A*)—Al lied and Communist negotiators met for four hours today in armi stice talks which United Nations delegates bluntly announced would be limited to “military matters in Korea.” The five U. N. delegates de clined to comment on their initial meetings with five Red generals after they returned this evening to their “peace camp.” The sun peeked through rain clouds as helicopters brought the two allied admirals and three gen erals back from the first armistice sessions at Kaesong, 12 milies away. Talks Pledging Good Faith Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, head of the allied negotiating team, set the tone of allied policy in the talks by pledging good faith and calling on. Communists to show the same spirit to generate an “atmba phere of confidence.” “In such an atmosphere,” he said, “there is every reason to hope for success.” And he set strict limits to the subjects.;of discussion. Joy said the allies want .a . stable peace but under no circumstances will they talk about: • “Political and ‘ economic mat ters of any kind.” That includes the question of a United Nations ;seat for Communist China. Rifle Practice • “Military matters unrelated to Korea.” This ruled out Formosa and other trouble spots. Joy said he and the four other military commanders comprising the U. N. delegation would “discuss military matters in Korea” neces sary to end “hostilities in Korea, under conditions which will assure against their resumption. They won’t talk about anything else. Fighting will continue, except in the Kaesong neutral zone, until a cease-fire agreement is reached and “an approved armistice commission is prepared to function.” The ten opposing commanders met from 11 a.m. (8 p.m. Monday EST) until 12:31 p.m. Then they recessed until 4 p.m. (1 a.m. EST.) Comments Withheld Military releases made no men tion of what the Chinese and North Korean generals said in«their open ing statement. Press releases by the U. N. were the only source for newsmen of the Western world on what happened. Allied newsmen were not permit ted in Kaesong the first day of talks. But sixteen correspondents and cameramen will go to the war- ravaged ancient capital of Koi’ea Wednesday. They will not be per mitted to attend armistice talks in the 18 by 15 foot conference room in an abandoned Kaesong private home, but they will be briefed by an officer who attends the meet ings. The only announced agreement reached by the delegates in the opening session was that there would be no fighting “in those neu tral zones agreed upon along and through the mute to Kaesong.” Communists Decline Offer In preliminary sessions Sunday the Communists turned down an allied offer to create a neutral strip centered on aKesong 25 miles long and ten miles wide. It would have stretched from Munsan, base of the U. N. negotiators, to Kumchon in North Korea. The Communists said they would rely on the U. N. commander-in chief, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, not to launch any attacks in the Kaesong area. Ridgway previous ly declared a neutral zone radiat ing five miles around Kaesong. Dclmer Sikes, left, A&M student from San Antonio, and Joel D. Wallis, student from Oklahoma A&M discuss scores on the rifle range at Fort Hood. Sikes and Wallis, members of the ROTC, are at Fort Hood for six-weeks of intensive field training. Deputy . Commander for the camp is Col. II. L. Boatner, PMS&T at A&M. Dr. Paulson Speaks At Lion’s Meeting Dr. W. E. Paulson of the Agri cultural Economics and Sociology Department spoke to the College Station Lions Club yesterday at its regular noon luncheon on “Lion’s Information.” Chairman of the Lion’s Infor mation committee, Dr. Paulson told the club members about many of the. fine points of the club’s organ ization. He especially stressed the im portance of making up meetings by members. Lt. Col. A. B. Curie of the Mil itary Science Department was elected assistant tail twister of the club. At The Grove Tonight Tues., July 10, Operetta—“H. M. S. Pinafore.” Local cast—8 p.