The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 06, 1951, Image 1

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    D, B. Cof/er
College Archivist
Student Memorial Center
F. B. 3 Copies
College Station’s Official
Newspaper; Circulated Daily
To 90% of Local Residents
The Battalion
Number- 183: Volume 51
Dewey Calls
For World Peace
See Editorial Page
Price Five Cents
7A M. S. Pinafore’ Star Performers
Don Forney
Forney will sing the part of Sir
Joseph Porter, admiral of the
Queen’s Navy, in “H. M. S. Pin
afore” % during the two-night
showing July 10, 11.
Glenda Brown
Miss Brown, a senior at Conroe
High School, will play the part
of Hebe in “H. M. S. Pinafore.”
The operetta is scheduled for
The Grove Tuesday and Wednes
day nights.
Jean Marie Edge
Miss Edge will play the part of
Buttercup in the Summer operet
ta production of “H. M. S. Pin
afore.” She is a speech and radio
major at Texas University.
Robert Langford
Langford has been cast in the
part of Dick Deadeye in this
Summer’s operettic production,
“H. M. S. Pinafore.” He is an
Ag. Ed. senior from Waco.
Opens for Two Nights at Grove July 10
Gen. Ridgeway
Orders Safety
For Red Envoys
Miss Brazos Valley’
Summer Musical Production Features
Gilbert-Sullivan ? s *H. M. S. Pinafore ’
Battalion Feature Editor
“H. M. S. Pinafore,” famous Gil
bert and Sullivan comic operetta,
will set sail with a well manned
crew for two performances next
Tuesday and Wednesday nights at
The Grove.
This summer’s musical produc-
' t'ion is under the direction of Bill
Turner, director of musical activ
ities, and C. K. Esten of the Eng
lish department. Turner is the di-
fector of the music and Esten is
handling the dramatic part of the
■ musical.
Male and female leads for the
production have been awarded to
Sue Shannon and Tommy Butler,
who will play the character parts
of Josephine and Ralph Rack-
straw, respectively.
The cast in supporting roles con
sists of La Rue Brown as Cousin
‘ Hebe, Jean Marie Edge as Butter
cup, Harry Gooding as Captain
Corcoran, Don Forney as Sir
, Joseph Porter, and Robert Lang-
ford as Dick Deadeye.
The role of Boatswain’s Mate
Bnd Carpenter’s Mate have been
awarded to Dick Adams and Ben
Blankenship, respectively.
M. C. “Pete” Carson is under
taking the duties of stage produc
tion manager for the opei’etta.
Assisting Carson are Alice Burke,
Elizabeth Cooper, Mary Vaden, and
Don Damke.
In “H. M. S. Pinafore,” first
produced in 1878, Gilbert was
mildly satirizing a peculiarly
British institution, the Royal
Navy, with sideswipes at Eng
lish politics and the English
caste system.
In typically Gilbertian fashion,
the characters act in an outrage
ously improbable manner with per
fect earnestness, with results that
make us, Tike the Victorians, howl
with laughter. They express their
emotions' in melodies that are
lovely in themselves and that subtly
and cleverly underline the wit and
humor of the words.
His Majesty’s ship, “Pinafore,”
is a British man o’war lying in
the harbor of the great naval
base of Portsmouth, England.
The ship is commanded by
Captain Corcoran, who is, like
all British naval officers of that
time, a member of the upper
classes—a “patrician.”
Cocoran’s lovely daughter, Jose
phine, is beloved by a member of
the crew, Ralph Rackstraw, a
humble but handsome sailor. Jose
phine is in love with him, but real
izes that they are separated by an
impassable social abyss.
Josephine is being courted by
Sir Joseph Porter, a self-made man
who has risen to be First Lord of
the Admiralty, head of the British
Navy, which is indeed a lofty of
fice, but hardly so lofty as Sir
Joseph’s opinion of himself.
Much of the humor of the
operetta derives from the fact
that Sir Joseph seriously con
siders himself far above Jose
phine in station, whereas in Vic
torian England he would be re
garded—being from the lower
classes—as very distinctly her
social inferior.
With his female relations, Sir
Joseph pays a visit to the Pinafore
to woo Josephine. He make no
headway in his suit, but by his
fatuous preaching of the doctrine
of equality of all men “love levels
all ranks”—he unknowingly con
vinces Josephine that she can re
spond to Ralph’s love, and heart
ens Ralph to love.
The lovers are stealing ashore
to be married when they are dis
covered and Ralph is put into the
dungeon. The day is saved by the
sudden revelation of Buttercup, a
seller of candy and sweets to the
drew, that Ralph is really the Cap-
(See ‘PINAFORE,’ Page 4)
Tokyo, July 6—(A*)—Allied war
planes today were ordei-ed to keep
away from the highway down
which Communist negotiators will
travel for cease-fire preliminary
talks in Kaesong.
Lt. Gen. 0. P. Weyland, Far
East air forces commander, issued
the order a few hours after oppos
ing commanders completed ar
rangements by radio for a. Sunday
meeting—and guaranteed safe con
duct to the emissaries.
The Communist delegation leaves
Pyongyang, the Red Korean capi
tal, at 5 a.m. Saturday (2 p.m.
EST. today.)
The Communist convoy will fly
white flags as it travels down the
bomb-pocked Pyongyang-Sariwon-
Namchongjom highway to Kaesong,
three miles south of Parallel 38.
General Weyland ordered his war
planes to make no attacks along
the route after 4 a.m. Saturday (1
p.m. EST Friday.)
The order carried out the pledge
of safe conduct made earlier in the
day by Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway,
U. N. commander. And it banned
allied bombers from one of their
favorite targets. The highway is
a main Red supply artery to the
Western front.
It ha§ been under almost con
stant attack for months. Bombs
have cratered it badly. And it is
liberally seeded with tetrahedrons
—sharp, four-pointed cast iron de
vices for puncturing tires.
No Attacks for Five Miles
Bombers and fighters also were
ordered to make no attacks within
a five mile radius of Kaesong once
the Red delegation reaches it. This
carried out another pledge Ridgway
made when he completed final ar
rangements for a meeting of three
U. N. officers with three Red emis
saries in the no-man’s-land city.
The two delegations meet Sun
day to arrange for a cease-fire
session scheduled to start in Kae
song Tuesday.
Forty-Seven Aggies
ort at Ft. Lee
QMC Camp Correspondent
Fort Lee, Va., July 1 (Delayed)
■—Forty-seven Aggie Quartermas
ter cadets have reported to Fort
Lee for the six weeks ROTC Sum
mer camp.
The main body of the group ar
rived Saturday, June 16 and began
processing that day and Sunday
the 17. The remainder of the QMC
troops, all members of the Aggie
NCAA baseball play-off team, ar-
.rived the following Thursday.
The Aggies are a part of the
201 man complement of Co. B.
The company is formed of A&M,
the University of Houston, Texas
University, Oklahoma A&M,
University of Arizona, and the
University of Minnesota.
Co. B has .placed second as the
best company for two weeks—miss
ing first by only a few tenths of
a point both times. The company
is mixed with no certain school in
a platoon.
The ROTC camp at Ft. Lee is
placed between the QM Replace
ment Training Center, to the West,
training members of selective ser
vice ‘volunteers’, and to the East
lies the WAC area. This section
is very much off limits for the
male personnel of the camp. And, I
might add, travel around the post
is very complicated after taps.
Training is conducted fr-om 5
a. m. until 5 p. m. with evening
mess at 5:30.
Tours to Richmond and Wil
liamsburg have been offered to
the cadets on the last two Sun
days, and the whole camp will
adjourn to Virginia Beach, Va.
next Friday afternoon for a lit
tle recreation.
The cadets were also given Wed
nesday, July 4, off.
Each cadet has, is, or will stand
his share of KP and guard duty
at least once before the camp is
over and many of us will do the
honors twice.
Your correspondent is fighting
a Virginia Summer cold from a
session of guard in a down-pour
last Friday night from 3:30 to
5:30 a. m.
Many of the cadets have visited
Washington, D. C., New York City,
and other points of interests dur
ing the weekends.
There are about 2,000 cadets in
the camp representing 34 states.
Chem Corps Cadets Show
Yankees ‘Southern ’ Spirit
Chem Corps Camp Correspondent
Army Chemical Center, Md., July
2 (Delayed)—Just a little news
from the Chemical Corps boys up
here in Maryland. The name of
this place was changed a few
months ago from Edgewood Arsen
al to the Army Chemical Center.
That makes this group of Aggies
the first and last to be at the
Chemical Center, since next Sum
mer’s troops will go to camp in
Sixteen Aggies make up our con
tingent here, a considerably bit
less than usual. Last year they
numbered approximately 30.
This is by far the largest
chemical corps ROTC camp ever
to be held. Two hundred and
fifty-eight cadets are here. That,
I must admit, is quite a record
for this small branch of the
We live in huts—small, square
tar-papered buildings. Six in each
From the minute the Aggies hit
this place, the camp has heard
first-hand from Texas A&M—loud
and hard. That first minute oc
curred the Saturday night of the
first day of camp. Six wild Aggies
arrived “feeling good” which stir
red the place considerably.
Monday morning, actually the
beginning day of camp activities,
found a rip-roaring Aggie dele
gation marching down the street
between the damnyankee’s huts
singing cadence behind a confed
erate flag on a broom guidion
staff. From then on we’ve been
in on everything, including beat
ing the New Yorkers in our first
intra-mural softball game 18 to
Just to make things cozy, we
spelled out a big TAMC in the
street in front of our huts with
white pebbles, raising a confederate
flag above our huts. This evening,
with due and formal retreat for
mation, we sang “Dixie.”
By gosh, if anyone tells you guys
—or youse guys, as we’ve heard
so much up here—that army life
is great, kindly tell him that he’s
a liar. It hasn’t been too rough this
past week, but that first one was
tough. No kidding!
To give you an idea of what goes
bn here:
We cheerfully jump madly out
of our sacks at the late hour of
5:50 a. m., wake ourselves up,
dress, and run out to the parade
grounds by 5:59. Then with eager
hearts (and unwilling bodies) we
go through 15 minutes of physi
cal training. Then back we march
to our platoon area for announce
Chow call is at 6:30 a, m. From
7 to 7:25 we have certain areas
of the camp to police. We clean
up our huts from 7:25 to 7:40,
listen to more announcements at
7:40 and at 8 we begin classes
which last until 12 noon.
Then it’s classes again in the
afternoon for four more hours.
Retreat is held on the parade
grounds at 5:20 and evening chow
is at 5:35 or 6:05, depending on
which meal section we’re in. After
that, the time is our own, and with
all there is to do, we don’t get
much of it.
So far, we Aggies have journey
ed far and wide—to Baltimore, New
York City, Washington, Philadel
phia, over to New Jersey, and
many other places.
K. P. is the roughest duty a
guy can pull. Sixteen hours of
solid work in one day is pretty
rugged in this unbearably hot
chow hall here.
Rudy Armstrong was our squad
leader and Leroy Bacica our assist
ant squad leader during the first
week. Richard Bethea is our squad
leader this second week.
M/Sgt. Robert A. Bruce is rep
resenting the A&M Military De
partment here.
In closing, we might pass on to
the Artillery boys at Fort Bliss
that lights go out here at 11 p. m.
A little better than the 9 p. m. cur
few for the boys there, we’d say.
The shooting will, continue until
an agreement is reached at the sec
ond meeting, and approved.
A single Communist plane ush
ered in Friday’s fighting. It drop
ped a few small bombs near allied
positions on the Western front,
about 30 miles from Kaesong. U.N.
planes were back in the air on
rocketing and bombing strikes aft
er flying only 470 missions Thurs
“No significant action” develop
ed on the ground, the U. S. Eighth
Army repoited jn its Friday morn
ing communique, “and the front re
mained relatively quiet.” ,
Navy Bombardment Continues
U. N. naval forces carried the
bombardment of Wonsan, East
coast port and communications
center, into the 141st day. The
U. S. destroyers Blue and Evans
silenced Communist shore batteries
in a 75-minute artillery duel. The
navy said no hits were scored by
the Red guns which the day before
caused some damage to the patrol
Frigate Everett and injured four
In general the roaring, killing
war—that has cost the Communists
more than 1,000,000 casualties by
U.N. estimates, and the allies one
tenth that number—was at a vir
tual standstill.
The Comunist delegation will
leave the Pyongyang area at 5
a.m. Saturday (2 p.m. EST Fri
day). It will travel in five jeeps
and five trucks, each bearing a
white flag.
Miss Betty Jo Birdwell, pretty 22 year-old Sam Houston State
College co-ed, receives first place award in the annual July 4
Miss Brazos Valley Beauty Contest from Miss Gwen Wilson.
Training at Ft. Eustis, Va.
Transportation Campers
Get Taste of 4 Army Life’
Camp Correspondent
Fort Eustis, Va., July 2 (De
layed) — Forty-three Transporta
tion Seniors are getting a good
taste of Army life as they enter
into their second week of training
in Summer camp at Fort Eustis,
Va. Long hard hours of training
are making the Aggies appreciate
the life at A&M.
The first two weeks will be de
voted to basic training, such as in
fantry tactics, drill, marksmanship,
and leadership. In the last four
weeks the men will have more
specialized training in all Trans
portation work.
Harold Bragg, Ralph Burgess,
Bip Bieppert, Hugh Winn, John
Woodhull, Charles Davis, Carol
Cato, Bill Bradley, Jimmy Barry,
Ken Baker, Lynn Bennet, and
Lewis Bruecher got off to a
good start by drawing KP the
first week.
A&M makes up the first platoon
of E Company, which also includes
two platoons of Tennessee and one
platoon of Washington and Jeffer
son cadets. From Tuesday, June 26,
through Tuesday, July 3, E Com
pany will go on a bivouac. Tents,
fox holes, patrols, and general
field work will be stressed.
Jack Vincent will be cadet C.
O. of E v Company while on the
bivouac. Carol Miller will be the
cadet platoon leader and Brad
Mitchell is to be cadet platoon
sergeant of the first platoon.
Gaylon Jones, Ford Madison,
Joe Murphy, “Boon” Gower, James
Robbins, Howard Nelson, Don
Nelson, Don Graves, Russel Sweet,
and Lynn Bennet are under the
strain of being away from their
wives and also from just being at
Fort Eustis is located in a very
historic sector of the United
States. Many places will be espec
ially remembered for their impor
tance during the Revolutionary
War. Yorktown, Williamsburg, and
Jamestown are not more than 30
miles away.
One day of training was devot
ed to inspecting the third Port
Area of Fort Eustis and a cruise
on a FS vessel on the James
Most of the Aggies spent their
first weekend at Virginia Beach.
He Rode the Range in an Airplane
Former Grid Star Gets AF Job at Haiti
College Station’s cemetery now boasts a new
and modern entrance with this structure which
was completed recently. The City of College
Station and local residents financed and built the
At the Grove
This Weekend
Friday, July 6, Dancing—Music
by Aggieland Combo—8 p. m.
Sat., July 7, Square Dancing—
8 p. m.
Sun., July 8, Skating—8 p. m.
Mon., July 9, No Movie Sche
duled (Dress Rehearsal for “H.
i M. S. Pinafore.”)
A Texan who once rode the
range in a private plane, Maj.
Lloyd A. Freeman of Trinity will
be rounding up French grammar
for the next six months before re
porting for duty as deputy chief
of the United States Air Force
Mission to Haiti.
Major Freeman doesn’t think
he’ll have to pull leather to stick
with his horse at the language
school because he already has a
speaking knowledge of Spanish ac-
quix-ed dux-ing several years’ resi
dence in El Paso, where he was
connected with ranching interests.
He used a px-ivate plane to get
ai'ound the ranch.
A&M Graduate
The son of Mrs. Nellie Freeman
of Trinity, Major Freeman attend
ed A&M where he was a member |
of the T Club. He was an end on
the 1935 Texas A&M football team
under the tutelage of Mattie Bell,
and played the following two years
under Coach Homer Noi-ton.
A track man whose specialty was
the 880, Major Freeman ran the
mile against Glenn Cunningham in
the 1936 Texas Relays. To the best
of his recollection, Cunningham’s
time was 4:09; Freeman’s 4:14.
Major Freeman received his de
gree in agricultural engineering in
Major Freeman, who has sexved
as chief of Flight Opei-ations at
McClellan, California's lai'gest Air
Fox - ce installation, since April,
1949, will report to the U. S. Army
Language School at Montei’ey,
Calif., July 9th to undergo instruc
tion in French befoi’e leaving for
his new assignment in Haiti.
Flew Navy PBY
One of the comparatively few
Air Force pilots who is checked
out in a Navy PBY amphibious air-
cx-aft, Major Freeman loves that
ship. He’d rather fly a PBY than
any other type of plane.
“It’s more fun,” he declares.
“It’s like driving a big, old speed
boat when you hit the water.”
As engineering officer for the
10th Rescue Squadron of the USAF
Air Sea Rescue Service in Alaska,
Major Freeman is a veteran of ski
and float plane mercy missions.
“I made seven open-sea pickups
in Navy PBYs,” Major Freeman re
calls. “We were the only squadron
that would make open-set landings
in Alaskan waters. By far the
toughest landing I ever made was
in 714 foot swells to rescue two
navy boys who’d di’ifted out in a
small boat from a ship anchored
off the island of Kodiak. Boy,
were they glad to see us!”
It was during his Alaskan tour
of duty that Major Fx*eeman con
ceived and developed the idea of
outside litter carriei's on helicop
ters. He is gratified to see this
personal contribution to aviation
pay off in the number of lives
saved through its extensive use in
the rescue of wounded GIs in Ko
Designed Litter Carriers
Major Freeman designed and
helped build the first set of heli-
Major Lloyd A. Freeman
Former A&M athlete assigned to Haiti post.
copters litter carriers to aid in
transporting the sick and injured
from Alaska’s sparsely settled in-
tei'ior to coastal towns where med
ical aid could be obtained. An air
craft corporation which manufac
tures helicopters adapted Major
Freeman’s design for mass produc
The original littei's developed by
Major Freeman were aluminum al
loy frames welded together and
bolted to the helicopter frame. The
litters were x'igid wire baskets cov
ered with aluminum and plexiglass
to piotect the patients and keep
them warm. The interior of each
basket was lined with an electric
blanket. Carriers similar in design,
with such improvements as ven-
tilators, are now in use in Koi'ea.
Built C-45 Skis
Major Freeman also designed and
built the first pair of landing skis
used on the C-45 cargo planes and
the L-5 liaison and observation
aircraft operated by the Air Force
in Alaska.
A member of the ROTC ca,valx*y
unit at A&M, Major Freeman was
called to active duty as a second
Lt. Max'ch 1, 1941. He was assigned
to the Air Force and served two
and one-half years at Williams Air
Force Base at San Antonio as
maintenance officer of the head-
quartex-s squadron of the Flying
Training Command.
He was assigned to Alaska in
April, 1946, and was sent to Mc
Clellan Air Foive Base in October,
1948, as assistant chief of Flight
Operations. He became chief in
Apxil, 1949.
Major Freeman is married to the
former Trudie MacQuown of Sac
ramento, Calif. They have two
childi - en, Deii’dre, 14 months, and
Cynthia, born June 10, 1951. Their
home is at 3144 Ben Ali Avenue,
North Sacramento, Calif.