The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 15, 1951, Image 1
0 Cadets Down Buckeyes; Meet Utah Today By ANDY ANDERSON Battalion Sports Staff A 370-foot home run by Yale Lary in the eighth inning gave the Aggies a 3-2 victory over Ohio State yesterday in the second round of the NCAA playoffs at Omaha. Bob Tankersley went all the way, giving up six hits. He walked and struck out three and hit one batsmen in the game that eliminated the Buckeyes from the tournament. The Cadets meet the University of Utah in the third round this evening at 6 as part of a twi-night double header. It will probably be Pat Hubert back on the mound after only one days rest to try and put the Farmers in the quarter or semi-finals, as the case may be. The Aggies drew first blood in the initial inning when they put together three walks and two fielder’s choices for a single run scored by Second Baseman Joe Ecrette. Bill Mc Pherson got credit for the RBI. Ohio State came back in the second to tie it up on Dave Parill’s single and his steal of second. Jack Gannon’s single advanced him to third and he scored when Bill Kraker, Buck eye left fielder, singled through second into center field. The game remained deadlocked until the sixth inning when Lary, leading hitter for the Aggies after two days of play, singled, moved to second on McPherson’s single and came home on a third single by Hollis Baker, moved to center field for yesterday’s game. Lary’s four-master in the eighth ran the score to 3-1 but the forces of Marty Karow, Aggie baseball mentor for four years, came back in the bottom of the eighth to score their second and final run on a walk, single, sacrifice and another single by Parill, Buckeye firsft baseman who was OS’s leading hitter with two for four. By beating Ohio State, A&M kept alive the dugout jinx which existed through the first six games. The team in the visiting Ohama dugout lost every game. In other results at the “Rose Bowl of College Baseball,” Tennessee’s Volunteers eliminated Princeton from the cham-' pionships with a 3-2 victory, Southern California tripped Utah 8-2 and Oklahoma beat Springfield 7-1. A&M had men on base in every inning but the fifth and seventh. Baker walked to start the second inning but was erased from the sacks as, after Bill Munnerlyn flied out, Tankersley hit into a double play. In the third inning, Ohio State cut down Ecrette, who had singled, with a double play as Lary bounced into the 4-6-3 twin-killing. The Aggies blew another chance in the fourth when Can- delari singled and was caught stealing. McPherson walked, A1 Ogletree got on base via an error but Baker and Munner lyn failed to produce as they both hit into fielder’s choices. It was three up and three down for the Farmers in the seventh. After Lary had hit his home run, the second one to be hit at the tournament through the Aggie game yesterday, Ogletree singled but was left stranded. Tankersley got the eighth hit of the game for the Aggies (See LARY, CANDELARI, Page B) College Station’s Official Newspaper; Circulated Daily To 90% of Local Residents The Battalion PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE For Truman’s Speech See Story Page 2 , Number 172: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1951 Price Five Cents Reds Give Allies Stiff Resistance Tokyo, June 15—(A 5 )—Communist troops in the scrubby hills near Kumhwa and Hanggye fought fiercely today against advancing allied infantrymen on the eastern Korean front. To the west, United Nations pa trols reached out three to six miles without finding Reds, after nulli fying the Chinese buildup areas around gutted Chonvon, Kumhwa and Pyonggang. The dormant Red air force show- Rural Church Conference Starts Monday The Sixth Annual Rural Church Conference will be gin Monday with top ranking specialists from over the na tion teaming with A&M men to put on the program. Approximately 130 7ural laymen and ministers are expected to at tend the conference scheduled to last until 1 p. m. Wednesday. Sponsored by the Rural Socio logy Department, conference meet ings will be held in the MSC. Reg istration for the visitors will be held from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. in the lobby of the MSC. The specialists include Dr. Ar thur Raper of the Bureau of Agri- tural Economics; Dr. Carl C. Tay- v lor, head of the Division of Farm " Population and Rural Life, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Earl Brewer, head of the Rural Church Department, Emory University, Ga.; and the Rev. Gar land Hendricks, Gardner-Webb Col lege, Boiling Springs, N. C. Twenty scholarships to pay for the maintenance of 20 rural min isters attending the conference have been contributed by Sears and Roebuck Foundation of Dallas The Progressive Farmer of Dallas had contributed two schol arships and J. Webb Howell of Bryan has given one scholarship each year for the conference. Homers for Aggies Explosion Sinks ed signs of life. Two planes struck far behind U. N. lines in their deepest penetration in months. “Could Take Red AF” The United Nations “could take care of the Chinese air force” with combat planes already in Japan and Korea, U. S. Air Secretary Thomas J. Finletter commented in Tokyo. U. S. army officers have estimated the Reds have 3,000 planes in Manchuria. It might be a different story if the Russians entered the war with their “very powerful” air force, Finletter said. That would create “a very serious situation.” However, he said, he had no in formation that Russians have been flying the Soviet type jets that have tangled with American planes over northwestern Korea. Propeller Type Craft The two Red air strikes Thurs day morning were by propeller type craft. One plane bombed and strafed an allied air field at Su won, 25 miles south of Seoul. An other raided Yongdongpo, a sub urb of the old South Korean capi tal. U. N. air forces struck back promptly. They hit three Red air fields in western Korea. Far East Air Forces reported runways at Sunan and Sunchon were “post- holed by bombs.” Sariwon was bombed at night. Rain clouds restricted air ac tivity over Korea Friday. Just how far allied commanders intend to send their ground troops inside North Korea in their present drive was puzzling. Both the U. S. 8th Army and general headquart ers communiques Friday morning mentioned only patrols going be yond present lines. Two Spearheads They have pushed two spearheads roughly 30 miles north of the 38th parallel—through the steep hills of the east coast beyond Kansong, and up a fertile western valley through Pyonggang. If the supreme allied command er, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, de cides to send strong forces up the Pyonggang Valley to Wonsan on the east coast, he may clamp size able Red forces in a vise. All of Thursday’s ground fight ing was in this eastern area be tween these two forces. San Antonio Next Stop On Mac Arthur’s Tour San Antonio, June 15—(IP)—MacArthur the soldier comes to a soldier’s town today and to the post where he lived as a lad. At Fort Sam Houston — with its vast Arthur MacArthur parade ground, named for his father—He’ll take the tribute of his way of life for half a century. It is but a brief visit: to receive a 17-gun salute and to review the color guard. But it will be a military setting and it will be his first trip back to the soldier’s life since he returned from Japan, stripped of his multiple titles of command. Yale Lary An eighth inning home run by Lary provided the Aggies with their margin of victory in yester day’s 3-2 triumph over Ohio State. He is lead ing the Cadet batsmen with four hits in eight Total Enrollment Is 2,524 trips to the plate and is causing many an eyebrow to be raised by some of the big league scouts. Besides his home run, Lary has collected three singles to round out his .500 batting average. Summer Housing Adequate - - Boyer Women Population Shows First Term Ratio of 20-1 By B. F. ROLAND Battalion News Staff With a possible one or two un- accountables still hiding out, the Registrar’s Office yesterday placed enrollment for the first summer session at 2,524. The figure represents a slight in crease over the enrollment for this period last year. And, true to previous rumors, the official tally shows female enrollment, too, increased over that of last year. Lest you be misled, though, the total co-ed enrollment is 127, putting them at about a 20 to one ratio with male students. Other break-downs on the regis tration shows a total of 399 grad uate students and 1998 undergrad uates attending summer classes. Veteran’s Advisor Taylor Wilkins estimates that 662 of that number are veterans enrolled under the GI Bill of Rights. From a housing stand-point, Walton Hall is the sole co-ed bas tion on the campus. Fourteen fe males live in one ramp of that dorm. All other summer co-eds are day students comprising a good portion of 745 students listed in that category by the Housing Of fice. Basic Division cadet totals have risen since the original an- Summary of New Regulations Korean Waters For GI Bill Released by VA 1JS Vessel In ■* Washington, June 1 5— (AP)—An underwater ex plosion—believed caused by a Communist mine—ripped the U. S. destroyer Walke in Ko rean waters last Tuesday, killing 26 men and injuring seven others. Two of the dead were Texans. A Navy announcement yester day said the 2',200-ton destroyer’s hull was damaged but she made a Japanese port under her own pow er. It was the sixth U. S. naval ves- sell sunk or damaged since the Korean w-ar began and raised the Navy’s casualty toll to 40 dead, 115 wounded and 36 missing. It marked the heaviest single casual ty toll for the Navy. The destroyers Brush and Mans field were damaged by mines and two minesweepers were sunk by mines last year. At the Grove This Weekend Friday—Dancing, Music by Ag- k gieland Combo—8 p.m. Saturday—Square Dancing— 8 p.m. Sunday—Roller Skating—8 p.m. Monday—Movie, “Father of the v Bride” with Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor—8 p.m. A summary of current regula tions and directives on training un der the G. I. Bill subsequent to July 25, 1951, was released by the Veteran’s Administration Center this morning. The regulation said that a school teacher who has timely initiated his course of training may attend either summer session where the school has more than one session and meet the requirements to re tain eligibility after July 25, 1951. The requh’ements cannot be met by attending one session of a sum mer school less than five weeks in length. Must Be In Training A teacher who has not timely initiated his course of training must be in training on or before the above mentioned date in order to retain his eligibility after the cut-off date. Teachers training during the summer under the bill must be enrolled in and pursuing a course of training leading to a degree. Otherwise the student must show that credit will be given towards a degree for other various courses taken. The veteran must in all cases be enrolled in a degree granting in stitution. In order to retain eligi bility for training, the teacher must continue to teach school throughout the entire school year. Should a teacher discontinue his job, he is required to re-enter a training course immediately to retain eligi bility. July 25 is the dead-line for vet erans who have never trained un der the G. I. Bill to be in training if they expect to be eligible after the ■ dead-line. Continuous Training The veteran’s training must be continuous after the above men tioned date. V. A. Form 7-190E (in most cases) must be submitted by the veteran to the Veteran’s Administration Office at Waco prior to completion of the course in which he is currently enrolled, if he desires to pursue an additional course of training later. After the cut-off date, July 25, veterans may advance from one course to another as long as the advancement will enable them to attain an educational or vocational objective. .Veterans currently enrolled in a course of training during the past Spring semester leading to a de gree, are exempt from summer ses sion enrollment provided the train ing is resumed at the beginning of the 1951 Fall term. Intervention Period The period of intervention be tween completion of pre-medical course and the date of enrollment following first acceptance by an accredited School of Medicine will be considered as a period of inter vention beyond the student’s con trol. This statement holds true for veterans who started training un der the Servicemen’s Readjustment act in a pre-medical course or on prior to the date four year’s sub sequent to his discharge, or July 25 whichever is later, and who has successfully completed his course before or after the cut-off date established the fact that he has been an applicant for admis sion to a medical course each year after completion of his pre-medical course. Undergraduate Work A veteran having completed his undergraduate work at the end of the preceding Fall or Winter term, need not be in training on or be fore July 25 provided the school he desires to attend for graduate work will not offer the graduate course until the next regular school year. Those not recognized as school teachers are people employed as members of the administrative staff of an educational institution or school system who carry no responsibilities with regard to in structional policy, supervision, or administration. For a person to be regularly em ployed as a school teacher, he must be employed by a school system or educational institution. Employees of a State Depart ment of Education are not included, even though they are employed in a state supervisory capacity. nounceinent last week of 234 to 255. All cadets are housed in floors one through three of Dorms 14 and. 17. Other campus dormitories house 1,020 civilian male students includ ing undergraduates, graduates, short-term students and special course students. Not included in this figure are 44 geology students from the Uni versity of Texas taking a special course and living on the campus. College-owned apartments are home to 469 families. That many married students with families are enrolled. Other apartments are be ing occupied by families of students away at ROTC camp or otherwise not enrolled for the present semes ter here. Though no official estimates are available, it is probable that a large number of the female students and graduate students fall in the married category. Most married undergraduates are living with their families in col lege apartments. As for the feminine curricula, in dications are that most of the ladies are taking Liberal Arts courses. A few are registered in technical and special courses. And some, of course, are graduate students. As for that 20-1 ratio—such min or adjustments as the number of married girls and other factors widen the gap even more. It’s still A&M, me lads, even in the good old summertime. Housing accomodations at A&M for the first summer term are quite adequate, according to Harry Boyer, Chief of Housing. Dormitories in use for the sum mer semesters include Bizzell Hall, Milner Hall, and Walton Hall as well as Dormitories 14, 15, 16, 17. Occupying A ramp of Walton Hall are 14 women, most of them are taking courses in elementary school teaching methods. B ramp of Walton is reserved for visitors who will be enrolled in the various short courses offered throughout the summer. T U Students C and D ramps of Walton are being occupied by the Texas Uni versity geology students. E and Richardson Quits First Baptist Post The Rev. O. Byron Richardson, pastor of the First Baptist Church, has resigned to accept pastorate in Park Height Baptist Church at San Angelo. Reverend Richardson has been with the First Baptist Church since last September. His resignation will become effective today. The Church has had over 300 additional mem bers during his stay here. Tuesday afternoon he left for the Southern Baptist Convention in San Francisco, Calif. He will return July 8 for an of ficial farewell by all members of his pastorate. F ramps are for students enrolled in cotton short courses. The rest of Walton is being oc cupied by civilian students enrolled for the summer term. Graduate students make up most of the residents of Bizzell Hall, al though some undergraduate civil ian students have residence there. At present Milner Hall has as its occupants civilian students. Corps in 14, 17 The freshman corps is living in Dorms 14 and 17, with Air Force ROTC cadets on the first three floors of Dorm 14 and Army cadets on the first three floors of Dorm 17. Dorms 15 and 16 are being occu pied by civilian students enrolled for the regular summer session. Agricultural Education teachers from Texas and other states en rolled in a special three to six weeks short course have as their summer residence the 4th floor of Dorm 17. Teachers In Dorm 17 Trade and Industries teachers enrolled in shop courses given by the Engineering Extension Service have been assigned quarters on the fourth floor of Dorm 17. Twenty to 30 apartments in Col lege View and Vet Village are vacant now and are available to married students, although vete rans will be given first preference, Boyer said. Although no apartment short ages exists now, it is expected that with the beginning of the 1951 Fall semester in September, apart ments will probably become scarce, the housing chief said. A major speech downtown will end the whirlwind visit. Then it is on to Dallas, for another speech—expected to be in a general pattern of seeking “grass roots” support for his Korean war policies. San Antonio is home of the Fourth Army and countless other Army and Air Force in stallations. It is a haven for retired soldiers, and many of these—from four star generals like “Skinny” Wainwright and Walter Krue ger—are old friends of the General. You can run into a lot of these old sol diers who have served with MacArthur. And ■fa lot intend to try and say, “Hello, sir,” today. Several did yesterday when Mac Arthur was in Houston. One was Grover Willis, who lost both legs after making the Bataan death march. The two talked together in low tones, MacArthur bending down to Willis’ bed in a veterans hosptal. Commanded Phillippine Boat Another was Lt. W. W. Hardin, the navy lieutenant who command ed the little boat that carried Mac Arthur ashore at Leyte, when the Allies went back to the Philippines. He was a patient, too. There /might have been more, but MacArthur didn’t see them. His split second time table called for double time all day. This minute timing for a time caused a rumpus between the Daughters of the Republic of Tex as and Maj. Gen. Innis P. Swift (Ret), in charge of arrangements for the visit here. Swift, who took the First Caval ry into Pacific battle in World War II, retreated and the ladies got their way: ten minutes of Mac- Arthur’s time, to have him sign the guest book inside the Alamo— and to present a silver spoon with a likeness of Texas’ shrine of free dom engraved upon it. Class ’55 Freshmen Set Summer Social Five members of the Class ’55 met yesterday with Pete Hardesty, business manager, Office of Stu dent Activities to plan for summer class socials. The group decided that a dance would be held in August for the campus freshmen. R. W. Laughter and J. C. Allums Jr. were named social secretaries. J. B. Dorsey is in charge of tick ets and programs and W. D. Wat son and J. A. Royse will handle refreshments and decorations at the socials. Quarter Florse Group Meets Here The Planning Committee of the American Quarter Horse Associa tion will meeet in the MSC today to discuss plans for the meeting of the Board of Directors to be held here next January. Prominent Texas horsemen to be present will be Bob Hooper of Plainview and Raymond Hollings worth of Amarillo president and secretary respectively of the asso ciation. Others attending are R. A. Brown of Throckmorton, Lester Goodson of Houston, and Len Mertz of San Angelo. Weather Yesterday Main Station Farm recorded a high of 94 degrees and a low of 74 for Thursday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aggies Begin Summer Camp Training at 9 Posts Monday By WILLIAM DICKENS Battalion Feature Editor Hearing the bugle’s familiar reville call, 546 Aggies will “rise and shine” Monday morning as ROTC units begin training at sum mer camps throughout the United States. This Summer’s six week train ing program will consist of only Army ROTC units as the summer training for Air Force ROTC units will not be held. From the 546 senior cadets, the Artillery will send the largest num ber, 104, to train at Fort Sill, Okla., labeled by previous train ees as the “Sahara Desert of the great Southwest.” Fort Hood, Tex. will be the lo cation for both the Armor and Infantry Summer training. Sixty cadets will undergo armor train ing while 85 cadets receive infan try indoctrination. The Anti-Aircraft artillery ca dets, 43 in number, wll be station ed at Fort Bliss, Tex., for their six week stay. Do You Get The Battalion? Are you getting your Battalion daily? Dormitory stu dents may pick up copies of the paper each afternoon—Tues day through Friday—from boxes placed on the lower floors in every dorm. Non-resident students may secure their copy of The Battalion through the mail by presenting proof of enroll ment in A&M at the Student Activities Office, second floor of Goodwin Hall. Papers will be mailed in time for College Station post of fice box holders to receive The Battalion in afternoon* mail. Forty-three cadets of the Trans portation Corps will journey to Fort Eustis, Va. for training. Also in Virginia will be 47 Quartermas ter men at Fort Lee, and 44 En gineer students at Fort Belvoir. Col. Walter H. Parsons Jr., senior Engineers instructor, will sail for Germany in July and will not serve as executive officer at Fort Belvoir this Summer as pre viously announced. Traveling into Yankee-land, 30 members of the Signal Corps will train for six weeks at Fort Mon mouth, N. J. In the “Boston bean country,” Fort Devens, Mass, will be the site for 32 Army Security Agency cadets. Sixteen members of the Chemical Corps will be stationed at Army Chemical Center, Md. Also in Maryland, will be 32 members of the Ordnance Corps at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. During the six week period, cadets will receive training de signed to qualify them for posi tions as reserve officers. Each cadet will receive five cents per mile traveling allowance, to and from camp, in addition to their monthly pay checks.