The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 1951, Image 6
J / , Page 6 THE BATTALION Thursday, May 31, 1951 Italian Navy Is Small 'But Very Well Organized Taranto, Italy—— It taJkes about 30 minutes for the whole Italian Navy to pass in review— and that is steaming- along at a pretty fair rate. Because the pre-war fleet with which Mussolini tried to make the Mediterranean once more “M are Nostrum,” (Our Sea) has dwin dled from sixth biggest navy in the world down to 36 ships. That includes everything down to the vest-pocket-size motor tor pedo boats with six-man crews. It also includes three clean-lined former United States destroyer es corts just turned over to Italy un der the aims aid program. But American naval observers here are not too discouraged over prospects for that pin-sized fleet, now a part of the Atlantic Pact force of western defense. Well Organized The latest full fleet review here was described by these high offi cers as “a well-organized show,” and they said that although Italy still lacked modern ships, she could show “a strong and well-trained naval personnel ready to man a bigger fleet as fast as it can be formed.” That can start now—-after five years. The Peace Treaty did not allow Italy any new naval con struction until 1950. It takes time to build warships. And even more than that, it takes money. But Italy has begun a naval construc tion program—and to fill in the gap she is receiving surplus United States fighting ships. Besides the three destroyer es cort vessels already received, it has been announced in Washington that Italy will get the “Wood- worth” and “Nicholson,” two of the fastest destroyers of the Amer ican navy. And after them, it is likely that still other ships may follow until Italy’s own new naval construction begins sliding down the ways. Probably equally important at the long-deserted naval air field just north of this big naval base, there now sits a long row of blunt-winged, blue-painted navy fighter-bombers. They’re former ■American Curtis hell-divers, sent here also as part of the arms aid program intended to help Italy guard her part of the Atlantic Pact’s western line. Until they ar rived, the Italian Navy had no air arm. Under the Peace Treaty she PSE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO BUV, SELL, BENT OR TRADE. Rates . . . . :ic a word per Insertion with a ?5c minimum. Space rate In classified lection .... flflc per column-inch. Send HI classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must he received in Stu- Jent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR SALE • BRAND NEW Swiss Mklo automatic wat er-proof and shock-proof watch. Rea sonable. Telephone 6-3643. 1947—98 CONVERTIBLE Oldsmobile, per fect condition. White sidewall tires, ra dio and heater. Call 2-8879. ONE STUDIO COUCH, good condition, and one refrigerator, 4,2 feet. See at B- 15-Z. !. AT. Frigidalre. 6 oh. ft., C-9-D, College View. Apartment. SENIOR BOOTS, Size 8i/,C 14i/,'’ calf; 2 pair khaki, 1 pair pink boot pants. Dorm 8, Room 127. AWHEEL stock trailer. Heavy construc tion, good condition. 726 Edgewood Drive, Garden Acres. Phone 4-9281. • FOR RENT • 3 LARGE-ROOM furnished apartment. 105 Meadowland, Mrs. Dew. UNFURNISHED 4-room duplex, 2 block from College Post Office. Phone 4-8709. LOOKING for comfort! Large room, ad joining bath, cool porches. 500 Main, College Station. Phone 4-4819. FURNISHED 3-bedroom house, June to September. Close to Campus. Call 4-4892. 4 CLEAN, cool, well furnished apartments Just off Campus; one 2-room, $30.00; one 2-room, $35.00; one 3-room with gar age, $38.00; one 4 room with garage, large screened porch, and fireplace, $55.00. Phone 4-8032 or 4-9314, or inquire at 601 Montclair, Southside. .JUNE 1st, cool garage apartment in Col lege Hills, reasonable, all utilities fur nished. 4-8826 or Box 1749. 2-BEDROOM completely furnished house June to September. Close to College. 726 Edgewood Drive, Garden Acres. Phone 4-9281. • HELP WANTED • EXPERIENCED part-time workers, partic ularly a butcher. SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET, 4-8244. Seniors! Have you missed some interesting courses you wanted to take? Get them in Post Graduation Studies. Save Your Eyes . . . LET US HELP YOU DR. J. W. PAYNE O PTOMETRIST 109 South Main — Bryan, Tex. Next to Palace Theatre SAFE-T-WAY TAXI Phone 2-1400 • AUTOS FOR SALE ALW CARS 11SLD BILLY TIDWELL Hart Hall .1-1 representing 1’aiey Reed Motors Authorized Ford sales & Service Hearne, Texas Contact me before you buy or trade • WANTED TO BUY • USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women’s — and children’s. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 602 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. YOUTH BED, Box 652, College Station. LOST A SET of Golf Clubs containing 9 Hagen Ultra Irons, 4 Wilson Black Heather Woods, in a tan canvas bag have been lost. REWARD for return to Manager A.&M. Golf Course. • HOME REPAIR • ALL TYPES home repair work—additions, roofing, siding, painting, concrete Work, and redecorating. Low down payment and 30 months to pay; For free esti mates call 4-9589 or 4-4236. FOUND • BOYS WRIST WATCH. Owner may claim by identifying. Sec Barney Welch at Student Activities. Official Notice Rings due June 1 are in Registrar’s Of fice and ready for delivery. H. L. Heaton, Registrar. NOTICE TO JUNE GRADUATES At 8 a.m. Thursday, May 31, there Will be posted on a bulletin board in the Reg istrar’s Office a list of those candidates who have completed all the requirements for a degree and who are eligible to par ticipate in the Commencement Exercises. Every candidate is urged to consult the list on Thursday, May 31, to determine his status. H. L. Heaton Registrar Prompt Radio Service —Call— Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Ph. 2-1941 Bryan RADIOS & REPAIRING Call For and Delivery ;/ ': STUDENT CO-OP Phone 4-411.4 . Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 203 S. Main Street Call 2-1662 for Appointment We pay the highest prices for Used Books year round, GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING , ivi \t’!’• J-.‘U*. , •>.*.' 7, ,*• ..1 'V* ^ ' i-UAsr. V , - * . - i. . - , A r:,: U : / THE EXCHANGE STORE "Serving Texas Aggies" is not allowed aircraft carriers, and her only planes were obsolete land force models. The Peace Treaty — which the United States Senate has now proposed freeing- of its military limitations—also allows Italy no submarines, and no assault craft. She is allowed two battleships. She has afloat the ancient Doria— grim ghost of 1913 and World War I. The twin battleship, Duilio, also exists,—on paper. In reality, how ever, she is docked and under half hearted repair and modernization. Reservists Will Drill at Chaffee Eighty-five Army enlisted re servists from this area who have had no prior military experience will go to Camp Chaffee, Ark., June 10-23 fro basic training, ’Capt. W. B. Findlay, local ORC Unit instructor, announced today. Local reservists will leave Hunts ville by chartered bus Sunday morning, June 10. All such reservists in the state except those assigned to units of the 90th Infantry Division will at tend this camp. All local reservists attending camp are members of the 39th Ar mored Infantry and 352nd Armored Field Artillery Battalions. The special two-week training period planned for men without prior service is mandatory under present Department of the Army policy. Non prior service mem bers of units ordered to this basic training camp are required to at tend for the 15-day period. In ad dition, they may voluntarily at tend training with the unit to which assigned at a later date. This will give them four weeks of intensive field training. Publications Need Student Photog Student Publications has an opening for a student photographer during the Summer months. The position requires that the student- have his own camera and darkroom equipment. The job will be good experience for any student who wishes to specialize in photo graphy, Roland Bing, manager of Student Publications, said. Men who are interested in this type of work may contact Bing in Room 211 Goodwin Hall. Graduation (Continued from Page 1) military, who will wear civilian clothes. All candidates for Mas ter’s degrees will wear civilian clothes and all candidates for doc torate degrees will wear caps and gowns. Following graduation, the Final Ball will be held at 9 p.m. at the Grove, or in case of rain, at Sbisa Hall. Graduation will officially close on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with Final Review on the drill field west of the Academic Building, Candidates for all degrees are required to attend the Baccalau reate and Commencement Exercises unless officially excused by the Executive Committee. Attendance will be checked. G. W. Schlesselman is chairman of the commencement committee. Members of that committee are P. W. Bums, W. H. Delaplane, H. L. Heaton, R. M. Holcomb, J. D. Lind say, R. O. Murray, J. T. Schmitz, C. G. White, V. A. Young, and B. A. Zinn. -ATTENTION- army and AIR FORCE GRADUATES! We now have in stock the NEW OFFICER’S GUIDE. This new volume brings up to date the val uable features of its predecessors, and constitutes a treasure chest of helpful information and guidance. Officers of all grades and length of service, on active or inactive duty, recognize the value of having THE OFFICER’S GUIDE available for ready refer ence and wise counsel. Half a million officers have used this book in its many editions. THE OFFI CER’S GUIDE is not, as supposed by many individ uals, a guide designed solely for junior officers. True, most junior officers do acquire copies early in their career as there is no substitute for this reliable and ever ready source of helpful information. However, many experienced officers of senior grade with many years of service find THE OFFICER’S GUIDE a highly useful and time saving reference. The officer’s family will also benefit by reading this comprehensive volume. Selected sections such as Army Posts and Stations, Foreign Service and Life in Oversea Commands, Customs of the Service, The Code of the Army, and Leadership help to orient your family on the military way of life. To a surprising degree the career of an officer is influenced by hie wife. She can contribute most to his success if she is fully informed as to the Army’s codes, requirements, customs, and opportunities. This new edition is in tune with the situation of today and tomorrow. Considerable revision has been accomplished to incorporate important changes in regulations. Don’t get left out, come in today and get your copy today, we have only a limited stock. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” forward with the Class For many of you in the Class* of ’ 51, this is but a mile stone on your road for an education. Many of you will go on to the college or uni versity of your choice. However, others may decide to seek employment now. Con sider a career in the tele phone industry. There is no greater opportunity in any profession. Serving Texas.Arkansas,Oklahoma,Louisiana THE SOUTHWESTERN 'STATES TELEPHONE CO. r r Specials for Friday & Saturday — June 1st & 2nd YOUR FAVORITE WITH PURCHASE OF BRAND ° R M ° RE IN OF COFFEE GROCERIES Savings On Regular Prices Plus This Special Bonus • GROCERY SPECIALS • Pillsbury Flour . 5 lbs. 43c Crisco 3 lbs. 98c Meadow Gold Sweet Cream Rutter, lb. 79c Fresh White Infertile Eggs . . . doz. 45c (Plus Deposit) Coca Cola ctn. I9c Sugar . 5 lb. 45c -10 lbs. 89c Tea Garden—12-Oz. STRAWBERRY PRESERVES, 29c Tea Garden—4'6-Oz. APPLE JUICE 29c Chase & Sanborn COFFEE lb. 83c Kimbell—No. 2—4G-Oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ... 21c Raths—12-Oz. LUNCHEON MEAT .... 45c 7 Minute—With 10c Coffee Coupon PIE MIX Pkg. 23c Frost Fresh—Shelled—300 CREAM PEAS .... 2 for 25c Kimbell Unsweetened—46-Oz. ORANGE JUICE 27c Dromedary—DEVILS CAKE MIX ..... pkg. 24c Dromedary GINGERBREAD MIX . pkg. 23c PORTLAND PUNCH . . pt. 39c Charmin TOILET TISSUE . . 4 rolls 35c Dixie MARGARINE lb. 27c Tea Garden—24-Oz. GRAPE JUICE 31c GLADIOLAFLOUR.25 lbs. $1.98 Fair Maid—14 Vi -Oz. ANGEL FOOD CAKE ... 45c Underwood—2(4-Oz. DEVILED HAM .17c Libby VIENNA SAUSAGE .. 2 cans 39c Popular Brands CIGARETTES . . . ctn. $1.87 Carton 20 WRIGLEY’S GUM 59c Pillsbury HOT ROLL MIX . . . pkg. 25c Lilly MELLO CREAM . . . l/ 2 gal. 55c Standard—No. 2 TOMATOES .... 2 cans 37c Del Monte Yellow—303 CREAM STYLE CORN . 2 for 33c Del Monte—303 EARLY GARDEN PEAS. 2 for 39c Del Monte—303 GREEN LIMA BEANS Del Monte—No. 2 WHOLE GREEN BEANS .. Del Monte—No. 2 SPINACH .... Del Monte—No. 2V2 PEACH HALVES Del Monte—No. 2 , /2 FRUIT COCKTAIL . 25c ..27c . 2 for 29c . . . . 31c .... 35c 3 for 25c Diamond—300 PORK & BEANS . Tide or Cheer WASH. POWDER, Lge 31c - Gt. 83c CLOROX l/ 2 Gal. 25c Carnation or PET MILK Tall 14c 4-Oz. Package BAKER’S COCONUT . 2 for 29c Royal—Chocolate or Vanilla PUDDING 2 pkgs 17c 8-Oz. Pkg. POST TOASTIES . . . 2 for 29c 14-Oz. UNCLE BEN RICE . ... 17c 14-Oz. STOKELY CATSUP . . . . 21c Diamond—White or Colored VINEGAR . . gal. 49c Heinz Processed—25-Oz. (1 DILL PICKLES . . . . . . 29c LIPTON’S TEA . . . i/ 2 lb. 55c White KAROSYRUP . . . . ... 21c • MARKET • I for in cl Bacon . . . lb. 5r Stew Meat . . . . . lb. .V / Armstrong’s Famous L BACON.... . . lb. 51 cl Pimento—8-Oz. CHEESE SPREAD . . . . 35c POTATO SALAD . . . . lb. 39c DIXON WIENERS . . . lb. 49c Dixon LONG BOLOGNA . . .. lb. 49c Fresh Ground HAMBURGER . . . . . lb. 65c VEAL CHOPS . . . . . lb. 89c Armour Star Country Style SAUSAGE .... . . lb. 49c PRESSED HAM . . . . lb. 59c OLIVE LOAF . . . . . lb. 59c Fresh Water CAT FISH .... . . lb. 59c JUMBO SHRIMP . . . . lb. 75c • FROZEN FOODS • Honor Brand Broccoli . . lb. 29c Hill O’ Home—12-Oz. Strawberries . . . .... 29c BLUE WATER PERCH ... lb. 45c Minute Maid—6-Oz. ORANGE JUICE . . . 2 for 39c • PRODUCE • Sugar Loaf—Large Pineapple each 19c Lettuce . . ea. 9c TOMATOES . . . . . ctn. 19c BANANAS .... . 2 lbs. 25c California ORANGES .2 lbs. 15c i i • SUNDRIES • Dr. West—1 FREE WITH EACH PURCHASED AT REGULAR PRICE Tooth Brushes 59c Kotex 2 pkgs. 59c 35c i . . 25c 2 pts. 25c . . 59c Colgate—Giant Size TOOTHPASTE . . . 35c Size ALKA SELTZER . . RUBBING ALCOHOL 89c Size MOD ART SHAMPOO Jeris—$1.10 Deal HAIR TONIC - OIL DEAL ... 67c J.&.I. First Aid AUTO KITS .... each $3.25 Perfumed—3 Lb. Bag BATH CRYSTALS . . .j. . 39c Halitosine ANTISEPTIC ipt. 39c Plavtex Snap On Stretchable—$1.19 Vllue BABY PANTS .... i . 79c THE SHOPPING CENTER / “A PERSONALIZED SUPER MARKET” COULTER DRIVE AT HIGHWAY 6 If