The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 29, 1951, Image 1

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C° 1L X* ' : .'Le»o r0 ; t
3 GOP^- 65
Circnlated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
;n ter
The Battalion
For Student Opinion
On Mid-Semester Grades,
See Poll, Page Two
Number 121: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Noted Commentator
Speaks Tonight at 8
William M. Shirer, for the past
twenty-five years regarded by
many as one of the most outstand
ing foreign affairs experts will
address the Great Issues Class and
interested visitors tonight at 8 in
the MSC Ballroom.
Shirer will call on his vast
knowledge of Europe, acquired
first hand during and since the
last world conflict to give a report
on “Our Struggle for Survival.”
His analysis of the news, heard
Attorney Says
Spy Suspects
Reeeivec Aid
New York, March 29—(/P)
—The government closed its
historic atom spy trial of
three persons yesterday, and
said they were in league tvith
' other traitors who got away.
The defense pleaded false incrim
ination and lack of evidence.
U. S. Attorney Irving H. Saypol
told a federal jury the gang banded
together to steal for Russia “the
most important scientific secrets
ever known to mankind.”
He denounced them as commit
ting “one of the most serious
dimes that could be committed
against the United States of Amer
The three defendants in the na
tion’s first atom spy trial were
Julius Rosenberg, 34, his wife,
Ethel, 35, and radar expert Morton
Sobell, 33.
“The identity of some of the oth-
er traitors who sold their country
down the river along with Rosen
berg and Sobell so far remains un
disclosed,” Saypol said as he closed
his case.
The jury got the case at 3:53
p.m. (CST)
Conviction charge carries a maxi
mum penalty of death.
The defense called the Rosen
borgs scapegoats of Mrs. Rosen-
borg’s brother and sister-in-law,
David and Ruth Greenglass.
Greenglass pleaded guilty to
stealing top-secret atom bomb data
for Russia and is awaiting sen
His wife was labeled a co-con
spirator but never was prosecuted.
Both were star government wit
nesses against Rosenberg, whom
they said lured Greenglass into the
spy network.
The Rosenbergs were accused of
being members of the Fuchs-Gold
spy ring that has been broken up
■piece by piece during the past few
Klaus Fuchs, a British atomic
icientist, is in prison in England.
Harry Gold, a Philadelphia bio-
fhemist, is serving an eight to 30-
;ear sentence for taking secret
data from Fuchs and Greenglass
and passing it on to Russia.
over the local Mutual Broadcast
ing Company station on Sundays
is regarded by most people to be
as interesting and interpretative
as can be found on, the air lanes.
Shirer has written several books
bpsed on his experiences during
his wartime European visits and
his attendance of the Nuremberg
trials in Germany in 1945.
Best Seller
Possibly his most well-known
work is the one-time best seller
“Berlin Diary.” This was written
after research in Germany in the
seven years before World War II
and covers the rise of Hitler and
the Nazi Party as it gained power
and steamrollered helpless nations
into oblivion.
His “End of A Berlin Diary”
covers the war period, the trials
and the infamous “cold war” that
Russia clamped on Berlin during
1948 and 1948. He was one of the
few' American newsmen to ride
the historic Berlin Air Lift.
Boat Ride
Bom in Chicago in 1904, Shirer
attended Coe College at Cedar
Rapids, la. When he graduated, he
worked his w’ay abroad on a cat
tle boat for the summer—and stay
ed for the next fifteen years.
From 1925 to 1932 he w'as Euro
pean Correspondent for the Chicago
Tribune and in 1934 became Chief
of the Berlin Bureau of the Uni
versal News Sendee. He then began
his broadcasts from the German
capital for the Columbia Broadcast
ing System on the uprising taking
place in Germany.
Peabody Award
For his w r ork as a commentator,
Shirer was given one of radio’s
highest honors, the George Foster
Peufoody Award for “outstanding
interpretation of the news.”
He has also received the famous
Wendell Wilkie One World Award
for his outstanding achievements
in, journalism.
Singing Cadets
The Singing Cadets, under the direction of Bill
Turner, will present a well-rounded program in
the Ballroom of the MSC April 8. This program
is a part of the 75th Anniversary celebration
which is the theme for Arts and Sciences Week.
Arts and Sciences Week is sponsored by the
School of Arts and Sciences and will begin
tomorrow and conclude April 8.
Ke lly Pa in tings Presen ted
To Harrington For School
Yesterday afternoon the first
contribution w r as made to the Tex
as Art Collection, when H. 0.
Kelly, made his contribution of
four oil paintings of Texas Scenes
to the College.
The presentation was made in
the MSC wdth Dr. M. T. Harring
ton, president of the college, ac
cepting the gift from W. D. Wood.
Who Said It’s Spring
Officials, Place
Set for Election
Voting officials for the April
3 city election were announced yes
terday by Assistant City Secre
tary Ran Boswell.
L. E. Boze, principal of A&M
Consolidated High School, will be
in charge of the voting. Other of
ficials appointed to assist in the
counting of the ballots and to aid
Boze in his duties are J. B. Lau-
terstein and Mrs. P. W. Bums. Bos
well said a fourth person is yet to
be named.
No absentee ballots had been cast
at the City Hall, Boswell said, as
the deadline of Friday, March 30
Polling for all three wards of
the city will be done at the City
Hall on Church Street. No individ
ual ward boxes will be used, the
secretary added.
Hail, Rain,
Bring More
While the Panhandle section of
Texas was having near winter
time temperatures and summer
dust storms, residents of College
Station basked in summer sunshine
for a short time yesterday.
Then all hail broke loose.
Old man weather cut loose with
both barrels to produce near golf-
ball-sized hailstones that peppered
this area for a short while last
Blinding rain and hail cut vis
ibility to a few hundred feet
for about ten minutes between
7:30 and 8 p. m. yesterday. The
hail made almost a solid layer
on the highway between Bryan
and College Station.
Meanwhile, residents of the up
per Panhandle section around Dal-
hart and Perryton, brought out
those overcoats they had begun to
put in mothballs. A two-inch snow
fall lay on the ground at Perry-
ton and Spearman.
Other Panhandle points reported
lesser amounts of snow as an un-
seasonal cold front pushed its way
into Texas.
Fair weather and rapidly rising
temperatures abounded this morn
ing as the front moved southward,
leaving sub-freezing temperatures
in its wake.
A strong wind that was re
ported in the early morning hours
in College Station roared fur
ther East and did considerable
damages in the East Texas town
of Crockett.
The winds which reached almost
twister force, uprooted a large
oak tree on the high school campus
and broke concrete benches as it
barely missed hitting the front of
the school building.
Brownsville and Corpus Christi
registered the high temperatures
for yesterday with readings in the
upper eighties while the Panhandle
temperatures were in the lower
From Minneapolis comes the re
port that 48 Kansas State rooters
who flew 600 miles to witness
Tuesday’s playoff with Kentucky
satisfied themselves with listening
to the game 150 miles from the
scene of action. Dense fog prevent
ed their landing in Minneapolis.
High temperature for this area
yesterday was 81 while the low
this morning was a chilling 46.
Wind velocities at 10 this morning
were ranging about 30 miles an
hour with gusts reaching 35. The
winds should abate this afternoon
with slowly rising temperatures
for late today and tomorrow.
Water Plant Employes
Attend Jasper School
Twenty water plant operators
from nine Texas towns are attend
ing the Water Works Operation
and Maintenance course at Jasper.
Upon completion of the course
which began March 19 and contin
ues until April 6, operators will be
qualified to take licensing examin
ations for Certificates of Com
petency. These certificates are re
quired by state law for all water
plant operators.
Will Stress Individual Needs
Adjunct Freshmen to Get
Expert College Counseling
High school students who enter
the College Adjunct at Junction
this summer will receive expert
counseling and guidance to pre
pare them for their college career,
Dr. John R. Bertrand, dean of
the College’s Basic Division said.
trand explained that the first few college courses may enroll in the
days of each term will be devoted first courses in English and alge-
to testing the students for apti- bra required by the college. Stu-
ture, interests and personality. dents not fully prepared for regu-
Joining the freshmen at the ad- lar courses will be offered special
junct will be some 63 Geology 300 help in the area of their weak-
students the first six-weeks and ness, Dr. Bertrand stated,
about 50 Civil Engineering 300S stu- Those who are totally unprepared
dents for each of the two six-weeks, will be given courses in English and
Dr. Bertrand stressed the fact The maximum number of freshmen mathematics on a preparatory level,
classes will be held in small groups,
enabling them to receive special
attention to their individual needs.
The student will know the areas of
his strength and weakness, thus he
will be able to more intelligently
decide upon his course of study in
The adjunct will be open for two
six-weeks terms—June 3-July 14
that will be allowed to enter is
132 the first semester and 180 the
second semester.
C. H. Ransdell, assistant to Dr.
Bertrand, will direct the adjunct.
Counseling and remedial reading
will be in charge 1 of Bardin N«lson
the first semester and Albert King
ston the second s mester.
Students found by the tests to
and July 14-August 25. Dr. Ber- be prepared to (arry on regular
while a remedial reading course
will be offered for those found de
ficient in reading.
Only those who have been accept
ed for enrollment at A&M are eli
gible for study at the adjunct.
Total expenses, exclusive of
transportation, are estimated at
$140 per student for the full six
Wood is the distinct sales man
ager for the Lincoln-Mercury Di
vision of the Ford Motor Com
pany. His company commissioned
Kelly to prepare the series to
illustrate an article by J. Frank
Dobie which ran in the Lincoln-
Mercury Times.
But the real story isn’t in A&M
receiving the paintings, but rather
in the painter himself—a 69-year-
old “Texas Cowpoke.”
Up until four years ago the
artist was a rancher, working
the range seven days a week.
In short Kelly was doing all of
the things the Hollywood movie
writers would have a cowboy do.
Four years ago he retired from
the range and settled down in a
little cottage in Blanket, Texas.
Here he decided to try his hand
at oil painting.
He took up his new hobby with
out the benefit of a single formal
art lesson. The only experience, he
says, was when he painted a few
water colors earlier in his career.
With or without lessons the
Senators Hurl
Bi-Party Blows
At Troops Plan
Washington, March 29 —
UP) — A Southern Democrat
and a mid-western Republican
today heatedly assailed the
Senate’s troop s-to-Europe
resolutions, but for totally differ
ent reasons.
The resolutions would approve
administration plans to send four
more divisions to Europe to join
the two already assigned to Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower’s North
Atlantic Army and call on Pres
ident Truman to consult Congress
before committing any more
ground troops.
Senator Hill (D-Ala) viewed the
resolutions as invading the area of
presidential authority and subject
ing “the whole enterprise of send
ing troops to Europe to the haz-
a r d s of parliamentary guerilla
He said they were a triumph for
“Isolationists” who always have
fought full American participation
in world affairs.
Senator Bricker (R-Ohio), on the
other hand, called the resolutions
of “fraud and a hoax.” They are
the result, he added, “of the most
diabolically clever planning in my
“Because the pending resolutions
merely express advisory opinions,
their approval would be tanta
mount to an admission that the
President has the sole power to
determine whether or not troops
shall be sent, how many, and under
what conditions,” he declared.
The two lawmakers set out their
opposing positions in speeches pre
pared for Senate delivery.
Bricker is joining with Senator
Cordon (R-Ore) in a motion to
send the two resolutions back to
the combined Senate Foreign Re
lations and Armed Services Com
mittees with instructions to tele
scope them into a single measure
which would require President Tru
man’s signature and have the force
of law.
Democrats and Republicans alike
agreed the Bricker-Cordon move
offered a major challenge to the
administration of the controversial
troops issue.
Texas Art critics were fascinated
by his style. In 1949 he was asked
to give a “one man show” in the
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. The
big city critics fell in love with
his work and most of them could
only walk away saying “remark
R. Henderson Shuffler, direc
tor of the department of infor
mation and publications, served
as master of ceremonies and dur
ing the past several months has
served as one of the principles
in getting the art down to the
In introducing Kelly, Shuffler
said, it was men like Kelly that
proved the picture drawn by the
pulp magazine writer’s and movie
writers to be wrong.
He went on to tell how the cow
boys on the range would sing both
folk songs and make up new songs.
“Some of those old boys,” Shuffler-
said,” could sit there and reel off
poetry by the yards.”
This brought him around to the
painting and Kelly.
After accepting the paintings
Dr. Harrington, went on to say the
“cow men” and the A&M College
have had a similar life. Both have
been inclined to get the job done
first then worry about the refine
“Now,” Dr. Harrington said, “we
have a living room (the MSC) and
MSC Election Run-Off
Held in Dorms Tonight
The run off election for mem-
bers-at-large positions to the MSC
Council will be held tonight in the
Candidates in the election in the
general classification are Robert
“Buddy” Shaeffer, Tom A. Mun-
nerlyn, and Ted M. Stephens. The
freshman or sophomore caifdidates
are John Crawford Akard, Thom
as H. Parish, and J. S. Brown.
The provisions for the election
are that one candidate be elected
from each of two classes, a gen-
eral class and a freshman and soph
omore class.
One Semester Left
A candidate in the general class
must have at least one semester
remaining in college and be a mem
ber of the MSC.
In the freshman and sophomore
class the candidate must not have
Korea Peace Talk
Offer Turned Down
Tokyo, March 29 — UP) — Com
munist China today spurned Gen
eral MacArthur’s offer to talk
peace in Korea.
Her troops backed up the rejec
tion with stiff defensive stands in
the low hills and passes just south
of the Red Korean border along
the western and central fronts.
Signs mounted that the Chinese
were massing for a spring offen
sive timed to strike when seasonal
rains have mired allied heavy weap
A Chinese broadcast heard in
Tokyo called MacArthur’s peace
talk bid of last Saturday imper
tinent, insulting and “worth only
a single laugh.”
It said “the entire Chinese peo
ple will . . . fight unrelentingly
until the aggressor is completely
driven from Korea.”
The Chinese Thursday fought
their stiffest action in weeks north
of Munsan on the western front.
Firing from dug in positions about
four miles south of the border,
they all but stopped the allied ad
vance in the west.
Filipino troops made small gains
in one sector.
Reds Toss Grenades
Grenade-tossing Reds drove
American infantrymen off a 1,000
foot crest north of Uijongbu dur
ing the night. But they withdrew
mysteriously to another hill and
the Americans reoccupied the crest
at dawn without a fight.
In central Korea, a strong Red
stand repulsed American patrols on
a seven-mile wide front. The Com
munists were fighting half way
between the border and Chunchon,
which is eight miles south of 38.
On the eastern front, South Ko
reans roamed six miles into the
To Lt. General
It’s a well-known fact that Ag
gies are among the highest-ranking
men in the service of the United
we can begin to start assembling States. A recent announcement in
some of the finer things of live.
Senior Rings Now
Being Handed Out
Senior rings are in and are be
ing delivered at the ring window
in the registrars office from 8
until 12 every morning.
For men who failed to make oi’-
der for the shipment which has
just come in, another order will be
sent off Saturday morning.
This order will be in in time for
the Senior Ring Dance May 19.
the Anny-Navy-Air Force Journal
merely corroborates this statement.
Major General Otto P. Weyland,
class of 1923, has been nominated
by the President to the Senate
for promotion to the three-star
rank of Lieutenant General.
General Weyland entered mili
tary sendee immediately after
graduation. He attended the Air
Service Primary Flying School
where he received his pilots wings
in 1924.
The Deputy Commanding Gene
ral, Far Eastern Air Force, Japan,
last visited A&M on Military Day
in. 1949.
Redlands. But that sector was re
garded as relatively unimportant
militarily since the bulk of the
Communist forces were on the
western and central fronts.
MacArthur’s Thursday com
munique said “the pattern of ve
hicular movement in enemy areas
indicates a continued effort to sup
port a strong concentration behind
the central front.” This could be
the buildup for a spring drive or
a border stand.
But rumors of a “big deal”
spread quickly along the fr-ont when
it became known that Lt. Gen. Mat
thew B. Ridgway, commander of
the U. S. Eighth Army, had con
ferred separately and secretly
Wednesday with his corps com
manders. And with U. S. Ambas
sador John J. Muccio.
Eighth Army sources said, how
ever, that the meetings were not
related and had no political signi
Blast Communication Points
Rear Adm. Allan E. Smith, com
mander of the United Nations sea
blockade and escort force, told a
news conference that allied ward
ships had blasted three Red com
munications centers on the east
coast into ghost towns. They were
the ports of Wonsan, Songjin and
Chongjin., Wonsan was shelled for
41 straight days and Songjin for 21.
U. S. B-29s for the second con
secutive day bombed airfields near-
Pyongyang, Red Korean capital,
and Hamnung, east coast supply
base. The superfor-ts met some
anti-aircraft fire over Pyongyang.
A single B-29 bombed a 2,300-
foot, 28-span railroad bridge at
Sinuiju in northwest Korea. The
B-29 crew r-eported excellent re
sults. Enemy fighters made a
light attack on the plane.
“Provocative ... Insulting”
The Chinese broadcast rejecting
MacArthur’s peace talk bid called
the offer “provocative” and “insult
ing to the people of Korea and
The Communists twisted MacAr
thur’s meaning by saying “the
United States and Britain are pre
paring to directly invade China.”
MacArthur, in offering to talk
peace with the Communist com
mander in Korea, had warned that
China was ill-equipped for an all-
out war and would face military
disaster if the United Nations
should carry the Korean war to
China’s shores.
The Peiping broadcast spoke of
the entire Chinese people as com
mitted to “a sacred struggle for
the defense of their state.” Pre
viously, Red broadcasts said Chi
nese troops fighting in Korea were
had more than four semesters of
college and must also be a member
of the MSC.
Every student becomes a member
of the MSC upon paying his fees,
and each candidate must have a
grade point ratio of one point ze
The preferential ballot will be
used in the election and also for,
the first time on the campus. Pref
erential ballot procedure is as fol
Place Candidates
Voters mark the candidates num
ber one, two, three, according to
their choice. In counting, the bal
lots are placed in stacks according
to first choice, with a stack for
each candidate. The ballots of the
candidate who receives the least
number of votes are then redis
tributed among the other ballots
according to their second choice,
and so on until one candidate has
a majority.
Double Elections
The effect is the same as if there
were one election and then another
election for a runoff, but it is much
less trouble. This method, if prov
ed feasible, may be used in other
campus elections.
Ballots will be placed on doors
in the dormitories by 10 p.m. and
day students and persons living in
the college housing areas may use
the ballot on page three of today’s
Wets Demonstrate During
Prohibition Committee Meet
Austin, March 29—(A>)—The pro
hibition amendments died in a com
mittee yesterday.
“We aren’t discouraged,” the
prohibitionists said.
“We’ve started a fire. And we’re
going to keep punching t^at fire
and spread it to all the forks of
the creek,” said the Rev. Sam Mor
ris of San Antonio.
“I’ll get it in another committee,”
said Rep. Milton Wilkinson of
Patroon, author of the proposed
amendment calling for a statewide
prohibition election in 1952.
While some 2,000 persons listen
ed in silence, the House Consti
tutional Amendments Committee
voted 15-5 to send the measure
back to the House with the recom
mendation that it do not pass.
Surprise Move
The gallery of 1,000 was the sur
The Drys had talked of their
march on the capitol.
But up in the gallery nearly
every man and woman wore a
huge white sign on their shoulder
saying: “I am against prohibition.”
It was the Wets’ march. They
started gathering in the gallery
two hours before the hearing. An
hour before the start they all pull
ed out cards like a picture card
section at a football game at some
prearranged signal.
The Drys sat on the House floor,
where the committee met at a table
in the center of the chamber. The
Drys wore placards, too. They
simply proclaimed “WCTU.”
“You can quote me on saying
that we wonder how much money
those people got paid to wear those
anti-prohibitionist cards,” Mrs.
Charles Jensen of Austin, a mem
ber of the WCTU, said.
“But this unreasonable, undemo
cratic act of a hostile legislative
committee is only a temporary ob
stacle in our progress.”
One of the men wearing an anti-
prohibitionist card said he was
C. L. Clark of Houston.
“They didn’t catch us asleep this
time,” he fold reporters.
The committee listened to more
than three hours of testimony for
and against the amendment.
Great Host
The prohibitionists, led by the
Reverend Morris, asked for a
chance to let the “great host of
democratic, Christian citizens of
Texas exercise their privilege of
voting in a statewide prohibition
They presented 17 witnesses, in
cluding seven ministers.
One of the Dry witnesses was
the captain of the Baylor Univer
sity football team, Frank Bodystun,
who said: “Whether prohibition will
help solve the liquor problem, I
don’t know, but it certainly isn’t
being solved now.”
The Wets presented a minister
He was the Rev. James McClain,
rector of an Episcopal church in
living who emphasized that he was
speaking only as an individual.
Original Dr. I. Q.
He was introduced as the original
Dr. I. Q., radio personality.
The Rev. McLain said prohibi
tion is part of a religious convic
tion and should not be a part of
legislation, and he added:
“There aren’t enough racketeers
and bootleggers in Texas to carry
on the business the prohibition
will bring.”
Walter Green, a former member
of the San Angelo police force,
testified that more women went to
drinking during prohibition than at
any other time.
Before the committee killed the
bill, they adopted an amendment by
Rep. A. J. Vale of Rio Grande City
specifying that prohibition would
be ineffective until the legislature
voted g new tax to replace the
revenue that legalized sale of
liquor now brings in.
Cotton Queen
To be Selected
This Weekend
The Queen of the 1951 Cot
ton Pageant and Ball will be
selected by the Cotton Court
during their visit to TSCW
Saturday and Sunday.
The group will leave for Tessie-
land Saturday at 8 a. m., stopping
enroute at Sanger Bros, in Dallas
where they will make further ar
rangements for the annual event on
May 4.
The, group will arrive in Denton
about 4 p. m. Saturday afternoon.
That night the court will attend
a dance during which they will
make their initial choices for the
Queen and her attendance.
Final selection of the Queen
will be made Sunday morning.
King Cotton Raymond Kunze,
Robert Hill, George Gilbert McBee,
Billy Gunter, Tommie Duffie, are
court members making the trip.
Don Hegi, Bill Lewis, Anton
Bockholt, and Dale Fischgrabe,
other courtiers, will also comprise
the party.
Eli Whitley, faculty sponsor of
the event, and Mrs. Bill Turner,
director of the pageant, will also
accompany the selection group.
West Answer
To Red Agenda
Expected Soon
Paris, March 29—UP)—The
Western powers are expected
to reply today to Russia’s new
and apparently conciliatory
proposal for discussion of top
ics at a meeting of the big four
foreign ministers.
The westerners will answer a
new wording, submitted yesterday
by Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko, of the two major
issues over which the deputies have
disagreed—demilitarization of Ger
many and big four arms reduction.
The western deputies—from the
United States, Britain and France
—met this morning at the French
foreign ministry to discuss the So
viet Union’s new proposal.
In it Russia dropped her pre
vious demands that German demil
itarization be considered as a sep
arate subject, as well as her ear
lier insistence on the Potsdam
agreement of 1945 as the basis for
the East-West discussions.
Russia also agreed for the first
time to include “the level of arma
ments” of the U. S., Russia, Brit
ain and France on the agenda—«
topic the West sought—but at the
same time continued to demand
discussion of arms reduction by the
big four.
On its face, the new Soviet pro
posal seemed to represent an effort
to bridge the gap that has separat
ed the foreign ministers’ deputies
all through the 19 sessions of their
meeting here.
Western spokesmen commented
that although Gromyko's new draft
justified further discussion, much
work would be needed to establish
complete agreement.