Pa^e 4 THE! E.A.TTALION Tuesday, March 20,1951 I ( fly tal Co! oil’ the cai r 2.1 ov< tin QU jVK an W, At tin Sc: tin W f m Hi th: loi Ct co: Bi CO Bi sc Bi Wl of •be pa HST Seeks Truce With Labor Group Key West, Fla., March 20—(A 3 )— President Truman called in Eco nomic Stabilizer Eric Johnston to day to survey prospects for a trace in laboFs war on the administra tion. Mr. Truman’s concern with the union leaders’ walkout on defense agencies, his associates say, is greater than he had indicated, in news conferences. In these conferences, Mr. Truman has expressed belief that the labor people will cooperate with the mo bilization program and that he is not worried by their disagi'eement with defense mobilization director Wilson. Nevertheless, Johnston has been working with administration lead ers and spokesmen for organized labor in an effort to straighten out the disagreement on a wage for mula. Cwidi-^ VOLLAND <3> Put “all your eggs in one bas ket” by selecting your Easter Cards from our large display. Come in and see them today. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” Johnston, second man to Wilson, flew into Miami last night. He will fly over to Key West during the day to talk with the President at the Little White House. Representatives Withdraw The united labor policy commit tee withdrew its representatives from the wage stabilization board when it| Voted down labor’s repre sentatives, G to 3, to adopt a for mula limiting Wage increases to 10 percent. A subsequent modification of the formula failed to appease labor. Later it withdrew its representa tives from all defense agencies on the charge they are dominated by big business. Johnston’s latest attempt to com promise the dispute by doubling the membership of the wage stabiliza tion board and giving it greater voice in policy has been rejected by both labor and management. Industry claims it would give the board too much authority. cording to Script' First Graders Give Show WhaFs Cooking AGRICULTURIST STAFF, Tuesday, 7:15 p. m. Room 207 Good win. CORPUS CHRIST I CLUB, Tuesday, 7:15 p. m. Room 3, MSC. Emergency meeting. INDUSTRIAL EDU CATION CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Room 2A MSC “ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Basement of the St. Mary’s Chapel. Selection of the Cotton Ball Duchess. POULTRY SCIENCE CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Poulty farm. First grade pupils of Miss Juan ita Clemens and Mrs. Paul W. Lan drum Jr. at A&M Consolidated Elementary School presented a pro gram Friday in the school gym. The program, composed of folk dances, songs, and choral read ings, was given to provide the children with the opportunity to make an appearance before a large audience and to demonstrate their development in rhythmical coor dination and speech activities, the teachers said. Attending the 40 minute program were approximately 425 parents and friends of the students. “Every thing went according to the script and everyone attending voiced their approval of the program,” said Mrs. Landrum. The children offered their I’en- ditions of two folk dances “I See You” and “Kinderpolka.” The dan cers were Betty Ivy and David Bailey, Patty Howard and Bobby Medlen, Virginia McAfee and Rus sell Welch, Carla Denison and Johnny Williams, Melanie Clark and John Stark, and Allyn Roth and Jody Rush. Other Dancers Other dancers were Linda Mc Guire and Gerry Fuller, Becky Sue Blackburn and Tommy Moore, Carla Fritsch and Davey Roland, Judy Davis and Terry Walker, and Margaret Ann Bomnskie and Bob by Guthrie. Another group of dancers en tertained the audience with their performance of “Shoemakers Dance” and “Dance of Greetings.” These young people were Sherry Thompson and Joan Hager, Janice Yeager and Lane Coulter, Jerene Adams and Buzz Loveless, Beryl Ann Burckhart and Jimmy Ander son. Susan Elam and Marcia Chalk, and Sue Baggett and Crawford Holt. Participating also were Marieta Corley and Lyn Roy LaMotte, Jeanette Junek and Mike Christian, Annette Robertson, and Lani Press- wood, Barbara Jean Dierking and Julian Rainwater, and Ellen Stub blefield and Tony Ramires. The choral readings were divid ed among the two rooms with Me lanie Clark and Mike Christian re presenting Miss Clemens room with “Whisky, Wasky, Weedle” and “Nibblety, Nibblety, Nib.” Mrs. Landrum’s room was represented by Russell Welch and Crawford Holt leading the group in the choral reading of “John Cook.” The group was lead in the song, “America,” by Carla Denison and Lyn Roy LaMotte. Dr. Holt Challenges Sen. Moore To Show Reasons for Favoring Bill SOUTHWEST TEXAS CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. MSC Plans for Easter party to be held in Mexico. JOURNALISM CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Room 2D MSC. OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR DAY STUDENTS MSC COUNCIL ELECTIONS Vote for one member of Memorial Student Center Council (Gen eral Classification) Ralph Ellis Grover C. Ellisor Eddie Holley Bobby Jones Raymond J. Landry Paul Lassen Tom Munnerlyn Vote for one member of Memorial Student Center Council (Fresh man and Sophomore classification) Robert “Buddy” Shaeffer Charles Russell Smith, Jr. Ted M. Stephens John Wallace E. E. “Jack” Wood John O. Webb John Crawford Akard J. S. “Johnny” Brown Charles E. Gosper Thomas H. Parish T. C. “Ted” Nark Charles Neighbors Carroll W. Phillips Dick Van Tyne (Turn in to MSC Main Desk by 5 p. m. Wednesday) USE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO BUY, SELL, KENT OR TRADE. KateH .... So a word per Insertion with toe minimum, space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send aU classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES office. AU ads must he received In Stu dent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • USED CARS • 1936 PONTIAC COUPE — good condi tion, good tires — Ideal for student living off Campus. See to appreciate 1209 East 28th, Bryan, after 5 p.m. 1948 Studebaker Champion Club Coupe radio, heater, overdrive, original tires one owner car. Must sell immediately Phone 4-1215 before 5 PM or 4-9394 after 5:15 PM. Perfect, buy for graduat ing Senior. • WANTED TO BUY USED CLOTHES and shoes, men's women’s — and children’s. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 602 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. • LOST AND FOUND LOST: Narrow rhinestone bracelet Sat urday March 10—Sbisa or vicinity. RE WARD. Lake Senior, Dorm 10—Room 208. LOST: Brown corduroy sport coat in Dallas line Friday afternoon. Please return to Room 57 Leggett. FOUND: Early in February, on College Avenue, Brown zipper bag. Call 2-8608 and Identify contents and you may re cover by paying advertising bill. FOR RENT • See the 1951 Models . . . Royal Portable Typewriters RENT A LATE MODEL TYPEWRITER Exclusive Authorized Distributor ROYAL TYPEWRITERS VICTOR ADDING MACHINES Appointed, Federal Government contract to service office machines in this territory. Bryan Business Machine Company Sales — Service — Rentals — Supplies 209 N. Main, Bryan L. H. ADAMS, Owner Dial 2-1328 Cade Motor Co. ‘Your Friendly Ford Dealer” Highway 6 — South BRYAN, TEXAS • SPECIALS • 1949 FORD CUSTOM 8, CLUB COUPE— Radio, Heater, White Wall Tires $1295 ITS THE - GRILL for Real Taste TREATS ' ■ J • Home Made Chili • Delicious Malts • Bar-B-Q Sandwiches • Friendly Service MODERNISTICALLY furnished, apartment in good condition. Private bath, electric refrigerator, garage, near Campus, Ideal for 2 girls or couple. Phone 4-4764. • MISCELLANEOUS FOR THE BEST, see Cangelosl’s South side Shoe Shop. Material and workman ship can’t be beat. SUL ROSS LODGE No. 1300 A. F. & A. M, SUL ROSS LODGE, called meeting Tuesday. March 20, 7 p.m. Work in E.Ai Degree. S. R. Wright, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, See. HELP WANTED B