The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1951, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
Page 2 MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1951
School Days—1951 Style
ranks with the “Little Brown Church” as
a synonym for pleasant memories and asso
ciations. Today, and for the rest of this
week, the citizens of Texas pay tribute to
that schoolhouse and to the people in it.
The recent years have seen amazing
changes that have made the familiar phrase
more and more figurative. That “little red”
schoolhouse has given away to modern build
ings and modern methods of teaching.
The “readin’, ritin’ and ’rithmetic” educa
tion of yore has been replaced with special
ized training for a specialized way of life.
College seniors of today, for instance, look
Some Facts About
Crime Investigation
HTHE REPORT of the 10 month Congres-
sional investigation should dispel any
doubts that crime is now “big game,” and
anything less than a permanent Congres
sional Committee would be undergunned in
an attempt to make a kill.
Here are some facts out of the 35 page
preliminary report of the Kefapver Com
mittee :
The “take” from gambling and other op
erations is around $20,000,000,000.
The Czar of the “underworld govern
ment” is Lucky Luciano—recently deported
from New York.
Methods involve the full repertoire of
crime—murder, bombing, and payoffs.
The scope of operations includes many
legitimate “fronts;” political and legal cor
ruption at all levels; two exclusive and dis
tinct areas of operations; two correspond
ing “syndicates;” and enough power to con
stitute a definite menace to the United States
.(under subversive direction).
Some of the names mentioned in connec
tion with the syndicates are Frank Costello
of New York, Tony Accardo of the old Cap-
one syndicate in Chicago, the Fischetti broth
ers, Jake Guzik, and the head man Luciano
in Italy.
The Committee also implied that Govern
ors Fuller Warren of Florida and Forrest
Smith of Missouri were aided in their elec
tion campaigns with money contributed by
Apparently any individual big enough to
help or hinder these operations will be “paid
off” one way or another—depending on the
nature of his performance. The annual take
will undoubtedly buy lots of protection and
The big question is—what will happen if
this goes unchecked ?
The second question is how can it be
checked by a Congressional Committee? Do
the present laws restrict the FBI, or do the
syndicates make or control our laws?
The details of this report might indicate
what action should be taken to get to the
head of this organized octopus of crime.
Soviets Wo Longer Invincible ’
Yugoslav Leaders Say
Free People Can Win
‘Accurate’ Reporting
Best Informed’
Are Misinformed
in wonder at how the younger generation
learns to read. “It wasn’t like that in my BELGRADE, March 5—(A 5 )—-Two public Square in the campaign
J ,, of Premier Marshal Tito’s top for the Serbian parliamentary
lieutenants warned Moscow yester- election. The crowd was estimat-
Even high-schools have changed in the day that the Soviet Union is “no ed unofficially at about 70,000.
few short years these recent graduates have lo ? ger invincible.” If Russia in- The black-mustached general,
^ ' ° cites an attack on Yugoslavia, they himself a candidate for parliament,
been gone. The Gilmer-Aiken Bill has said, the invaders “will retreat declared: '
wrought many startling things. wi ^? smashed heads.” “The Soviet Union is no longer
. ° The speakers were Gen. Koca Po- invincible. No power which strives
That IS Why it IS SO important that every povic, Chief of Staff of the Yugo- to conquer the world can prove it-
citizen of today pause to investigate the slav Army, and Mosha Pijade, self invincible.”
I'ttl H hi raem ' :)er ’fu® politboro and Titos These words came from a man
little red senool political adviser. whose leaders once hailed the
They addressed a demonstra- Red Army as unbeatable before
tion massed in Belgrade’s Re- Tito’s break with the cominform.
G OOD AFTERNOON, fellow Draft Dodgers.
Excuse the title, please. I was just going by, as Will
“The masses of the people are R 0 g ers once sa i<j ) “What I read in the newspapers.”
plpo* assorted! S S e no amSt Yesterday I read that we seemed to fall in that class!-
of guns and modern arms can fication—I read it in the newspaper that is “Read by the
substitute for the moral-political Best Informed People in this area.”
modern version of the
Keep your memories of spit-ball fights
and after-school “conduct sessions.” Cher
ish the days in which you learned those fun
damentals of life.
But realize that those days are gone—
they exist only in memory. Today’s schools
are doing a better job than was dreamed of
in those days of memory. They can do a still
better one with your interest, cooperation
and understanding.
Lead to an Associated Press story
as it was reecived in Grand Forks,
N. D.: “Congress has been asked
to hurray its actmi ... on the
200 million dollar Oahe dame.”
Gen. Clay Favors
‘Troops to Europe"
fTHE “TROOPS TO EUROPE” question is
back in the news with a new supporter.
General Lucius D. Clay, former director
of our forces in the “battle of Berlin,” was
strength of a people. The world
cannot be conquered by aggressive
He declared that Moscow had
failed in its aim to isolate Yugo
Pijade dwelt upon the concern
with which Western nations are
viewing Yugoslavia’s security
against the threat of its comin
form neighbors. He reiterated
recent statements by Tito and
other spokesmen that Yugosla
via would join no bloc or pact but
would rely on United Nations’
“This does not mean that Yugo
slavia is isolated,” he said, “be- _ _
cause if the people of the world rupted education.”
are prepared to fight aggression
they are going to do it without
any written or oral pact.
Pijade sternly warned Yugosla
via’s cominform neighbors — not
able Hungary, Bulgaria and Ro
mania—that if they attacked this
Now pride prompts me to consider my
self in the last classification. But, for some
reason or another, the name Draft Dodger
does not appeal to me. And it gets me to
wondering about several things.
Here’s what’s behind it all.
The Bryan News proclaimed in a head
line yesterday “Join College ROTC to es
cape Draft, Bowden Advises High School
Seniors.” Naturally, I read the story.
The stofry began with this paragraph—
“Lt. Col. M. P. Bowden, assistant command
ant at Texas A&M, yesterday advised high
school seniors to attend college and enroll in
an ROTC program to escape the draft and obtain an uninter-
‘Escape’ Equals Draft-Dodging
That word “escape” spelled draft-dodging to me, so,
with considerable help, I started some checking. I found
out several things.
In the first place, The Bryan News didn’t have a reporter at the
country they might become another meeting where Colonel Bowden gave his speech. Their story, then,
Korea. was second-hand, based on a standard news release from the Depart-
Then he declared: merit of Information.
“Any invader of Yugoslavia will With that I find no fault. But it seems that the Bryan News
retreat from this country after story could at least have said the same thing as the release. That
he has sown the land with the release—and we have a copy of it, too—starts off by saying that
bodies of his dead and with smash- Colonel Bowden “advised high school seniors Saturday to attend col
lege an^l enroll in an ROTC program if they want to get a college edu
cation without interruption by the draft, under the present law.”
This original wording presents quite a different picture. No men
tion is made of escaping anything. The true idea is carried across—’
the idea that the government encourages enrollment in ROTC by qual
ified students who can, while they get a college education, train ade
quately to assume leadership in our armed forces.
ed heads of forlorn glory.”
College ‘Prank’
Victim Missing
Since Thursday
Injustice by Implication
called to testify before the Senate Foreign LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Relations Committee and the Armed Serv-
RE Week Speaker Sends 1 hank-You
ices Committee with regard to Senator
Wherry’s resolution. This resolution op
poses the sending of troops to Europe until
Congress decides on a policy.
est and thorough job is being done
I would like to express through on an y school campus.
The Battalion my very sincere ap-
Again, let me thank the admin-
_ . _ nreciation of the manv courtesies hstration, faculty and students for Friends took him to Lover s Lane
General Clay favors troops to Europe extemle^to me during vourReU- the privilege of being on your to meet a ficticious date. Another
1 hardly think that Colonel connected with it the butt of
Bowden would be one to. speak of cheap attempts to sensational-
escaping service to our country, ize?
He has two Purple Hearts that No matter how you look at it, it
^^^H^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^Hgraphically illustrate his ser- doesn’t make sense. A vast major-
Natchitoches, La., March 5 vice to our country. ity of its readers, either direct-
—(iP) — Searchers combed a I do think that he has been 'y 01 ' indirectly, make their living
30-mile stretch of Red River done an injustice with the impli- because of that college. Every stu-
cation of the Bryan News headline (lent 18 a customer to the people
I think w bo advertise in its columns,
injustice. Have they forgotten a basic
So have you. rule of newspaperdom—you must
That’s what makes me wonder.
Why does The Bryan News—this
story is only one instance of sev
eral recent cases—persistently
make A&M College and those
yesterday in a vain effort to , „ ,
find some trace of a missing
■v-r ., , r.. i /—t ,i !• i that I ve been done an
Northwestern State College fresh
The student, 18-year-old Allan
Kaplan of Chelsea, Mass., was the
victim of a prank last Thursday.
Friends took him to “Lover’s Lane”
have advertising to support a
newspaper. Those advertisers
might just wake up to the fact that
they are supporting the very thing
that drives business away.
us and I believe that the students
at A&M College are coming to
grips with fundamental things in a
very sincere way.
I wish to commend all who shar-
extended to me during your Reli-
without limit. In his opinion, an all out pro- gious Emphasis Week. I have nev-
gram should make the price of European er experienced a more cordial re-
conquest too high for Russia to consider. i ng .
This state of preparedness, he added, could These are crucial days for all of
be reached in a year.
This conclusion is the opposite of one ex
pressed by former President Herbert Hoov
er. Gen. Clay particularly opposes the
Hoover view that increasing our forces will
goad Russia into a premature attack. Clay
said “The Soviet masters would have pre
cipitated war by now if they were ready.”
In addition to his statements regarding grp »- *
our buildup, the General also advocated ad- MXi)yCl It y tolOHO
ditional aid to Spain, Turkey, and Greece.
He also favors the admission of Germany
into the family of free Western nations and
the North Atlantic Pact.
campus and sharing in a fine Re
ligious Emphasis program.
W. M. Elliott, Jr.
‘Keep Off Grass’
Should Be Tradition
Editor, The Battalion:
When I first came to A&M
If They Must Be Sensational
ed in the planning and execution was surprised to hear things like
of this Religious Emphasis Week
I do not believe that a more earn-
Texan Offers
To British
Goldthwaite, Tex., March 5—UP)
A Texan bent on replacing Brit- ...
In view of General Clay’s association with ain’s missing stone of scone fin- ready taken positive steps to save
Western Germany, and the Russians in par- ish f d h j s chiseling this week. In the grass with the Bizzell Hall
i spite of polite rejections, he was radio “grass guard” mentioned in
ticular, we are inclined to attach consider- planning to ship his replica of the Friday’s Battalion.)
able weight to his views. ancient symbol of British Kings
in on the prank waited at the ap
pointed place and acted the part
of an “outraged husband.’ If our colleagues in Bryan must I’ll just include myself out of this
The “husband” fired a shotgun find something unusual and differ- “best informed” category. Someone
into' the air and Kaplan disappear- ent to sell their papers to “The told me once that a newspaper had
ed into the woods. Best Informed People in this duties to perform for a community
Authorities feared he may h&V6 Ai J ea,”"'«'hy'don’t they 1 say some- and that one of those duties was
fallen over steep bluffs and- into—thing-abowt'' an-Air 'Forcie Base to present news accurately.
Red River. bought at the cost of $50,000? Read The Battalion front page
J. W. French, public relations Though the details are common today to find out the full story of
director at Northwestern State, knowledge, it seems to me that the speech to visiting high-school
said two motor boats and a group a town doesn’t spend money like seniors and tell me whether or
“Howdy,” “Beat the hell out of 0 f men on horseback took part in that every day—at least not for not the word “escape” is in any
” and all the rest. today’s hunt. They found no trace military installations that are sup- way accurate. Or, better yet, ask
I am still surprised, but I am of Kaplan after hunting along the posed to be located impartially. yourself if you are trying to escape
convinced that these simple words river and the woodlands bounding
are some of the many traditions the stream.
that make A&M great. French said the search would
I suggest that we add one more continue today.
tradition—“off the grass.” .
I believe that these three words
will make that unfortunate grass
to grow and help A&M to be
greater still.
Ally Lasheen
(Editor’s Uote: Lasheen, A&M’s
only student from Egypt, has al-
Or why not. serialize the “Kin- the draft,
sey Report?” That would sell As for me, I’ll just stick to comic
papers, too. books—they don’t promise any-
Much as I dislike it, I’m afraid thing. ,
‘If They Could Speak’
What Do Satellites Think
Of Red Trice Reductions?’
The chance that preparedness might de-
across the Atlantic.
But first E. B. Adams, secretary-
ter Russian aggression and World War III treasurer of the Monument Build-
is a goal worthy of pursuit.
What’s Cookin 9
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
ers of the Southwest, Inc., wants
Texans to see his work. The dup
licate now is at his monument
day 7:15 p. m. Room 3-D, MSC.
sugar, already rationed. anything they can manufacture
What, in fact, do the Czechos- They know about the trade treat-
lavaks think of it? On the same ies imposed upon them.
X'HOSE Czechoslovaks able to fay they read that the price of The International Confederation
AGGIELAND STAFF, Monday , stomach their Prague radio eggs in their country was reduced 0 f F re e Trade Unions recently
works on Highway 16, just south 7:15 p. m„ Aggieland Office, Good- ~ t0 (14 Cents) /° r com P iled a Picture of the food and
of here. win Hall. i, c r Jbem this the other day. The 0 ne egg, bought from wages far, ration situation in East Germany.
Adams, who wears an old felt AIChE, Tuesday, 7:15 p. m. Lee- A. cst was 80 stunned^ by the Sov- far less than those of American Food has been developed by the
hat and chews tobacco, snorted ture room of the Chemistry Build- ’+ P ?r Ce workers - communists into a political instru-
when informed by Sir Oliver ing. Soph. Chem. majors are in- p 19118 ^ c 091 ™ r even get ii What would the Romanians think ment of great potency.
Franks that Britain had previously vited. this of it ’ when the avera ^ e Romanian Here is what the ICFTU’ found
declined an offer of a stone of CAMPUS STUDY CLUB, Tues- Maybe tomorrow, said this W orker has to spend three months out;
scone replica made from Indiana day, 3 p, m. South Solarium of the y salary if he wants a suit of cloth- There is a “standard” ration,'
„ r ^TT-j : TUT-; limestone. YMCA. Dr. J. M. Geppert will commented u!,on it ” ing? that the avcra Rc East German
The Battalion official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is pubhshed “Limestone! Why, everybody speak on better health for every- ^ SH hT rlst;np- What would the Last Germans can hope for. It includes less than
five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms The Battalion is published knows the stone of scone is made day living. tn.LdS.f, think of it? They know only too a pound of meat a week per person,
four times a week and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week Days of publication are 0 f sandstone. And that’s what mine PERMIAN BASIN CLUB, o well you live miserably unless you and often none is available. It-
Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms, is ma de of-good Mills County Tuesday, 7 p. m. Lounge of the ° , p i ./ " fnfvin? carry a Communist party card- includes a half pound of all fats
and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscription rates $6.00 per year sandstone.” The . British demurred YMCA. Important plans for the sateUltc countries about the Soviet and somctimes even then including butter and margarine
or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. l ast we ek at accepting the stone. Aggieland picture. a "” nnT ’ " w
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, Goodwin
Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209,
Goodwin Hall.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches cred r . „
ited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein, with nre to the^White House.’
Rights of republication of all otlier matter herein are also reserved.
A man in Kansas City offered SENIOR CLASS, Monday, 7:15
to take Adam’s stone to the White p. m. Assembly Hall.
House. “Give it to me,” the man SPANISH CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30
wrote. “I’m going to be president p. m. A film will be shown, “Span-
someday and I’ll take the stone ish Influence on the United States.”
Know Where Food Goes
per week.
Entered as second-class matter at Post
Office at College Station, Texas, under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
John Whitmore, Dean Reed Managing Editors
Andy Anderson, Bob Hughson Campus Editors
Ralph Gorman Sports Editor
Fred Walker Associate Sports Editor
Joel Austin City Editor
Subscription rates J v _ I A
announcement, if the shackles were
Hungarian Ration What would all , these p eoplc say Potatoes Scar<:c
What would a Hungarian news- about it, if free to speak their Even the ration of potatoes, for 1
man—not a communist official pos- minds? They are not unaware of years the plentiful German staple,
ing as one—write about the Sov- the cause of their misery; they is scant.
iet announcement? The day before know that the Soviet Union is A bribe is held out to “heavy
A drunk in Dallas got Adams out CLUB, Monday, 8 p. m. South Sol- the Hungarians read the Soviet an- draining them steadily with its workers.” It is a promise of extra’
: : of bed with a telephone call. “Give arium of YMCA. Canasta games. nouncement in their Communist rigged ruble. They know where rations. They seldom, if ever, get
Represented nationally by National Ad- jj; me jf t] ie British don’t want WILLIAMS COUNTY CLUB, press, they read that soap and their food is going, and at what them,
vertising Service Inc., at New York City, jf. ; ” ^ )r , an pl ea ded through the Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Room 105 Aca- fats were added to the Hungarian a fantastically low price. They For the intcllecturals—the writ-
Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. f umes 0 f a crying jag. demic Building. ration list, along with flour and know what country siphons off (See RATIONS, Page 6)
But Adams declined all offers— —’ ; > 1 |—ra |—is
and this week was waiting to hear
what “his Majesty’s pleasure”
would be.
And Into The Trees
By A1 ICapp
John Whitmore
Andy Anderson...
Ralph Gorman....
Allen Pengelly .
Today’s Issue
Managing Editor
Campus News Editor
.. Sports News Editor
City News Editor
MSC Music Room
To Serve Students
T. M. Fontaine, Carter Phillips Editorialists
Alien Pengelly Assistant City Editor
Leon McClellan, Norman Blatiuta, Jack Fontaine,
Ed Holder, Bryan Spencer, John Tapley, Bob
Venable, Bill Streich, George Charlton, Bob
Selleclt, Dale Walston. Bee Landrum, Frank
Davis, Phil Snyder, Art Glese. Christy Orth,
James Fuller, Leo Wallace, VV. H. Dickens,
Fig Newton. Joe Price, Pat Hermann, Ed
Holder, Wesley M4soa......... .News and Feature StatJ
Dick Kelly Club Publicity Co-ordinator
The music room of the MSC will
be opened in a few days says the
music room committee.
Closed since the MSC was first
opened because the record player
Vivian Castleberry Women’s Editor would not work, room and records
"TSJfnswsi SrtSk % 33S8: ' vi “ ^ .KW t ” l stucteiits *» soon
Doweii Peterson. sports News staff as repairs can be made.
Curtis Edwards church News Editor Students who enjoy listening to
Roger Coslett Pipe Smoking Contest Manager i • , • u i in
Tom Fantaine, Johnny Lancaster, Joe Gray, classical music may check out the
Charles McCullough. —. Photo Engravers key to the room at the Browsing
Sid Abernathy. Make-up Editor Library from 8 to 12 a m from
Russell Hagens, Bob Hayme Advertising Representatives 1 to 6 p. M, and from 7 to 10