The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1951, Image 1

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    5tu d0^ a CO^ .
3. Circulated to
Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion’s
Public School Week
Special Edition
Number 105: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Draft Dodger
See Today’s Editorial Page
Ags, Frogs Vie
In SWC Playoff
Battalion Sports Editor
I Coach John Floyd’s Aggies and
i Coach Buster Brannon’s Horned
Frogs will lay it on the line tomor
row night in Baylor’s Rena Marrs
Gymnasium at Waco and it will be
a fight to the finish to decide who
will tussle with the Longhorns for
the chance to carry the respective
colors on to the NCAA tournament
in Kansas City.
A&M Athletic Director Barlow
! “Bones” Irvin announced today
; that GOO tickets to the A&M-TCU
I basketball game went on sale this
morning at 8.
The “quick death” cage battle
will begin at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and
A&M students going to the game
must buy tickets here, Irvin said.
Irvin said 350 reserve seat tick-
>ts are on sale at $1.80 each and
',’50 general admission ducats are
being sold at $1.20 each. Students
may buy either reserve or general
Ball Control vs Offense
Partisans in Waco tomorrow
night will find then ation’s fore
most exponent of ball control pitted
against the Southwest Conference’s
hottest offensive team. The Ca
dets have allowed 1083 points in
24 games—an average of 45.1 tal
lies per tilt; while the Christians
have poured 1356 points through
‘ the nest in an equal number of
games for an average of 56.6
So it will be the fire-wagon tac-
• tics versus slow, methodical ball
control and it should be a game
that all will remember. These two
teams first met this year on the
Aggies’ home court where the host
team was victorious 39-36.
TCU Won Last
But the story had a ring with a
different resonance on it when
Cowtown’s Will Rogers Coliseum
was the scene of the next meeting.
On this occasion the Frogs sur-
prised the basketball world and the
visitors when they proceeded to
stall or display their own ball con
trol for the last seven minutes to
emerge the victor by the same
Plans Made For
,FFA’s Festivities
A barbecue or banquet will be
held in April by the A&M Collegi-
nte Chapter of Future Farmers of
America, that F. F. A. Collegi
ate Chapter decided recently at the
,,regular bi-monthly meeting of the
The affair will serve a dual
, purpose—to furnish entertainment
for the F. F. A. members and sup
ply training of a social nature for
the future Vocational Agriculture
Teachers of Texas.
The exact date in April will be
decided at the next regular meet-
three point margin that the Ag
gies had won by previously—30-27.
Leading off for the Christians
will be George McLeod, who will
pit his 6’ 6” frame against the
6’ 8” body of Buddy Davis. Mc
Leod has cut the cord for 322
points in season play to rank sec
ond, while All-SWC center Davis
is credited with 304. In conference
play, though, Davis leads the Frog
center with 150 to 146.
From me—259 Points
Next on the TCU roster in po
tentialities is Harvey Fromme, a
6’ 3” forward, who has copped 259
points in season play to rank last
among the top ten SWC scorers
and shows 137 points to his credit
in 12 conference tilts.
Probable Aggie defender to han
dle Fromme should be 6’ 5” John
DeWitt, who has turned in many
creditable performances in the de
fensive department w'hile rolling* up
82 points in conference games.
Brannon should call on Ted Rey
nolds, 6’ 1” forward to share duties
(See CADETS DOWN, Page 3)
Bowden Tells
High Schoolers
To Take ROTC
Lt. Col. M. P. Bowden, as
sistant commandant, advised
high school seniors Saturday
to attend college and enroll in ;
an ROTC program if they
want to get a college education ;
without interruption by the draft, I
under the present law.
He pointed out, however, that j
this does not mean colleges with
ROTC programs are “havens for!
draft dodgers.” The deferments 1
granted to ROTC students are un
der supervision of Department of
Defense and have its sanction.
Colonel Bowden spoke to some
350 seniors of Texas high schools
at A&M’s first annual “High
School Day.” The students were
guests of A&M students from their
home towns.
“As an ROTC student,” Colonel
Bowden pointed out, “your defer
ment wdll be good under the pre
sent draft laws as long as you
are making satisfactory progress,
until you drop out of school ox-
graduate with a commission.
“The government and Depart
ment of Defense,” Colonel Bowden
said, “want to keep as many stu
dents in ROTC as possible.” He
added that military authorities ad
vice graduating high school stu
dents who want to go to college to
do so and enroll in ROTC.
Following the orientation meet
ing, at which Colonel Bowden
spoke, high school students wex-e
taken on group tours of the col
lege’s educational facilities.
They attended activities of
Sports Day in the afternoon.
3 Aggies to Take
West Point Exams
Three Aggies will appear before
the West Point Examining Board
this week at Ft. Sam Houston, Lt.
Col. Paul M. Clark, president of
the 13 officer examining board an
nounced yestex-day.
The three Aggies taking the en
trance examination for the United
States Militax-y Academy are Fran
cis M. Rozelle, Charles D. Swinson,
and Norman Blahuta.
Blahuta is a freshman liberal
arts major in Co. 11 from Gaines
ville. Swinson is a sophomore math
ematics ixiajor from Bowie in H
Sqd. The third man, Fozelle, is a
junior petroleum geology major
from Boerne in B Engineers.
They will undergo mental and
physical examinations to determine
their qualifications for admission
to West Point with the class sche
duled in July 1951. Examinations
are being conducted on a nation
wide basis March 5-9.
Colonel Clark stated that per
mission to take the examinations
is limited to duly appointed can
didates who have been nominated
from one of the sources provided,
by law and to whom letters of
appointment have been issued by
the department of the Army.
Burchard to Address
SA Mothers’ Club
Donald D. Burchard, head of the
Journalism Department, will be
guest speaker at the March meet
ing of the Sah Antonio A&M
Mothers Club. The meeting will be
held in the San Antonio Municipal
Auditorium Tuesday at 2:30 p. m.
Cotton Contest
Scheduled For
March, April
Cotton Contest examina
tions will begin March 6 in
room 209 of the Ag Experi
ment Station, Eli Whitely, in
structor in the Agronomy De
partment said today.
The first test will be on Cotton
Px-oduction on March 6, followed
by the Cotton Machinery Harvest
ing and Ginning exam on Mai’ch 12.
The applicants will be quizzed on
Cotton Insects March 20 and on
Cotton Diseases on April 3. The
General Corps quiz will be held
on April 9 and the General Soils
test will be held on April 17.
All contestants must register
with Whitely in x-oom 309 of the
Ag- Experiment Station by noon
of March 6 to be eligible for the
Any student who is a member
of the Agronomy Society or who
helped put on the Cotton Pageant
and Ball is eligible .to enter the
Winners of the contest in the
past have received expense-paid
trips to parts of England and Eu
rope, Japan and Manchuko, Egypt,
Peru, Canada, and Mexico.
New Attack Is
Started Against
Dug-In Reds
Tokyo, March 5—(A 3 )—U. S. and French troops launched
a new attack today on bitterly resisting Reds in a mountain
; stronghold in east-central Korea.
American Marines continued their drive among precip-
: itous peaks toward Hongchon, a key road town believed to
, be Communist central front headquarters.
Chinese and North Korean Reds fought stubbornly to
; stem the grinding Allied drive while they built up on the
: central and western fronts for a possible 300,000-man coun
terassault on the Allies.
On the eastern flank, the U. S. Seventh Division and
I the U. S. Second Division and its French elements hurled
three spearheads against an esti-
Not all of the beauty of the Kilgore Rangerettes
is on the drill field. This comely portion of the
East Texas junior college’s drill team show that
they can even improve on the beauty of the
Memorial Student Center. The two girls on the
extreme left are the officers of the team, Miss
Judy Basden, captain, and Miss June Billue, Lieu
‘Spirit Here Is Great’
Beaumont Seniors Acclaim
OHS Week-End Festivities
Panhandle Aggies
Guests at TSCW
Appx-oximately 35 members of
the A&M Panhandle Club attended
a dance given by the TSCW Pan
handle Club in Denton Saturday
The party started at 6:30 in
Hubbard Hall on the Tessie cam
pus. Preceding the dance, a dinner
was given for the visitors.
“The spix-it hex-e at A&M is
gx-eat,” and “this school just can’t
be beat,” were some of the im
pressions voiced by five seniors
from Beaumont high school, who
visited the campus this weekend
during High School Day.
The seniors, all athletes, agreed
A&M was the best all around
school in the southwest. Roy
Hinckel, Jr., Richax-d Vick, Sammy
Netterville, Sammy Jones, and Ed
Field said they definitely were
going to attend A&M, following
their graduation from high school.
“The spix-it of brothei-hood” said
Hinckel, “is one of the most favor
able impx-essions I have noticed.”
Mom-Dads Club
Pledg es Aid
To Library
Fred R. Brison, president of
the Mothers and Dads Club,
has pledged the support of
that organization to the libra
ry benefit project which the
Campus Study Club will sponsor
the evening of March 10 at A&M
Consolidated School.
All receipts from the project,
which will include a square dance,
book review and cai-d party, will
be given to Consolidated and Lin
coln schools to be used for the
purchase of new books for their
“It is a genuine pleasure to give
your project the endorsement of
the Mothers and Dads club,” Bri
son said, “and I hope you will call
upon membex-s of the club for any
help we may be able to give. We
appreciate this oppoi’tunity to in
clude this additional activity as a
paxt of Public School week.”
Tickets for all events will be
available at the open house which
the Mothers and Dads Club has
scheduled for Tuesday evening,
March 6, at the school.
Home Mail Delivery
Pending PO Go-Ahead
Residential mail delivery in Col
lege Station is pending action by
the U. S. Postal Department, said
T. O. Walton, postmaster for the
College Station area, thismorning.
“At the requests of the Cham
ber of Commex-ce and of the local
postal authorities, a Federal Post
Office inspector has completed a
week-long survey of the mail condi
tions of College Station and I feel
confident that the action taken by
the Postal Department will be fav-
ox-able,” said Walton.
“However it will be two to three
months befox-e my office will be
notified as to the results of the
survey,” he added.
House to House
Should the Postal Depai-tment
decide to establish house-to-house
mail delivex-y, hex-e would be the re
sults. There would be one pick-up
and delivery service per day, in all
sections of the city and most of the
additions with irxailmen carrying
oh their usual services such as sell
ing postage stamps.
To have x-esidential delivex-y, the
Postal Department requires that
the city comply with certain stand
ards set forth by the Department.
These standards include paved
or hard surfaced streets, streets
adequately named and properly
numbered, and streets sufficiently
lighted. There xxxust also be houses
on at least two-thirds of the blocks.
Lights Waived
The regulation concerning street
lighting might be waived, said
Walton, however the fewer regixla-
tions which the city has to ask to be
altered, the better chance the city
has of getting i*esidential mail.
College Station residents are now
receiving their mail at the main
station in the North Gate, at the
south station in the MSC, or at
the Faculty exchange station in
the academic building.
There will be one disadvantage
of the proposed deliveries and that
is there will be only one daily de
livery whereas now mail is dis
tributed to the pi*oper box as
soon os it is delivei'ed to the sta
“We all got the impression we
were really welcome here at A&M,”
Jones added.
The boys ariwed early Satui’day
morning, and were taken to the
MSC, wlxere all students here for
the weekend registei'ed at 9 a. m.
Following the registration, an
orientation meeting was held in
the Ball Room of the Student Cen
Speaking at this meet, Bill Parse,
pi’esident of the Student Senate,
discussed various phases of stu
dent life. Lt. Col. M. P. Bowden,
assistant commandant explained
the military policy at A&M to the
All the students ate their noon
and evening meals in Sbisa Hall
and were surprised at the names
for food used by the Aggies.
They all believed the fifty cents
charged for the meals was reason
Satui’day afteiTioon, all the vis
iting students were gixests of the
Athletic Department at the annual
Sports Day activities.
Commenting on the football
game Saturday night, Hinckel
said he believed the Aggies will
have one of the better teams in
the Southwest Conference this sea
“The only thing that disappoint
ed me,” Netterville added, “was I
didn’t get to see Bob Smith play.
However Augie and Charlie, (Ang
ie and Charley Saxe) were as
good as ever.”
Sleeping accomodations for the
visitors wex*e arranged by the var
ious home town clubs on the cam
pus. There was no charge to the
boys for any of the week end ac
tivities, except the meals.
The boys, who were taken on a
tour of the campus, said the Basic
Division, was, from their viewpoint,
conducive to good school work.
“It seems to me,” Jones, who is
a football and baseball player, said
“that a fellow can get more study
ing done over there, than, if he
were living somewhei’e else.”
High School Day, which is to be
an annual affair, impressed the
guests as being an excellent op
portunity to increase the anroll-
ment of the college.
“There are more boys in Beau
mont planning to attend A&M
since the program was announced,
than there were before,” Netter
ville comxxxented.
“It seems like half of Beaumont
is coming up here now,” Field add
The impressions of Aggie life,
the campus and the new student
center were the big factors in
making the weekend, from the visi
tor’s point of view, a success.
Seven CS Men
File Intentions
For City Post
Seven College Station men
have filed their intentions to
run for City Councilman on
the April 3 ballot.
The line-up shows that
thi'ee men will run as I'epresenta-
tives from-Ward I, three will vie
for Ward II positions, and Ward
III will continue to have the same
councilman as no one besides pre
sent Councilman W r . D. Fitch filed
the necessary application.
In the race for Wai’d I will be
H. W. Badgett, present councilman
who is running for re-election;
James W. O’Brien, owner of the
O’Brien Construction Company;
Homer B. Adams, owner of the
Adams Realty Company.
Last candidate to file for of
fice was Lloyd G. Berryman, of
the A&M Mechanical Engineering
Department. Bai'ryman is running
for the councilman position from
Wax'd II as 'is G. W. Black, pre
sent councilman and Hai’ry Boyer,,
of the College Housing Office.
It is the duty of the city council
to establish the City’s policy on
civic and social issues and to pro
mote the general welfare of the
L. E. Boze, principal of the A&M
Consolidated High School, has been
appointed election judge by the
city council. It is the duty of the
judge to take charge of the vote
counting and to deliver the votes
to the Brazos County Seat, Bryan.
To aid Boze in his duties, a com
mittee will be selected by Boze, or
if he so desires the city council
will appoint a committee.
Named A&M
Fish Coach
James G. “Klepto” Holmes,
athletic director and head
coach at Arlington State Col
lege since 1935, has been
named freshman football and
baseball coach at Texas A&M, Bax 1 -
low “Bones” Irvin, A&M athletic
director, announced Monday.
Holmes fills the position vaca
ted by Perron Shoemaker who re
turned to the Southeastern Con
ference last month as end coach
for the University of Georgia.
The new coach played guai'd for
the Texas Aggies in 1926 and
1927, gaining all SWC recognition
his last year. He coached football
at La Feiia high school one year
and then returned to Aggieland as
line coach under then head coach
Matty Bell.
After coaching in 1933 at Cuero
High School and in 1934 at Alamo
Heights, San Antonio, Holmes
moved to Arlington. He is expec
ted to start work here immediately
with the varsity football team,
currently in its third week of
spring training.
Holmes had championship teams
at Arlington in 1935, 1936, 1938
and 1943. His teams were second
in the old Texas Junior College
Confex-ence in 1940 and 1941.
His Navy team of 1943 defeated
SMU and Texas Tech before bow
ing to Texas A&M and Randolph
Vestal Appointed
TEES Assistant
Donald M. Vestal Jr., ’50 has
been named administrative assist
ant to the Texas Engineering Ex
periment Station.
The appointment, announced by
H. W. Barlow, dean of the School
of Engineering, is effective March
1 and will be on a part-time basis.
Vestal will continue to serve as
supervisor of the buried-coil heat
pump reseai'ch being conducted by
the station for the A&M Research
The administrative assistant
holds a BS degree in mechanical
and electidcal engineering and a
Master of Science degree in Me
chanical Engineering from A&M.
Talent Sought
By Lions Club
For Minstrel
The Bryan Lion’s Club is
sponsoring a “Talent Night”
tonight in the St. Joseph’s
School gym. The purpose is
to gather talent for the an
nual Lions Minstrel Show sche
duled for March 29-30, at 8 p. m.
in the Stephen F. Austin High
School auditorium.
“Auditions are open to anyone in
terested in being in the show,”
said M. E. Adams, general chalx*-
man for aiTangements. “You don’t
have to be a member of the Lions
Club to take part,” Adams sti’ess-
ed in urging a large ton-out for
the tryouts.
Tickets for the two-hour min-
strel with 49 blackfaced Lions
and special acts are on sale now
and may be purchased from any
member of the Bryan Lions Club.
W. M. Sparks of the Aggieland
Pharmacy will have tickets in
College Station. Prices are $1.00
for adults and 50c for children.
Minstrel Committeemen ax-e Mc
Neil Drumwright and Raymond
Deqrsam, co-chaii*men of arrange
ments; Talent and steering, Jim
my Ray, chairman; C. N. Hielscher,
Harold Drefus, R. W. Butler,
Marshall Bullock, Maudelle Gx*ey;
ticket sales, J. E. Majors, chairman,
Walter Holmes, co-chairman; door
committee, W. M. Sparks, chair
man, Carl M. Lyman and E. J.
Blazek; stage properties and deco
llations, Louis J. Belmanski chair
man, Kenneth S. Hallaran, Joe Bar
ron Lee Denley, John Stiles, O.
D. Dabbs, J. B. Streetman, Floyd
McDonald; program advertising,
Dr. John E. Boyce chairman, Jim
my Ray, Dr. Carlton R. Lee, N.
Leslie Kelley; publicity, John Cof
fin chairman, E. R. Bryan, and
Bob Crow.
Young Testifies
At Denver Meet
Dr. Vernon A. Young, head of
the Range and Foi'esty Department,
has returned from the meetings
of the National Forestry Board
of Appeals where he gave testi
mony regarding standai’ds of the
U. S. Forest Service.
mated 6,000 Reds on a mountain-
ringed plateau.
The Reds were in a bowl-shaped
redoubt five miles north of the
east-west road bet weed Pan'gnim
afxd Hoengsong. .
Associated Press correspondent
Toni Stone reported that the
stronghold was “bristling with ene
my troops, gun emplacements, tun
nels, log bunkers and freshly dug
Smash at Redbout
The smash at the Red redoubt
was launched after allied troops
beat off localized Red attacks at
both ends of the central front.
In the middle sector, the U. S.
Fii-st Mai'ine division pressed
northwai’d through a narrow moun
tain canyon north of Saemal, vital
road junction five miles north of
shattered Hoengsong.
The Marine advance was slow
and bitter among steep-sided peaks'
where Red riflemen and mortars
linked behind craggy defenses. It
was aimed at the important road
hub of Hongchon, nine miles north
of Saemal, believed to be the main
build-up point of Red troops on the
central front.
Frozen Bodies
Frozen allied bodies littered the
area. They were the victims of a
Chinese trap in February. An esti
mated 2,000 or more Americans
were killed.
On the Marines right, South Ko
rean Third Division elements met
determined resistance from well-
entrenched Communists six miles
east of Hoengsong. They failed in
a 10-hour battle Sunday to dis
lodge the -Reds from cleverly con
cealed positions.
One of these was Hill 689, named
for its height in meters, nine miles
southeast of Hoengsong.
The Communists hurled a series
of small scale counterattacks Sun
day night southeast of Hoengsong
in an effort to check the United
Nations advance. All were thrown
Tank Supported
On the west end of the central
front, U. S. tanks supported hard*
ened Greek mountain fighters in
their push on Yongdu, vital road
junction town controlling the last
Red East-West supply route south
of the 38th Parallel. Yongdu is
15 miles northwest of Hoengsong.
The Greeks entered the town
Sunday but withdrew under intense
U. S. First Cavalry Division ar
tillery rolled up in support of the
Greeks. The American guns pour
ed a heavy barrage on Red posi
tions before the town.
Singing Stars
r’hoto by Batta ion Chief Photographer Sam ufolinary
The TSCW Singing Stars swing out with a light opera number
during their Friday evening performance in Guion Hall. Left to
right, front row, they are Virginia Wilson, Evalyn Hill, Mary
Loyce Hood, Dorothy Heaton, and Betty Ann Nieto. Second row:
Gail O’Brien, Louise Clegg, Bettigene Slover, Ethel Coffee, Jerry
Horning. Back row: Jean Davis, Thelma Pierce, Vivian Dunlop,
Edna Austin, and Jane Long.