The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1951, Image 5

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    Friday, March 2, 1951
Page 5
Cadet Quintet Battles
Cougars Tonight at 8
As the all-important first round
‘ playoff tilt with Coach Buster
Brannon’s TCU Horned Frogs
draws near, the patient, persisting,
Southwest Conference tri-champion
Aggie cage team plays host to the
; University of Houston Cougars to-
f night in DeWare Field House at 8.
Previously scheduled for Feb. 17,
, the second Cougar-Aggie cage bout
was rescheduled at the request of
! A&M officials when more time was
needed to practice for the crucial
. roundball melees that ended SWC
Tonight’s game closes the cur
tain on the Cadets’ 24 game full
season schedule, with the home
team showing 13 victories to 10
An Aggie win over the Cowtown
Christians in Waco Wednesday
night, will add a two out of three
game series with the Texas Long
horns to the Cadet schedule.
In the first meeting of tonight’s
opponents, the Cougars were the
host team and led all the way to
emerge triumphant over Coach
John Floyd’s quintet 52 to 45.
Cougar Cage Coach A1 Pasche
features a quick break, fast shoot
ing five and will depend heavily
on the scoring talent of Royce
Ray, 6’ 5” center-forward, who
paced the scoring column in the
December meeting with 23 points.
, The lanky U of H pivot man
emerges from the quick opening
plays with a hook shot that pro
duces a formidable defensive chore
too for his adversaries.
Fans will see Floyd start his
regular five with All-SWC center
Walt “Buddy” Davis, who has pour
ed 200 points through the nets in
23 games, leading the Cadet scor
ing circle.
At the forward positions for the
nation’s leading exponents of ball
control will be Marvin Martin and
John DeWitt, who tower at 6’ 3”
and 6’ 5”, respectively. Both of
these boys ai-e completing their
last year of SWC eligibility.
On the guard posts for the
Floydmen will be All-SWC Jewell
McDowell and Raymond “Woody”
Walker. McDowell is second to
Davis in Aggie scoring with 261
points and was recently named to
the Little-All-American honorable
Walker, who is recognized .as
the smallest man on the Cadet line
up, is a steady hand on the Aggie
machine and considered by many
as the surest shot on the team,
although he seldoms tries his hand
at the net.
Leroy Miksch, 6’ 5” forward,
played what was probably his best
game of the season when the Ag
gies lost to TU Tuesday in Aus-
Chess Dead Line
7:30 Monday Night
Noon tomorrow is the dead line
for entries in the annual chess
tournament, to be held in the
Game Room of the MSC beginning
at 7:30 Monday night, according
to Joe A. Riddle, chairman of the
chess committee.
All persons interested in chess,
regardless of how well they play,
are encouraged to enter this tour
nament. Riddle said. Plans are to
organize a chess club following the
Entry blanks are obtainable in
the Front Office of the MSC for a
fee of 15 cents. There will be a
prize given the winner, the chair
man said.
tin, and hence is due to see much
service as a sub in tonight’s con
These six men will receive ample
support from guard Don Heft and
forwai’d Bobby Farmer, both of
whom have been called from the
bench numerous times this year
to play in 12 and nine games, re
In addition to Ray, Pasche will
round out the Cougar lineup with
Lloyd Hendrix and Dale Rodriguez
on the forward posts. Hendinx
lurks in the shadow of Ray as one
of the big guns in the Houstonians’
scoring potential.
At the guard positions Hank
Renta will probably share duties
with Dick Richardson. In the re
serve ranks will be Ray Burroughs,
Jim Bradford, and Skinny Davis
to place the Cougars in the ranks
of those who are to be reckoned
—Beat U of H—
Glenn Lippman
. . . has been a standout in prac
tice sessions of the past two
weeks and will employ his speed
and shiftiness for the White line
up in tomorrow night’s intra
squad game.
Grid Scrimmage, Two Baseball
Games on Sports Day Calendar
Battalion Sports Editor
Topping the Sports Day calendar is the annual Maroon Beginning this afternoon at 3 o’clock, Baseball Coach
and White gridiron classic scheduled for Saturday at Kyle Beau Bell will pit his diamond candidates against the Brooke
Field. Kickoff time is set for 7:30 p. m.
Aggie Football Mentor Harry Stiteler has divided his
charges into two factions wearing either the maroon or the
white colors to vie in a gridiron melee that should give rela
tive indication of what is in store in the 1951 A&M pigskin
Tomorrow night’s headknocking exercises will put the
finishing touches on the array of sporting events that take
place each year at this time.
Army Medics nine in a two-game series that will give A&M’s
1951 baseball team its first real taste of competition.
With but 15 days of practice behind them, Bell admits
that the Cadets have not yet rounded into regular season
form and should find the going tough against an army team
that boasts of two major leaguers and one minor leaguer,
as well as several semi-pros in their lineup.
The Aggies meet the San Antonio nine again Saturday
at 3:30 p.m. in one of six athletic
TU Wins Toss; Ags
Meet TCU in Waco
Where Everyone Meets
To Enjoy Good Food at Popular Prices
Air Conditioned
Austin, March 2—(A*)—Texas, a
reluctant entry in the playoff to
determine the Southwest Confer
ence’s representative in the NCAA
Regional Basketball Tournament,
won the bye in a drawing yester
day to set playoff plans.
Longhorn Coach Jack Gray won
everything else too, including the
last two games of the t>vo out of
three series with eithe A&M or
A&M and TCU play one game
Wednesday at Waco. The loser
is eliminated.
The winner and Texas will meet
in Austin for two games March 13
and 14 or on March 12 and 13, de
pending on the availability of
Gregory Gymnasium and the need
for a third game.
If the Aggies win the one
game, the first game will be
played at College Station March
If TCU wins, the first game will
be played in B'ort Worth March 10.
These three teams tied for the
Southwest Conference champion
ship. The playoff is necessary to
determine the District 6 represen
tative in the National College Ath-
• • • Industry
and The Battalion
letic Association Tournament in
Kansas City later this month.
It will have no bearing on the
conference championship which
is officially shared by all three.
Texas decided to compete in the
playoff only two hours before the
drawing was Mra.
Abb Curtis of the office of the
executive secretary of the confer
ence supervised the meeting of
Gray, TCU coach Buster Brannon,
and Aggie coach John Floyd.
Dahoney Leads
A&M Linksmen
Against U ofH
Completing the elimination
rounds, the A&M golfers prepare
to tee off against the University
of Houston’s linkmen here Friday
afternoon at 2 p. m.
In the elimination contest Bob
Dahoney’s 289 strokes placed him
in first place, followed closely by
a 294 turned in by Tony Guer
Dahoney experienced difficulty
in his first found, shooting 18 above
par on the 71 par A&M course.
But in his next three trips over
(See GOLFERS, Page 6)
The Maroon-White scrimmage
will be a real show for the Op
erations High School guests and
for the thousands of interested
fans throughout the area. For
this is the time that the grid
iron candidates battle for all they
are worth to gain recognition in
I the coaches’ eyes.
It may be remembered that at
this time last year, there were
some six or seven athletes in the
hospital recovering from bruises
suffered during these rough and
tumble scrimmage sessions.
Entertainment for tomorrow
night’s halftime will be furnish
ed by the Kilgore Rangerettes.
This quick-stepping, crack drilled
galaxy of beautiful Texas wom
en are well known for their pre
cision performances and have
appeared in many shows and ex
hibitions throughout the nation.
In the man-under slots Saturday,
Stiteler will call on Ray Graves,
sophomore squadman, to pilot the
Maroons; while newcomer Roy Dol
lar, will do duty for the White
team. Lettermen quarterbacks
Delmar Sikes and Dick Gardemal
will await in the reserve ranks to
deplace Graves and Dollar, respec
Probable lineups for the two
teams should be:
Maroons . . . Jerry Crossman and
Walter HilKat the end posts; Jack
Little and T. K. Niland doing’ the
tackle chores; the Rush act at the
guard slots (Marshall and W. T.);
and Jim Fowler in the middle of
the line. Graves will be calling the
plays with Bernie Lemmons pro
viding the fullback power; while
Charlie McDonald and Billy Tid
well work at the left and right
halfback posts, respectively.
Whites . . . on either end, of the
line will be Clinton Gwin and Char
lie Hodge; Sam Moses and Russ
Hudeck plugging up the tackle
slots; and Hugh Meyer at the pivot
post and working the linebacker
position. Behind Meyer will be
Dollar with Connie McGouirk do
ing duty as fullback; while the
left and right halfbacks will be
Glenn Lippman and Pete Mhyeaux,
Ready To Go
events scheduled for the annual
Sports Day exhibition.
Some 70 men reported for duty
on the first day of practice, but
Bell has cut the squad down to 33
at present. Among the 33 candi
dates at present are 13 lettermen,
two of which are all-Southwest
Conference — pitcher Pat Hubert,
and shortstop Guy Wallace, who
was all-conference choice in 1949
as well.
The services of all-conference
center fielder Wally Moon will
be sorely missed, as Moon is in
eligible for the 1951 season un
der the AAU ruling.
For today’s game, Bell will work
A1 Ogletree and Mart Hamilton
at the catcher’s position, while
George Brown and Sam Blanton
will share duties on the mound.
The remainder of the lineup in
their order of batting will be:
Wallace at shortstop; Hollis Bak
er in center field, Yale Lary oh the
first sack, Shug McPherson in left
field, Charlie Russell in right field,
Hank “Yogi” Candelari at third
base, Joe Ecrette on the second
sack, Ogletree or Hamilton behind
the plate, and Brown or Blanton
in the pitcher’s box.
Tickets for Saturday’s game
are on sale at the gate or from
any member of the T Association
and are priced at $1 and will
admit one person to both the
baseball and football games.
George Brown
. . . will start on the mound for the Aggies this afternoon when
Coach Beau Bell’s charges play host to the Brooke Army Medics.
Brown saw considerable service in games last season and is one of
three returning lettermen pitchers.
Qiiiolet, Coach
Are Commended
Official letters of commenda
tion for Basketball Coach John
Floyd and the basketball team
received unanimous approval by
the Student Senate in their
meeting last night.
Proposed by Senator Jim On-
statt, of Law Hall, the letters
will congratulate Floyd for his
work in producing a winning
basketball team in his first year
here and the team for their fine
spirit and exceptional play
through the season.
Aggie Tennis Team Meets
UofJI in Sports Day Match
A&M’s tennis team will provide
its share of talent in the Annual
Sports Day Program Saturday at
1:30 p. m. when it plays host to an
old net rival, the University of
Houston Cougars.
The Sports Day engagement will
be the second of the season for
the Cadets. Last Saturday they
tied Southeastern Oklahoma, 3
matches to 3.
Even Last Year
Last year the Aggie's split a
two match series With the Cougars,
blanking the Houstonians 6-0 here,
but losing the latter engagement
in Houston, 2-4.
While the Co-ugar net team is not
quite as strong as last year’s, the
Farmers—presently ranked with
Texas and SMU as one of the three
top teams in the conference this
year—have come up with a well-
rounded aggregation.
Cougars Strong
The U. of H. rocketeers will be
strong in one respect, however.
Their No. 1 ace last year, Jason
briar, hand
carved pipe
i m parte d
from France.
Real bone
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A. HARRIS & CO., Dallas 2, Texas
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pipes at $3.50 each.
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Morton, is back again this season,
and will greatly help his team’s
chances of winniing.
Morton, one of the State’s top-
ranking men players, was recently
selected as one of the six men to
play on the Texas Davis Cup team.
Leading the Aggies into a
bright looking net year are Ray
DeBei’ry, Eugene Letsos, Royce
Tate, and Dick Hardin.
DeBerry, No. 1
DeBerry, a junior, is the Cadet’s
No. 1 singles player, and is on the
No. 1 doubles team. DeBerry’s high
school record is not as impressive
as some of his team-mates, but he
has greatly improved since enter
ing A&M. In the summer of 1948,
he reached is pre-college peak and
advanced to the quarter finals of
the national high school meet.
Owning the best backhand on the
team—a two-handed shot—DeBer
ry is a West Texan, hailing from
A&M Pingpongers
An A&M ping pong team will
be selected Monday at 3:45 p.
m. in the Memorial Student
Center’s bowling and games de
partment and a 10 man team
will be formed.
First match is scheduled for
March 10 when the Cadets play
host to the TU pingpongers.
The No. 2 singles player is Let-
sos, a Galveston product who won
several honors while he was at
tending Ball High School.
State high school doubles final
ists in 1948 and singles finalists
in 1949, the flashy sophomore was
also on the 1950 State TAAF doub
les championship team. The top
freshman on last year’s fish squad;
has already proved to be a main
stay on the varsity team this year.
Tate and DeBerry
Tate, a junior, and No. 3 singles
netter for the Farmer's, shares the
No. 1 doubles team with DeBerry.
A Corpus Christi product, Tate has
an excellent serve, which makes
him a top doubles player. A four
year high school letterman, the
Corpus lad is co-holder of the 1948
state high school doubles crown.
Hardin, Only Senior
The No. 4 singles man for the
Cadets is Dick Hardin, Amarillo
High School protege. Another four-
year high school letterman, Hardin
is a much-improved player since
his high school days. An impres
sive doubles player, Hardin is on
the No. 2 doubles team with Let
sos, and is the only senior on the
With clear weather in prospect,
the match will be played on the
clay courts; otherwise, matches will
be run off in DeWare Field House.
Beat U of H
Legal Holiday
Friday, March 2, 1951 being a Legal Holiday, in
observance of Texas Independence Day, the un
dersigned will observe that date as a Legal Hol
iday and will not be open for business.
First National Bank
City National Bank
First State Bank & Trust Co.
College Station State Bank
Bryan Building and Loan Ass’n.
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