The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1951, Image 1

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    Collet Center
?.p. ^
Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
Number 104: Volume 51
The Battalion
to A & M’
High School Seniors
Price Five Cents
High School Seniors
Inspect A&M Over
Spoils Weekend
Ilia'll school seniors from all over
Texas and Louisiana will bef>in
to arrive here today to find out
List hand about A&M.
Their arrival will climax several
months of preparation aimed to
ward [“Operation High School.”
Men were invited down to A&M
by the various home town clubs and
by former students. While hei-e
they will take part in a program
designed to give outstanding high
school seniors a preview of college
life here.
Transportation hy bus to the
main farm and other outlying
points of interest has been ar
ranged for these interested in the
agricultural aspects of college,
Harry Boyer, chief of housing, said.
Registration will begin this
afternoon in the MSC as soon as
Six Candidates
File for Office
Of (lily Council
The deadline for filing in
tentions to run for City Coun
cilman in the Municipal elec
tions in April is Saturday,
March third at noon. Appli
cations are turned in to the City
Office, Church Street and High
way Six.
To be eligible for office, the can
didate must be a resident of the
ward i for whose position he is
running for, must be of legal age,
and need not be a property owner.
It is the duty of the City Council
to establish the city’s policy on all
civic questions and issues which
arise. The council is presided over
by the mayor. The term of office
is two years, with meetings once
a month.
Six candidates have already filed
their intentions to run, the three
present councilmen—H. W. Bad-
gett, G. W. Black, and W. D.
Fitch—and three newcomers to
College Station politics Homer
Adams, Harry Boyer, and J. W.
Candidates from Ward I are
Badgett, O’Brien, and Adams;
Ward II position is contested for by
Black and Boyer and Ward III
has the lone entrant, Fitch.
This year’s election judge, ap
pointed by the City Council, is L.
E. Boze, principal of the A&M
Consolidated High School. His dut
ies will include the counting of
the ballots, the returning. of the
ballot boxes to the county seat in
Bryan, and similar administrative
I mluslrialTeachers
Meet Set in MSC
The Industrial Teachers Con
ference will be held from 2 p. m.,
March 9 to March 10 on the cam
pus as announced by F. W. Hensel.
Sponsoring the conference is the
Department of Industrial Educa
tion. Meetings wall be held in the
M.l E. shops building and in the
Petroleum lecture room.
A luncheon for the attendants is
planned for Saturday March 10 at
12§50 p.m. in the MSC.
they arrive. After registration they
will meet representatives of their
home town clubs who will arrange
for their housing and other needs.
Saturday registration for late
comers will begin at 9 a. m. in the
MSC Lobby. An orientation pro
gram will follow at 9:30 a. m. in
the Assembly Room.
College Draft
Effects of the Draft on A&M
Students will be explained by Lt.
Col. M. P. Bowden, assistant com
mandant, at this meeting. Student
Senate President, Bill Parse, will
explain the students opinion of
Opportunity Award Scholarships
will be explained by E. E. McQuil-
len, Director of the Development
Bringing the orientation to a
close, Dr. John R. Bertrand, dean
of the basic division, will introduce
college officials available for con
sultation after the meeting.
Tour Facilities
According to the course of study
they plan to follow, the visitors
may take any of several tours of
educational facilities conducted by
members of the Student Inter-
Council Committee from 10:30 un
til noon.
Former students who furnish
transportation for the visitors will
be given free passes to Sports Day
activities by the Student Activ
ities Office.
“T” Guest
At the Spoi'ts Day program, stu
dents will be guests of the “T” as
sociation. A baseball game, swim
ming, track time trials and tennis
matches will be over at 5:30.
Beginning at 7:30 p. m. visitors
will have a chance to see an inter
squad football game on Kyle Field.
Sunday morning, student spon
sored non-denominational services
will be held in the YMCA chapel
from 8:45 until 9:15.
I larte Will Speak
At Press Banquet
Houston Hai-te, publisher of the
San Angelo Evening Standard and
Standard-Times, will speak to the
Press Club at its annual banquet
May 18.
Harte has served as a director
or vice-president of the Associated
Press for the past 12 years. He is
also a senior partner in Harte,
Hanks & Co., publishers of eight
other Texas newspapers.
Harte has been in the newspaper
business since he bought his first
paper in the Knobster Gem, in 1914
even before he graduated from the
University of Missouri School of
Harte and Artist Guy Rowe are
co-authors of the book “In Our
Students to Attend
Milwaukee Meet
Eight student and staff repre
sentatives will attend the Wild
life Conference which will be held
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin next week.
Victor Kay, R. B. Davis, John
Walther, J. T. Harris, and W. B.
Kucera will be the student repre
Kiwanis Will
Hold Clinic For
Cripple Youths
The 1951 Kiwanis Club
Crippled Children’s Clinic will
again be held in the College
Hospital on May 7 said Dr.
Dan Russell, chairman of the
Over 150 physically handicapped
children from 11 counties will be
brought to the College Hospital
for free treatment and case diag
The Kiwanians will bring some
of the Southwest’s leading phy
sicians to the clinic.
Among those who will give their
time and services to the Clinic
are Dr. Herbert E. Hipps, head of
the Crippled Children’s Hospital in
Waco; Dr. C. W. N. Edgers, head
of the crippled children’s section
of the Orthopedic Surgical Depart
ment of the Texas Medical School
in Galveston; Dr. William Ains
worth, Dr. Edgers assistant: Dr.
T. G. Blocker, head of the Plastic
Surgery Department of the Texas
Medical School in Galveston.
Any crippled child is eligible to
attend the free clinic although it
was primarily designed to accomo
date the children of families whose
budget could not allow for medi
cal treatment and advice.
Last year, Sunday School teach
ers and representatives of the
local social and civic organizations
brought over 200 crippled children
to the clinic.
“Within one week, jars will be
placed in stores and other public
places for donations to the local
Kiwanis’ project. There are five
boxes located in the MSC says Dr.
Full Steam
A; A
% % •'
Prove it is still lit asks Pipe Smoking Judge
Waymond Nutt, second from the left, to contes
tants in the Prof Division of the Pipe Smoking
Contest. Seated left to right are: Winner of the
division, Gene Sutphen of the photographic and
Photo by Sam Molinary
visual aids department; A. J. Kingston, basic
division; Jim Goodwyn, graduate assistant in
the geology department; and Fritz Meyers of
the engineering drawing department.
‘Keep Off Grass ’ Warnings
Blasted Across Drill Field
Many of the students crossing the Drill Field on their
way to the Memorial Student Center for a quick cup of coffee
were blasted out of the lethargy yesterday by a rough voice
telling them to get off the grass.
This move to give the grass on the Drill Field a chance
to grow was the brain child of several of the foreign stu
dents in Bizzell Hall.
They got together and gave keep off the grass warnings
into the mike of a wire recorder. Then they played it back
when a spotter in Bizzell saw someone walking across the
Results varied from a look of indignation to humility as
the men picked up their pace to get off the new grass.
Recording was done by Aly Lasheen, graduate student
from Egypt; Pablo Maurer, senior Aero major from Mexico,
and G. N. Raut from India.
New Prexy Vote
Talked in Senate
The Student Senate last night
referred to their executive com
mittee for study a proposal that
the Senate President be elected by
popular vote of the student body
in the Spring elections.
Postponed until the Senate’s next
session was a constitutional amend
ment providing for twice-a-month
meetings of the legislative group.
Joe Fuller, Senate parliamentarian,
made both proposals.
Referred also to the executive
committee was a second amend-
The Last Remains
That’s all that is left of the Pipe Smoking is for
the janitors to clean it up. Strewn about the
Photo by Sam Molinary
table are some of the gifts passed out at the
ment providing membership on fhe
Senate for student representatives
to the Athletic Council.
Mascot Discussed
In other business the senators
discussed possibilities of selecting
a school mascot, and named eight
delegates to the TISA convention
scheduled here March 15-17.
On basis of a report by Doyle
Griffin, Dorm 15 senator, a com
mittee was named to discuss La
Salle hotel room charge and can
cellation policies with the Bryan
Chamber of Commerce.
Backing his proposal for popular
election of the Senate president,
Fuller emphasized that the change
would give students a greater
voice in the Senate, and put A&M’s
student body representative on a
par with those of other schools.
Discussion brought out sugges
tions that the measure receive
committee study and suggestion
was made that the measure be put
before the student body for an
opinion vote.
Meeting Set
A special called meeting was set
for next Wednesday, but Bill Moss,
Senate vice-president and execu
tive committee chairman, expressed
doubt that the measure would re
ceive adequate study to be consid
ered at the meeting.
Rumbling discussion on the pro
posed semi-monthly Senate meet
ing brought opposition from Sen
ators on the basis that their other
activities did not allow them
enough time for two meetings each
Fuller and Dan Davis, Dorm 6
senator, argued that two shorter
meetings each month would result
in thorough Senate consideration
of important matters that have in
the past been rushed through for
lack of time. Fuller pointed out
that most schools legislative
groups meet once weekly.
Elected to represent A&M at
the TISA convention here were
President Bill Parse and Senators
Bill Brabham, Bill Cornish, Autrey
Fredericks, I. E. “Monty” Mont
gomery, Bob Sturdivant, Duane
(See MASCOTS, Page 6)
Vet Med Students
Start Honor System
The first honor system among
the students has been established
at A&M by the students of the
School of Veterinary Medicine.
The plan was adopted by a maj
ority vote of the total enrollment
of the Vet School and became ef
fective Feb. 22.
The purpose of the system as
stated in the plan is, “to accept
a program which, it is felt, will
go far toward promoting honesty
Negro Colleges
Convention Bid
Delegates from Negro Col
leges will be invited to attend
the Texas Intercollegiate Stu
dent Association Convention
here March 15-17.
Thirteen schools have instructed
their representatives to vote “yes”
to the question of admitting Negro
colleges to the student government
organization, Joe Fuller, TISA par
liamentarian, reported last night.
In a session here last month
TISA’s executive committee set
March 1 as the deadline for schools
to indicate how they would vote on
the question.
A&M, as host school, was in
structed to invite delegates from
several Negro colleges if 10 out of
14 necessary votes were cast in the
The A&M delegation was in
structed to vote “yes” on the Neg
ro question at a Student Senate
Schools voting to allow Negro
membership to the statewide or
ganization of student governments
were Trinity, Rice, TCU, Texas
Western, SMU, Texas U, Lamar
Tech, ETSTC, Texas A&I, NTSC,
WTSC, and Hardin Simmons.
TISA is composed of 28 member
colleges whose delegates meet
yearly to discuss student govern
ment problems of mutual interest.
Senior Class Sets
Meeting Monday
A special meeting of the Sen
ior Class will be held Monday at
7:15 p. m. in the Assembly Hall,
Dale Keelan, president has an
“This meeting will be of vital in
terest to all seniors,” Keelan said.
“The business we plan to .take up
includes final instructions on or
dering of invitations,, a discussion
of plans for the Senior Ring Dance,
discussion. of plans for a class
gift, and a report from the campus
beautification committee.”
Officers who will be in charge
of the meeting besides the presi
dent are Bill Parse, corps vice-
president; Bob Allen, non-corps
vice president, and Ken Schaake,
social secretary.
among fellow students” and which,
“through mental acceptance of a
recpgnized plan for the promotion
of honesty, will keep the student
honor conscious.”
Student Cooperation
Strictly a student affair, the
new honor system differs from
those of most other colleges in
that it makes no use of force. Its
success depends solely upon the
cooperation of each student in
creating an adverse attitude to
ward cheating and dishonesty.
The plan is simple, containing
three working principles in its text.
When a student is observed
cheating, any student witnessing
such an act will take it upon him
self personally to question the of
fender and warn him if necessary.
Honor Council
There will be an Honor Council
whose purpose will be to accept
complaints against a chronic of
fender and to “warn him in a for
mal manner.” Trials, reports, eith
er verbally or in writing, or reports
to higher authority will come with
in the prerogative of the Honor
The upholding of the system will
depend entirely upon the student’s
Council Election
The two remaining paragraphs
of the plan provide for the elec
tion of Honor Council members
and for necessary amendments to
the articles.
Goi’don S. Yeargan, president
of the A&M Junior Chapter of
AVMA stated that two members
from each class in Vet. School plus
an additional senior, who will
serve as chairman, will compose
the Honor Council.
Colorful Sports
Day Slates Nine
Athletic Events
Battalion Sports Editor
A full week-end of athletic events are marked on the
calendar which includes A&M’s Sports Day tomorrow, fea
turing two baseball games, between the Aggies and Brooke
Army Medics, a basketball game with University of Houston
Cougars invading the lair of the Cadet quintet; another
U of H team meeting the Aggie tennis team tomorrow after
noon; A&M’s swimming team in an intra-squad meet; still
another Cougar aggregation that will vie with the Aggie
golf team; an intra-squad track and field meet for time
trials; and the annual Maroon and White gridiron classic.
■ As the campus swarms with vis
iting high school students and for
mer students who are helping to
promote both Sports Day and Op
erations High School, A&M’s ath
letic plant is unusually crowded
with the added number of teams
that are on hand to oppose the
various teams in our athletic pro
Ags vs Medics Today
First on the agenda is the base
ball game at Kyle Field, in which
the Aggie diamond men play host
to a Brooke Army Medics nine at
3 p.m. in the first game of a two
game series.
The second and final game be
tween the Aggies and the Medics
is slated for Saturday aftemoon
at the same time. This will mark
the first time for A&M’s baseball
team to be in competition this year.
Last Cage Game
Then tonight at 8 in DeWare
Field House, the Cadet cagers, who
are presently basking in the reali
zation of the Southwest Confer
ence tri-championship, will be host
to the University of Houston bas
ketball team.
These two teams met earlier this
year in Houston with Coach John
Floyd’s Aggie cagers emerging on
the short end of a 52-45 score.
This is the last game on the reg
ular schedule for the Aggie round-
bailers, as they will meet TCU’s
Horned Frogs Wednesday night in
Waco in the first elimination game
to decide the district six NCAA
Tennis, Golf, Swimming
First on the Saturday schedule
of sports events is the tennis match
between the U of H Cougers and
A&M’s netmen at 1:30 p.m. The
Aggie tennis team has but one
match behind them, when they tied
Southeastern College of Oklahoma
a week ago, three all.
As the hands show 2 p.m, on the
clock, the Aggie mermen will part
the water in an intra-squad meet
with time as their only competitor.
At the same time, but over on
A&M’s golf course, the Cadet link-
sters will tee off against a like
contingent from the Houston uni
Like the baseball team, this also
will mark the first time for the
golfers to enter into intercollegiate
competition, as the qualifying
rounds to establish the team mem
bers have been just recently com
pleted. ' v
A&M’s thinly clads will partici
pate in an intra-squad track and
field meet for time trials on the
(See RANGERETTES, Page (i)
Petty Selects
Vanity Fair
Six winners of the Aggieland
’51’s Vanity Fair competition were
chosen last week by George Petty,
artist of Esquire fame, and have
been contacted, according to Roy
Nance, editor of the yearbook.
The girls will be presented Sat
urday night at the concert in
Guion Hall preceding the Military
Ball. Nance and Jim Modlin, as
sociate editor, will make the pre
Preceding the night’s festivities
at 12:30 p. m., finalists and their
dates will be honored by a special
luncheon in the MSC.
“The six selected were picked
from 52, a record number of en
A Vanity Fair section compar
able to any other college annual’s
is assured, says Nance.
Modlin’s only comment was
Pictures of the winners will Be
gin on the front page of next
Tuesday’s Battalion. Two winners
will run each day.
Finalists and their dates have
been invited to attend the Press
Club Ball in the MSC Friday night,
Nance added.
Former Student
Board to Plan
Spring Meeting
The Executive Board of the
Association of Former Stu
dents will meet March 3-4, to
lay ground work for the
Spring meeting of the AFS
and to hear reports from district
The Executive.Board handles de
tailed matters for the Association
Council, which is the governing
body for the world wide AFS.
A. E. Jones, ’34, of Dallas is
the Executive Board president.
George B. Morgan, ’18, of Beau
mont is vice-president, and Dick
Hervey, ’42, of College Station is
executive secretary of the board.
A president, a vice-president, an
executive secretary, 11 district
vice-presidents, and six men elected
for two year terms compose the
R. J. Chappell, chairman of the
Story of Texas A&M Committee,
will report on a full length book
being written by George Sessions
Perry of Rockdale.
Oh, Just to be a Senator!
Says Nation’s Top Executive
Washington, March 2—(A 5 )—
President Truman said again yes
terday that what he would like
to be “permanently” is Senator
The President paid a surprise
visit to the Senate to, give Vice-
President Barkley a gavel in recog
nition of Barkley’s long service in
Congress. Barkley will complete 38
years either as a member of Con
gress or as vice-president Sunday.
Mr. Truman threw a little
more fuel on the presidential hot
stove league gossip that what
he’d like to do in 1952 is run
for his old seat in the Senate.
After Barkley had introduced
him with a jesting reference to
how “criminals return to the scene
of their crimes,” the President
“Mr. President, I wish it were
a fact that I was returning per
manently to the scene of my for
mer crimes and misdemeanors
which got me into more trouble
than any man in the world has
ever gotten into.”
This obviously referred to the
time when he was vice-president,
and then moved up at the death of
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The purpose of his visit, Mr.
Truman said, was to honor Barkley
and his long service.
“To commemorate that event,”
the President said, “I have had
the White House carpenters
make him a gavel out of wood
which was put into the White
House in 1817, after the fire,
and removed in 1949, during the
When the gavel-giving ceremony
was over, Barkley told the Presi
dent to sit down, that he was go
ing to make a speech.
Mr. Truman, grinning, sat down.
Barkley said that his teachers
had told that he could be president.
“I have all the qualifications,”
he said. “I was born in a log cabin
and I worked my way through
school as a janitor. That qualified
As Mr. Truman left the rostrum,
he was heard to say:
“It’s good to be back here. I
wish I was back here with you.”
Academy Location
Narrowed by AF
Washington, March 2—(A 5 )—The
Air Force said yesterday it had
narrowed its sear-ch for an Air
Force academy site to seven loca
tions, three of them in Texas.
The Texas points are Grapevine,
a site in Grayson County, and Ran
dolph Air Force Base. Others are
a site near Colorado Springs, Colo.,
Madison, Ind.; Charlotte, N. C., and
Camp Beale, near Marysville, Calif.
The academy would rank with
West Point and Annapolis. It must
be finally approved by Congress.
No Favor Sales
This Week
Senior ring favors, promised
for “across the counter” sales
beginning yesterday, have not
yet arrived, C. G. “Spike” White
announced this morning. A lim
ited number of the favors will
be here in a few days he added,
but will not go on sale imme
This limited number of favors
will be sufficiently publicized
for a few days then put on sale
on a “first-come, first - serve”
Another shipment of ring fa
vors, made from a different base
metal and costing slightly more
than the first ones, will be on
sale later, well in advance of
the Senior Ring Dance, White