The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1951, Image 1

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Ib ‘ Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
Interested In
City’s Welfare? See
‘From the City Desk,’ Page 2
Number 97: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Rep. Olin Teague Against
Proposed 18-Year Old Draft
One More Win Will Cinch
The Defense Department has
not “made a case” for its proposed
18-year-old draft plan, Rep. Olin
E. Teague said today in Washing
Teague, from College Station,
represents the Sixth Congressional
District, which includes Brazos and
five other counties.
“The Defense Department feels
that, during this present emer
gency, the quickest and easiest
way to satisfy the manpower
needs of the services is to draft
18-year olds,” Teague said.
“I sincerely believe that before
we take this step we should thor
oughly screen the men in the 19
to 26 age group, who total 5,100,-
“Out of this group, only 460,000
have been called into service and
only 816,000 are regarded as avail
able for induction. We must utilize
our manpower sources better than
this before reaching for the 18-
year olds.”
Many argue that the 18-year-old
boy with a few months of training
makes the “best soldier in the
world,” Teague said. He claimed
this was not true from his expei*-
ience during World War II.
“Our best all-round fighters
were more mature men who could
withstand extreme mental and
physical punishment. Reckless
ness does not make for the best
combat soldier,” the representa
tive said.
John Ben Sheppard Is
Speaker for Lutherans
John Ben Sheppard, Texas Sec
retary of State, will be guest
speaker at the 1951 Texas Luth
eran Brotherhood Banquet to be
held in the Memorial Student
Center tomorrow night.
The banquet is scheduled for 6
p. m. Thursday and Sheppard’s talk
will highlight the all-day conven-
President M. T. Harrington will
welcome the visitors and guests to
the campus.
Three other top speakers sche-
Student 1 fnion
Meeting Set
For Friday
Regions 13 and 14 of the
Association of College Unions
will meet in the Memorial Stu
dent Center on Friday and
Saturday to discuss student
•activities and handling social
V'toups on their respective cam
This meeting will bring together
representatives from the Univer
sity of Texas, Southern Methodist,
North Texas State College, East
Texas State College, University
of Arkansas, University of Okla
homa and Ohio State University.
Advisor of Region 13 is J. Wayne
Stark, director of the MSC and
Frank Malone, SMU Union direct
or is advisor for Region 14.
These two men will lead pan
els on the discussion of problems
faced by the Union in planning
for the coming year. One of the
topics for discussion is “Union
Outlook for ’51.” One of the other
topics is “Recreation Planning in
Wartime” while another panel
will discuss “Current Operating
and Financial Problems.”
The conference will begin with
registration Friday morning in the
MSC lobby. Luncheons are sche
duled for both Friday and Saturday
and an informal banquet is sche
duled for Friday night. The dele
gates to the convention will be
invited to attend the All-College
dance scheduled for Friday night
in the Ballroom of the MSC.
The representatives will be taken
on a tour of the building gather
afterward for discussion in the
fountain room.
A summary of the conference
will be discussed at the Saturday
luncheon. Free time has been plan
ned Saturday afternoon for the re
presentatives to leam more about
each of the unions represented at
the meeting.
duled for the convention are Carl
Shock of Detroit, executive secre
tary of the Luthern Brotherhood;
Dr. William F. Kraushaar, presi
dent of the Texas Lutheran College
of Sequin; and Rev. L. D. Lech-
leitner of Columbus, Ohio, execu
tive secretary of the American
Hosts to the convention will be
the local Lutheran Brotherhood,
one of the youngest and smallest
in the state. The Brotherhood is
less than two years old and has
only 12 members consisting of Col
lege Station and Bryan Luther
Sheppard at 34 is one of
the youngest members of the of
ficial family of Texas.
The Gladcwater attorney who
characterizes himself as a “small
town country lawyer,” gained
recognition in the state, nation,
and even internationally on a num
ber of civic and political fronts be
fore being appointed Secretary of
Prior to his appointment by Gov
ernor Allan Shivers in February,
1950, Sheppard had served appoint
ments on the State Board of Ed
ucation and as Chairman of the
Governor’s Election Laws Commit
Today, Sheppard is near the top
in Texas State Government even
though he has never offered him
self as a candidate in a state elec
Large Delegation Expected
More than 500 delegates and
visitors from the 117 American
Lutheran Brotherhoods in Texas
are expected to attend the conven
President of the Texas Lutheran
Brotherhood is Edward Sagebiel of
Seguin. Other state officers in
clude M. F. Heinemeier of Mason,
vice president; Lothar Krause, sec
ond vice president; Ben Rosen
baum, third vice president; Fred
Lewis, secretai-y; and H. W. Have-
mann, treasurer.
Dr. Miller Slated
For ManE Group
Dr. Tate Miller, professor of
clinical medicine at Southwestern,
will give a talk at the Management
Engineering conference to be held
here March 1-2. He will talk on
the executive’s need for relaxation,
March 2.
Dr. Miller is a native of Corsi
cana and has a BL degree from
David Lipscomb college in 1911 and
an MD degree from Vanderbilt in
1915. He is past president of the
Dallas County Medical Society and
of the Texas State Medical Asso
Universal Military Training is
desirable as a permanent part of
our long-range security program,
he pointed out.
“But I do not agree with the
type of UMT advocated by the De
fense Department. I believe that
a young man should be given an
opportunity to complete his basic
military training during the time
of his secondary education in high
school or college.”
“We can and must utilize the
facilities of our educational sys
tem to the best advantage and to
allow young men to complete
some of their military training
during the summers.”
The major purpose of a UMT
program, Teague said, is to provide
a large, well-organized and well-
trained reserve. This, he said, fol
lows George Washington’s policy
of maintaining an adequate stand
ing army supplemented by a lai'ger
trained citizen reserve.
An effective reserve is not ade
quately provided for under the De
fense Department’s present UMT
plan, Teague said. Our nation is
very apt to end up “without any
reserve at all,” he continued.
“I think Russia will think twice
before starting another World War
if she is faced with a military
force of 15 million men and women
built on reserves and a standing
army, rather than on just a three
and one-half million-man standing
White Ueports
Freeze Losses
The Rio Grande Valley will
ship about two million boxes
of citrus fruit this year, as
compared to 17 to 18 million
boxes yearly prior to 1949,
John C. White, state commissioner
of agriculture, said today.
The commissioner spoke at the
Southwestern Loss Prevention
short course being held in the
Memorial Student Center.
He told 30 shippers and growers
the recent freeze had left only
about five million citrus trees in
the Valley. He said the industry
will come back and that the de
mand for citrus would be greater
than ever.
Mr. White frowned upon any
effort to import citrus stock into
the Valley from outside the state.
He pointed out that plans of the
state department of agriculture
are to revitalize the department.
Share of Conference Title
Ags Slam Ponies
49-43, to TakeLead
Battalion Associate Sports Editor
A&M needs only one win in the two remaining engage
ments on the 1951 basketball schedule to gain a tie for the
Southwest Conference cage crown—a title that hasn’t been
known to Aggie fans for 28 years.
The fans screamed, the band played and the never-say-
die Aggie basketball team slammed its way to a 49-43 win
over Southern Methodist last night and marched to the
undisputed lead in the Southwest Conference cage race.
Restraint was tossed to the winds by some 3800 DeWare
Field House fans who trampled scorekeepers and officials
■♦■in their mad race to congratulate
the tired but happy Aggies.
Five Candidates
Vie for Dorm 8
Senate Position
“Goodbye to Tex . . .”—the Aggie War Hymn
resounded through Guion Hall Monday night as
the world premiere of “The Songs of Texas
A&M” record album was held. And the '’com
poser of the famous Aggie call-to-battle was
mobbed afterwards by autograph-seekers. “Pin
ky” Wilson, who wrote the song in 1918 during
the fading days of World War I, appeared in
person for the premiere.
The ‘Hot War’ at a Glance
UN Forces ‘Whiplash’ Reds
Tokyo, Feb. 21 — (A 5 ) — Allied
troops whiplashed fast retreating
Communists today on both sides
of the Reds’ Wonju bulge in cen
tral Korea.
On the east central front, United
Nations troops thrust forward
against light opposition.
On the west central front, ad
vance patrols were moving ahead
north of Chipyong where a French-
American force last week smashed
a massive Red counter-attack.
Scattered in an arc north of the
Wonju salient were 40,000 Com-
Council Candidates
W. D. Fitch
munist troops who had pulled back
from the attack to lick their
U. S. Fifth Air Force roared out
again Wednesday in support of
ground troops.
Big naval guns rocked both
coasts of Korea.
“Big Mo” Working
The Battleship Missouri bom
barded the Tanchon area in far
northeastern Korea all day Tues
day. Other allied naval forces
bucked strong shore batteries
around Wonsan on the Sea of Ja
pan coast for the seventh straight
The U. S. Cruiser St. Paul stood
off Inchon port on the Yellow Sea
and poured heavy fire into Red
concentrations north of the thaw
ing Han River around Red-held
In their first big lunge since
General MacArthur ordered his
troops to resume the initiative, al
lied troops swept northward 10
miles and captured Chunchon town.
Chunchon is 10 miles north of
Chechon, objective of a Commu
nist slash a few days ago on the
east central front. The area has
been a no-man’s-land.
Meet No Resistance
H. W. Badgett
J. W. O’Brien
. . . is a candidate for the Ward
III City Council position, the
only candidate to file thus far
from (hat area. He is seeking
re-election for the two-year
. . . has filed as a candidate for .... is a newcomer in the Col-
re-election as city councilman lege Station political circles. A
from Ward I in South College candidate for the South Side
Station. He will be running tor
his third term in the two-year Yard II ottice, he is opposed
post. , by incumbent Howard Badgett.
The U. S. Eighth Army com
munique Wednesday said the al
lied troops had encountered no en
emy troops in the northward
Field dispatches said the Reds
were pulling back so fast that they
weer leaving equipment and their
dead in the snow.
A U. S. 10th Corps spokesman
said there was evidence of a hasty
enemy retreat on the central
The last heavy Communist re
sistance ended late Tuesday north
east of Chechon, a road hub 20
miles southeast of Wonju.
American patrols ranged as
much as 10 miles northwest and
four miles north of Wonju.
No Representative Yet
Western Front, Korea, Feb. 21—
(A*)—Rotation of American troops
in Korea is “several months off,
at least,” Gen. Mark W. Clark said
Clark, commander of U. S. field
forces, denied making a statement
attributed to him that mass re
placement of battle-weary forces in
Korea by fresh troops from the
U. S. would begin immediately.
Boarding a plane for Tokyo aft
er a four-day tour of the Korean
battlefjront, Clark said.
“A rotation plan is desirable
and we would not want the burden
Easy on Grass,
Committee Asks
Students living in the cadet
corps upperclassmen dormitory
area were urged this morning
by the campus beautification
committee to walk clear of the
center plots that have been
plowed by the campus grounds
maintenance department.
If students walk clear of this
area and no paths are cut
through the freshly turned soil,
grass will be planted there as
soon as proper weather condi
tions permit, Bob Sturdivant,
chairman of the committee, ex
Sturdivant emphasized that
beautification efforts were still
in the trial stage and a “don’t
care” attitude on the part of
students would force the col
lege to abandon further grass
seeding plans as impractical.
of this war carried by the people
already here. But before rotation
on a large scale can begin we must
up our forces in the Far East
“Implementation of any rotation
program will depend upon the num
ber of replacements we are able
to train and bring to Korea.
Guard Units Needed
Washington, Feb. 21—UP)—The
plan of the army to release Nation
al Guardsmen when their federal
service time runs out next year
appeared today to leave unchanged
the. probability that at least two
of the presently federalized six
Guard divisions will be sent over
seas in the next few months.
The army also disclosed,' in a
news conference yesterday by its
training chief, Maj. Gen. Maxwell
D. Taylor, that it will call no more
Guard divisions “unless the world
situation changes.”
This latter statement startled
some Congress members and
brought predictions that the law
makers would make inquiries. Sen
ator Bridges (R-NH) of the Sen
ate Armed Services Committee
called it a “change in policy” and
said he thought the committee
would want to look into it.
What Would
You Have Done?
A little fast thinking was as
handy as a skeleton key to one
student who found himself locked
out of the basketball game last
Discovering the doors to De-
Ware Field House locked tight, he
quickly called the campus fire chief
from a booth in the MSC.
Minutes later he was walking
through DeWare’s open doors.
Reason: fire regulations prohibit
locking doors to public buildings
when there is a crowd inside.
Five men entered the race
for student senator of Dorm
8 yesterday as filing ended at
5 p. m.
Candidates for the position
in the Student Senate will be W.
H. Oliver, Bob Schawe, Frank
Dougharty, Bob Chapman, and
Harold Gant.
The opening in the Senate was
caused when Bill Boddeker moved
to another dormitory.
Schawe, senior pre-med student
from Houston, is a member of the
Chemical Corps. Another Chemi
cal candidate is Oliver, senior
chemical engineer from Houston.
Chapman, Junior Sig' na l Corps
member, is an electrical engineer
ing student from Houston. Gant,
of A ASA, is a junior electrical en
gineer from Port Arthur.
Dougharty, junior from Liberty, is
an Ordnance cadet majoring in
mechanical engineering.
The election will be held Thurs
day night, John Stuntz, Senate elec
tion committee chairman, said this
All-College Dance
Slated for Friday
An alLcollege dance will be held
in the MSC Ballroom Friday night
from 9 until 12.
The dance, sponsored by the
MSC Dance committee, has been
scheduled for freshmen who have
dates here for the Freshman Ball
on Saturday night, delegates to
the Association of Student Unions
meeting, married couples and any
others who will have dates on the
campus this weekend according to
Ted Nark and Tom Munnerlyn, co-
chairmen of the dance.
Music for the informal dance will
be furnished by the Aggieland
combo. Admission will be fifty
The committee has sponsored
three dances this year and plan
additional dances for the remainder
of the year. Chairman for the com
mittee which has also sponsored
the popular dancing classes is Tom
To the twenty-odd people who
remained in the gym a half hour
longer, the night’s rewards were
doubly sweet when the report was
flashed from Fort Worth that TCLT
had been taken by Baylor, 61-53,
thereby leaving A&M present bas
ketball ruler.
Davis Leads Scorers
Big City Callers Seeking
Score of A&M Cage Win
A&M’s basketball win over SMU last night received
rather widespread attention.
Long distance telephone calls came to The Battalion of
fice from New York, N.Y.; Chicago, III; Milwaukee, Wise.;
and Birmingham, Ala.
Each time the phone rang, the operator announced the
call, then a male voice asked the score of the game. The
Milwaukee caller claimed to be from a newspaper in the beer
The Chicagoan hung up immediately after he received
the score, not waiting to tell his name.
When the New York call came in, Battalion writers in
the office had decided to refuse calls from persons who
wouldn’t identify themselves properly.
The “Bigtown” caller did just that. He claimed he was
Dan Parker, sportswriter for the New York Daily Mirror.
Batt staffers doubted the veracity of his statement, but
gave him the score. The call was being made from a pay
telephone, as the sound of coins falling into the phone box
was distinctly heard.
“Parker,” they claimed, “probably has several wire news
services which could give him the score long before. Then,
too, he wouldn’t be calling from a pay phone.”
Opinions on the reason for the calls varied from bookies
to gambling syndicates to “former students wanting the
When Aggie basketball coach
John Floyd said three days ago
that “This thing isn’t over yet!”,
he wasn’t kidding, 'but it took all
of the forty playing minutes last
night to prove it.
Walter “Buddy” Davis practi
cally got up from a sick bed to
spark his team to the all-important
six-point victory. The big 6’ 8”
center had suffered a severe at
tack of flu most of last week and
had not worked out until Monday
afternoon, but to the “Get-’em-Ag-
gies” crowd, the 19 points he pour
ed through the hoop were tha
healthiest things they had seen in
quite a while.
The situation was not the “best
of all possible” for there were
only seven minutes and 15 seconds
remaining and it was not until then
that the Maroon and White cagers
were able to regain the lead they
had lost in the first five minutes
of the game. When Davis meshed
those two lead changing points,
an A-Bomb couldn’t have been
Pony Scoring Slumps
Doc Hayes’ boys found the go
ing just as rough in the first nine
minutes of the game as they did
in the last 11, as the Ponies netted
but two points in those phases of
the game.
The Aggies got the tip-off and
Jewell McDowell and Woody Walk
er flipped up three tries between
them—all missing. Pony forward
Derrell Murphy then broke the ice
with a liberty, but John DeWitt
repaid the compliment with one of
his own—plus a field goal.
Cadets Lead
“Frowning Freddy” Freeman,
star SMU guard and play caller,
matched Davis’ free throw and
then added another, but McDowell
got hot from about thirty feet out
and put A&M ahead 6-3 with the
clock reading 13:54 remaining in
the first period.
One hundred gnd forty-seven
seconds later SMU caught its first
field goal of the evening when for
ward Jack Brown connected with
a hook shot. Center Tom Holm
tied it up for the Mustangs, and
Brown kept a one-point SMU mar
gin after Marvin Martin connected
(See DAVIS LEADS, Page 3)