The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1951, Image 3

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Shorthorns Stomp
Fish Quintet, 49-30;
Allen N ext for Aggies
Monday, February 19, 19§1
Page 3
Batt Sports Staff
In a discouragingly one sided
game the Texas University fresh
man basketball quintet rolled over
the A&M fish cagers here Satur
day night, 49-30.
Texas received the opening tip
off and before the fish could set
up their defense Glen Moore, 6’ 2”
guard from Lockhart, parted the
net and drew first blood for Texas.
The game was three minutes old
before the fish could find a weak
ness in the Shorthorn defense. Pat
McCory pulled the trigger on one
from the free throw area and
brought the fish within one point of
the frosh, and shortly thereafter
Roy Martin, towering fish center,
cleared the hoop shoving the fish
into a one point lead.
Horns Stimulated
However, the short lead seem
ingly served only to stimulate the
Shorthorns into more rapid action.
Before the fish could attempt to
further their lead, TU came back
with a fast break and established
a margin which was to grow stead
ily in their favor throughout the
rest of the game. Half-time score
read Texas, 26, A&M 14.
The second half, like the first,
found the fish consistently far be
hind, never drawing closes than
seven points to the ever racing
frosh. During the closing minutes
Texas put on the stall, working an
effective freeze play which the
fish were unable to thaw. Fresh
man coach Don Binford’s junior
cagers were allowed to score only
two points during the final ten
minutes, while their recovering
only six rebounds in the entire
contest further blackened their
Montgomery Hustles
Playing his best game of the
year Vol Montgomery, 19 year old
engineering major from Abilene,
presented a fine display of defen
sive as well as offensive basketball.
Scoring six points in the contest,
Montgomery’s chief value appear
ed in his defense. High point man
for the fish was Don Dwyer with
12 points.
Greatest damage to the fish
came through 18 year old Short
horn center, Billy Powell. Powell,
scoring 19 points in the night’s
event, controlled the backboards to
keep Tgxas in continual possession
of the ball.
Individuality again showed its
ugly head as team play among the
Ag freshmen was non-existent. Bad
ball handling, coupled with poor
passing and defensive tactics,
brought to light the fact that the
fish still have not had the time
to practice consistently the plays
which at one time won them praise
as the best freshman team ever to
be sent forth by A&M.
The fish meet Allen Academy to
night in Bryan, while the SMU
Mustangs invade DeWare Field
House tomorrow night in a return
engagement with the varsity.
Pony Ace
Travel and
this summer
Full-credit... all-expense:.;
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Han now for this perfect summer!
Upend half your time sightseeing in
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Rudy. Tours planned for this sum
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urious TWA Constellations.
For information on tours, mention
countries that interest you most
when writing to: John H. Fur bay,
Ph. D., Director, TWA Air World
Education Service, 80 E. 42nd St.,
jSIew York 17, N. Y.
His first year on the varsRy, Ted
“WhiteyL JJolm -is -doing a fine
job leading his Mustang team
mates from the center post. He
counted 116 points on the fresh
man squad in 1950.
A&M-SMU Cage Tilt Gains
Importance; Ags Want Title
The Mustangs’ surprising vic
tory over the University of Texas
cagers causes the SMU-A&M game
in DeWare Field House Tuesday
night to take on added importance.
Until the SMU win Friday night
at Dallas, the Aggies looked like
the favorite on their home court
after seven days of rest and four
days of practice.
Now it looks more like a toss-up,
with the Mustangs possessing the
potential necessary to knock A&M
out of its tie for first with the
Longhorns and the Frogs.
Looked Easy
Aggie fans had pictured the SMU
and Rice game, scheduled Feb. 24,
as warm-ups for the final tilt
with Texas in Austin, but the
cadets must go all out now to stay
in the running for a share of the
SWC title.
After the long trip to Ai’kansas
and the Aggies’ disappointing 38-
45 loss to the Razorbacks in an
overtime, Coach John Floyd asked
that an intersectional game Feb. 17,
be postponed to give the A&M team
a breather.
The intersectional tilt between
the Aggies and the University of
Houston will be played March 2.
SMU Wins First
SMU was the only conference foe
that defeated the Aggies in the
first half of league play. Playing
Faculty Quintet
Humbles Tig er
‘B’ Team, 2718
In an affair strictly from
comic opera, the A&M Con
solidated faculty slaughtered
the Tiger B Team 27-18.
Principal L. E. Boze was
high man for the teachers with
eight points.
Officiating at the game were
G. E. Potter and Rev. Anderson,
of the Presbyterian church.
The match was highlighted by
the two teams variations in rules
in the number of players on the
floor at one time. Occasionally,
the two teams would use not only
basketball plays, but would also
revert to baseball and football
Flagrant use of fouls was made
by both sides throughout the tilt,
with each depending on the inex
perienced referees making mistakes
in calling them.
The faculty win was the surprise
of the night and the game provided
a pleasant prelude to the varsity
game with Thorndale, which the
Tiger varsity took 35-33.
T our Cagers Named
In New Cage Bribe
New York, Feb. 19—UP)—Four
college basketball players, a for
mer player and a sixth man were
accused of bribery Sunday in the
alleged fixing of games this sea
The accused included three City
College of New York players, tak
en into custody last night; a New
York Univei’sity player, a former
Long Island University star and
a jewelry manufacturer.
District Attorney Frank S. Hog
an said all would be booked mom
entarily on bribery charges.
The players included Ed War
ner, star Negro forward on the
City College team; Ed Roman,
City’s guard A1 Roth, Harvey Con
nie Schaff of NYU, and Edward
Card, who played for LIU last
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Hogan said the sixth man, Sal
vatore Tarto Sollazo, 45, had a
police record.
Bribery Charge
The District Attorney said Sol
lazo and Card would be charged
in one complaint with giving a
The City College players, Hog
an said, would be charged with re
ceiving bribes, and Schaff would
be charged with “offering to
This newest college basketball
scandal broke after three City Col
lege players were taken into cus
tody today as they returned from
Philadelphia, where the City team
beat Temple last night, 95-71.
Cinderella Team
The three were members of last
year’s “Cinderella” team which won
the National Invitation Tourna
ment and the National Collegiate
Athletic Association title. It was
the only team ever to win the
double championship.
The three were regulars on this
year’s team which has had an in-
and-out record. City College is
operated by New York City.
The players called in for ques
tioning included unidentified mem
bers of the Long Island Univer
sity and St. John’s University bas
ketball teams.
Their relation With the investi
gation was not disclosed immedi
The new scandal appeared al
most a month today after the ar
rest of five other pex-sons for com-
p 1 i c i t y in another basketball
“dumping” plot. They are await
ing trial.
Hogan said today’s expose had
no connection wiht the abortive
Manhattan College fix.
on the Mustangs’ home court, the
Dallas quintet rode the accux-ate
shooting ai’nxs of centers Tom
Holm and Paul Mitchell to a 51-
44 victory.
A&M has a conference record of
six wins to three losses, while
SMU is right behind with five
wins to four defeats. A Mustang
victory would push A&M one rung
further down the ladder and into
a tie with SMU rather than Texas.
Three In Last Game
The game Tuesday night will be
final conference game for the Ag
gies at home and the last time that
thi - ee Aggies appear at home in
confei’ence competition. Forwards
John DeWitt and Marvin Martin
and center Glenn Williams are the
graduating seniors on the squad.
Probable starters for SMU Tues
day are forwards Derrell Murphy
and Jack Brown, center Tom Holm
and guai'ds Fi’ed Freeman and
Charlie Lutz.
The Aggies are expected to start
forwards DeWitt and Martin, cen
ter Walter Davis and guards Jew
ell McDowell and Raymond Walker.
Walker, 5-8 and shortest man
on the Aggie squad, has come
along fast for Coach Floyd and is
increasingly important as a defen
sive man. Walker failed to letter
last year and was just a substitute
for the first half of this season.
SWC Cage Battle
Deadlocked Again
The dizzy Southwest Confer
ence basketball race is almost back
where it stax-ted, with A&M, Texas
and Texas Christian tied for the
lead and a four-way tie for the
title possible.
Southern Methodist and Rice
combined last week to confuse the
standings again.
Southei’n Methodist knocked off
Texas, 54-41, after the Longhorns
had bowed to Texas Christian, 49-
34, and Rice came thi’ough with a
surprising 54-49 win over Texas
Arkansas, a ball of fii’e after a
miserable start, i-ackcd up A&M,
45-38, Baylox-, 55-44, and also turn
ed in a non-confei'ence, 64-50, vic
tory over Louisiana State.
Baylor tumbled into the cellar
despite a 61-58 decision over Rice.
Four Champions
The championship could be split
four ways. It will take only the
right combination to move Arkan
sas—or Southern Methodist—in
with the three leadei’s.
What happens to the final stand
ings could be cleared a little this
A&M vs SMU
Texas plays host to Ai’kansas
Monday night at Austin; A&M
entertains Southern Methodist and
Texas Christian is host to Baylor
Texas catches Baylor at Waco
Friday and the same night South
ei’n Methodist goes to Fort Worth
to play Texas Christian.
Rice Saturday tines for another
upset—this time against A&M.
There’s just three conference
igames left after this week’s action
—'and it may take these results to
determine the winner.
Texas’ two lickings weren’t too
unexpected, but Texas Christian’s
loss to Rice was a thunderous up
In their first meeting, Texas
Christian had walloped Rice, 87-66,
and the Owls ran up their total
against Buster Brannon’s substi
tutes. This game tied the Southwest
Conference record for the most
points scored in a single game.
The Owls led at the half and
with six minutes to play had Texas
Christian on the ropes.
Hogs Retaliate
Arkansas, the pre-season favor
ite to win the championship, pulled
into a tie for fourth with South
ern Methodist. These two teams are
only a game back of the three lead
Joe McDermott of Rice racked
up 41 points in two games to
boost his season scoring to 296
points and replace Jack Brown of
Southern Methodist as the leader.
Brown tumbled to fourth, behind
Ralph Johnson of Baylor with 283
points and George McLeod of Tex
as Christian with 281. He has 274.
Johnson retained his lead in con
ference scoring, boasting 149 points
to 126 for second place McDer
mott and 123 for Brown and
George scaling of Texas. By the
Associated Press.
Season Standings
Team W L Pet. Pts. Op
T C U 14 7 .667 1187 1016
SMU 13 8 .619 1179 1072
A&M 11 9 .550 877 910
Arkansas ....11 10 .524 983 968
Texas 10 11 .476 1034 1021
Rice 8 12 .400 1220 1251
Baylor 7 15 .318 1142 1193
Conference Standings
Team W L Pet. Pts. O.p
A&M 6 3 .667 368 342
Phone 2-1400
Loupot’s Trading Post--Ageuts
■yyjf n.p yw I' f 1 1 W f | 11 'l"l,rpygw"ffl» III
McDermott, Rice, c ...
Johnson, Baylor, c-f
McLeod, TCU, c
Brown, SMU, f
Dowies, Texas, f
. 94
Davis, A&M, c
. 95
Gerhardt, Rice, f
. 92
Fromme, TCU, f
. 91
Scaling, Texas, g
. 68
White, Rice, f
Leading Scorer (Conference)
Johnson, Baylor, c-f
McDermott, Rice, c ..
. 46
Brown, SMU, f
. 44
Scaling, Texas, g ..
. 40
Davis, A&M, c
Fromme, TCU, f
. 38
. 41
Hester, Arkansas, c ..
. 34
Dowiels, Texas, f
. 37
McDowell, A&M, g
. 39
176 95
Gerhardt, Rice, f
T C U 6
Texas 6
Arkansas .... 5
Rice 2
Baylor 2
This week’s schedule:
Monday—Arkansas vs. Texas at
Tuesday— Southern Methodist
vs. A&M at College Station; Bay-
lar vs. Texas Christian at Fort
Saturday— Rice vs A&M at
Leading Scorers (Season)
Students Sign For
Pro Tennis Show
Any student interested in go
ing to Houston, Wednesday,
Feb. 21, to see the professional
tennis matches are urged to re
port to the Student Activities
Office at the earliest possible
time and sign up for the trip.
A limited number of tickets
has been set aside for the A&M
student body at the price of one
dollar. The cost of the trip will
be $1.50 and the transportation
will be by bus and private cars.
Jack Kramer, Pancho Segura,
Pauline Betz, and Gussie Moran
will be among the stars appear
ing at the matches.
Cadet Swimmers Lose To
Mustangs in Dallas, 45-30
Southern Methodist University’s
swimming team downed A&M’s
tankmen in Dallas Saturday after
noon, 45-30, for Coach Art Adam
son’s first loss to the Mustangs.
The dual meet featured the
smashing of six SMU pool records,
with one nabbed by A&M’s Van
Adamson. Adamson took the 220-
yard freestyle in a record time of
SMU’s All-American Mick Muck-
leroy cracked two pool records, with
the two-length sprint and the 100-
Pony Ace
Fred Freeman, 6T” Mustang
guard from Monona, Iowa, scored
222 points for the Methodist
freshman team last season and
ranks in the top ten SWC scoring
Laundry Station
Changes Location
Burst pipes and improper heat
ing facilities has forced Laundry
Station No. 3 to move from Foster
Hall to Hart Hall.
During the freeze several weeks
ago, the pipes in the old location
burst and water soaked laundry
bundles on the shelves, a member
of tho office staff said. All the
clothes had to be rewashed, be
fore they could be returned to the
Schedules for depositing clothes
and picking them up will remain
the same at the new location.
’Mural Golf Tournament
(Entry Blank)
I would like to enter the Intramural Open Coif touranment
Open Tennis singles □, Open Tennis Doubles
Dormitory Box No.
This blank must be turned into the Intramural Office at the
earliest possible time.
All men entering the Open Golf tournament must list their qual
ifying score.
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yard freestyle also going to the
Pony ace. Muckleroy was named to
last year’s All-American team and
placed fifth in the 50-yard free
style in the 1950 nationals.
Comstock Wins
Tommy Comstock of the Aggies
gained the only other first place
for the losers, aside from Adam
son’s record. Comstock swam a
2:38.7 to win the 220-yard breast
stroke, with Jimmy Flowers of
A&M taking second. Flowers’ time
was 2:40.
In the 12-length medley relay,
SMU’s trio of Wilson, Kilgore, and
Farrell bested Bill Sargent, Com
stock, and Bill Karow of A&M.
Times for the event was 2:49.9.
A&M captured two places in the
220 freestyle, with Adamson’s rec
ord time and John Parnell’s fourth
A&M Places
Ralph Ellis and Tommy Butler
of A&M grabbed second and third
places respectively in the two-
length sprint, following Muckleroy.
Paul Schaffer’s 264.7 diving total
took second place in that event for
the Cadets, while Howell Johnson
came in fourth.
In the 100-yard freestyle, Ellis
and Butler again teamed up to
win second and fourth places for
A&M, respectively. Muckleroy’s
record 51.9 took the event for
Favored to win the 200-yard
backstroke, Sargent was upset by
SMU’s Wilson in that event—a
loss which probably cost the Cadets
the match.
Wilson had not been figured to
turn in his pool-record time of
2:12.8, and his win tossed Coach
Art Adamson’s strategy for a loss.
Joe Blundell of A&M followed Sar
gent for third place.
Adamson followed Amarine of
CSC Sets Exams
For Job Openings
Openings for Fishery Marketing
Specialist, Airplane and Engine
Mechanic Instructor, and Security
Inspector have been announced by
the Civil Service Commission.
The fishery specialist position
wil pay $3,100, the aircraft in
structor job pays from $3,100 to
$3,825, and the security job al
lows $3,450 per year.
SMU ■ in the 440 freestyle, as the
Mustang mermen took one of the
half-dozen pool records in 5:01.6.
Parnell placed fourth for the Ag
Another pool record was cracked
by the Ponies when their 16-length
relay squad hung a defeat on But
ler, Karow, Adamson, and Ellis.
SMU’s quartet was composed of
Kilgore, Wilson, Farrell, and
Muckleroy, pooling their talents
for a time of 3:21.6.
The loss was the first to an
SMU team since Art Adamson has
been tutoring the Aggie swimmers.
A&M had taken SMU previously
this year in the Houston Relay
Carnival, placing second behind
Could’ve Been Closer
“Actually the score didn’t indi
cate the comparative abilities of
the two teams,” Coach Adamson
said Saturday night. “Wilson’s win
threw us completely off. Other
wise I believe they would have won
by only a one-point margin.”
When asked his opinion of this
year’s conference meet outcome,
Adamson predicted Texas Univer
sity, perennial swim champ, would
take the title again, with A&M and
SMU battling for the runner-up
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