The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1951, Image 2

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    Battalion Editorials
Page 2 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1951
Proxy Calls Their Hand.
9 9
A C> ]l/f OFFICIALS took a firm stand on
ii-OLifl overly * published “Stiteler Story”
last week. And we were glad to see Dr. M.
T. Harrington, college president, and D. W.
Williams, Athletic Council chairman, tell the
Houston Press to produce its implied “true
facts” or politely shut up.
In its Friday and Saturday editions, the
Press failed to print its “facts,” but remained
relatively quiet. Whether or not the Hous
ton daily intends to drop the story, we don’t
know and we doubt if they do, either.
Coach Harry Stiteler took a mauling in
Houston, came to College Station, told col
lege officials the same story he told news
men, and probably tried to forget the mat
But the Press wouldn’t let Harry or A&M
or its readers forget it. With several banner
headlines, they intimated that Stiteler was
telling a little black lie, that A&M might fire
him, and that the college was withholding
information on the case.
We believe each man has a certain
amount of rights to his personal affairs, re
gardless of his position—U. S. president,
movie star, or A&M grid coach. When his
personal affairs are snatched up by a news
paper, however, spread over the front page,
and generally publicized, they become harm
ful to both him and to his employer—in this
case, the A&M College of Texas.
Editor George Carmack of the Press told
us Friday that his paper had no quarrel with
Dr. Harrington or with A&M. Perhaps we
should have asked if the Press had it “in for”
Stiteler or if someone in Houston did.
That, to us, seems the only logical ex
planation for the Press’ continuous cam
paign smearing the coach.
The stories printed in the Press have
become damaging to the school, we believe,
in spite of Carmack’s telling us that “he
didn’t see how they were hurting us.”
“If you’ve got facts, let’s have ’em,” Pres
ident Harrington demanded of the Press.
We wholeheartedly agree with the pres
ident, and extend to him a editorial hand
shake for taking such a firm stand.
There are many ways in ivhich
people try to have their cake and
eat it, too.
Our Divorce Laws,
A National Disgrace
DOLE OF THUMB for the 1951 newspaper
'editor-any time you have some extra y ou Cheat Yourself
space and need a funny filler, just run the
details of any new California divorce case.
People always get a kick out of the old fa
vorite California game: “I-have-a-sillier-
reason-for-a-divorce-than-you-do! ”
Look what was in the paper last Thurs
day—R. J. Bemrose testified that his house
went to the dogs. He explained that his wife
closed her pet shop and brought fifteen Shi-
huahuas home to live. He said that consti
tuted cruelty. He got the divorce.
Ain’t that a scream!
No Refrigeration Causes Loss
(Continued from Page 1) ways. One wife complained that her One girl said “I’ll feel inclined
kitchen screen was unlocked and to murder the next person who tells
ing and before dark?” Mrs. Swen- gj^ enc j e( i U p w jth a dozen eggs me it’s romantic to eat by candle-
ey, from Pennsylvania, said they anc j two quarts of milk scrambled light. And believe me, it’s no fuj
had power-failures up north, but
they “never lasted this long.” She
said it would take her at least a
month to catch up on her work.
Everywhere milk and eggs and
bacon and baby bottles sat in the
kitchen windows or in the hall-
on the ice outside. Another said
she bought her weeks’ supply of
meats on Wednesday, threw every
thing away on Friday.
Four Boys—No Washing
Mrs. F. W. (Louise) Welch who
has four sons, Ray Wayne, 10; Jim
my, 7; Ronnie, 5; and Robbie, 3
week-end company when we called
Saturday, had figured out a uni
que way to preserve her food.
Her husband had nailed a big
box outside the kitchen window
and the sub-freezing weather had
done the rest, Mrs. Welch’s big
headache was not being able to
Mrs. Earle (Merle) Horn
having washing troubles, too
“See those,” she said pointing to
a line in the house. I washed them
to cook by candlelight.
One student had a unique gripe.
He had been in bed with a cold for
two days, claimed the cold had set
tled in his eyes because he tried
to study by flashlight.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wahrmund be
lieve they are the only students in
College View with a striped bur-
oom. They
House, Senate . a —*
Debate Status
Of 18-year Olds
Students Neglect
MSC ‘Education’
Washington, Feb. 19 —
(AP)—A stiff fight in both
Senate and House appeared
certain today against lower- Hondayand they froze.' I took the
ing the draft age to cover all hammer and beat the ice off. Then
18-year-olds and extending the they were nearly dry and it start-
length of military service for mil- ed raining. Now, five days later,
lions of men.
But leaders say they expect
eventual approval.
A permanent long-term compul
sory military training and service
bill was approved last week by the
Senate Armed Services Committee
13 to 0.
they’re still wet!”
Most students said their profes
sors kept right on giving quizzes
and assigning written work. Some
went to the library to study and a
had just moved into their apart
ment and were painting when tfcfc
lights went out. BUI finished the
job by candlelight.
Baby Must Eat
Probably hardest hit were par-
ents with new babies, for tiny
tots are no respecters of modern
' waS inventions.
Mrs. Charles (Frances) McMul
len said she had to get up with
three-weeks old Suzanne several
times every night and feed the
baby by candlelight. She also
pointed to a stack of dirty diapers.
One night that the electricity was
off she typed and her husband
studied by candlelight.
Mrs. Ray (Lena) Smart was con
cerned over her candle shortage on
Saturday. She has a six-weeks old
son who also demands night atten-
few went to the MSC. One student bon.
It contained some modifica
tions of the broad powers origin
ally asked by Secretary of De
fense Marshall and top Pentagon
Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of the
House Armed Services Committee
has been holding closed-door ses-
said he would have gone to school
to study, but his wife was afraid
to stay by herself in the dark.
Those who could find them
studied by kerosene light or lan
tern, but by Friday most of the
stores were out of these items.
Most of them were out of candles,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Fulton found
study problems the worst. On Fri-
Mrs. Larry (Rose) Goats apolo- ■
gized for her house. She is the*
mother of five months old twins
and said that she cares for them
in the daytime and does her house
work at night. “With the electricity
off, no housework got done,” she
No Candle Power
College Station and
stores reported a run on
B r yyi n
Ever see more stupid animals than sheep or chickens? ^ ^iSte S Tiffi C cJtT'^ettlg
Take, for example, eating habits of the two creatures. Throw House members to go along with
grain or scraps to chickens and watch them run all over the Senate modifications.
and admit vrmr innprnpntinn and themselves trying to get at it. Senator Morse (R-Ore) said he , , , „ .
Or spread feed for a flock of sheep. They’ll crowd ® real fight on the They had borrowed the lamp from the caiMIr stocks W(WC (lepletod
i r - j, ,, / i Senate floor for many changes in one of his instructors. noon Ihursdav. At Black s s
around you and follow you as you empty your sacks or the committec approved bill ‘ ‘
Uc~ friiplr Tn fEa nmnoac fVintr fy’avrmln half and oqpE , . .
We are just rubber stamping
day night he sat up until 12 o’clock flashlights, batteries, lamps and
working on a theme by lamplight, lanterns. At Madelcy’s Pharmacy
Yes, stupidity. How else can you ae- truck. In the process they trample half of the feed and each
scribe a nation that laughs at such national other, too.
hypocrisy? For the past 25 years we’ve And then notice the occasional sheep or chicken who stands on
j j r - „ , , „ the outskirts to watch, then nonchalantly moves over to devour some
been laughing and doing nothing about a of the by-past grain or feed. These few-thoughful ones ai’e usually the
Wedding scene, as described by the
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Independent:
“An arbor of noses, lilies of the val
ley and fern was centered by a
silver bell and placed over two bell
shaped cake.”
problem that daily brings untold mental
grief to hundreds of people.
We like to say that the United States is
a Christian nation. Yeah, Christian. Is it
Christian to attempt to force our people to
live under laws handed down from the dark
ages and implemented by Victorian hypoc
In New York state, the only permissable
reason for divorce is proven adultery. Its
biggest contribution—a new business for
women. They pose with men, in the proper
healthy ones—but their number is always small.
Have you ever seen human beings follow a similar behavior pat
tern? Doubtless you have. You can find examples all around you.
As a specific example, though, look at our own
Memorial Student Center. Check the people whom it bene
fits and then decide who gets the most benefits. Here, too,
the best goes to the thoughtful ones who hold back from
the greedy rush.
By that I mean that the magnificent two-million stracture offers
more to each of us than we can see while rushing blindly for a “free-
what the Pentagon sent up here,”
Morse said.
He referred to minimum enlist
ment periods in the bill of three
years in the Army and four years
in the Air Force, Marines and
Mr. and Mrs. John Gary were
about to leave for Houston when
the lights came on Saturday so
that he could get some work done.
John is an architecture student and
said: “You just don’t do drafting
by candlelight.”
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lester said
they hadn’t suffered too much ex-
How many complaints have you
heard that the MSC shows favorit
ism to certain groups? The com-
plainers would be rudely awakened
if they cared to check and find out
setting, so a photographer can snap a shut- how “certain groups” rated special
ter to provide the necessary “proof.”
Our divorce laws are an indictment, a
disgrace, and a condemnation of the church,
the American people, and their federal leg
given special consideration.
That leads usi to an appalling
realizatiion — the realization of
just how few people actually
know what the MSC has to offer.
Almost every student can quote
the external benefits, can point to
j . . jj
older was placed for additional
candles as soon as the electric
power failed. The original supply,
and all the extras were sold, and
a spokesman there said: “We could
have sold many, many more.”
The MSC gift shop, which or
dinarily does not stock candles, had
a supply which were intended for
Morse contended this takes ad-V C ept that they got tallow on all This^nJI
their furniture from burning cand- JaTdepleted too P
les. They were one of the few cou- T ‘ ’ ' . , ,
pies who said they had parties. In B p a ' 1 ’ s f; !ral sto, ' e . s re P ort ^
They played cards two nights by * heir stocks ? f kerosene lamps and
candlelight, and went out to the
show the other night of the black
out. Jimmy said his, schoolwork
didn’t suffer because his classes
weren’t held. “I had classes in the
shacks and these were without
lights and heat,” he said.
vantage of boys enlisting “to avoid their furniture from burning cand-
being drafted as land soldiers.”
“We should put a 30-month lim
it on all these enlistments,” Morse
continued. “And each service should
have a ceiling upon enlistments
and be required to take a certain
number of draftees.”
Morse said he also expected con
siderable Senate support for these
proposed amendments:
These groups have* earned what such things as the Craft Shop or
they received by bothering to find
out what the Center has to offer
and how to get the most from it.
They didn’t rush up to beat down
the doors and asked that they be
The World in Words
‘Same Old Communists Propaganda'
W7HAT PEOPLE, are saying:
** Joe Stalin, Russian kingpin
who is up for “re-election”—A
third world war is not inevitable at
this time.”
Sen. Hickenlooper (R-Iowa), on
Stalin’s assertion that Russia is
demobilized—“Just the same old
Communist malarkey and propa
Premier Marshal Tito of Yugo
slavia, speaking to his elite guard
troops—'“We will not seek arms
from the West until an attack is
made (by Russia).”
Herbert Hoover, former U. S.
president, in refusing to appear be
fore a joint hearing of Senate
committees on the “troops-to-Eu-
rope” debate—” before I can be
of help to the committees, some
further action by them is neces
Harold Stassen, president of the
University of Pennsylvania, in
backing Eisenhower’s proposed Eu
ropean policy—“a timid retreat
ing attitude toward Western Eu-
ica of the ruthless Communist
Tommy Manville, eight - time
bridegroom in his 57 years, speak
ing of his most recent separation—
“I am exhausted. I am tired. Five
years has been a long time.” He
and British-born Georgina Camp
bell Manville, 32, have been mar
ried five years.
Larry Atkins, 18-year-old fresh
man college student, upon being
sentenced to four and one-half
rope would abdicate world leader- years in prison for violating the Se-
ship.” The world must have leader- lective Service Act-“If all the peo-
ship, he said, “either from Amer- pie who oppose war, who hate war,
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
"Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
would refuse to fight, then there
would be no war.”
Sam Rayburn, now claimant to
the title of House Speaker longer
than any other man in history, to
the American Retail Federation
concerning costs of defense—“It’s
going to cost some people a lot of
money, but I believe they are will
ing to pay.”
Jimmy Demaret, ace golfer who,
with others, is in hot water with
the PGA for playing the Mexican
National Open—“I’ll sue the PGA
for everything they’ve got” if he
and other U. S. players are sus
pended “It’s a pity this PGA
squabble is imperiling the friend
ly relations between Mexican and
U. S. golfers.”
the Starlite Terrace. But what
about this “social-educational” bus
We would have a superficial
structure, indeed, if it did not offer
more than a place for relaxation.
That’s what a student-wife was
pointing to when she complained to
me the other day that the MSC
was the biggest waste of money
she had ever seen. She sneered at
the beautifully upholstered furni
ture and asked, “What good is
something like that when the extra
money could have gone for better
classroom facilities?”
My answer was that the beau
tiful furniture and the rest of the
luxurious building potentially of
fered more than any class-room
on this campus.
But you might ask, “More what?
More relaxation and amusement ? ”
No. The building potentially offers
more education—and a more val
uable kind of education than can
be found in any class-room.
You’ll notice I say “potentially.”
The true value of the MSC is a
hard concept to explain. It embod
ies such intangibles as a “spirit”
and an “education for living.”
These deeper and truer values are
of the kind that can’t be doled out
to every student.
These intangibles are the bene
fits for which each student must
work. The more students that rec
ognize and seek them, the more of
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published
five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms, The Battalion is published
four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are
Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms,
and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscription rates $6.00 per year
or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, Goodwin
Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209,
Goodwin Hall.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches cred
ited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein.
Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
President Harry Truman, upon
seeing the Amy’s finest weapons
at work at the Aberdeen Proving
Ground in Maryland—“We are put- ^ ^ „
ting forth all these efforts for that • w iu become available,
peace and not with any idea of de
stroying any other nation or any
other government.”
Sen. John W. Bricker, (R-Ohio),
1944 vice-presidential nominee who
is a frequent administration critic,
in Albuquerque, N. M.—“Instead
Entered as second-class matter at Post
Office at College Station, Texas, under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Eepresented nationally by National Ad
vertising Service Inc., at New York City,
Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
John Whitmore, Dean Reed Managing Editors
Andy Anderson, Bob Hughson Campus Editors
Ralph Gorman Sports Editor
Fred Walker Associate Sports Editor
Joel Austin City Editor
John Whitmore ..
(Today's Issue
Managing Editor
Bob Hughson
Campus News Editor
Ralph Gorman
Sports News Editor
Allen Pengelly ....
City News Editor
T. M.’Fontaine, Carter Phillips Editorialists
Allen Pengelly Assistant City Editor
Leon McClellan, Norman Blahuta, Jack Fontaine,
Ed Holder. Bryan Spencer, John Tapley, Bob
Venable, Bill Streich, George Charlton, Bob
Selleck, Dale Walston, Bee Landrum, Frank
Davis, Phil Snyder, Art Giese, Christy Orth,
James Fuller, Leo Wallace, W. H. Dickens,
Fig Newton. Jce Price, Pat Hermann, Ed
Holder, Wesley MAsea ."News aid Feature Staff
Dick Kelly.. Qlub Publicity Co-ordiaator
of subsidizing and promoting soc
ialism and planned economics, the
State Department should be teach
ing the virtues of capitalism and
free enterprise.”
Dean Acheson, Secretary of
State, while appearing before a
Senate committee investigating
“troops for Europe”—“It might
mean suicide for all of us” if the
U. S. held back troop support un
til after an attack on Europe.”
Mrs. Dorothy Stevens, believed
to be the first person to survive
a body temperature of 64 degrees
and who caused quite a - stir in
medical circles last week—“I want
to go to some nice, small town—•
where it’s warm.”
Vivian Carter, 29-year-old pretty
blonde manicurist whose sight has
just been restored by a delicate
operation—‘‘I’m so terribly grate
ful. Everything is so new, so intri
guing.” She has been virtually
A specific example of one of
these intangibles is to be found in
such a little-known thing as the
MSC House Committee. Few stu
dents know what the organization
is. Apparently, few care what it
is. Briefly, the House Committee
is a group which serves as a plan
ning committee for receptions, par
ties, and other social functions.
If the local tennis team, for in
stance, should want to hold a re
ception in the MSO for a visiting
team, they need only contact the
House Committee. The members of
The reduction of the present
minimum induction age of 19 by
only six months to youths IS'/a
years old, instead of 18 allowed
in the Senate bill., , (V .,,
Retention of the present 21
months of required service by
draftees instead of the 24-month
minimum allowed by the Senate
bill. The Pentagon had asked a
minimum of 27 months.
A limit of 18 months upon re
quired service of World War IJ
veterans who have been or will
be called back to active duty as
National Guardsmen or Reser
Morse lost his battle within the
Senate Armed Services Committee
on each of these and several other
points by a wide margin. He then
voted to send the bill on to the
“I expect more support there,”
he said. “But if I have to vote for
this lousy bill—if it’s the best I
can get—I’ll vote for it. We have to
have some kind of a manpower
Reports from the House Commit
tee indicate there are members un
willing to go as far as the Senate
bill on opening inductions of 18-
—Features Start—
1:48 - 3:51 - 5:54 - 7:57 - 10:00
James: Virqima &ms
The West
Point Story
Stories of the
West’s Most
Desperate Outlaws!
lanterns depleted.
None of the college authorities
Were available Monday morning
for comment on the power failure,
“The Great
Jewel Robber”
“50 Years Before
Your Eyes” f
Directed b» JteSSSsd&S
HENRY KOSTtt • F.ate.d t, SOL C. SILGLl
— Plus —
Second Feature
Arms and the Man
By At Capp
Vivian Castleberry .Women’s Editor Winr] cinpp vTio was a rhilrl
Jimmy Ashlock, Joe Blanchette, Ray Holbrook, mma Slnce Sne was a cn!la -
Chuck Neighbors, Joe Hollis, Pat LeBlanc,
Dowell Peterson sports News Staff
Curtis Edwards...- ...Church News Editor
Roger Coslett Pipe Smoking Contest Manager
Tom Fantaine, Johnny Lancaster, Joe Gray,
Charles McCullough..... Photo Engravers
Sid Abernathy. Make-ijp Editor
Varrey Fssdsjsek.--.,..— Advertising Manager
In the Xavier Cugat divorce case,
singer Abbie Lane’s lawyer says
it’s wrong to call her a co-respon
dent—“She’s at best a competitor,”
said the attorney, S. S. Hahn, “We
ara not sure LIrs. Cugat was legal-
Russell Bageas, Bob Haynie Advertising Representatives ly married to Mr. Cugat.”
i,, ,-|ii( inniWES*