The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1951, Image 1

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v\ B* , ,
Circulated to
^' More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
What About
MSC ‘Education?’
See Column, Page Two
Number 95: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Aggie Album Premiere
Set For Guion Tonight
Songs of A&M
Anothor world premiere will
unfold tonight in Guion Hall. Al
though its not another “We’ve
Never Been Licked,” it is the
public unveiling of the Aggie rec
ord album, The Songs of Texas
The authors of the school songs,
the Singing Cadets, the Aggie
Band and the Aggieland Orches
tra will be on hand as the public
first hears the new recordings.
Songs of Texas A&M is a pre
sentation of four Aggie songs,
Two Candidates
File Intentions
For City Office
, Two residents of College
Station have submitted their
intentions to run for the posi
tion of City Councilman in the
, coming municipal election.
The two men, both in the race
to represent the citizens of Ward
One, are W. H. Badgett, and J.
W. O’Brien.
Badgeet, 44, a resident of Col
lege Station for 22 years, is now
in his second term as City Council-
* man is running for re-election.
O’Brien has been a resident of
College Station since Sept. 1947
and is the owner of the O’Brien
. Construction Co. He is 33 years
of age.
Both candidates served in the
armed forces during World War
II—Badgett was with the Army
while O’Brien served with the Air
Mayor Ernest Langford issued
the notice that the deadline for
filing application for office is
March fifth as 5 p. m. “All aplrli-
iations must be submitted to the
City Manager prior to 5 p. m. in
, order for the name to be entered
on the ballpt,” said Langford.
To file for office, one must be
a resident of the Ward for whose
council post he wishes to run,
must be of legal age, may be of
either sex, and does not have to
be a property owner.
The Ward one area includes
f Oak Wood addition, College Park,
and West Park addition. Ward
' two includes the College Hills sec
tion east of Highway six and
f south of farm i-oad 60. The rest
of the City, including the campus,
* is in Ward three.
Students to Attend
Citizenship Meet
Four A&M students have been
chosen to attend a Christian Citi
zenship Seminar to be held in
Washington, D. C. and Lake Suc
cess, N. Y. the week of Feb. 26 to
March 1.
Chosen to represent the college
are Dale Walston, Nat Kenny, J.
Hugh Winn, and Kenneth Baker.
With the students will be the Rev.
and Mrs. Robert C. Sneed. Only
fifty delegates from the entire
nation will attend the conference.
Cooperating in their sponsorship
of the seminar are the Departments
of Student Work of the Board of
Missions and of the Board of Ed
ucation of the Methodist Church.
Activities of the seminar will in
clude group and personal inter
views with senators and congress
men, visits to foreign embassies, a
review of social legislation and civ
il rights and liberties, and an op
portunity to meet the State De
The delegates will also attend
U. N. sessions, a conference with
representatives of UNESCO, meet
ings with representatives from UN
delegations, and have other oppor
tunities to observe the processes of
world and national government.
Employee’s Dinner
Set for Feb. 23
The February meeting of the
Employees Dinner Club, which will
commemorate George Washington’s
Birthday, will be held Friday Feb.
23 at 7:30 p. m. in the Memorial
Student Center.
Dancing will follow the dinner.
Although the monthly dinner is
customarily held on the third
Thursday, it has been shifted to
the fourth Friday so that em
ployees could have an opportunity
to participate in Religious Empha
sis Week activities, Bennie Zinn,
chairman of the dinner said this
Tickets for the d i n n e r are
available at the main desk of the
MSC and must be purchased be
fore noon Thursday Feb. 22 to as
sure reservation, Zinn continued.
“The Aggie War Hymn,” “Twelfth
Man,” “The Spirit of Aggieland,”
and “Silver Taps,” on records, done
by Recorded Publications Company
of New Jersey.
Students and staff members will
hear these presentations for the
first time before they are released
for distribution.
Student Produced
Alan Waldie and David Haines
are student co-producers of the
show. The records were recorded by
The Singing Cadets and the Ag
gieland Orchestra under the direc
tion of Bill Turner, and by the
Aggieland Band under the direc
tion of Lt. Col. E. V. Adams.
The cover for the album, showing
the academic building and the
A&M seal in white on a maroon
background, was done by Bob Cul
len of the A&M Press.
In addition to the first hearing
of the records, the three recording
musical groups will present a con
Writers Present
On stage for the occasion will
be the writers of three of the
songs, Pinky Wilson who wrote,
“Aggie War Hymn,” Mrs. Ford
(Lil) Munnerlyn who penned “The
Twelfth Man,” and Col. R. J. Dunn,
USA Ret., who composed the music
and first released the song, “The
Spirit of Aggieland.”
Each of the writers will tell the
story behind the writing of their
“The entire program will last
about an hour and a half,” Waldie
said. “No admission will be
Col. Dunn, who now makes his
home in College Station and keeps
up his music interests by directing
the Consolidated High School band,
told the story of “The Spirit of
“The words,” Col. Dunn said,
“were first written by Marvin H.
Mims, in the summer of 1925.”
Mims, the story goes, was at
Four Volunteers
Accepted by Army
Four local volunteer-reservists
were accepted for active duty,
in the Army, announced Capt. M.
B. Finlay, ORC Unit Instructor,
The men, all members of the
Reserve 325 Armored Field Artil
lery Battalion, are 1st • Lt. Billy
R. Wright and M/Sgt. Richard
H. Magers of College Station, and
Capt. Marion T. Steenson and SFC
Dallas R. Andrews are of Bryan.
Lt. Wright received orders to
report to Ft. Sill, Okla. and Capt.
Steenson to Camp Chaffee, Ark.
in March. M/Sgt. Magers and
SFC Andrews reported to Ft. Bliss
and Fort Sill respectively.
Other local men, who have also
volunteered for the current mobil-
ibation have not received their ac
ceptance notices, Capt. Finlay said.
home on vacation in Marlin just
previous to entering his senior
year at A&M. He had been thinking
a lot about his last year here, and
one day he sat down and wrote
the original words to “The Spirit
of Aggieland.” The song started
“Some may boast of white and
of a school they love so well..”
When he had finished with the
words, he sent them to Col. Dunn,
then director of the Aggie band.
Col. Dunn took the words, changed
them in a few places, and set them
to music in 6-8 time. It took him
four days to write the music.
Tempo Changed
Three weeks later the song was
introduced by the Aggie band for
the first time on College Night.
It was an immediate hit.
A short time later Col. Dunn
changed the music to four-four
time, its present tempo.
Mrs. Munnerlyn, Col. Dunn, Col.
Adams, Turner and Wilson will be
on stage after the show tonight to
autograph albums for first-night
During the show Mrs. Munner
lyn, many years of Bryan and now
of Houston, will play another
song written by Col. Dunn, but
never released. Its title is “There
Shall Be No Regrets.”
The record collection and album are illustrated
with scenes taken on the campus and smaller
pictures of the Aggie Band, Aggieland Orchestra,
and the Singing Cadets.
Reid Fills New Job
For Oceanography
Robert 0. Reid has joined the
staff of the Department of Ocean
ography as an assistant professor
of Physical and Meterological
Oceanography, Dr. Dale F. Leip-
per, head of the department an
nounced today.
In addition to teaching courses in
Theory of Ocean Waves and Theo
retical Physical Oceanography,
Reeid is assisting in research work,
Dr. Leipper continued.
The research in which Reid is
engaged is being conducted by the
A&M Research Foundation for the
United Gas Pipe Line Co. and the
U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office
and the Office of Naval Research.
L o vinggood Na med
Soph Sweetheart
Mrs. Ford Munnerlyn, author of “The Twelfth Man,” will play
her arrangement of the school song.
Former PMS&T
Raised to General
Guy S. Meloy, Jr., former A&M
commandant and PMS&T from
1945 to 1948 has been promoted
from colonel to brigadier general.
General Meloy has just arrived
in Washington from Korea where
he was wounded in July, 1950.
John J. Binns, who served at
A&M as captain, 1932-36, was at
the same time promoted to brig
adier general, comptroller depart
ment of the Army for Germany.
Another officer who served at
A&M is Guy H. Goddard, who was
promoted to full colonel.
Pinky Wilson
“War Hymn”
Negotiations Opened Again
For Korean Peace with Reds
United Nations, N. Y., Feb. 19—
(A 3 )—New efforts to negotiate a
Korean peace with Communist Chi
na get under way at the United
Nations today.
Assembly President Nasrollah
Last Friday, however, one sec
tion of Prime Minister Stalin’s
Foreign Policy statement gave the
committee a new, but highly quali
fied, hope.
This was the so-called “big if”
Entezam of Iran has summoned the where he indicated the Communist
so-called good-offices committee to world did not believe the West had
meet in his skyscraper office at finally rejected Peiping’s terms,
headquarters here to make a start Stalin said:
on the task. “If Britain and the United States
The group—whose other mem- reject finally the proposal made
bers are Sven Grafstrom of Swe- by the people’s government of Chi-
den and Luis Padilla Nervo of na, the war can only end in defeat
Mexico—was set up by the Ameri- of the interventionists.”
can resolution branding Red China Although the U. N. majority is
an aggressor in Korea. deetrmined to negotiate only on an
Russian spokesmen said then honorable, no-appeasement basis,
that the committee’s task was the committee will scrutinize the
hopeless since the labelling of Pei- Stalin statement closely to see if
ping as an aggressor had slammed it indicates that Peiping may be
the door on peace tries. willing to talk at all.
Aggie Players Set
Tryouts for Play
Tryouts for the forthcoming Ag
gie Player’s production on April
2-3, “Antigone” will be held to
night and Wednesday night in the
Music Hall, C. K. Esten, director
of the group said this morning.
The centuries old “Antigone”
will be presented in modern dia
logue and dress, with a simple and
classic setting.
Casting will be held for the
parts of four women and eight
men, Esten stated.
Geologists Re-set
Dr. Lousen’s Talk
A talk on “Gem Stones,” pre
viously slated with the Geology
Club for Tuesday, has been re
scheduled for Thursday, at 7:30
p. m. in the Petroleum Lecture
This change in date was neces-
sai’y to prevent conflict of the
meeting with the SMU basketball
Miss Lynne Lovinggood, senior
at Highland Park High School,
was crowned Sweetheart of the
Sophomore Class Saturday night at
the annual Sophomore Ball held in
the MSC.
Miss Lovinggood, escorted by
Bill Scott of E Field Artillery, won
out in the final competition from
Misses Barbara Ann Barnet, Jane
Holcombe, and Bonnie Jean Towler.
The winner received an engraved
sterling silver bracelet and the
three finalists each received a
The National Foundation for In
fantile Paralysis will receive a
check for $54.10 from the Class of
1953 as a result of the money
contributed at the dance. It was
voted previously that corsages
would be forsaken for the crippled
children’s benefit.
The Thing
Vieing for popularity at the Ball
were the Aggie Ramblers—com
posed of Roddy Peebles, Jimmy El
ler, and Albert Cusick—and a mys
terious black box entitled “The
The Ramblers pleased the audi
ence with their music and “The
Thing” scared the dancers by un-
expectingly exhibiting their re
flections. Several of the dancers
even became indignant when they
saw themselves in the mirror.
Decoration highlight of the
dance were the two solid ice heart
Dorm 8 Senator
Will Be Elected
Student Senate Elections will be
held for Student Senator for Dorm
8 Thursday, John Stuntz, election
committee chairman announced to
Filing will begin today and last
until Tuesday at 5 p. m. Applica
tions will be turned in to Student
Activity Offices, second floor of
Goodwin Hall.
Only men in Dorm 8 are eligible
to enter, Stuntz added.
shoped punch bowls. Hand carved
by class parliamentarian James
Upmore, the two 250 lbs. blocks of
ice were scooped out and filled
with punch. Inserted in the punch
were several cakes of dry ice which
caused the liquid to bubble and
smoke violently.
\Gene Earl Steed,, chairman of
the decorations committee, direct
ed the installation of the unusual
decorations. Because the theme for
the Ball was music,- each window
was adorned with a song title, cut
from carboard and sprinkled with
mica. Flanking the titles were mus
ical instruments and notes, con
structed of the same as the title.
Over the orchestra hung a seven
foot sign, “Let Me Call You Sweet
heart,” flanked with instruments
and notes. In the doorway stood a
seven foot silhouette of a sopho
more and his date dancing.
Tractor Class Held
For 4-H Leaders
A Tractor Maintenance School
for 4-H leaders was held on the
campus recently under the direc
tion of S. L. Neal, district exten
sion agent.
Forty people from 15 counties,
including county agents, 4-H club
leaders, farm machinery represen
tatives, and extension specialists,
registered Wednesday morning for
the two and one-half day course.
Registration followed a banquet
given Tuesday evening in the Mem
orial Student Center.
The purpose of the school was to
train 4-H leaders to carry out
the 4-H tractor maintenance pro
gram in their respective counties.
C. N. Hinkle, agricultural engin
eer for Standard Oil, Chicago, and
Ed Wickhorst, special representa
tive for Stanolind Oil and Gas Com
pany, Tulsa, Oklahoma, sponsor of
the tractor maintenance program
in the Southwest, assisted in con
ducting the school.
Allied Troops
Start Hunting
Shattered Reds
U. S. Eighth Army Headquarters, Korea, Feb. 19—UP)—
The Chinese Communist central front offensive was so badly
shattered at Chipyong Thursday that Allied patrols have had
“to reach out aggressively” to make contact for the past 36
hours, the U. S. Eighth Army commander said today.
Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway told a news conference
the stand of American and French troops at Chipyong was
a “magnificent performance” that broke the back of the
Chinese assault.
He added:
“Since then there has been a definite effort on the part
of the Chinese to disengage.
“For the last 36 hours we have had to reach out ag
gressively to get into contact with him (the enemy).”
The enemy, severly mauled in a five-day effort to smash
— ^through Allied lines, has pulled
Tfc •! "I r ' , 0- 1 ’ n il e aref i between
Possible boost
In Enrollment
Seen by Prexy
The college faces the possi
bility of a sharp enrollment
increase, said President M. T.
Harrington in a statement
made this weekend.
President Harrington bases this
on past experience and the fact
that there has been no sharp de
cline in enrollment during the cur
rent school year.
Registration for the Spring se
mester of this year, totalled 5,916.
On the last day of the previous
semester there were 6,271 em-olled.
Of this number 418 graduated,
leaving 5,853 eligible for return.
Some of these did not return, but
new registrations at the beginning
of this semester brought the total
to 63 more than this potential.
Mid-year graduations last year
totalled 619 while total enrollment
dropped 684 between the two se
mesters, the drop exceeding the
total graduated by 65 as compared
with a gain of 63 this year.
“At this time it is impossible to
determine accurately whether to
expect a decline or increase in our
enrollment in September,” Harring
ton said.
In the school year immediately
following Pearl Harbor we exper
ienced an increase of approximate
ly 22 percent. The same factors
which caused this increase could
easily bring about a similar sit
uation next year.
“The fact that A&M is equipped
and staffed to give military train
ing of the highest type and that
practically all of the ground for
ces, as well as the air force, are
represented in our ROTC organiza
tion,” Harrington explained.
“Some of the proposals for
drafting 18-year-olds would make
allowances for the military col
leges, of which A&M is one of the
eight in the nation, which would
greatly enhance this attraction. On
the other hand, it is conceivable
that an act could be passed which
would remove these differences en
“For the present, we can only
consider all possibilities and make
every effort to meet whatever sit
uation arises,” he comcluded.
Staff Men Named
Officers of TTA
Two A&M faculty members were
named officers of the Texas Turf
Association at the closing session
of the conference held Wednesday.
Dr. R. C. Potts, associate profes
sor of Agronomy, was elected to
the executive committee. J. R. Wat
son of the Agronomy department
was named secretary-treasurer.
Off 94 Hours
Pity the Poor Working Wife
When Electricity Goes Off
Battalion Women’s Editor
was no major housecleaning, be
cause the vacuums were electric-
powered, too.
At ten minutes of 5 p. m. Sat- Students studied by candlelight,
urday, the lights went on again in or by kerosene lamp, if they were
College View. They had been out fortunate enough to obtain these.
ing in her living room and to her
deep freeze when asked how the
power shortage had affected them
the worst:
“Luckily,” she said, “we didn’t
have much in our freezer, for
for 94 hours, since Wednesday at Their wives were late to work everything we had in ther spoiled.”
7 p. m. and they were late to classes be-
With the lights had gone the cause clocks were electric-powered
electricity that powered many of and for three mornings did not
the chores of the mechanized age. ring.
For most of the 466 families liv- No refrigeration _ Worst Gripe
mg in College View there was no
ironing, no refrigeration, no sew-
Mrs. Bud (Jeannette) Sweney
glanced at her eleven-foot refrig
erator. “It was full,” she said,
“and everything went out in the
garbage pail.”
“Have you ever,” Mrs. Sweney
Everybody was concerned over wanted to know, “tried to bathe
mg and only hand-washing and the lack of refrigeration. Near- and dress three children, get them
simple cooking. ly all the families lost food. fed and the dishes done, after they
Electric grills, waffle irons and Mrs. Charles (Jean) Lienweber get home from school in the even-
1 food mixers refused to work. There pointed to a string of diapers hang- (See NO, Page 2)
the west coast and Wonju in the
rugged central sector.
Ridgway said a magnificent
stand by American and French
forces at Chipyong Thursday broke
the back of the Red drive. The
Chinese were hit so hard, he add
ed, that his patrols have been un
able to make contact for 36 hours.
Sign of Fight
Only in the area north of Che
chen, 20 miles southeast of Wonju,
was there any sign of a fight.
An estimated 3,000 Korean Reds
made light attacks along a 10-mile
front but these were repulsed.
Ridgway, commander of the
Eighth Army ,told a news con
ference that although the Chinese
have been beaten south of Parallel
38 they have enough massed man
power to prevent an allied crossing
of the old north-south boundary.
“I have not given the 38th Par
allel a thought,” said Ridgway. “As
far as I am concerned it has na
Parallel 38 was designated as a
temporary dividing line for occu
pation purposes after World War
II. A United Nations’ commission
on Korea was refused permission
by the Russians to enter Soviet
puppet North Korea to conduct
elections for establishing a unified
Hold Elections
The commission held elections in
the south and left vacant assembly
seats for North Korean represen
tatives. But the Russians’ puppet
regime in Yyongyang claimed ju
risdiction over all Korea.
The 38th Parallel recently be
came a touchy political question.
Prime Minister Clement Attlee
of Great Britain said the United
Nations should reconsider the ques
tion before allied forces cross the
President Truman said General
MacArthur still had authority to
send U. N. troops across 38 if it
was militarily advisable.
Lynne Lovinggood
. . . of the Sophomore Class of
1953 is Miss Lynne Lovinggood,
a Highland Park High School
Senior. Escorted by Bill Scott
of E Field Artillery, Miss Lov
inggood was named Horn four
finalists previously selected.
(Photo by Malinary)