The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1951, Image 1

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    Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
Number 94: Volume 51
The Battalion
For A Cure For
Communism, See Editorial
Page 2
Price Five Cents
Freak Weather
i<l imbhei
Mixing a winter wonderland and grotesquely
twisted trees Jack Frost wreaked havoc on the
campus during the Thursday night freeze. The
tree on the right split under the weight of the
Reds A ttempt Fla nking Move
Against UN Troops At Wongu
Tokyo, Feb. 16 — (#*> — Chinese
Reds put the squeeze on the East
ern flank of the allied central Ko
rean front today.
They struggled over some of
the highest ridges on the backbone
of the peninsula to apply reinforc
ed pressure to Chechen, 14 miles
southeast of the major road hub
st' Wonju.
A South Korean regiment was
ready for them at one point. There
the Chinese met stern resistance
10 miles north of Chechon. First
reports indicated more than 2,000
f Chinese were being held off.
# The flanking development came
after a chips-down battle at Chip-
yong, 20 air miles northwest of
e. Wonju. Allied reinforcements bol
stered the finger-in-the-dike force
** of Fiench and Americans at Chip-
yong that badly crippled three Chi
nese divisions in checking the main
Red push on the central front ear
lier this week.
To the east of Chipyong, an
American-Dutch force stood off
massing Red forces above Wonju.
Some of those Communists were
believed to have taken to the high
ridges in the southeast to threaten
Chechon. The Reds had no artil
lery support in their new threat.
Chinese Build-Up
But a menacing build-up of Chi-
}ese and Korean Red forces was
Reported in the hills and valleys
Ice, Winds
. Cross Wires;
A ll Black
* Winds coupled with freezing rain
caused electric wires at the North
(late to burn out leaving part of
the business establishments with
out lights through yesterday.
City authorities guessed the
damage was caused by two wires
rubbing together and shorting each
other out.
Five poles at College View and
nine secondary spans at the rail
road were down, according to J.
K. Walker of the B&CU Depart
ment. However, he continued, Col
lege Station was not as hard hit
as Bryan. Several days will be
required to make an accurate esti
mate of the loss, he said.
Between four and five hundred
phone line breaks in the Bryan-
College Station area were report
ed. Extra crews have been called,
. said E. II. Utzman, Division Man
ager of the Southwestern States
Telephone Co., in an attempt to get
the lines back into operation as
soon as possible.
The Caldwell exchange was com
pletely isolated, he added, but he
» expected to have some form of com
munication established by night.
He hopes to have all lines clear
"by.Saturday night.
I Seven minor accidents occurred
Wednesday in Bryan, only four of
which were serious enough to have
an accident report made.
No casualties had been reported
yesterday by either’ the Campus Se
curity or 1 the College Hospital.
above the central front—the area
beyond Chipyong and Wonju.
AP correspondent John Randolph
reported Eighth Army intelligence
estimated the Red strength at five
army corps.
A Chinese army corps consists
of three divisions, of from 6,000 to
10,000 men in each division. Hence,
up to 150,000 troops could be mass
ing for a new onslaught on the
central front.
Southeast of Chipyong, where
some 2,000 Reds had forged the
last link of a i*ing around the hill-
ringed town, British, Scottish and
Australian troops 2'an into a hog
fight and failed to reach Chip
However, tank - led American
troops got there Thursday night.
They were greeted by cheering
French and American doughboys
who had put up one of the gamest
battles of the war to whip supe
rior odds.
Littered between Chipyong and
Wonju were more than 20,000 ene
my casualties inflicted in four days
by the central front defenders and
the more than 1,000 sorties of al-
Horsley Addresses
Accounting Society
“Personality, appearance, and
ability to use good English count
more than grade points when ap
plying for a job,” said W. R.
Horsley, director of the Placement
Office, at the Tuesday night meet
ing of the Accounting Society.
Hoi'sley cautioned the accounting
students to maintain a sense of
humor throughout their careers
and not to grow sour or downcast
when things looked tough.
He said every newly hired col
lege graduate always comes to the
point where he thinks he isn’t get
ting enough pay for the job he is
performing. The solution to this
situation, Horsley said, is to con
tinue working hard and keep your
gripes to yourself.
He summed up his speech by
saying the first impression counts
the most and that when a student
is being interviewed for a job,
he should be dressed to fit the oc
casion and conduct himself in a
cori'ect manner.
lied planes against them Thursday.
Sporadic fighting was reported
on the central front Friday. Cor
respondent Randolph said during
the night allied troops heard the
Chinese digging in. Intelligence
reports indicated the battered Reds
w’ere regrouping.
Allied troops in the west still
held Port Inchon, Yongdungpo and
Kimpo airport in the Seoul area.
The ravaged South Korean capital
itself was under artillery fire fr<)m
U. N. guns south of the winding
Han River.
An unusual touch was added by
the Chinese between Seoul and
Chipyong. An estimated 1,000 Reds
charged down a hill west of Chip
yong, 300 of them carrying torches.
The self-lighted targets were
mowed down before they could
reach allied lines.
ri t.~ 4m rr i 9
Press Keeps 1 rue racts
to Themselves
Sweetheart Ball
Sophs Ri
Tomorrow, the Class of 1953 will
reign over the campus and the
MSC when the annual Sophomore
Sweetheai't Ball begins at 8:30 p.
Providing music for the evening
will be the Aggieland Orchest?'a
under the direction of Bill Turner,
with vocals by Tommy Butler. Dui--
the intermissions, a combo, com
posed of Roddy Peeples, Jimmy El
lers, and Albei't (Dutch) Cusick
will give out with some old fash
ioned dixieland, hillbilly, jazz, and
The highlight of the evening
will be the presentation of the
Class Sweetheart. From the list
judging Team
Rates Third
The A&M Junior livestock
judging team rated third in
a field of 16 college teams at
the recent Fort Worth live
stock show.
Iowa State College was first in
all classes of livestock judging,
w r hile Oklahoma A&M was second.
The Texas A&M team tied with
Iowa State College for high hon
ors in quarter horse judging, was
second to it m sheep judging, and
second to Oklahoma in swine judg
Five competing team meinbers
from A&M were Kelly Anderson,
Gale Brundrett, Tom Harris, Jack
ie Longbotham, and Max Word.
Gale Broundrett, of Refugio, was
edged out of top money in the
quarter horse judging and took
second honors in sheep and swine
judging. Tom Harris of San Angelo
was third in quarter horse judging.
Kelly Anderson of Pampa ranked
seventh in all classes among the
eighty boys competing. Tom Harris
ranked eighth in the entire con
test while Jackie Longbotham of
Snyder rated eleventh.
Dr. Elliott Concludes
Ninth Annual RE Week
With a sermon entitled “Why
Not Try God?” Dr. William M.
Elliott ended the ninth annual Re
ligious Emphasis Week services.
The Dallas pastor concluded this
year’s series of five talks in Guion
This morning’s service was un
der the direction of D. C. Edwards,
corps chaplain. The Singing Cadets,
under the direction of Bill Turner,
sang their famous arrangement of
“The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”
This was followed by a prayer by
Ken Wiggins, President of the
Wesleyan Foundation.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine
heart; and lean not unto thine
own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall di
rect thy paths,” Proverbs 3:5, 6,
was the basis of Dr. Elliott’s ser
“The titanic sin of this age is
the deification of man” he said.
He pointed that man is not tnist-
ing in God, but is trusting in him
self—in his own wisdom, strength,
ingenuity and cleverness.
Perishables Meet
Scheduled Feb. 20
The Loss Prevention in Perish
ables Conference will be held in
the Memorial Student Center be
ginning from 8 a. m. Tuesday to
5 p. m. Thursday, F. W. Hensel,
assistant director of the Placement
Office, said.
Sponsored by the Horticulture
Department and Department of
Plant Physiology and Pathology,
the confei’ence will begin with reg
istration from 6 until 8:30 p. m.
Monday, and from. 8 until 11 a. m.
Tuesday in the lobby of the MSC.
A banquet for the conference
will be held at 7 p. m. Tuesday in
the MSC for the estimated attend
ance of 100.
March 1 Deadline
For Degree Filing
Candidates for degrees, or pei’-
sons who plan to graduate at
the e2id of this semester should
make formal application now ac
cording to James Y. Alexandei’, as
sistant registrar.
Requirements for graduation be
sides completing the necessary
number of hours required are a
general overall grade point ratio
of 1.00, an average of 1.00 in the
major subject and a 1.00 grade
point ratio in all work taken at
Candidates should file for their
degree at window seven in the
registrar’s office in the Admin
istration Building with Mrs. G. B.
Austin and fill out the necessary
Second Installment
Several examples of man’s trust
in himself were named by Dr.
Elliott. “Man is trusting- in him
self, he said, when he is trusting ]\oW Payal)lc
in the state, in science, in military
might, in education, and in money
Present Plight
In explaining our present plight
with our trust in the above things,
Dr. Elliott quoted a poet of the
first world war period—“The world
is a kind of kindergarten where
millions of bewildered infants are
trying to spell G'od with the
wrong blocks.”
He then asked the question:
“Why ai-e men so loathe to try
God?”; and answered—“Because
modern man does not want to be
thought religious. He has a fear of
being thought pious.”
Pride was named as another rea
son by Dr. Elliott, for people not
trusting in God, as was the objec
tion raised by some people to
Answer to Marital Problems
In presenting God as the answer
to our marital problems, he said
“We need God in our home. The
reason why wed-lock so often be
comes dead-lock is because it
ineans the bringing together of
two self-centered people, each re
volving on a different axis.”
“God is the only solution, he con
tinued. As man and woman move
toward God they invariably move
toward one another.”
People also need to try God as
“individuals” he emphasized. “We
have tried alcohol, sexual promis
cuity, pleasure, money making- and
money spending. Why not try
He gave God as the answer to
unhappiness, to helplessness before
some injurious habit to insecurity
and fear, and to a life that ap-r
pears to be a muddle and a riddle.
“A full surrender to him, a gen
uine committment to his will and
way, will surely bring peace and
contentment, and the fullest devel
opment of your real self.”
of four young ladies selected as
finalists, one will emerge to re
ceive the crown and the usual
kiss from the class president,
O. C. (Putter) Jarvis.
The four finalists are Miss
Lynne Lovinggood from Dallas;
Miss Barbara Ann Barnes from
Houston; Miss Pat Holcombe from
Odessa; and Miss Bonnie Jean
Towler from Galena Park.
Their escorts, in the same order,
are Bill Scott, of E FA; Warner
A. “Tinky” Dunn of E Inf.; Jon
Parker of Inf,; and Henry Prochas-
ka of C AF.
No corsages will be given for
the dance. Instead, the money will
be donated to the March of Dimes.
A lai'ge container will be placed in
a convenient place at the dance for
all contributions.
“I urge everyone to think ser
iously, of the necessity of the
money and of the good it will do
to help children, before giving their
contributions,” says Jai-vis.
“Music” is the theme of the
dance and Gene Steed, chairman
of the decorations committee,
promises some interesting sights
for the dancers. “The introduc
tion of the original, authentic,
Thing is only one of the many
surprises to be unveiled at the
Ball,” says Gene.
James Upmore, class parliamen
tarian, is heading the refreshment
committee. “Something- new in
dance refreshments will also be
introduced at the dance,” promises
Representatives in the dorms are
Bill Willman, dorm one; Red Ash,
dorm two; Jimmy Ledlow, dorm
three; Bill Highsmith, dorm four;
Don Buchner, dorm five; Guy
Shown, dorm six; Wally Schlather,
dorm seven; Willie East, dorm
eight; James McGee, dorm nine;
Bill Thornton, dorm 10; Jerry Staf-
fel, dorm 11; and Don, Donaldson,
dorm 12. Pat Allesandra, of Pur-
year, has invitations for these stu
dents who do not live in the corps
Other committees which are
helping to produce the ’53 dance are
the guest committee, headed by
Pat LeBlanc; the sweetheart selec
tion committee, headed by Joe
Blanchette; program committe
headed by Jarvis; the band com
mittee, headed by Staffel; the pub
licity committee, headed by Allen
Fails to Reply to
Made by College
“Put up or shut up”—that’s what Pres
ident M. T. Harrington and Athletic Council
Chairman D. W. Williams told the Houston
Press and its staff writer, Jack Donahue,
The college officials demanded that the
Press release the true “facts” which they
claim to have on the “who-beat-up-Harry-
Stiteler” story.
The Press has frequently “headlined” the
Stiteler story since the A&M head coach was
beaten in Houston Dec. 15.
Harrington made his demands “in the in
terest of common decency.” He charged the
Press with “the attempted destruction of a
British Socialists
Stave-off Defeat
man’s reputation” and the “besmirching of
a college’s name.”
Vehemently denying the college was try
ing to “cover up” any facts in the affair,
Harrington said the Press had made few
statements of fact in its stories with “many
implications, damaging both to Mr. Stiteler
and to the college.”
Editors of the Houston Press had little
comment on the matter yesterday evening.
George Carmack, editor, said “We stand on
everything we have written. We have no
other comment to make.”
Vance Trimble, Press managing editor,
backed up his boss with the “no comment”
♦ phrase. Trimble added yesterday
that he hadn’t seen a copy of the
college’s statement and that A&M
had made no request of the Press.
Staff writer Donahue, who is as
sistant city editor of the Houston
evening daily, said “he knew who
hit Stiteler and had known foi- sev
eral days,” Athletic Council Chair-
* London, Feb. 16—<2P)—By a sui--, against the government. This time
prising 21-vote majority, the Brit- I they said displays of party differ-
ish Labor government last night I ences inci-eased the danger of war-.
Second installment totaling
$49.30 for Corps students are now
due says C. A. Roeber, auditor.
They should be paid before Feb.
20, in the Fiscal office in the Ad
ministration Building.
defeated the eighth Conservative
attempt in a year to drive it from
The parliamentary test came in
an attack on the $13,160,000,000
three-year rearmament plan.
In the 308 to 287 vote, labor kept
its ranks solid despite an earlier
threat by left wing Socialists to
bolt on the arms issue. Six Lib
erals also voted with the govern
ment majority.
The vote was on a motion of
censure introduced by Conservative
leader Winston Churchill, who
scathingly described Labor’s rear
mament effoi'ts as inept and in
On the last four censure motions
brought by the Conservative oppo
sition, the Liberal bloc voted
MSC Reschedules
Fish Reservations
Freshmen who made reservations
for rooms in the Memorial Student
Center for the Freshman Ball sche
duled for Feb. 4 and cancelled be
cause of bad weather, may be dis
appointed to find out they don’t
have reservations for the Ball re
scheduled for Feb. 24.
Because of previous commit
ments for rooms, soine of the re
servations could not be moved up
to accommodate the demand. Part
of these were transferred to the
Aggieland Inn, according to word
received from the MSC this morn
In fairnfess to men who made
reservations early, they were the
first choice for the advancement
of reservations.
The left-wing Laborites, who had
urged a go-slow policy on rear
mament for fear of enraging the
Russians and increasing world ten
sions, decided to stick with the
party rather than force a general
election that might put the Con
servatives into power.
Pasage of the opposition motion
would have forced Prime Minister
Attlee’s government to resi'gn, La
bor has hung to office by a narrow
majority since it was continued in
power a yea]' ago.
The 21-vote majority was the
second largest the Socialists have
obtained on a censure challenge
in the present House of Commons.
It surprised members on both sides
of the House, bringing a great
shout of “oh” mingled with Labor
Acid Debate
In the acid debate that preceded
the vote, wartime leader Churchill
attacked the Attlee regime for fail
ure to produce atomic bombs in
the post-war years. In the last
five yeai’s, he charged, Bi'itain,ac
tually has been “outstripped by the
Soviets” in the field of atomic ener
Attlee countered that Churchill
was “not producing any evidence
that, given the resources over here,
we could have done more than we
have done.”
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Hugh G'aitskell, outlining the
heavy cost of the rearmament pro
gram, warned Britons they will
have to get along with “less cloth
ing, fabrics, radios, domestic equip
ment, pottery and glass.” He hint
ed that income taxes will rise. The
basic income tax in Britain already
is 45 per cent.
‘No Reply’ - Press
Today’s editions of the Houston
Press pi'inted only the Unit e d
Press’ version of A&M’s demands
that the Press and its staff writer,
Jack Donahue, tell the “true facts”
—if they know them—of the Harry
Stiteler beating in Houston Dec.
Press Editor George Carmack
told The Battalion by telephone at
11 this morning that “we will have
no reply today concerning the de
mands made by President Harring
“I am not implying that we in
tend to reply later,” he said.
Carmack said Donahue was out
of town on an assignment which
did not concern the A&M story.
When asked if he still claimed
the Press knew who the Stiteler
attacker was, he replied:
“We have not maintained that
we do know.”
“We have no quarrel, with A&M
College or with. President Har
rington concerning the story. I
fail to see where the Press has
hui’t A&M College in its coverage
of the stoiy.”
“I served in the Army during the
last war with too many A&M men.
We would not disci’edit the college
in any way.”
Looking down from the Academic Building to
wards the West Gate is seen the large extent of
the damage to trees during the freeze. Note (he
split trunk on the tree to the left of Sully’s
man Williams said in the joint
I statement with Pi-esident Harring
“If Mi’. Donahue knows who at
tacked. Stiteler, it is time for him
to name the person and back up
his accusations with facts,” Wil
liams said.
Stiteler was beaten, he said, by
someone he “didn’t know” as he
was walking in f]’ont of the Sham
rock Hotel Dec. 15. He was to
attend a banquet in honor of him
and the 1950 football team.
The head coach has inade the
same statements several times
since then to papers in Houston
and other Texas newspapers.
Made No Statement
R a n g e r John J. Klevenhagen,
who was quoted by the Press Feb.
5 as saying “Stiteler was beaten . .
near Municipal Airpoi't . . . and
nowhere near the Shamrock” has
not made such a statement to A&M
officials, Harrington said.
Yestei'day Ranger Captain H. V.
Puiwis, head of the Houston of
fice of the Department of Public
Safety, told the Associated Press
he had no knowledge of Kleven
hagen making such a statement.
Business Students
Attend Sales Meet
Thi’ee business majors, Don
Joseph, David Robei’tson, and
G'len Cummings, attended a meet
ing of The Houston Sales Exe
cutive Club Feb. 13, honoring;
Houston salesmen.
Addressing an audience of 1,700,
H. B. (Doc) Sharer, Training di-
rector for Goodrich Rubber Co.,
spoke on, “What Makes a Star
Salesman a Star.”
Joseph was highly commended
for a speech made at the meeting,”
said Ernest R. Bulow, assistiint
professor of Business Administra
tion, who sponsored the trip.
Horace Perry, president of tha
club, and of The Besher Steel Co.
in Houston, expressed interest by
the club members in the installa
tion of a sales clinic at A&M this