The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1951, Image 2
In These Times, They’re a Menace Strikes Are Double-Barrelled ENOUGH TO MAKE A BOOT DIZZY'. The following - article is re printed from the Dallas Morn ing News, in its edition of Feb. 9. Written by ace newspaper man Peter Molyneaux, this ar ticle, we believe, will be of in terest to readers of The Battal ion. The Battalion editors are grateful to the News and to Mr. Molyneaux for their permission to reprint the column. By PETER MOLYNEAUX Reminds of Fascism this fact could iiltknately create among the people a condition of enraged frustration that might have surprising and regretable re sults. This public mood, dangerous as stant and enthusiastic public ap- saying that the striking switchmen L. Lewis was denying coal to the proval. “ought to be put in jail,” and draft- country, President Franklin D. The circumstance that there was them in the armed forces and Roosevelt told his press conference never a probability that the present assigning them to the jobs they left that “you can’t compel people to administration would go to ex- among the milder proposals for work.” tremes in dealing with the strike dealing with them. jje said that workers could not does not change the fact that the It has been suggested that the be forced back to their jobs at the public mood it has created is a Constitution be amended so as to point of a bayonet. A realization of dangerous one. Such a public mood modify the “involuntary servitude” in other countries has more than clause of the Thirteenth Amend- once impelled people to accept a ment, which is regarded as the dictatorship. principal legal safeguard of the right to strike. That such an amendment, has- Mussolini’s Fascists in Italy got tily drawn and adopted, might turn it is, has complete justification in "OESENTMENT AND indignation their first big boost in public favor out to be worse than the evil it the fact that not only did the •■•'•over the “sickness” strike of the when the Black Shirts seized a would seek to cure, by giving to strike result in paralysis of the in switchmen have reached such in- utility in the midst of a strike and the Federal Government power it dustrial system, but actually held tensity, and have spread so gen- operated it in defiance of the strik- ought not to possess, would not up needed supplies for our troops erally among the people, that any ei ’ s ail d when they proceeded to deter the people if the present pub- in Korea, thus giving aid and corn- action taken by the government to break up sit-down strikes by force, lie mood should persist long fort to the enemy, which is a trea- break it up, no matter how extreme During the past ten days, all enough. sonable act, punishable as a crime, and arbitrary, would receive in- over the country, people have been On a notable occasion, when John No group of men should possess the power to demoralize our econo mic life in this way, and some method must be devised to curb the exercise of such power. Whatever legislation can be enacted, without violating the Constitution, must be passed. Demoralizing Effect But people are asking also how Americans, otherwise law-abiding can bring themselves to participate in causing such demoralization in these critical times. “What are these switchmen thinking about,” some are asking, “to persist in such a course in the fact of its terrible consequences?” At least part of the answer to such questions is suggested by a Battalion Editorials Page 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1951 Attorney General Land War too Costly . . . l Principles of Islam Flex for Progress .HE MORE we read, the more we become convinced that to enter the field of Amer ican politics requires skin about two inches thick — to turn back the sharp thrusts of scurrilous attacks from all sides. And it re quires a good temper too. Former president Herbert Hoover seems to possess both. If we were in his shoes, we would prob ably be cussing, fighting mad. But Herbert Hoover just continues as the voice from the wilderness, giving good common sense ad vice to the American people. After his first major foreign policy speech, made about six weeks ago, Hoover was branded an isolationist by Truman, other Democrats, and even some Republicans. His advice was so twisted by interpreters that he seemed a doddering old man advising a reactionary ostrich-like foreign policy. In a speech made in New York last Fri day, Hoover re-stated, enlarged, and ex plained his former advice. And his speech was anything but old-fashioned. Hoover warned America not to engage in a land war with Russia. He said such a war “risks the loss of all civilizations”. Instead of a land army, Hoover proposed that America build up air and sea power and, consideration of'the This is the second in a series of that the peoples who were suffer- three articles written to give the ing from tyranny and suppression lower ■( nil • • , lay Christian some insight into the at the time of Islam welcomed - . , . ’ consideration of the crassly mater- workings of another great religion the Moslem armies to their coun- Since you were addressing the Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce,| it against ial doctrines that have gained wide- a ff ec ting millions of people—Mo- tries and opened their doors be- you couldn’t talk politics but you explained that “the mention of Eisen- Open Letter to Price Daniel By THOMAS M. FONTAINE M R. DANIEL, WE certainly wish we could have been in Nacogdoches last Thursday night to hear you speak. From what we’ve read, it must have been a humdinger. We liked some parts of your speech so much that we almost feel guilty for laughing at other parts. But under stand this, we’re not so much laughing at you as at the Texas ■ politics that forced you to make some of your statements. And our laughter iS tinged with sadness that usually intelli gent Texas people should be so bound with an old tradition that they force such hypocrisy from some of our smartest Texas statesmen. In your speech you urged Texans to lead a nationwide Eisenhower- for-president movement. You pointed out many of Ike’s outstanding attributes. You emphasized that wc must select “the type of man who keeps hisi thoughts on the welfare of future generations instead of future elections.” You’re right. That’s the type of man we’ve been yelling for. But then your traditional Democrat conscience prompted you nud you said, “President Truman is to be congratulated upon drafting him to this important post, (eastern defense commander), and the President and the people would serve our nation well by calling General Eisenhower to even higher service in 1952.” Truman’s Not That Noble Now, now, Mr. Daniel. Has our great President Truman* the common man, ever done anything to lead you to believe he would voluntarily step down and turn over the presidency to anyone? We wholeheartedly agree with you though when you say he “would serve our nation well” by taking such action. Later on you added that Eisenhower would accept the responsibility of being president if public demand is great enough “because hw record demonstrates that he will not shirk a nonpolitical call to duty.” if the Soviets attack Europe, pour It against ial doctrines that have gained wide- affecting millions of people—Mo- tries and opened Russia “until they have had enough.” ° ur Pe °' ha ™ d i in j s l n .: considcrinfi ' them as their howcr is not political talk ” The Presidency IS Politics TT . , t> . T pie during- recent years. Prepared by a graduate student liberators. Hoover said Premier Joseph Stalm S The very government which f rom Cairo, Egypt, the series will T u: s actually the case with greatest hope was to get US in a land war. £ey uno^Thfmt^ 0 ^ 8 Biit ' the Egyptian Christians. For they (Look at the statistics on relative manpower permeated with such doctrines. strengths, and you will realize how logical How < ; an workers be expected to • ? . respect an administration which that Statement it.) gained power by appealing to their By ABDEL M. LASHEEN A STRIKING' example of Islam equality between human beings is demonstrated by the following’ knew full well that the Moslems were not seeking the establish ment of freedom of faith, and the elimination of all restrictions and obstacles that stood in the way of the underdog, to conceive the real ities and listen to the voice of truth and to be enlightened by wisdom “Before we go off the deep end toward most selfish material interests ? another land war in Europe, let us remem- They’ve Been Told ber that we fought two such wars hoping to . Have not the workers been told th ,. t b t tl Pl het , in ever y political campaign since aurnentic sxoiy duour xne rropnex. and leason. bring peace and we have no peace. We iqo fi t w they should be e-overned Hearing Abu Zer A1 Khafan ad- should be prepared to make heavy sacrifices by the most selfish materialism in J e ® s ^ hl s servant, “0, thou son jL , i i r> 4. j ., casting their votes? Have they not , c? ’ , ie 1 1 opnet was ex ipke earlier Moslems (who were to help. But we should do it with common been should use asperated and remarked beware. ^ judges in the true mean- senSe, within our strength, with a long view their ballots to obtain personal the son of the white is no superior j ng . 0 f l s i am ) did not, therefore, ’ e> > o , . , , , _z to thft son of the b uck, exeunt m u..ju Left Governments Intact Mr. Daniel, we’d like to argue that point. It is politics. That, is, if we really want Ike for president. Look at (lie 1918 campaign. Mr. Thomas E. Dewey refused to get in the political fight. He sat quietly. And look what happened to him! If General Eisenhower is to win the presidential election in 1952, he must do some powerful “politicking.” He’ll be running against one of the most powerful politicians of our time. ike has only his reputation of intelligent thinking and planning; Harry S. has the powerful argument of dollars given out to strong political groups. Seriously now, Mr. Daniel, can you see any chance of Eisenhower’s running on any but the Republican ticket? The Democrats couldn’t get rid of Mr. Truman if they wanted to. (And evidently many of them would love to get rid of him.) But you see, the Democrats started the third term tradition and material benefits and group advan- ^ le s ° n ,^ 1 1 G black, except in ] )U ji ( | U p their armies with the in- to drop Harry now would admit that the little man from Missouri o tt .. i. .... -ji mpi.v n.rwl P’nnn rpp.ris. „.c i • ^ t? .* i 4,...... .../*/ Of history in mind,” said Hoover. ^‘iaTnot^vm-y other minor- piety and good deeds. “A land offensive against the Commun- ity group been ’told the same Equality for All ists could bring no military victory, no po- thl ^ ? f Then take the speech which he litical conclusion,” he continued. “If the political concept^ delivered following his last pil- Europeans are attacked we should be prfe- vote as a r aadtka ^ n ^ he'Sth^foundLtbns of thfein- pared and use such overwhelming air and ; s fl onefsn ’ n stitution that was to be followed to sustain the general welfare. b Moslems after him “0 e le” naval power to the limit and keep it up until If the switchmen regard the he procl^med, C “Your God^one they have enough. ... I believe that reserve, President of the United States as anc j y 0ur or igi n j s one) f or a u 0 f if large enough, is Europe’s real protection.” the^govmmmeld! to toim-atf aid you bclon £ to Adam, and Adam tention of conquest and expansion. For whatever country they con quered, they left without interfer ing with the government of the natives of that country; they left the inhabitants to manage their own affaii’s and if these embraced Islam, then they were free to do so through their own choice. and his Fair Deal have failed. Such an admittance, of course, would give the GOP an automatic victory. Although you might have tliought ■so from,' the preceding paragraphs, we’re not dyed-in-the-wool Repub licans any more than you are, Mr. Daniel. We are republicans. Notic’d the lower-case “r.” That makes a world of difference. Republic Defined Webster defines republic: a state in which the sovereign power resides in a certain body of the people (the electorate) and is exercised Ihese peoples would then come foy representatives elected by, and responsible to, them, uhder the jurisdiction of the Qu- ; Your actions indicate that you are a republican, too. was created of dust. The most ran’ and enjoy the same fights and | You have fought a noble battle for states rights. In both tho It’s Time to Get On the Ball. even to protect them in the course honorable among you is he who is have the same obligations as the Tidelands and the Sweatt case,* you were fighting against federail NE OF THE most serious shortcomings of the democratic form of government is that its actions proceed by leaps and bounds and tangents, not by the direct, efficient course they follow in a dictatorship. This inefficiency seems almost incurable because of the very working of a democracy. People influence legislation, and the very mass of public thinking possesses a great in ertia. Once the people have decided some thing must be done about a current prob lem, it is nearly impossible to influence them on another problem/ until the first one is solved. Most American legislators and ordinary citizens lack the facility for weighing and comparing the relative importance of future legislation. They sometimes fail to realize that the solution of several problems depend on simultaneous action. Right now, our government is terribly concerned with the armed services man power question. The House, the Senate, and the various committees seem willing to probe into all aspects of the case in order to come to a fair conclusion. they have followed, were they not most pious< An Aral) is no supc . assured of this from every pohtical rior t() a no n-Arab, nor a non stump in the country ? Arab to an Arab, nor a white lo Promotes Disrespect a colored man nor a colored man When the President of the Unit- 10 “ wWU ‘ ^ “T*? f" 5 '" law. Just as important in building a strong ^ tod” whic^heT'swom 1 ™ illlel eristsSongth?legacy's that fighting force is the solving of our domestic uphold and’ enforce, as a “slave ^ er ® established by man. Islam problems. But let’s not become completely preoc cupied with the technical aspects of the draft Moslems, as well as all the char acteristics of the Faithful such as helpfulness, kindness, compassion and benevolence. Principles are Flexible So regarding this aspect and indeed regarding many other as- labor law,” he thus promotes a dis! challenged the traditions and cus- pects the principles .of Islam are respect for all law and an attitude I 0 ™ 8 which had pi evaded m Ara- . J To be a good .fighter, a man must feel of contempt toward the officials 1 , ) ' a and uprooted them; it defied allow ^ that his family is adequately provided for. ^ enforcin rg the^law maintaining ' and cultures and shook them to by the nature of progress. When a man is asked to risk his life for his + And when he encodes tie idea ^e beS^X^^'ZE country, he must feel assured that his gov- that the citizen should use his prohibit slavery and remove dis . were left free to choose the form ernment is sensibly controlling prices and , a u L 3 tinction between man and man. of government they liked, they 1, , which means to use it selfishly to Another striking example of the were not allowed to change or rationing, that it IS fighting would-be war get some material benefit for him- effcct of the d / namic l i(5rces of Sfy the ethical and moral prin- profiteers, and that it is doing everything Islam is demonstrated by the fact ciples, so that they might not de viate from their path through usurpation of the sovereign poker of the people. Mr. Truman and his followers in the Democrat party have fought to strengthen the federal government to such an extent that it isf practically uncontrollable by the people. “Ike” Could Be Man We’re not yet sure just who will be the man to lead the United States government to republicanism. But wc like your argument for Eisenhower. “Eisenhower is a strong believer in local se/f-government. Only a year ago Eisenhower warned a congressional committee that the army of persons who urge greater and greater centralization of power in Washington are more dangerous to our country than any external) force which can be arrayed against us.” Those words of Eisenhower’s might just as easily have come from Thomas Jefferson, founder of the principles of the old Democratic party revered in the South. Watch Those Demo Ties! . workers a psychological condition possible to care for his family as he would out of which such acts at this strike rise naturally. if he weren’t in the service. Governmental horseplay at home, such as the wage and price freeze that didn’t freeze but has been unfrozen, create unneces sary worries for our fighting men. The time has arrived when our legisla- Invitation Orders Now Being Taken The Office of Student Activ ities has announced that orders Has Seed Taken Root? Someone has said that no nation is destroyed by armed invasion un less the '‘seed of its destruction has already taken root among its own citizens. It is to be feared that for graduation announcements are such seed already has taken deep now being taken, tors must begin a “police action” of their root among us when our workers Announcements arc obtainable in own. The hair-brained shennanigan's must regard a few cents an ^ m + °f thre ? The frer \ ch + f . old ^ . b . wages as more important than the available for nine cents, the card wait for another time; now we’re caught in intangible but fundamental prin- board cover for twenty-three cents, a life or death struggle and have no time for c ^P les which American boys are de- and the leather cover for fifty And let’s not put too much faith in the name Democratic I’arty, Mr. Daniel. Any history book will tell you that Jefferson—conceded by all to have been the leader in gaining the state’s rights articlesi won the office of president as the such foolishness. We’ve got to get down to the business of converting our country to an efficient war-against-Communism ma chine. fending in Korea. cents. wrong interpretation or through ignorance and caprice. These high morals and supreme in the United States Constitution- principles of Islam were the secret Republican candidate, of its being so widespread and so Here is a fact that all Americans, and especially Southerners^ deeply established. A mere glance should 1 realize—if a man with the beliefs of) Eisenhower is nominated at the map of the Moslem world as by the GOP in 1952, the name Republican will have returned to its it is today is evidence of the truth rightful place: the party that stresses the rights, responsibilities, and of this statement. power of the people. New Ambassador to Spain The Battalion Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman” Red Resistance Falls UN May Alter Plans New oYrk, Feb. 13—GP)—Amer ica’s first ambassador to Spain in five years, Stanton Griffis, makes the Horatio Alger hero a piker. In his 64 fully ventured into a reers. “We must try to overcome our emotionalism and adopt a prac tical attitude on the question.” , , The man who is going to try to years he has success- solvc that ation has aI1 sorts ^ ,r,f " dozcn ca - of background to backup his ef forts. Triffis has run one of the big movie companies, the coun- Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Ad vertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Washington, Feb. 13—WP)—Ene my weakness in Korea the last few days has forced a reassess ment of the American strategy aimed at an early end of the fight ing, if possible. From the point of view of the United States, as the nation exer cising the UN command in Korea, one of the basic military facts of the situation is that the massive Within the past two weeks high in the fight impossible. His views on his new job are o ^ ; summed up in a simple equation try’s best-known sports enterprise, set down in an interview as he a famous bookstore; been a foreign prepared for the trip to Madrid: trade negotiator; Red Cross com- “Spain needs our help; wc need missioner, and diplomat on delicate their help.” Then he adds: missions to Poland, Egypt and Ar- “Our viewpoint on Spain is very gentina. apt to be an emotional viewpoint, He first started attracting at- test and for his theme declared based on sympathies during the tention 40 years ago. Griffis was colleges had degenerated into mere Spanish revolution and religious born in Boston May 2, 1887, his social institutions. He won the prize, and newspaper fame from Griffis says the family “just had about enough to eat, and that’s all.” A few years after Stanton’s birth, the family moved to Ithaca, N. Y., and there he stayed until after graduation from Cornell in 1910. He earned his way editing the college daily. He was president, of his fra ternity, president of the Senior class honorary society, member of all important college social organizations. Then he entered an oratory con- intervention of the Chinese Com munists made a complete victory feeling, and our viewpoint toward father a congregational minister, CLAYTON L. SELPH, DAVE COSLETT Co-Editors officials expecting relatively stiff , , „„ ., T-, T. i th • wj-j. resistance in the approach to the J A 0h a n Y h i tm ° re ’ « l an xi Re v d Managing Editors 38th Uel had det e rm i nod that Ralph Gorman Sports Editor Fred Walker Associate Sports Editor Joel Austin City Editor so-called, dictatorships. author, and authority on Japan, coast to coast. Today’s Issue John Whitmore Managing Editor Bob Hughson Campus News Editor Ralph Gorman Sports News Editor Joel Austin > City News Editor T. M. Fontaine, Carter Phillips Editorialists Allen Pengelly Assistant City Editor Leon McClellan, Norman Blahuta, Jack Fontaine, Ed Holder, Bryan Spencer, John Tapley, Bob Venable. Bill Streich, George Charlton, Bob Selleck, Dale Walston, Bee Landrum. Frank Davis, Phil Snyder, Art Giesc. Christy Orth, James Fuller, Leo Wallace, W. H. Dickens, Fig Newton, Joe Price, Pat Hermann, Ed Holder. Wesley Mason News and Feature Staff Dick Kelly Club Publicity Co-ordinator the line should not be crossed. They took account of the possible cost in United Nations lives and the political advantages which might be gained by remaining in South Korea. The swift pace of the UN ad vance, however, and the need for keeping contact with the enemy has now confronted policy makers with the question whether it may not be advantageous to drive on into North Korea. The situation is developing so Vivian Castleberry Women’s Editor Jimmy Ashlock, Joe Blanchette. Ray Holbrook, Chuck Neighbors, Joe Hollis. Pat LeBlanc, Dowell Peterson Sports News Staff Curtis Edwards Church News Editor rapidly that a final decision on this Tom^Fantaine, "johnny Lancaster,^Joe^ray,^ C ° nteSt Manaser probably will not be made until the sid Abernathy Make-up Editor exact military and political condi- , Charles McCullough - ...Photo Engravers tions existing when UN forces get Russlu Hageus, Bob Haynie. j T. Advert^uig 1 FlepKsentaUves lliuch clo&er to the 38th Parallel are known.