The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1951, Image 1

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More 'i’han 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
City Editor
Praises Boy Scout Record,
See Column - Page Two
Number 89: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Batt Departmental Editors
Bob Hughson
Campus Editor
Ralph Gorman
Sports Editor
Andy Anderson
Campus Editor
w •
Ratt Names Seven New
Departmental Editors
: Battalion news coverage plans for the
Spring semester were strengthened yester-
ciay when the co-editors named six new de
partmental editors to fill vacant posts, and
announced a new “club publicity co-ordinat
or” to handle club news.
Heading all campus news coverage for
Fred Walker
Associate Sports Editor
Vivian Castleberry
Women’s Editor
Allen Pengeily
Assistant City Editor
the Spring will be Andy Anderson and Bob
Hughson, campus editors.
Ralph Gorman as sports editor and Fred
Walker as associate sports editor will fill the
vacancy left by Frank Manitzas, who left the
college at mid-term.
Vivian Castleberry, who already is known
to Battalion readers through her
weekly column, has been named
women’s editor. She will write and
produce a weekly women’s feature
page during the Spring and cover
women’s news for the daily city
Assisting City Editor Joel Aus
tin through the remainder of the
school year will be Allen Pengeily,
newly named assistant city editor.
Club news coverage will be in
creased during this semester by
Dick Kelly, club publicity co-ordin
ator, who will maintain headquar
ters in the Student Activities of
Campus Editors
Campus Editor Anderson is a
junior journalism major from Tal-
co. He came to work for the Bat
talion early last Fall and worked
his way to the campus news post
as a reporter and feature writer
in that department. He will handle
the Batt’s campus desk on Tues
days, Wednesdays and weekends.
Heading the campus news de
partment on Mondays and Thurs
days, Hughson is a senior business
administration major from Aqua
Dulce. He has held the post of
Campus Editor unofficially since
the middle of last semester. Begin
ning his Battalion work in the
Spring of last year, Hughson
moved to the campus desk after
serving as reporter and news writ
er last year.
Sports Editors
The new sports department head,
Gorman, is a senior architecture
major from Port Arthur who began
HI work on the Batt sports staff in
the Summer of 1949. He was a
sports news editor during - the Fall
after a year’s sports writing ex
perience while a junior.
Walker, who takes over the new
post of associate sports editor, is
a junior journalism major and a
College Station resident. He came
to A&M and The Battalion last
Summer after attending- Missouri
University for several semesters.
Named summer amusements edi
tor, he moved into the sports de
partment as a sports news editor
last Fall.
Dick Kelly
Publicity Co-ordinator
Chaplain Frost To Live In
Dorm During RE Week
Chaplain William M. Frost, as- students not having much time
sistant post chaplain at Fort Bliss may come and leave as they please,
will live in dorm 10 during Reli- Born in Haverhill, Mass, in 1910,
gious Emphasis Week, Feb. 12-10, Chaplain Frost went to the West
and will be available' to students Coast to receive his educational
training. He received his B. A.
Degree from the University of Red
lands, California, in 1932. During
this time he was on the Men’s Na
tional Intercollegiate DebateCham-
pionship team. He received his M.
A. Degree in 1934, and his B. D.
Degree in 1935 from the Pacific
School of Religion, Berkeley, Cal-
His practical experience in
cludes a five year pastorate at the
Highland Congregational Church
of Berkeley. After attending Com
mand and General Staff College in
Leavenworth, Kan., he served on
the following: Aleutian Campaign
with 53rd Infantry Regiment; De
puty Chaplain, Alaska; Office
Chief of Chaplains, A. G'. F. Divi
sion; Chaplain AAA Command; De
puty Chaplain, Far East Command,
and then his present position.
in both 10 and 12 at all times,
I Each afternoon from 4 to 5:30 in
the dorm 10 lounge, Chaplain
Frost will conduct forums on spec
ific subjects according to the fol
lowing schedule: Monday—“Do
Scientific Facts and the Bible
Agree?” Tuesday—“What Should
a Student Get Out of Four Years
of College?” Wednesday—“What
Makes a Person a Success?”, and
Thursday'—“Men and Women Re
lationships.” These subjects were
chosen by the students by means
of an “Interest Locater” question
At 9 a. m. each night of R. E.
Week, Chaplain Frost will hold
discussion groups on subjects to be
chosen by the individual groups.
These discussions will be held on
a come-and-go basis so that the
► Women’s City Editor
Plans for complete Battalion
women’s coverage were actually
formulated last Fall by Mrs. Cas-
tleberry, who is the wife of senior
ag engineering major Curtis Cas
tleberry. She began writing a cam
pus names and events column sev
eral months ago, and began her
duties as women’s editor during the
Christmas holidays. She is a for
mer editor of the SMU Campus,
student newspaper of that college.
The new post of assistant city
editor, to which Pengeily has been
named, was created to promote Bat
talion plans for wider city news
coverage during the Spring. Pen-
gelley, who was feature editor of
the Freshman Page last year, will
assist in editing the city news
page. He is a sophomore journalism
major from Houston.
Club Publicity
Club Publicity Co-ordinator Kel
ly is a senior pre-law major from
Ranger, who returns to The Bat
talion after a two year absence.
He served as managing editor of
The Little Batt published by
freshmen at the Annex in 1947-48.
His new job is to provide campus
clubs with as thorough Battalion
publicity as space permits.
Junior Prom and AS ABAB
Top Weekend Activities
Heaven and Hell Sweetheart
Theme of Architects
Originally scheduled for last Friday night, the ASABAB,
annual dance sponsored by the Architecture Society of A&M
will finally get underway tonight in the banquet room of
Sbisa Hall at 8.
With the exception of a change in the orchestra, there
have been no changes made in the plans for the ball.
Glenn Dewey and his Quintet have replaced the combo |
from North Texas State Teachers College in Denton, which !
was scheduled to play had the dance been held last Friday.
Because of a previous engagement for this weekend, the
North Texas aggregation was to
cancel the engagement here
Decorations for the affair, which
has the theme “Heaven and Hell,”
will prove to be very unusual, says
Jack Stansbury, president of the
Society. As the guests enter the
hallway off the banquet room, they
will be confronted by a statue of
Zeus, representing both good and
The Greek God will be placed in
such a position that the spotlight
shined on him will create an icy
Entrance Tunnel
The entrance into the main dance
room will be covered with a cam
ouflage netting tunnel. This, says
Stansbury will give the dancers
the impression that they are
emerging into Hell. When they
come out of this imitation tunnel,
they will be in Heaven, he added.
Inside the banquet room, the
Dancers will see more statues car
rying out the theme of the dance.
The centerpiece will be a statue of
the Angel Venus, and the Devil.
Suspended from the ceiling will
be imitation paper stars, and “an
gel’s hair.” The lighting in the
hall will be covered with tin cans
punched with holes to add to the
theme of the occasion.
Best Costume
Prizes will be awarded for the
best male and female costumes of
the evening. If tonight’s ball is
anything like those of past years,
there should be many unusual crea
Stansbury said the Society exr
pected an estimated crowd of 150.
Tickets are priced at $2 stag or
couple for members of the Society,
and $3 for non-members.
Following the dance, scheduled
to last until midnight, the Archi
tects wives will give a buffet sup
per at the Brazos County A&M
Clubhous. Admission is free to all
those in costumes.
Banks Will Be Closed
On Lincoln’s Birthday
In honor of Lincoln’s birthday,
Feb. 12, the banks of College Sta
tion and Bryan will close. These
banks are as follows: College Sta
tion State Bank, Bryan Building
and Loan, City National Bank,
First National Bank, and First
State Bank and Trust Co.
They will be open on Tuesday,
Feb. 13.
SAWA Elects
Shepardson As
Vice President
C. N. Shepardson, dean of
agriculture, was elected vice
president of the Southern Ag
ricultural Workers Associa
tion at the annual convention
held Feb. 5, 6, and 7 at Memphis,
Tenn. The Association is composed
of specialists in 19 phases of ag
riculture from 14 states.
A&M was represented by 14
other faculty members who pre
sented papers at the meeting.
Dr. I. P. Trotter, Dr. J. E.
Adams, Dr. R. C. Potts, Dr. J. B.
Page, Dr. D. R. Ergle, and H. E.
Rea presented papers on Agrono
Dr. R. L. Skrabank, C. H. Bates,
and R. L. Halpin gave papers in
the Agricultural Economics field.
Dairying papers were presented
by Dr. I. W. Rupel and Dr. H. C.
Papers on Poultry were given
by Dr. J. H. Quisenberry and W.
E. Griles.
Dr. W. J. Mcllrath presented a
paper on Plant Physiography.
Dean Shepardson will automatic
ally become president of the Asso
ciation next year.
UN Club to Hear
Egypt Talk Tonite
Lasheen Aly, A&M’s only Egyp
tian student, will address mem
bers of the United Nations Club to
night at 7:30 in the YMCA Chapel.
His subject will be “The Islam
Aly’s talk will be accompanied
by a film on Egypt entitled “It’s
a Woman’s World.”
The talk will be preceded by a
short UN Club business meet
ing at which the constitution for
the club will be discussed and con
sidered for approval. The time and
place for an Aggieland picture
will also be selected.
June Peevey
... is the date of C. L. Ray for
Saturday night’s Junior Prom,
where she will appear as one of
the six finalists for the class’
sweetheart. Each of the six se
lected was notified by wire last
Hielscher Speaker
At Junior Banquet
Crowning of the Junior Class Sweetheart, dining in
Sbisa Hall, and dancing to the music of the Aggieland Or
chestra will all be featured at the Junior Banquet and Prom
Saturday night.
The queen will be chosen from six finalists already se
lected and notified. Harold Chandler, president of the Junior-
Class, will perform the usual and proper ceremony at the
intermission of the dance by bestowing the traditional presi
dent’s kiss on the Sweetheart.
The finalist appearing in the run-off for the queen of the
■-f juniors are Gayle MacKie, escort-
Charleen Thurman
... of Son Antonio will be one
of six Texas beauties to grace
the Junior Prom tomorrow night.
She will be escorted by Bob Dob
bins of A Squadron. The six
finalists will be judged at the
M S C Prom, where the class
sweetheart will be selected.
Exec Group
Meets Here
Executive committeemen of
the Texas Intercollegiate Stu
dents Association will meet in
the Memorial Student Center
Saturday for their annual
Spring meeting.
Representatives from about two-
thirds the member schools are ex
pected to attend the session, said
Joe Fuller, parliamentarian of the
TISA. Twenty-eight schools are
members of the association.
The TISA is a group of Texas
universities and colleges organized
two years ago for. three main pur
poses—fostering student govern
ments, establishing better relations
between Texas schools, and for
conducting “workshops” where
ideas concerning various phases of
student life may be exchanged.
“Veep” Election
Tops on Saturday’s executive
committee agenda will be election
of an association vice-president,
preparations for the convention
here March 16-17, and selection of
panel discussion topics.
An informal discussion on the
advisability of inviting Negro
schools to become TISA members
will also be held. A probable vote
on this subject is expected to be
one of the major actions of the
March convention.
All portions of the executive
ed by Robert Byrnes; Ruth Atm
Tipton, escorted by Russel Smith,
Jr.; Mary Ann Pruitt, escorted by
George Grupe; June Peevy, es
corted by C. L. Ray; Charlene
Thurman, escorted by Bob Bob
bins; and Lennie Garrard, escort
ed by John Tapley.
The banquet, which is to be held
in Sbisa, will be semi-formal and
will start at 7 p. m. To insure ade
quate food and seating arrange
ments, tickets for the banquet are
no longer being sold.
Chandler Speaks
The welcoming speech will be
given by Chandler and wil be
followed by the invocation by Ken
neth Wiggins. Charles N. Hiels
cher, professor of the engineering -
drawing department, will be the
principle speaker on the program.
Hielscher, who is a member of
the class of ’33, will speak lightly
on the subject: “Life at A&M”. He
will try to show the comparison
of life now- and what it was like
when he was here.
The banquet program will be
concluded by a prayer given by
James Lehman.
The dance will be held in the
Ballroom of the Memorial Student
Center and will start at 9 p. m. If
the weather permits the already
famous MSC “Moonlight” Terrace
will be used for the dance. The
entire upstairs of the MSC will be
used for the Prom.
Tickets On Sale
Tickets to the dance should be
bought as soon as possible so that
adequate accommodations can ba
made. Tickets will ge off sale Fri
day night. Everyone is urged to
tarian Fuller said the meetings
will be arranged so students may
enter and leave discussions at will.
Dr. Elliott to Begin
RE Week Monday
A&M’s 1951 Religious Emphasis
Week will begin Monday when Dr.
William M. Elliott, pastor of the
Highland Park Presbyterian
committee session Saturday will | buy their tickets before this dead-
be open to any student. Parliamen- bne.
Banquet tickets are $1.50 a plate
and tickets for the dance are $3.00
a couple. Non-reg - students wish
ing to purchase tickets should
contact any first sergeant or Ted
M. Stephens, room 415 Dorm 1.
Refreshments of punch with
cookies or cake are planned to be
served in the Assembly Room of
the MSC. If the Assembly room is
needed for additional dancing
space, refreshments will be served
in the adjoining meeting rooms.
Super Sales Program
A&M To Sell Itself During
‘High School Day ’ Visits
“High School Day,” a project to I talk will be on “The
bring the better qualified high j Eye View of A&M.
school seniors from over the state
to A&M, will officially get under
way Saturday, March 3, when reg
istration will be held in the lobby
of the Memorial Student Center.
Three individual groups, the
home town clubs on the campus,
the Former Student Clubs, and the
Inter-Council Committee, composed
of representatives from the var
ious schools in the college, are
sharing - the sponsorship of the two
day event.
Following the registration pro
cedure, at 9 a.m. the group will
gather in the Assembly Room
of the MSC for an Orienta
tion meeting. Master of ceremonies
for this part of the program is
Olin Brashear, senior business ad
ministration major.
Brashear will introduce Bill
Parse, senior civil engineering
major, and president of the Stu
dent Senate, who will deliver the
keynote address of the session. His
After the welcome message from
Parse, Lt. Col. M. P. Bowden, as
sistant commandant of the col
lege, will talk to the students about
the draft situation as it effects
students enrolled in Military
Science courses at A&M.
Rounding out the morning’s ac
tivities, the high schoolers will take
tours of the educational facilities
of the college, from 10:30 until 12.
These tours, directed by mem
bers of the Inter-Council Commit
tee, will be designed in such a
way that the senior will get a
chance to meet members of the
faculty in the school of the college
in which he chooses to major.
Eat With Cadets
Dinner for the students will be
held in Duncan Mess Hall at 12
o’clock. The meals that the stu
dents eat while they are on the
campus will be their only expense
during the session.
In the afternoon, the boys will
visit with friends from their home
towns or use the time in any way
that they wish. Beginning at 2:30,
they will be guests of the “T” As
sociation at the annual Sports Day
Following the evening meal,
which will be at 5:30, the pros
pective high school graduates will
again be the guests of the “T” As
sociation at the inter-squad foot
ball game, the highlight of Spring-
football practice, played under the
lights on Kyle Field.
Stay With Friends
Lodging for the night will be
arranged for the boys by the var
ious Home Town Clubs on the cam
pus. It is hoped that they will be
able to spend the night with some
of their home town friends.
Sunday morning, they will eat
breakfast at 7:30 in Duncan Hall.
Voluntaiy church services at the
student sponsored gatherings in
the YMCA Chapel will be held at
8:15 and regular services at the
various campus churches will be
gin at 11 o'clock.
Church of Dallas, gives his open
ing address at 10 a.m. in Guion
In addition to the main speaker,
Dr. Elliott, twelve other specialist
are being brought on the campus
to live in the dorms and counsel
with the students. They will also
conduct afternoon forums and
nightly discussion groups in the
dormitory lounges.
Classes will be dismissed for Dr.
Elliott’s morning services accord
ing to the following schedule: 10
to 11 a.m. Monday and Tuesday,
11 to 12 a.m. Wednesday and
Thursday, and at 9 a.m. Friday.
Lounge Forums
The afternoon forums will be
held from 4 to 5:30 in the dorm
lounges on specific subjects ac
cording to the following schedule:
Monday—“Do Scientific Facts and
the Bible Agree?”, Tuesday —
“What Should a Student Get Out
of Four Years of College?”, Wed
nesday—“What Makes a Person a
Success?”, and Thui'sday — “Men
and Women Relationships.” These
subjects were chosen by A&M stu
dents by means of a “Interest Lo
cater” questionnaire sent out by
Gordon Gay, associate secretary of
the YMCA.
Beginning at 9 p.m., discussion
groups will be conducted each nite
in the lounges by the imported
leaders on subjects chosen by those
present in the individual groups.
These discussions will be operated
on a come-and-go basis so that
those students not having much
time may come and leave as they
The leaders being brought to
the campus will eat both the noon
and evening meals with the stu
dents and will be available to the
students at all times.
Longest Train
Strike Seems
Finally Over
One of the longest and cost
liest nation-wide railroad
strikes in many years appear
ed virtually ended today.
The Army’s threat to fire
striking switchmen was regarded
as the main factor in breaking up
the 10-day “sick” walkout.
The work stoppage continued in
a few spots across the country.
But generally there was a full-
scale return to work—notably in
Chicago, the country’s No. 1 rail
Indications were that all strikers
will be back on the job before the
4 p.m. (EST) deadline set by the
Army in its “work or be fired”
Thousands didn’t wait for the
deadline to return to work. The
switchmen—who also were prom
ised a pay raise—flocked back to
their jobs in large numbers, join
ing the thousands who had re
turned to work earlier this week.
The Army’s demand to switch
men to get back on the job or
lose their job and seniority came
after President Truman’s instruc
tions to the Army to take “ap
propriate action immediately” to
get the roads in full operation.
The Army has been in technical
control of the carriers since the
government seized them last Aug.
27 to halt a threatened strike.