The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 1951, Image 4
Page 4 //< .4/ Dr. W Student eral Con duct for in dorm phasis \ Living will be both 0 meals w being hi by the lead in live and Beside sively ir several ■; dit. A i his A. ] versity English; and his Universj L. L. D Baptist Dr. IT in Enn yeai-s b departm schools, lor Unn ern Bap He waf Seventh in Wacc sent pos He w Secretai dent w Convent in Nasi stay in jj nsw BA Bify, si xoc mini deetlon . all class office, (lent Act Uay heft FOR SA, all-por) used. See LAC at Bry 49.95. ASSORT B-8-W: 10’ BY See Home 4-8879i 3 LARC Meade Fees pa ment m lows: on e Mali Modi Stud Boai Rooi Haul Rooi Tot Dei 2. Sec^ pay Boai Rod! Lau Tot FIs 3. Thll (SI Boai Roo] Lau Tol FIs 4. Fot| Boa Roo Lau To Fl.< Tfl In o to atte ing th classeel follow! Moui Wed Cl Page 4 TTTP BATTALION ThUfgday, February 8,1951 USB BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO dIJif, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rates . ... 3c a word per Insertion with a Xbc minimum, space rate in classified section .... 60c .per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES nfrlce. All ads must be received In Stu dent Activities office by )0 a.m. on tbe Bay before publication. • FOB SALE • ONF, SHOWER bouse and four one room, frame buildings. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Comptroller until 10 a.m., Friday, February 16, 1951. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Comptroller, A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas for further information. BARGAINS! 10% reduction on Floor stock and repossessed GE Refigerator. GOOD YEAR SERVICE, 200 EAST 26th, Phone 2-1200. WE BUY, sell, and repair typewriters. FOR SALE—New $129.95 apartment-size, all-porcelain gas range, $100.00. Never used. Phone 3-1042. See LACK'S complete line of seat covers at Bryan’s Best Prices. Full sets from $9.95. Coupes from $4.95. 10’ BY 16’ ROOM with heater and fan. See W. H. Shell, Area 2, Trailer F-4. HOME bailed cakes made to order. Call 4-8879, Party cookies a specialty. • FOB BENT • ONE LARGE 3-room apartment, clean. 321 Meadowland Street. $45.00 montR. ROOM & BOARD TWO ROOMS for rent, with board if de sired. Also home-cooked meals served family style. Hot rolls served twice a day. Telephone 4-4394. Block North of Campus Theater. • WANTED • SOPHOMORE who is interested in adver tising and selling, to sell advertising for Student Publications next year. Some one wiU be hired this semester, so come by immediately to see Joe Arnett in Tbe Battalion office. • LOST AND FOUND • FIELD JACKET at M.S.C. Tuesday, pipe and senior cap in pocket. Joe Benson, No. 2—125. BLUE EVERSHARP pencil, engraved Hol land Winder, Phone 4-7099. • OPPORTUNITIES • INSTALL a factory rebuilt guaranteed en gine at LACK’S lowest prices—Fords $124.95 exchange; Chevrolet $104.95; Plymouth and Dodge $127.50. Time payments at LACK’S, 217 South Main. Phone 2-1669. MISCELLANEOUS JUST ARRIVED! A good supply of elec trical windshield wipers and mud chains at LACK’S, 217 South Main. • UNOFFICIAL NOTICE • During the next 4 months any senior student in good standing with the College authorities will be allowed to register for my exclusive course, “How to Save a Little Money and Keep It Saved.” The only pre requisite for the course is good health and high morals. (Five foot three is high enough!) Fees are about 5c per day for students and 40c per day for graduate alumni. For references on the course, talk with the men who are already enrolled: They know what privation means! Stu dents whose names begin with X or X will register on Mondays, those beginning with Q wiU register on Tuesdays, etc. Please observe my office hours: 10 to 1 daily, except Sundays. . . . Eugene Rush—Office above the Aggielahd Pharmacy. Sincerely yours, EUGENE RUSH In order to permit students and faculty to attend the services in Guion Hall dur ing the annual Religious Emphasis Week, classes will be suspended according to the following schedule: Monday and Tuesday, February 12th and . 13th—10 to 11 A.M. Wednesday and Thursday, February 14th ■ and 15th—11 to 12 A.M. Friday, February 16th—9 to 10 A. M. C. Clement French Dean of the College Notice to all stutterers: There will be a preliminary meeting in my office (107 M) at 4 p.m., Friday, Feb. 9th. Clinic sched ules will be arranged at that time. Jack P. Clark. Young Students See Butterfly Display By LEON McCLELLAN “How do you paint the butter flies?” asked one of the 136 chil dren from Consolidated Elemen tary School who visited Entomolo gist P. A. Click’s butterfly col lection now on exhibit in the Mem orial Student Center. Click, owner of the vast butter fly collection, told the two groups of young students how colors on the insects’ wings are made-up of tiny scales. The blue butterflies, he explained, have small scales which are like crystals, and when the sun hits their wings, differ ent colors are reflected. Other butterflies and moths have pigmentation which fades when they are in the sun too long. This color pigmentation, he told the young audience, is a kind of fine powder spread on top of the wings. When asked about the largest butterflies in the world, Click told the children that they were called “bird-butterflies” because of their large size. The “cobra-moths” interested both groups more than any of the other specimens. These, Click ex plained fold their wings when they light on branches, and look so much like cobra snakes the na tives in India will not touch them. Prompt Radio Service —Call— Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Ph. 2-1941 Bryan “There Is more chance for a cripple on the right road than for an athlete on the wrong road.” REVIVAL MEETING First Baptist Church College Station FEBRUARY 5-11 30:00 A.M. 7:30 P. M. W. LeRAY FOWLER, Evangelist Harold L. Bass, Singer D. Byron Richardson, Pastor wesB 2—303 CANS LOVELADY Cream (lady) Peas . . . 25c 2—NO. 2 CANS DIAMOND Cut Green Beans .... 29c 2—303 CANS—MISSION Sugar Small Peas . . . 29c 2—NO. 2 CANS LIBBY’S Tomatoe Juice 25c 46-OZ. CAN TEA GARDEN Crape Juice . . . . . . .51c 46-OZ. CAN TEA GARDEN Apple Juice 29c 3 POUND CAN Crisco 99c REGULAR SIZE KELLOGG’S Corn Pops 10c 2—NO. 2 CANS—CRYSTAL Red Pitted Cherries . . 51c REGULAR SIZE STAR KIST Bluelabel Tuna . . can 39c 3 CANS—WILSON’S OCEAN PRIZE Sardines in Oil 20c LARGE PACKAGE Duz or Dreft 33c • MARKET • 2 POUND PACKAGE Kraft’s Yelveeta Cheese, 91c KEYKO—COLORED IN QUARTERS Oleo Margarine . . . lb. 31c 1 POUND ROLL CALHOUN’S PURE Country Style Sausage . 43c ARMOUR’S DEXTER Sliced Bacon lb. 46c PEN FED BABY BEEF Loin Steak lb. 79c • PRODUCE • 200 SIZE TEXAS Oranges doz. 37c CALIFORNIA PASCAL Celery each 15c SIZE 3r> CALIFORNIA Avocados .... 2 for 25c MILD YELLOW SKIN Onions 2 lbs. 9c RED EMPEROR Grapes ....... 2 lbs. 25c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT ALL SALES Specials for Friday & Saturday - Feb. 9th & 10th Charlies Food Market North Gate — WE DELIVER — College Station The markings of the lower wings are the same as the mark ings of the snakes’ bodies, he said. After being told about protect ive coloring and markings, the chil dren wanted to know more about the most brilliant butterflies. Click told them how explorers of the Amazon River region claimed that natives send messages with but terfly wings, even to distances of three miles when there is bright sunlight. One young boy wanted to know why certain moths look so much like “just plain butterflies.” These moths were day-flying* moths, Click answered. You’ll never be arrested for care ful driving. Boy Scouts Fete Cubs At North Gate Camp College Station Cub Scouts have been invited to eat beef stew with Boy Scout Troop 102 between 4 and 6 p. m. Saturday at 102’s tent headquarters on the Campus, west of the North Gate Post Office. All Cubs in uniform will be served “on the house,” according to Colonel Walter H. Parson’s Jr., chairman of 102’s Troop committee. Also invited to the stew party are the parents of Scouts in 102. Troop 102 is sponsored by the Kivvanis Club of College Station. Bill Manning and George Rivers are scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster, respectively for the College Station group. Camp will be broken Sunday morning in time for church. LPLABNER • Them What Dies Is The Lucky Ones -THE JLIMEHOUSE LOUSE, HAS ONE. OF THE OCTOPUS'S ARMS APOUMD OWE OF HIS NECKS OWE OF THE OCTOPUS'S FACES IS TUP WING BUIC/Z- .THE OCTOPUS IS STRANGLING HIMSELF//’ THAT LOUSE IS GOOD DIRTY RASSLER.7 - 1 LIKE HlM.r^BUT SOCK SIGHTS NO GOOD FOR DELICATE 312-POUND GIRL//'— COMM/Z-WE WAIT IW OCTOPUS'S DPASSING, ROOM//- ??-CROWD ISSCAIMMING WITH JOY.'/-WHEN A > rassling crowd is HAPPY, YOU P<HOV SOMEBODY NEARLY ^ DAD// L By Al 'Capp eOOrsTAPS/F HERE COMES ^ WINNER//— ??- WONDER WHO IS? \ lT8> ~7i “SUPER VALUE” SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Only February 9th & 10th We, Reserve the Right to limit Quantities T E X S TJ N GRAPE FRUIT JUICE 3 NO. 2 CANS 25c S T A R K I S T CHUNK - STYLE TUNA S II N N V L A N I) COLO R E I) OLEO V A LB. STICKS POUND l CHOICE CUT MEATS V. C.—Whole or Shank End HAMS lb. 59» Jasmine Club FRANKS lb. 45c Old Tyme V. C. PORK SAUSAGE ... lb. 45c Tall Korn BACON lb. 49c Decker Short Shank PICNICS lb.47« Beef SHOULDER ROAST . . lb. 65> Medium Size SHRIMP lb. 65c Try Our Fresh ... oh top puiurr - * FOODS * Red Emperor CRAPES 2 lbs. 25c U.S. No. 1 Idaho POTATOES . . 10 lbs. 39 c Washington State Winesap—150 Size APPLES doz. & CARROTS . . . 2bnn. 19c YELLOW ONIONS . lb. 5« RATH’S—12 OZ. LUNCH MEAT 49c DIAMOND TOWELS I6c SOFTEX TISSUE 10c JEWEL SHORTENING . . 3 lb. ctn. 79c HERSHEY’S—'/, LB. COCOA 25c HERSHEY’S—1 LB. COCOA 45c AMERICAN BEAUTY—20 OZ. AP CAKE MIX 33c DRUGS • 200’s KLEENEX .... 2 for 31c 300’s KLEENEX .... 2 for 45c 7 OZ. LISTERINE 47c SHOTWELL’S CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES ! 11). box 39c 20’s SCHICK INJECTOR BLADES . . . 59c 12 OZ. GREEN PEAS 21c CUT GREEN BEANS ... 25c 12 OZ. MIXED VEGETABLES . . 25c UNCLE BEN—14 OZ. RICE 19c AMERICAN MAID FLOUR 5 lbs. 43c AMERICAN MAID FLOUR 10 lbs. 83c CLOROX <|t. 17c C LOR OX l/ 2 gal. 32c LARGE BOX FAB 31c LARGE BOX V E L 31c VAN CAMP'S—NO. 300 CANS PORK & BEANS . 2 cans 25c COLLEGE FOOD STORE YOUR EAST GATE GROCER COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 137 WALTON DRIVE . . PHONE 4-1141