The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 07, 1951, Image 2

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Battalion Editorials
Page 2
From the City Desk
What Causes Holdup On Books
Three Offices Open
In April Elections
... By Joel Austin
DOOK shortages cause a great deal of con-
■^sternation every semester, but this ap
parently is due largely to the human equa
tion. Every effort is made by the Exchange
Store to integrate the large number of var
iables that effect the demand potential and
arrive at the purchase estimate that will
satisfy all students within the limits of rea
son and predictability.
Some of these variables are:
• The departmental estimate as to the
probable number of students expected in
each course.
The ivorld is jammed with people
ivho do not knoiv as much as they
think they knoiv.
Take the Wraps
Off the Marines
DILLS TO INCREASE the Marine Corps
^ to a permanent strength of 400,000 have
got off to a promising start in both the Sen
ate and House of Representatives.
In the Senate, 41 members signed up as
sponsors of a measure introduced by Sen.
Paul Douglas (D., Ill.), and in the House 57
representatives joined in offering a bill for
the proposed expansion.
The bills provide that the 400,000 mini
mum strength go into four full-sized combat
divisions, four air wings and related service
units. The Marine Corps now has only 166,-
000 men grouped mainly into two ground
• The number of second hand books
that will be available from all sources to sat- yrpg time for politicians of College Station to dust off their
1 camnaism speeches and begin preparing for the city elec-
isfy the expected demand.
begin preparing
• The changes in demand due to stu- tions less than two months hence.
dents who change majors. Terms expire for three city councilmen at the comple-
• The actual enrollment as reported by ‘ ion city's fiscal year in April. Whether the men now
,, . ^ ^ m office plan to announce for re-election or not, we don t
the registrar. know
• The number of students who wait But it would be nice to see some of the people who voice
sell their imed hnokq fn so many objections on things about the city to list their
names among those on the ballot for councilman positions.
The question is constantly asked by many citizens, “How
loud must we holler to get things done in this city?” The
answer is not by just complaining to your councilmen, but
contributing the ideas and efforts you have as a member of
the council.
till registration to
the Exchange Store as they buy the one in
current need.
A running account is kept of all trends,
and re-orders are initiated as rapidly as the
need becomes known. The responsibility for
any inconvenience, however, cannot be spec
ifically placed on any one individual
Election Date to Be Set Monday
At the Monday night meeting of the City Council, the
The “lay away plan” is available to those election will be designated for the first Tuesday in April—
who would like to avoid the uncertainty of A P riI 3 - Dates f° r fili "K for the three positions have not Interpreting tile News
a highly unpredictable situation. This ap- been announced yet, but residents of the three city wards 1 °
° iluJu u i. i i • „ „ F will be given ample time to file if they wish.
p a s to be the best solution for all concern- Qty elections usually attract much attention in College
ed, and we heartily suggest that its advan- Station when there are two or more candidates running for
tages be weighed by those who plan to be an office. But interest in the city government has been at a
around for one or more semesters. An ad- low ebb as shown by the few people who file for city offices
at election time. .
vance order enables the Exchange Store to
serve students more efficiently—not to men
tion the fact that having a book goes over
big with the prof.
So-called white-collar jobs are not
what the man in overalls sometimes
thinks they are.
Dealt Wicked Blow
Interesting News Coming
People of College Station may be in store for some in
teresting news in the very near future. Whether the city
council meeting Monday night will produce any further word
on the development of the College Hills electricity problem,
we don’t know.
The 30 day waiting period necessary after a bond elec
tion is passed has just about expired and the first bonds for
purchase of the Bryan-REA electric service in College Hills
can be issued as soon as details are arranged with the Bryan
City Commission.
Councilmen should be ready to take action on the ques
tion Monday night. We have no official word on that matter,
Firemen Are Busy These Days
College firemen were kept busy answering fires yester
day. Students and residents of College Station were startled
-i - J m onrl
Eisenhower Ends
Rearmament Talk
AP Foreign Affairsi Analyst
Hut Eisenhower doesn’t work
that way. His record is strictly
one of doing his own job.
The Eisenhower statement mere-
Have Most
New York, Feb. 7—(A*)—Married
people have fewer headaches— the
hurting kind in the head—than the
single ones.
This is one finding in a survey,
reported today, of who gets head
aches and why.
Educated people get more head
aches than the less educated, it
shows. Women have more head
aches than men. ..Young people get
them oftener than older persons.
Housewives suffer more than sales
men. Farmers get the fewest.
Medical students are about the
worst off, and lawyers rate high,
The headache survey, one of the
first thorough studies of its kind,
was made by Dr. Henry D. Ogden,
clinical assistant professor of med
icine at Louisiana State University
School of Medicine.
His survey covered (>,000 persons,
by questionnaires and interviews.
They included hospital employees,
salesmen, manual laborers, house
wives, executives, physicians and
other professional workers, medical
students, Catholic priests and sis
Dr. Ogden said 61.8 per cent
said (hey suffered from head
aches, from severe to minor ones.
The pain occurred most often
(72.6 per cent of the time) in the
forehead. Few had headaches
more than once a week. Hut one
per cent had them every day.
The migraine type, perhaps the
severist kind of headache, was
not very common (13.2 per cent).
One significant thing was that
people with headaches had more
respiratory troubles, including
colds and sore throats and aller
gies such as hay fever and asthma,»
Since General Eisenhower spoke
last week, argument over Ger- . . a 0 ^ lt ^
man rearmament has been so quiet U recognized a fact of. life. The than peop | e fre p of headaches with
that you could hear the fluttering ™ hta A r ?i s , 1 . tua £ lon , ^ unchanged. f ore head pain and these respiratory .
of diplomatic hearts. The Atlantic Pact allies can ab- t rou |,| ( . s
Up to that time the United sorb all the material that can be He su ' spcc t s he said, that many
■ - - ■ produced on both sides the ocean cases of ‘forehead pain aches are }
for some time. dU e to swelling of blood vesse
States had been pressing Britain
and France into one agreement
after another, a series of step
ping stones toward fielding a
German army to help meet any
Russian “Korea” in Germany or
any other move toward the con
quest of Western Europe. Ger
many was bucking, but the pres
sure w as on there, too. Speed was
the keynote.
Then Eisenhower said that, for
one commander, he didn’t want any
divisions—one in Korea and the other in the T’HE UNCERTAINTIES of the reservist by^the alarm which sounded five times between noon and one commander, he didn’t want any
TTnitort «totac_one regimental combat and 1 and the small businessman are getting to 6:30 p. m. The first call summoned firemen to a grass blaze he^nT eX going to a Skabiut
be an old story, but we have discovered that which endangered homes and the Lincoln School on the G erman mo biiization until the dip-
fate has dealt one nf it^ rrnplp<?t Blnwc South side of town. Little damage was reported by people in lomats had arranged the political
rate nas dealt one ot its cruelest blows to that area _ TwQ alarmg were sounde d for that fire. basis for an “earned equality” of
the businessman-reservist. A particular case Again at 2:30 p. m. firemen were called back to the participation,
has been brought to our attention that is a scene of the first blaze to quench a fire which had broken out
• - - n* 1.JL 4-^ 4-U ~
United States
two air wings.
Present ceiling strength of the corps is
203,000, and Marines in recent years have
been haunted by fears that some day they
might be absorbed by other armed services.
We’re strongly in favor of taking the
Wraps off the Marine Corps. The Leather
necks have always been a little something
special in the way of an elite fighting force.
When it comes to instilling an extraordinary
, spirit, vigor and morale in their men, the
Marines, somehow, seem to outdo the Army
and Navy. Scripps-Howard Staff Writer Jim
Lucas, just back from Korea, has some in
teresting observations on this.
At first glance then, you might ask why
limit the Marines even to 400,000 ? The corps
itself answers that. It is supporting the ex
pansion bill, but it would settle for 300,000
men. With typical pride, the Marines feel
that anything over four divisions would de
stroy their effectiveness as a striking force
and make them merely another army.
If that’s what the Marines want, let’s
give it to them—and quickly. And, judging
from reports on Korea, we could
venture the suggestion that the Army might
well take a leaf or two from Marine manuals
on morale-building, field training and gen
eral pepping-up of recruits—The Houston
classic example.
m a barn. At dusk the firefighters rushed to the new incin-
The recent price freeze and roll back was erator to put out a small fire which got too big for anyone
nr, withnnr „nHnn nf f^tobe a firema n?
Casualties High
In Guion Cold
The casualty rate is high! It
may even be worse than in Korea
The victims of. whom I am speaking
not put on without notice. Suppliers of raw
material in this particular case had ample
time to clear their warehouses of stock at
existing prices—thus passing on or avoiding
any loss through a “rollback.”
For a number of years the reservist in
question could borrow money for stock on a
“pay in 90 days” basis. Upon application Edltor > The Battalion:
for this same consideration in order to pay
for this sudden shipment, he found that
conservative banking practice now restricts are the ones who have suffered
reservists to $2,000. Real estate collateral is fron l fro f t ^ t ;’ trS
, . , . moma at the expense ot braving
now required for any amount in excess of only one movie at Guion Hall
this figure. theater. Purple Hearts for all who
At the present time the reservist is con- ^"ttinifTha^the power plant
sidering, with good reason, the advisability must have got their pipes crossed
of trvine to remain in FTp mav Ha and are PIPES' refrigerant instead
n j 8 lemam m nusiness. tie may he of heatj or if heat is coming in it
called to extended active duty, but making must all be going to the projection
a living is just as necessary during the per- ro ° m \ . , w
■ i n , . . 1 Seriously, how can our own cam-
lod ot uncertainty as it was before. The very p US theater be expected to function
men the country depends on for security in in competition with others when
\xrar- anrl tv, •*. the patrons must sit with pver-
and m peace are, it seems, penalized coa t s , overshoes, mufflers, and hat^s
severely for this ability. Situations such as on, and still shiver while watching
this, in our opinion denote a very unfavor- be possible that since
able trend in the health” of our form of
government. . • *
From one angle it looked like
pulling the rug out from under
Secretary Acheson and high Com
missioner McCloy. It looked like
the general had changed American
policy on his own.
“There is more chance for a cripple on the right road
than for an athlete on the wrong road.”
First Baptist Church
College Station
10:00 A.M.
7:30 P. M.
W. LeRAY FOWLER, Evangelist
Harold L. Bass, Singer
D. Byron Richardson, Pastor
You Will Be Everybody’s
You remember your favorite
people with HALLMARK
Valentine Cards on Wednes
day, Feb. 14th — Valentine
day. Choose yours from the
wide and wonderful selection
now on hand at . . .
Campus Variety
North Gate—College .Station
The Battalion
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions
''Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman”
this is a state school it does not
have enough money to pay for
heating the theater ? Do we need
more taxes, or just need to awaken
someone ?
John Lewie, ’50
Extension Service
Hires New Trainer
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, is published The Texas Engineering Exten-
five times a week during the regular school year. During the summer terms, The Battalion is published sion Service has employed L. Kirk-
four times a week, and during examination and vacation periods, twice a week. Days of publication are man Jonas as a supervisor trainer.
Monday through Friday for the regular school year, Tuesday through Friday during the summer terms,
and Tuesday and Thursday during vacation and examination periods. Subscription rates $6.00 per year
or $.50 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request.
News contributions may be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room 201, Goodwin
Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activities Office, Room 209,
Goodwin Hall.
• a Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches cred
ited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein.
Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.
Bntcred as second-class matter at Post
Oiflce at College Station, Texas, under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally by National Ad-
Jonas received his bachelor of
business science from Trinity Uni
versity, San Antonio. He also at
tended the University of Texas and
San Marcos State Teachers Col
Prior to joining the Texas En
gineering Extension Service, Mr.
Jonas was a vocational instructor
at Harlandale high school, San An
In addition to his teaching ex-
From the
It’s a Sure Thing There’s
Not Much Future in it:
And how true that is ... . There is no future in
clothes that are drab and lifeless. Let us‘bring
out the color in them . . . our expert work will
thrill you ... at North Gate.
vertlslng Service Inc., at New York City, pericnce, he has worked in the elec-
Cbicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, trical trade field for 22 years. He
served as field engineer for the
DAVE COSLETT, CLAYTON L. SELPH Co-Editors Western Electric Company, in New
John Whitmore Managing Editor York - Ne V Yoi : k > aad as c 1 hief n ir !‘
Bob Hughson Campus Editor structor for the Normoyle_ Ord-
Joel Austin
LFLABNER • Acheson Took-a-Peek-a and Sent ’Em Away
By AI Capp
Today *8 Issue
Dean Reed
Andy Anderson
- Managing Editor
Ralph Gorman
•— —
Campus News Editor
Joel Austin "
rr ut rr—...
Sports News Editor
City News Editor
Bid Abernathy..
Bryan Legislator
Enters Game Bill
Austin, Feb. 7—UP)—State Sen
ator William Moore of Bryan yes
terday introduced a bill proposing
Campus News Edited
Bob Hughson, Andy Anderson, George Charlton, Tom
Rountree, Allen Pengelley, Leon McClellan, Wayne
Davis, Bob Venable, Bill Streicb, Norman Blahuta,
John Hildebrand, Bryan Spencer, Ray Williams,
Edward Holder, Richard Ewing News and Feature Writers
Curtis Edwards Cliurc}! Editor
Roger Coslett .PipeSaioking Contest Manager
Vivian Castleberry Women's Editor changes in the State Game, fish
Ralph Gorman, Fred Walker, Chuck Neighbors, and Oyster Commission.
Jimmy Ashlock, Ray Holbrook, Joe Blan- Under Moore’s bill, the COtlimiS-
chette, Pat LeBlanc, Dale Dowell, Jiminy • nnUn-n-pH from six
Curtis, Dowell Peterson, and Joe Hollis. .Sports News Staff t>lon WOUld DC cnldlgea Ilom SIX
Sam Molinary : Chief Photographer to nine members Slid pul OU ii
Autrey Frederick. Advertising Manager regional basis.
Russell Hagens. Frank Thurmond Advertising Representative* rr>, -,-nnlH Fp divided into
Harman C. Gollob imnsemaais Editor . j. * " 011la De ^ ^
nine districts.
ic-cAN’r LooK.r
GOOD. r . r —TELL ME,