The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 02, 1951, Image 1

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0. Ce^ er
Co^ eg !
s\>xA- to
'£• More Than 90% of
^()t^e v Station’s Residents
Number 84: Volume 51
The Battalion
What Are People
Thinking About the UN?
See Editorial, Page Two
Price Five Cents
l) nderdog Hogs
Okay; Seek End
Batt Sports Writer
With only one conference win to
their credit but still productive of
more trouble than a cage of starv
ing lions, the Arkansas Razorbacks
will invade DeWare Field House
tomorrow night to engage an Ag
gie basketball team that- has re
duced the Southwest Conference to
a three-way possibility by defeat
ing Texas, 32-29.
For the third straight season the
Porkers have been victims of over
whelming early-season losses, but
in seasons past they have rallied
: to fight their way to a co-champ-
| ionship of the SWC. This year the
;; situation—though similar—appears
r to be even more critical.
Injuriesi Costly
c 1 Arkansas completely fooled the
| experts when they came from no
\ where to place in the finals of the
I All-College Tournament in Oklaho
ma City. Everything looked bright
for the Razorbacks before New
Years, but then injuries struck the
team with, devastating force. Nev-
\ Will Warm Up,
Predicts Today
By Associated Press
Texas’ historic week - long
storm may end today, after
giving the state another taste
of Arctic cold.
Forecasts called for rising
temperatures this afternoon after
more bitter weather during the
night. Early Friday temperatures
foil to record lows including 19
below zero at Dalhart in the Pan
Meanwhile there were these de
• The lower Rio Grande Valley
gave up its citrus and vegetable
* crops as completely lost—and won-
* dered if it could save the fruit
trees. Some fruit trees w'ere be
ing plowed up to make room for
cotton plantings. Estimates on
the citrus loss ranged up to $7,000,-
w 000.
• The death toll rose to 21 with
discovery of an unidentified body
behind a service station at Hidal
go in the Valley. Scores of Val
ley people fled filmsy homes for
warmth in churches and schools
which were kept open all night.
• A vast area south of Houston
and San Antonio was still locked
in ice w r hich knocked out telephone
and Western Union communication.
Ham operators relayed emergency
• Fires again plagued the state.
Latest was a $1,500,000 fire which
destroyed a Southern Compress and
Warehouse Company warehouse in
Galveston Thursday.
Former Resident
Succumbs in Dallas
Ben H. Ferguson, 47, former
owner of the Campus Theatre, died
Monday evening in a Dallas hotel
after suffering a heart attack.
Funeral services were held Wed
nesday in Hamlin.
Ferguson came to College Sta
tion in 1947 from Dallas, whei;e he
had lived since 1931. He was born
in San Augustine and went to
Hamlin with his parents at a
young age. His father managed
a theatre in that city.
Ferguson is survived by his
wife; two sons, R. S. Ferguson Jr.
and T. W. Ferguson of Wichita
Fallas; and a daughter, Mrs. Leon
How of Albuquerque, N. M.
or until now was Head Coach Pres
ley Askew able to field his entire
first team at one time.
“Big Boys,” 6” 8” Bob Ambler
and 7’ 0” sophomore demon Toar
Hester, were the first to be side
lined, and they were quickly fol
lowed by Jack Hess, Ken Kearnes,
Sammie Smith, Gene Lambert, Bob
Williams and D. L. Miller. Most
were leg casualties but reports
from Fayetteville say “almost all
of the boys have healed up and are
ready to go.
Hester Starts For Hogs
The starting lineup for the Hogs
will probably be Hester at center,
Lambert and Ambler at forward
and Hess and Miller on the guard
posts. Points scored (entire sea
son), for these men are 105, 50,
116, 114 and 126, to give them an
average of 7.5, 3.3, 7.7, 7.6 and
8.5 respectively. Ambler is a doubt
ful starter, but he is sometimes
moved from his usual center posi
tion to a forward post.
In conference competition Hes
ter has the best average 13.5 and
is followed by Miller (8.0), Hess
(7.0), Ambler (6.0) and Lambert
(2.8). Williams, another guard, has
a 4.8 average. ,
Impressive Record
The Fayetteville quintet has al
ways been a tough team for A&M
or anyone else in the conference to
conquer. They have never absorbed
as many lickings from a SWC
team as they have handed out.
Texas, who comes closest, is on
the short end of a 30-25 record.
The Aggies are only one game
away from having the worst record
as the Hogs have taken 43 games
from them while losing only 11. In
1945 Arkansas rolled into Colleg-e
Station and whipped A&M by 59
points, 80-21. This was the second
Worst beating any conference five
has taken from the Red and White.
Askew’s Future
Some of the “old grads” have
been yelling for Askew’s scalp this
winter as a result of Arkansas’
(See ARKANSAS, Page 4)
' 110,000 Slated For
April Draft Call
Washington, Feb. 2—CP)— The
Department of Defense called on
Selective Service yesterday to sup
ply 80,000 men for the Army in
Calls for 80,000 men were is-
■' sued previously for January, Feb-
^ ruary and March. The draft re-
^ quests have totaled 530,000 men
* since inductions were resumed last
Fall. All have been for the Army.
The Defense Department said the
I Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force
do not plan to draft any men in
Work on a proposed legislation
I/.'’to lower the draft ag-e to 18 and
t extend the period of service from
21 to 27 months was at a tem
porary standstill today.
Two Courses
For Next Fall
Two new courses of spec
ialization in communication
and armament for advanced
Air Force ROTO students will
be offered in the 1951 Fall
Semester, Major C. L. Thomas, AF
public information officer said to
The Communications program
will include instruction in ground
communications equipment similar
to that now given in the present
Signal Corps program.
Airborne radio and radar equip
ment operation will be taught in
the junior year of the course. Also
included in the junior curriculum
will be air-ground systems, com
munications logistics, communica
tions construction, air operations,
and aural-visual communications.
During the senior year the
course will include such topics as
military administration, functions
of the inspector general, military
teaching methods, military law,
and military management.
Cadets pursuing a course of
study in Electrical engineering or
electrical physics will be eligible
for the course.
The other course to be added to
the growing AF curriculum, Arma
ment, will be concerned with rock
ets, gunnery and bombing sys
tems of trainer and combat air
Phases of the course are re
lated to Mechanical, Electrical,
Chemical, and General Engineer
ing. It is also related to such
sciences as biology chemistry and
With the addition of these two
new courses the advanced AFROTC
curriculum at A&M will offer five
of the six courses in the overall
AFROTC program.
Other courses currently being
taught are Administration, Air In
stallation and Aircraft Mainten
ance Engineering.
BSU Schedules
Fireside Party
A fireside party has been sche
duled at the Baptist Student Union
tomorrow at 7:30 p. m., according
to Jimmy Ray, who will be master
of ceremonies.
The affair, will include food, fun
and song, and Ray added, girls
from Bryan have been asked to
the get-together.
Allies Gaining,
Within 40 Miles
38th Parallel
Tokyo, Feb. 2—{IP)—Allied
forces pressed closer to the
Han River today by chewing
up, bit by bit, two Chinese
Communist armies and dis
eased elements of the North Ko
rean Red army.
Instead of patrol action, there
were large numbers of U.N. troops
only 10 miles south of the thawing
Han, which skirts the age-old cap
ital of Seoul.
This placed the Allies 40 miles
from the 38th Parallel in the ninth
day of a limited offensive which
had carried them 20 miles since
Jan. 25, against enemy position
which was weakening daily.
An Eighth Army spokesman es
timated that 6,650 Chinese and
North Korean Communists had
been killed by ground action be
tween Jan. 25 and 31. Air reports
listed casualties for that period at
1,442, but some may be duplica
Even so, there was a difference
of military opinion as to whether
the Allies have cracked the main
enemy defenses, despite notable
losses in manpower and shrinking
morale among the Reds.
In Washington there were re
ports that high officials have de
cided U.N. troops should stop at
Parallel 38, presumably pending
further efforts toward political
settlement of the conflict.
An Eighth Army spokesman de
clined to confirm or deny the
Washington report.
Negro Entrance in TISA
Favored by Student Senate
Lucky Fish
Great Issues
Course Plans
Five Speakers
Five speakers for the
Spring Semester Great Issues
course have been announced
by S. R. Gammon, chairman
of the committee on Great
Eric Sevareid, one of CBS lead
ing news commentators, will speak
Feb. 9 on “Washington versus the
James C. O’Brien, of the Fed
eral Security Agency, will discuss;
“Manpower Resources in Time of
National Emergency”, on Feb. 19.
On March 7, Mrs. Vera M. Dean,
Editor of The Foreign Policy As
sociation’s publications and auth
ority on international affairs, will
discuss: The Next Phase in U. S.
Foreign Policy.”
William L. Shirer, noted Mutual
Broadcasting Co. news commenta
tor, will speak March 26, on: “Our
Struggle for Survival.”
Felix E. Larkin, Counsel for
US Department of Defense, will
discuss: “Our Current Defense
Two or three more speakers will
be announced later Gammon con
Escorted by J. Y. Parsons, Miss Pat Pennington
is one of six beauties chosen as finalist in the
race for Freshman Queen. The results of the
selection committee will be made public at the
Freshman Ball, Feb. 24 in Sbisa Hall,
Brazos Underground
One of six finalists for the title of Freshman
Queen, Miss Gail Grissom will be escorted to
the Freshman Ball Feb. 24 by John Stephens.
The young lady hails front Abilene, Texas.
Burrowing StafferRevea Is
Sad Plight of Ground Hog
Aren’t you glad you aren’t a
ground-hoc 0
Silly question! Well, I thought
so, too, until yesterday. Let me
tell you what changed my mind.
You may know how college news
papers are about these off-breed
holidays. They’re always trying to
cook up some yarn about how
Columbus didn’t really discover
America or how Washington told
a lie about the cherry tree.
They even try to dream up some
crazy tale to run on Mother-in-
Laws Day, which as you all know
comes the second Tueday of the
fifth week in February every year
but leap-year.
Anyhow, I was working diligent
ly in the office yesterday when the
Coffman WillLead
RE Week Forums
Burton Coffman, minister of the
Central Church of Christ of Hous
ton, will be one of the 13 leaders
to be on the campus during Reli
gious Emphasis Week, Feb. 12-16,
according to Gordon Gay, asso
ciate secretary of the YMCA.
Coffman will conduct forums
from 4 to 5:30 each afternoon on
the following topics: Monday, “Do
Scientific Facts and the Bible
Agree?”; Tuesday, “What Should
a Student Get Out of Four Years
of College?”; Wednesday, “What
Makes a Person a Success?”; and
Thursday, “Men and Women Rela-
Burton Coffman
tionships.” These four topics were
selected by popular request by the
students as determined in the re
sults of an “Interest Locater” ques
tionnaire that was distributed
throughout the dorms.
Each night at 9 p. m., Coffman
will hold discussion groups on sub
jects chosen by the individual
groups. These will be operated on
a come and go basis thereby let
ting the students leave as they
Living in Dorm 14, Coffman will
be available to the students of
both 14 and dorm 17.
The author of the “Love of God
and Other Sermons” and several
articles, Coffman was the main
speaker at the Religious Empha
sis Week in Commerce, Texas, in
1946, and also assisted here at
A&M during the first Religious
Emphasis Week held in 1942.
Receiving his B. A. degree in
1927 from his hometown college,
Abilene Christian, Coffman first
taught school in Abilene. In 1931,
he was the associate minister in a
church in Wichita Falls. In 1934,
he became the minister of the
Church of Christ in Lawton, Okla
homa. Then he serve as minister
in Sherman, Texas for three years
before coming to his present posi
tion in Houston in 1938.
Coffman has held successful re
vivals in eleven states embracing
many of the larger cities of the
United States—Chicago, New Or
leans, Birmingham, Columbus,
Nashville, Memphis, Long Beach,
Houston, Corpus Christ!, San An
tonio, Dallas, Abilene, Lubbock,
Albuquerque, Wichita, and others.
managing editor beckoned to me. I
laid aside my book of cross-word
puzzles and hurried to his desk.
“Tomorrow’s Ground Hogs’
Day,” he said to me.
“Oh,” I remarked. Then I has
tily added, “Going to celebrate?”
He ignored my witticism.
“You’re a wild-life major, aren’t
“Yes sir.”
“Then go out and interview a
ground-hog. Get the scoop. Find
out if he expects to see his shad
ow. And find out how true this
story about him is?”
“Yes sir,” I beamed. I appre
ciated his faith in my mastery of
my chosen field.
“By the way, you might pick
up an interview with him, too.”
That’s how I came to be sitting
cozily in a Brazos County burrow
chatting with a gbound-hog. I in
terviewed him like a good reporter.
“I’ll bet you’re proud,” I ven
tured after the formalities of an
“Why?” he asked.
“Well, you’ve got one whole day
Aggie Record
Album Debut
Set for Feb. 19
The world premiere of the
“The Songs of Texas A&M,’’
a record album of Aggie
songs, will be held Monday
Feb. 19 at 7:30 p. m. in Guion
Hall, C. G. “Spike” White, assist
ant dean of men for activities an
nounced this morning.
Mrs. Lil Munnerlyn, author of
the “Twelfth Man”, Col R. J. Dunn,
composer of the music for “The
Spirit of Aggieland,” and Pinky
Wilson, author of the “Aggie War
Hymn” will be present at: the first
public hearing of the album, White
The 1950 first albums were re
corded on the A&M campus by the
Aggie Band, the Singing Cadets,
and the Aggieland Orchestra.
Those who pui'chased the Aggie
record collection at the premiere,
where initial sales will he made,
can have their albums autographed
by the originators of the songs,
the activities man said.
Sales at the opening and in the
dormitory areas will be made by
eight salesmen chosen by the three
recording groups.
The album of favorite Aggie
music on 78 rpm records will sell
for $3 per set or $3.35 mailed any
where, White concluded.
out of the year named after you.”
He didn’t seem to appreciate the
honor. “So what?” he said. “Look
at it from the other viewpoint.
Here I am supposed to be the
world’s most well-known weather-
“But what good does it do me?
The U. S. Weather Bureau won’t
even give me official recognition.”
“Jealously,” I replied, “pure jeal
“Perhaps.” The groundhog was
pensive. “But look at the stigma
I’ve got on my name. They say
that if I look out of my hole and
see my shadow, I duck right back
in again.”
“So I’ve heard.” I was trying to
show I was very interested.
“And what does that make me?
A scairdy cat, that’s what. With
a reputation like that, I could
hardly face my children—if I ever
had any.
“Chances are if I could find a
female groundhog tomorrow and
she should happen to have a shad
ow, too, I might crawl back in my
hole and never come out. Tha-t’s
right! I said girl. We ground-hogs
don’t have a Kinsey. We’re just
supposed to go around being scar
ed of our shadows.”
Thus it was that I found out the
sad plight of the ground-hog. I
returned to the office a changed
man. The managing editor was
waiting. He jumped up as I entered.
“Will he see his shadow tomor
I looked at him apologetically
and replied, “I forgot to ask him.”
I didn’t like the look in his face
so I hurriedly added, “He did tell
me what a four-letter name of an
Artie bird was. May I go back to
my cross-word puzzle?”
Weather Causes
Dances’ Demise
A&M’s pre-spring social sea
son will be slightly delayed, it
appeared late yesterday.
For both ASABAB, the arch
itects’ ball originally scheduled
tonight, and the Freshman Ball,
set for Saturday night, have
been postponed due to unfavor
able weather conditions.
ASABAB will wait one week
— till Feb. 9 — before taking
off on its usual tangents. The
Fish Ball has been postponed
until Feb. 24, according to C.
G. “Spike” White, director of
Student Activities.
Gets Unanimous
Vote of Approval
The Student Senate voted unanimously last night to
instruct its TISA delegation to vote “yes” on the question
of admitting Negro schools to the statewide college organ
This year’s Texas Intercollegiate Students Association
convention will be held on the A&M campus March 16-17.
The association, of which A&M is a charter member, is an
Organization of Texas colleges designed to “foster better
citizenship through vigorous student governments.”
Last year the senators voted 15 to 9 in a stormy session
to instruct its delegation to vote>
negatively. The meeting last night ^ fri 1
Senators Seek
Seating Switch
For Basketball
was in direct contrast, with the
vote coming swiftly and with no op
position voiced.
Fuller Leads Fight
Joe Fuller, parliamentarian of
the Senate and also of the TISA,
introduced the motion to instruct
A&M’s delegation. Fuller had ini
tiated action on the same motion
last year, but unsuccessfully.
“The TISA can no longer afford
to ignore this opportunity for
Southerners to solve their own
problems without outside coercion,”
Fuller told the Senate. “Already
several member schools have in
dicated they will support such a
move at the convention. And al
ready two schools—Texas Univer
sity and Southern Methodist Uni
versity—are teaching white and
colored students.”
“The trend seems to be for rec
ognition of the Negro in Texas col
leges. Delegates to the TISA con
vention should act as a courageous,
intelligent group of men and wom
en and approve the entrance of
Negro colleges into their associa
Housing Situation OK
Fuller cited several instances in
which Negroes and whites had been
entertained together on the A&M
campus and said he had been told
adequate housing could be provided
Negro students attending the mid-
March convention here. At the
meeting last year, a senator told
Fuller that a high college official
■claimed such housing and dining-
facilities would be difficult to ob
Bill Moss, vice-president of the
Senate, followed Fuller to the floor.
Moss is now serving his second
consecutive year as a senator.
“Last year I voted against ad
mitting Negroes,” he said. “Since
(See TISA, Page 4)
Draft Hysteria
Blamed on Poor
Federal Plans
Austin, Feb. 2—(AP)— A
Lubbock educator condemned
the federal government yes
terday for creating “a world
of hysteria” among draft-age
college students.
Dr. D. M. Wiggins, president of
Texas Tech, told the Senate
Finance Subcommittee he’s not
sure what future enrollment at
Tech will be because of the "un
certain” students.
“In any group of youngsters
ever was a victim of circumstances,
it’s the group now in school,” Wig
gins declared. “We’re operating in
a world of hysteria which, in all
tenderness, could have been avoid
ed by some programming in Wash
“Universal military training
would have at least given students
an idea of what to look forward to.”
These statements came in a hear
ing on proposed school appi-opria-
Wiggins said Tech can’t operate
on the $214 per student allowed by
the Legislative Budget Board.
He said a 20 per cent drop in en
rollment war “couldn’t by any
stretch of the imagination decrease
by 20 per cent the cost of instruc
A class would still need a pi’o-
fessor even though enrollment
might fall from 25 to 15, he ex
Wiggins also objected to itemized
budgeting in the proposed appro
priation. He asked the subcom
mittee to return to the policy of
lump appropriations, which he
said makes for economy and flex
Subcommittee Chairman Ottis
Lock answered by referring- to
“flagrant abuses” by some school
administrations when given auth
ority to switch funds from one use
to another.
A group of Student Senate
members will soon meet with
Athletic Director Barlow
“Bones” Irvin to seek an ad
justment in seating procedure
for home basketball games.
The Senate last night named its
executive committee to meet with
Irvin, after lengthy discussion on
crowded conditions in DeWare
Allan Eubank moved that a com
mittee meet with the athletic di
rector, asking that both sides of
the gym be opened to all students,
with roped-off areas for pay-at-
the-door spectators. This, he said,
would handle staff and faculty, vis
iting students, and the local citi
Joe Fuller asked that the execu
tive committee be named to “take
appropriate action.” Under the
present seating arrangement, stu
dents in uniform are required to
sit on the South side of the gym
A “senior section” for the gym
was proposed, but was voted down.
Coffee and Doughnuts
In other actions at its regular
monthly meeting, the Senate asked
its MSC Council representative,
Ferris Brown, to offer two recom
mendations to the council. They
were for an “improved quality of
coffee” and for “coffee with cream,
plus one doughnut for ten cents.”
Only nine senators voted for a
doomed motion to protest the cof-
fee-with-cream hike from five to
seven cents.
The Senate decided to invite T.
R. Spence, director of physical
plants for the A&M System, to at
tend the next meeting and explain
the college’s “master building-
plan,” in connection with the cam
pus beautification drive.
Election Set
The election committee announc
ed two forthcoming elections at tha
meeting. The first, to be campus-
wide, will be to decide to which
country A&M’s foreig-n student
scholarship will go. Three coun
tries—Austria, Norway, and Ger
many—will appear on the preferen
tial ballot, with a blank left for
write-ins. The vote will be taken
Wednesday night.
Another election will soon be
scheduled in Dorm 8. Senator Bill
Boddeker has moved from the dor
mitory and, under Senate regula
tions, must be succeeded by a resi
dent of that dorm. Date for this
election has not been set.
Deadline Set
At Feb. 10 For
Vanity Fair Pies
Various deadlines for sub
mission of pictures and mak
ing of reservations are draw
ing near for the Aggieland
Vanity Fair pictures, which will
be judged by George Petty, must
be submitted by noon on Saturday
Feb. 10, Jim Modlin, associate edi
tor of the annual said today.
Pictures should be 5x7 glossy
prints. Three shots ai-e required—•
one full length formal shot, one
bust shot, and one sports shot.
Senior Favorites must also be
turned in by Feb. 10. Fee for sub
mitting a favorite is $1.50, the
associate editor continued.
Feb. 6 is the last day that cam
pus organizations can reserve space
in the yearbook and make arrange
ments for pictures,