The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1951, Image 1

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    Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
The Battalion
Bolshevism: Past and Present
Explains Inside on Russian Politics
See Editorial, Page Two
Number 80: Volume 51
Price Five Cents
Senate Will Vote Today
On T roops-T o -Europe
HWashington, Jan. 23——Ad
ministration leaders were confident
of a favorable result as the Senate
faced up to a vote today (2 p.m.
EpT) on the first round of the
tiloops-to-Europe issue.
I Senator Wherry of Nebraska,
the Republican floor leader, had
■ending before the Senate an
unusual resolution which Senator
Connally (D-Tex) sought either
to amend drastically or to send
to a pigeonhole in the Foreign
Relations Committee he heads.
■ Wherry proposed that the Sen
ate instruct its foreign relations
and armed services groups to rec-
Bnmend by Feb. 2 legislation which
j^puld bar President Truman from
committing troops to the North
Atlantic defense force until Con-
grcss passes on that action.
■Wherry wrote into his resolution
limitations aimed at preventing the
committees from changing it ma
terially or substituting other pro
posals, as administration leaders
planned to do.
I The GOP leader said that if
(he Senate refuses to instruct the
committees as he desires he will
regard it as a vote against his
move to delay troop commitments
until Congress acts. Mr. Tru
man says he has authority to
commit troops regardless of
what Congress does.
■.Connally told reporters Wherry’s
proposal is “ridiculous and only a
sheet of paper.” He said a vote
to send it to committee won’t mean
approval of the resolution and
won’t bind the committees in any
^Nevertheless, he was studying
the possibility of trying to take
the time limit and other instruc
tions out of the resolution.
■ The Texas Senator said he is
confident that when the Senate
gets around to voting on the main
issue, it will approve the sending
of American ground forces and
other units to Europe to join the
international defense force being
set up under Gen. Dwight D. Ei
senhower. Connally is preparing
his own version of that proposal.
p The committee chairman said
Eisenhower will be asked to tes
tify in closed session either be
fore or after he reports in pub
lic to an informal session of all
the lawmakers next week.
Ill Meanwhile, the Senate’s argu
ment over foreign policy brought
growing demands for the with
drawal of American troops from
Korea and criticism of the United
‘Friendly’ Toil
Performed On
I' Austin, Jan. 23—CP)—The House
■districting committee reported
things were going along on a
“right neighborly basis” Monday.
■ “Members of certain areas are
getting together and working out
their problems of representation
pretty well,” Rep. William S. Fly
of Victoria, committee chairman,
^uld the committee.
iga Redistricting under the federal
PJpmsus is one of the biggest jobs
vi the legislature. The committe is
working on representatives’ dis
tricts at present.
Fly said that the lower Rio
Grande Valley, which gained a rep
resentative by population growth,
had worked out its House represen
tation. He reported most of South
west Texas, the area west of San
Antonio, northwest Texas and the
Panhandle satisfied with the work
ing plan of representation.
“In northeast Texas, we’ve got to
, do a lot of combining - because we’re
going to lose a lot,” said Rep. New-
i ton W. McCann of Texarkana.
■“But we want to do it right.”
■ Under the working plan of the
| committee, the four big cities
would have 29 representatives in
| the House—eight from Harris
| ICounty (Houston), and seven each
' from Bexar (San Antonio), Dallas
alul Tarrant (Fort Worth) coun-
Mties. That would leave 121 repre-
■sentatives to be divided among the
Vrrest of the state—one for about
■every 43,000 persons.
Time Short For
Reserving Rooms
Organizations will lose their
chance for permanent rooms in
the MSC unless they get their
reservation requests in to the
front office of the MSC by Jan
uary 30. today warned Miss Bet
ty Bolander, assistant social di
rector of the MSC.
She urged that the groups
make their requests immediate
Nations and the latest Chinese
Communist cease-fire offer.
Red China offered Monday to
negotiate a limited cease fire in
Korea if (A) withdrawals of all
foreign troops are started, (B) The
Communists are given U. N. mem
bership and (C) a conference is
called to discuss Far East prob
lems, including disposition of For
Senator Knowland (R-Calif)
told his colleagues this was mere
ly a new “obstructive tactic.”
“The U. N. should clearly and
frankly brand Communist China
as an aggressor, which she is,”
Knowland declared.
Cornerstone To Be Set
For Methodist Church
Bishop A. Frank Smith of the
Methodist Church will be principal
speaker at corner laying ceremon
ies February 1 at the new A&M
Methodist Church.
Between four and five hundred
guests are expected for the cere
monies, which are scheduled for 11
a. m., according to the Rev. James
Jackson, pastor o^ the Church. The
Reverend Jackson 1 will preside over
Former pastors who are expect
ed for the occasion are the Rev.
Jesse Thompson, conference exe
cutive secretary of Christian Edu
cation, Jacksonville; the Rev. R. L.
Jackson, College Station; the Rev.
James Carlin, pastor of Pleasant
Retreat Methodist Church, Tyler;
the Rev. Walton Gardner, pastor
Grace Methodist Church, Galves
ton; and the Rev. R. C. Terry, Dis
trict Superintendent Palestine Dis
trict, Palestine.
Singing Cadets To Sing
Former student workers who will
attend are the Rev. Carlos Davis,
LaPorte and the Rev. Bert Smith,
The Singing Cadets will sing two
numbers, one of which will be “This
Is My Father’s World.”
The Reverend Jackson issued a
special invitation to Aggies and
their families and friends to at
tend the ceremonies.
Aggies Welcomed
“This is the church under which
Methodist Aggies spend their col
lege years and we want all of them
to have a part in our program,”
the minister said. “All former Ag
gies who can come back will be
At the noon hour dinner will
be served on the church grounds.
In the afternoon a special lay
men’s meeting will be held, the
Reverend Jackson said.
Poll Tax Booth
Open at MSC
The Memorial Student Center
House Committee will maintain a
Poll Tax Booth in the MSC from
Tuesday, January 23rd through
Wednesday, January 31.
The booth will be located in the
east wing of the building and will
be maintained through the follow
ing hours with the exception of
Satui'day and Sunday:
9:30 a. m. until 11:30 a, m.
2:30 p. m. until 4:30 p. m.
5:30 p. m. until 7:30 p. m.
Members of the House Com
mittee are Robert W. Anderson, P.
H. Duval, Jr., C. R. Gallimore, Wil
liam H. Haley, L. G. Hardwicke,
James H. Rucks, John Samuels,
Bill L. Stephenson, Ray Stockard,
Stanley B. Wood, Robert W.
Young, Robert L. King.
The House Committee is charged
with planning special open house
events for the MSC. It also is in
charge of decorating the building,
planning coffee hours, and social
Rookie Police
Wounded by
Young Gunmen
Dallas, Jan. 23 —hT)— Four
young, unshaven gunmen wounded
two rookie policemen who stopped
their car because it ran a red light
All City Accident Prevention Bu-
+reau officers were called out to
search for the unidentified gun
men. Many other off-duty officers
joined the hunt. State and county
police helped. A police car was at
nearly every major city intersec
tion, and others prowled county
Earlier, Detective A. L. Clinkin-
beard had captured an ex-convict
and a cargo of marijuana when he
stopped a car on the southern out
skirts of Dallas. A second man got
away in the car as Clinkinbeard
riddled it with bullets.
Police Chief Carl Hansson said
there was no apparent connection
between the two incidents. Both
occurred in South Dallas.
Patrolman Johnnie Sides, 21, an
officer only six weeks, was wound
ed in the stomach, and Patrolman
H. L. Dawson, 31, an officer less
than a year, was shot in the wrist
when they stopped the car Monday
night. Sides was in critical condi
The gunmen were in a 1950,
blue Oldsmobile with an Oklahoma
Dawson said that after he and
Sides stopped the car, “I told two
of them to get and started to
search them. Johnnie was on the
other side opening the door, I
said, look out. They’ve got a rifle
on the back seat. Then the guy on
Johnnie’s side started shooting a
Town Hall Artist
Andres Segovia, who will appear March 28 in Guion Hall as a
Town Hall attraction, is pictured above with his guitar. Segovia
is considered one of the finest guitarists in the world. His pro
gram here will feature selections by Bach and his contemporaries,
modern composers and some Spanish compositions. Town Hall
tickets are still on sale in Student Activities office.
Tough Carrier
To Be Sunk
San Francisco, Jan. 23—hP)—The
atom-bomb carrier Independence is
going to be blasted to Davy Jones.
The Navy says this World War
II hero no longer is of any value—
even as an experimental laboratory
for radiologists.
Only the hulk remains of the
10,000 light carrier whose planes
destroyed more than 100 Japanese
aircraft and at least one ship,
the cruiser Oyodo.
The atom bomb, scientists and
engineers have blasted and stripped
the mighty I of every usable ob
Decks Battered
Her flight and hangar decks
and hull above the water line are
holepocked and battered — chiefly
by the 1946 atom bombing at Bi
Her main power plant was sent
to the Navy’s rocket experiment
project at Point Mugu, Calif.
The mighty I’s death will be as
explosive as her life through the
war and Bikini.
Her death date and grave and
means of destruction are Navy top-
secrets— on orders from CNO —
Chief of Naval Operations, (Adm.
Forrest P. Shennan) Washington.
But the date probably will be
early to mid-February. The place:
perhaps 500 miles at sea — far
enough outside San Francisco’s
Golden Gate to avoid snoopers and
outside of shipping lanes.
The method: “some weapon”
placed aboard, presumably on the
hangar or flight deck. It will not
be atomic. It has been used be
fore. It would be identifiable read
ily from pictures, even long range
shots, if enlarged.
Reporters Banned
Cameramen and newsmen will
not be permitted to witness the
The Independence was commis
sioned Jan. 14, 1943 at the Phila
delphia Navy Yard and almost im
mediately sped to battle in the
She ranged from Rabaul in the
southwest to Hokkaido, northern
most of the Japanese home islands,
and struck most Japanese bases
along the way. She raided as far.
west as Malaya.
Her air heroes included Lt.
Cmdr. Edward H. (Butch) O’Hare,
ace of the carrier Lexington who
was shot down in one of the war’s
first night fights while attached
to the Independence; Lt. (jg) Alex
ander Vraciu, credited with de
stroying 19 Jap planes in the Ma
rianas battles, and Cmdr. Turner
F. Caldwell, Jr., who destroyed six
Jap planes in one sweep on Clark
Field, the Philippines.
Confab to Hear
Dr. L Gilbreth
Dr. Lillian Gilbreth, whose life
was recently featured in a movie,
“Cheaper by the Dozen,” will he
one of the top-drawer authorities
featured on the fourth annual
Management Conference to he held
here March 1-2. Dr. Gilbreth will
speak on “Scientific Management
and Executive Development.”
President M. T. Harrington will
deliver the welcoming address to
the delegates and visitors.
Theme of the conference will be
the development of executive talent
in industry. Conference director is
R. F. Brucker of the Management
Engineering Department, while his
department is the conference spon
sor. All sessions will be held in the
Student Center.
Other speakers will be J. L. Mc-
Caffey, president of the Interna
tional Harvester Co; L. C. Morrow,
consulting editor of McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co.; Dr. William Ford,
consulting psychologist Of Hous
ton; F. J. Bell, director of Human
Relations, McCormick and Co., Bal
timore; Thomas W. Moore, training
director, Humble Oil and Refining
Co., Houston; and Dr. Tate Miller
of Dallas.
Talent Auditions,
Dance Classes Off
Certain activities of the MSC
have been cancelled this week be
cause of exams, Miss Betty Bo
lander, assistant social director of
the MSC, said today.
Dancing instructions have been
cancelled and will not be resumed
until Tuesday, January 30.
Talent Bureau auditions held
regularly on Wednesday and Fri
day are cancelled this week. The
first audition will be held Wednes
day, January 31 from 7 p. m. until
8 p. m. in the social room of the
U.S. Wins Biggest Jet
Battle In Korea Skies
4 ROTC Students’ Stay
In School — Marshall
1951 Jan 20 am 11 52
President Tom Harrington
Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College System
College Sta Tex.
Defense Secretary Marshall today took two steps to stop
enlistment panic students. Announced any student now
postponed induction or receiving draft notice will be permit
ted volunteer service of choice “if there are openings in
such service any time in the two months immediately pre
ceding final month of their school year.” Those volunteering
in that period permitted finish college year same as students
not receiving draft notices. Marshall also strongly urged
all R.O.T.C. students stay in college and said panic enlistment
college students “waste to the nation and damage to educa
tional system.”
R I Thackrey
(The above telegram was sent to President Harrington
by R. I. Thackrey, Executive Secretary, Association of Land
Grant Colleges and Universities.)
f College students no longer need
to worry about being unable to
pick their branch of service in the
armed forces, provided of course,
they are called into service via
Selective Service.
New rulings issued by the De
fense Department permit students
called for induction, to finish a
school year and still pick their own
branch in the armed forces.
The change eliminates a kink in
the regulations which had caused
many students to drop out of col
lege to enlist and insure themselves
of a choice of branch of service.
Hereafter the student getting a
draft notice may volunteer for a
selected branch within the two
months preceding the last month
of the school term, and report when
the term is over.
No longer will college students
have to choose between continuing
their college education and the
privilege of choosing their branch
of service.
New Club Has
Aim of Pushing
World Peace
A new club, with the prqnounced
aim of promoting better interna
tional understanding leading to
ward world peace, has been formed
at A&M. It is called the “United
Nations Club at A&M”, and has
about 55 members at present, most
of them foreign students studying
at A&M.
The club will hold its next meet
ing on Feb. 9 at the YMCA, be
ginning at 7 p. m. G. N. Raut of
India, its first president, has high
hopes for the future of the club,
hopes that include a big' member
ship not only at A&M, not only in
the United States, but also
throughout the world. That’s why
Raut is urging everyone who is
interested in better world relations
to attend the meeting and to join
the club. He emphasizes that one
need not be a student to become a
member; you can join even if you
are in no way connected with the
A group of people celebrating
United Nations Day on Nov. 24,
1950 started the club. They were
gathered in the YMCA. Before the
meeting was over, Y Director M-
L. Cashion proposed that an or
ganization of international char
acter, in which individuals could
exchange ideas and information
about different countries, be form
ed. The “United Nations Club at
A&M” was the result.
Officers of the club are Mom-
messin Pierre Robert of France,
president; P. V. Popait of India,
vice-president; Mr. Stevens, secre
tary; and E. Sandoval of Mexico,
The first group of officers were
G. N. Raut, India, president; King -
Egger, U. S. A., vice-president;
A. M. Leon-Ortega, Mexico, secre
tary; and J. A. B. McArthur,. Can
ada, treasurer.
Information about the club may
be obtained by contacting any of
ficer or fonner officer of the club.
Uniform Typ es
Are Asked for
Meat Industry
Dean C. N. Shepardson of the
School of Agriculture called on the
livestock industry Monday to
standardize its opinions on types
of meat animals and to fix its
standards on basis of types that
will “do the job most effectively.”
Welcoming stockmen and county
extension agents to the college’s
first livestock judging conference,
Shepardson said that in the past
“we have been guided by individual
preference. We need to stop and
ask ourselves, ‘are we picking ani
mals which will produce the most
effective meat-making machine?’
Our entire economy,” he said,
“depends on efficiency.”
The conference, said Dr. J. C.
Miller, head of the Animal Hus
bandry Department, is to coordin
ate thinking on types of livestock
associated with the most efficient
Eisenhower Ends
Talks In Germany
Frankfurt, Jan. 23—CP)—Gen.
Eisenhower completed his military
appraisal of Western Europe Mon
day night after private talks with
West German Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer, two generals and other
German leaders.
The Germans said the talks were
friendly and communicative. Carlo
Schmid, top parliamentarian of the
Socialist Party, said afterwards:
“World War II will not take
Eisenhower flies today to France,
with whose officials he already has
conferred at great length. His two-
day stay in France will see the
completion of arrangements for
setting up at least an interim head
quarters in Paris or its environs.
He expects to return to Europe in
Eisenhower slipped off to a pri
vate room for his talk with Ade
nauer. He was closeted with the
West German chancellor for more
than an hour. Twenty-minute talks
with the German generals—Hans
Speidel and Adolf Heursinger—^fol
There was no report on what
they talked about but the general
subject matter was certain—Ger
man rearmament and the danger of
Russian aggression.
Speidel, former chief of staff to
Field Marshall Erwin Rommel on
the Western front, and Heusinger
now are part - of the West German
Commission negotiating with the
Allies on Germany’s proposed new
Army to strengthen Atlantic Pact
From both military and politi
cal sources here, it was easy to dis
cover that one of Eisenhower’s
toughest problems is right here
in Germany. The Germans don’t
want to rearm unless it means real
defense of German soil.
Moreover, before they commit
themselves to taking paiT in an
Atlantic army, they will press for
a chance to reunite Eastern Ger
many with the west, and for re
turn of some of the old German
Reich, since handed over to Poland.
4 Soviet-Made
Craft Destroyed
Tokyo, Jan. 23—UP)—American airmen won history’s
biggest jet air battle today. It was fought at dazzling speeds
in the blue skies of northwestern Korea.
U. S. F-84 Thunderjets knocked down four Russian-made
MIG fighters, probably destroyed one other, claimed two
doubtful kills and damaged or shot down several others.
The Far East Air Forces in Tokyo said that 25 of 33
F-84s—the largest jet force to sally forth against Red
planes—tackled between 18 and 28
M1GS over Sinuiju, just across the
Yalu River from Manchuria.
U. S. Fifth Air Force Headquar
ters in Korea did not report any
of the American planes lost in the
big air battle.
Eight F-86 Sabre jets shot down
six MIGS and a probable seventh
Dec. 22.
On the ground the heaviest
battle in several days flared 10
miles southeast of Tanyang on
the eastern central Korean front.
U. S. Seventh Division dough
boys and other Allied troops had
cornered nearly 3,00 Red infil
trators and were hammering at
Artillery and mortar blasts re
verbrated against the lofty, cold
mountains. Filed reports said 400
of one group of nearly 2,000 Red
infiltrators had been killed in the
sharp action. Another group of
1,000 Red Koreans and 200 women
also was in the area.
There was little fighting in any
other sector. Intelligence reports
to U. S. Eighth Army Headquarters
said the Chinese armies in the
Seoul area were moving tanks
across the Han River south of the
burned-out former capital.
A.P. Correspondent Tom Brad
shaw said the Reds were using
pontoon bridges across the half-
frozen river. He said also ag
gressive Allied patrols had push
ed well into normal Communist
sectors in the west and central
areas without contacting the
The battle in the steep .moun
tains south of Tanyang started at
2:30 p.m. (12:30 a.m., EST) Mon
day. Tanyang is 37 miles south
east of Wonju, the road hub which
Allied troops walked away from
again Monday night after holding
its tiny airstrip unopposed for sev
eral hours.
The Reds near Tanyang poured
small arms and heavy weapons fiiA
into the United Nations troops
A.P. Correspondent Jim Brad
shaw reported two other Commun
ist buildups in the central eastern
sector. One was around Yongwol,
20 miles northeast of Tanyang. The
other was near Andong, 54 miles
north of the old Pusan perimeter
pivot point of Taeju. About 2,500
Reds, a sizable force of guerrilla-
type Communists, were reported
A. P. Correspondent John Ran
dolph at Eighth Army Head-
quarters said Allied patrols
knifed Monday into Communist
lines all across the Korean pen
insula from the Yellow Sea on
the west to the sea of Japan on
the east.
Randolph said Allied patrols
rolled up to seven miles into low-
level land bordering the main road
that leads to Osan and Suwon and
on to Seoul.
Joe T. Rabb
Killed At
Fort Riley
Joe T. Rabb, senior chemical en
gineering student at A&M before
entering the armed forces was kill
ed Thursday at Fort Riley, Kansas
during a squad firing exercise.
Rabb left A&M when he went
into the Army November 18. He
had been accepted for officers
training school, was on maneuvers
and was taking part in a close
combat exercise involving the fir
ing of live ammunition when he
was hit in the head by a .30 caliber
bullet from an automatic rifle.
An active participant in ROTC
when he was in high school, Rabb
was citywide colonel in 1946, his
senior year at Polytechnic High.
He also belonged to DeMolay.
Survivors include his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Price Rabb of
3421 Ave. E., Fort Worth. Other
survivors are his grandmother,
Mrs. J. C. Rabb of San Angelo;
grandfather, J. F. Tull of San An
tonio; an aunt, Mrs. C. T. Hubbard
of Fort Worth, and two cousins,
Fain Hubbard of Fort Worth and
Thomas Hubbard of San Antonio.
Harrington To
Attend Meeting
Pres. M. T. Harrington will at
tend a meeting of the Board of
Control for Southern Regional Edu
cation, to be held in Atlanta, Ga.,
January 26-27.
Presidents of colleges and uni
versities in the south, will attend.
The meeting will concern itself
mainly with veterinary medical
training. It will also enable, “in
stitutions interested in the- pro
gram to discuss its operation thus
far and needs of the future,” W.
J. Mcdothlin, associate director of
the board says.
ID Cards Required
For Registration
Students will be required to
present their ID cards at reg
istration, Registrar H. L. Heat
on said today.
On days of registration, pho
tographic and Visual Aids Lab
will be set up on the second
floor of Milner Hall to accom
modate those who do not have
ID cars.
Telephone Center
You can sit down and wait while your long-distance call goes
through, if you use the telephone center in the MSC. Pictured
above, the center contains several numbered booths for placing of
calls. You give your call to the operator on duty. She gets the
call through, then routes it into one of the booths. Then you ave
told which booth to use. The operator’s desk and switchboard ave
pictured at left. Too bad, boys, but the operator is unidentified.