The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1951, Image 3
Maryland Plan Puts Epilepsy Under Attack Baltimore, Jan. 18——H a v e you ever watched a child in the thVoes of an epileptic fit? If you are like most people, you probably shuddered and backed out of the scene as quickly and as inconspic uously as possible. But did it ever occur to you that you’re as much of a problem of public health as the youngster suf fering froni the disorder ? 'Epilepsy is one of those unpleas ant ailments that people naturally like to steer clear of. You just don’t care to discuss or be related with a subject that in its advanced form gives way to grotesque and uncontrollable seizures. Epilepsy probably isn’t as far from you as you may think. Available records show that one in every 200 persons—or about 750,000—in this country are af flicted with this nerve disorder. Fortunately, most of these per sons have only mild seizures that occur infrequently and may amount to nothing more than a blank stare ffr a few moments or a sudden stiffening of muscles. Then it’s all over. The U. S. Children’s Bureau, a bi^^h of the Federal Security A^B:y, was well aware of the tre mulous strides medicine had made toward easing the effects of epilep sy. And it realized it was a mat ter of public health to (1) get this information out to the sufferer and (2) educate the public so it would be a little more understanding. The bureau chose Maryland’s efficient State Department of Health, with fully organized units in every county, to develop a public health program in the field. What is happening is mak ing medical history. The medical field considers this important: It prefers to speak of control or relief of seizures rather than their cure. With such a vague and inconclusive origin of the ailment to work with, it hasn’t much choice. It has been impossible to pin point the cause—or causes—of epi lepsy. It usually occurs where the disorder is in the family history or sometimes from a blow on the head that damages a portion of the brain. Only about 20 per cent of epilep tics are uncontrollables and must be attended to as out-and-out pa tients. It is to the other 80 per rent that Maryland is directing its program. DIMES J A N*U A R Y 15-31 People of Israel In Uproar Over ‘Hitler Language’ Use But No Washateria Tel Aviv, Jan. 18—UP)—A “No German” decision by the Israel Censorship Board has revived the discussion of whether what some call “the Hitler language” should be outlawed in the Jewish State. One section of the population and the press says “yes” and de mands the ban of German from any stage, concert platform or news stand. They maintain that the public use of the language in which “Mein Kampf” was written, the “Stuermer” edited and the death warrant of hundreds of thou sands of Jews signed, is an insult to the memory of the victims of Auction Brings Flash Of Old Times to Town Terrell, Tex., Jan. 18—0W—The high-school kids in Terrell are wearing pointed toe, high button shoes to school. And the girls are wearing whalebone corsets that hook in front and lace up the back. They got them from the I. Levy store, where their grandparents used to buy nothing but the best of everything. I. Levy opened that store a little more than 50 years ago. He brought to this little town of a few thousand, set amid the cot ton fields of North Texas, laces from France, silks from China, Oriental rugs, imported woolens and damask. There it all was—old lace dresses with the high collars stiffened with whalebone, rotting on the racks, yellowed linen suits for men, ven tilated panama sailors—when the auctioneer’s voice boomed among the dusty shelves and the musty racks. There were celluloid collars, whalebone corsets, the cloche hats of the 1920’s, feather boas, quinine hair tonic, jet buttons, lawn corset covers, velour coats, men’s linen dress shirts with embroidered bibs. The store had been closed since Levy died two years ago. To settle the estate that goes to the widow and one son, it was opened up again, and the relics of half a cen tury auctioned off. To the old folks in Terrell it was sad. “I can remember when I. Levy’s was the finest store between Dal las and Shreveport,” said Mrs. Ben Wilson of Terrell. “I still have two On Duty in Salt Mines Physicists Search Earth Depths for Atom Clues By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE AP Science Editor Two thousand feet down at the bottom of a nearby salt mine Cor nell University physicists are seek ing clues to things happening high up in the earth’s atmosphere. The clues are about cosmic rays, a gold mine of information about powerful atomic forces. The salt mine work is conducted by Dr. Kenneth Greisen and Dr. Giuseppe Cocconi of the Laboratory of Nuclear Studies. ‘Hot’ Oil Not For China’s Lamps Rangoon, Jan. 18—CP)—A rich harvest is being reaped in the ille gal overland shipment of oil to Chi na—oil obviously not meant for China’s famous lamps. Reports from the former Bur mese capital of Mandalay say that much of it is lubricating oil and g^aline. The contraband, which ii^Mles cotton, goes over the Bur- mWtoad to Chungking where it is sold at above-ceiling prices, ac cording to the reports. The oil and cotton are not prod ucts of Burma but are imported under government-issued permits. Sales of oil in Rangoon are believ ed to have increased by 300 per cent in recent months. Government sources here say Chinese agents are purchasing the oil wholesale and forwarding it to Red China. Cosmic rays approach the earth from somewhere in outer space. They are nuclei of atoms, mostly hydrogen, a few helium and some heavier elements. One of the most energetic, hitting a particle of air, sometimes sets off a chain explo sion building up to an incredible number of atomic particles. Occa sionally the number is a hundred million, and the fragments spread over an area equivalent to several football gridirons. Of the many cosmic ray particles which constantly rain down on the earth, only one type appears to get through the two thousand feet of rock to the mine bottom. It has tremendous energy, and appears to be what physicists call a meson. This is a material particle with two or three hundred times the weight of an electron. It is produced in the earth’s atmosphere by the pri mary rays of other types which have survived the long trip from outer space. It lives only a frac tion of a second. In Straight Lines The mesons entering the mine travel in straight lines. But they do not all come from the same direction. The salt mine detectors show some from directly overhead, and others at wide side angles. One angling ray penetrated ten thousand feet of rock—farther than any other ray in the world’s rec ords. A child on the curb is a danger signal. ATTENTION AGGIES When in Bryan Drop in For COFFEE & HOME MADE PIES or TASTE TEMPTING DINNERS —We Specialize In— ITALIAN SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS TENPIN GRILL (JUST OPENED) 8 a.m. ’til 10 p.m on Week Days 11 a.m. ’til 5 p.m on Sundays BRYAN* TEXAS 301 N. MAIN Next Door to Bowling Alley linen towels from there that I got as wedding gifts back in 1916. When Mr. Levy told you something was linen, you knew it was linen. “He wouldn’t sell you anything unless he liked you. Some of the Hitler’s pogroms. They argue, that the continued non-use of Ger man is a protest against the group of Neo-Nazis who still believe in the Swastika today. The other section of the people of Israel think the German lan guage in itself is innocent of the misuses it has had to suffer. Thus a “Reader’s Letter” stated: “If we are going to charge a language with the crimes of its users, we may find ourselves a nation of mutes, for which language hasn’t in some way dishonored the Jew?” And many say: “Is German not the language of the great books by Rainer Maria Rilke, Stefan George, Thomas Mann, Franz Kaf ka, Heine, Schiller and Goethe, too?” Dr. Mayo Explains Reading Course Although not a new course, Se lected Reading 320, is a one hour course which enables a student women “he “didn’t like ha‘<Tto "send who has a full schedule to receive xt, an introduction to literature, Dr. for them ” * g T. F. Mayo, head of the English for them. Claude Rousseaux of Terrell said, “I don’t suppose Mr. Levy had bought any new stock in 15 years.” People stopped buying those fine things during the depression. Dur ing the war Levy would have noth ing to do with the second-rate mer chandise that was available for a store in a small town. Department, said. Four great books are studied. These books are plays of Greece, Shakespeare, Gibson, and O’Neal; Fielding Tom Jones, a comical English novel; some English poems; and two or more modern discussions of science and phil osophy by Julian Huxley. Only two short papers are re quired in the course. The books and then discussed in So he just sat in the back of his store amid all the fine silks and are read damasks rotting in their boxes class. while the rest of the world whizzed j Dr. Mayo said there would be down the highway outside in their | six sections opened to accomodate sleek and shiny cars. any schedule. The fight in this country against spoken German and German print ed newspapers and periodicals dates back to 1933 when the Hitler wave of terror was for the first time unleashed with official German Government support. During the last few years, there has been some relaxation in this fight. German and other foreign languages were tolerated as it takes quite some time before a new immigrant can read Hebrew. And in some cases— although not on the radio—German was even admitted as a means of communication of works of art. Now the fire of controversy burns anew. It was kindled with the arrival of the American Negro Basso Kenneth Spencer, when a concert agent submitted to the Is rael Censorship Board the pro gram he planned to offer. It also included' German written arias from Mozart’s “Magic Flute” and lieder by Brahms and Schubert. The Board—recently reconstituted on the basis of two reenacted Pal estine Government Laws from 1927 —deleted these pieces because it feared “a popular outcry” if it showed tolerance here. Laundry In Stream Effective Manila, Jan. 18—UP)—From sun up to sun-down the women of Ugong village bend over their wide tin basins on the bank of the Pasig River. The menfolk stand knee-deep in water as they slap laundered clothes aaginst stone slabs to re move the soap suds. Laundering is the major indus try of Ugong, a tiny village a few miles upstream from Manila. Three out of five villagers are laundry- men. Among their customers are many Manila families. The Pasig River runs almost crystal clear at Ugong, but there are no fish to provide food for the village. Long ago—no one re members when — villagers began collecting laundry fi’om the bigger towns to wash in the clear water. Ugong launderers are cheaper than city establishments. With their bare hands and strong soap they wash the dirty clothes in their tin basins, rinse it in the river, and then put it out to bleach on the stony bank. THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JANUARY .18, 1951 Page 3 FREE! To our graduating customers. Royal Typewriter and Victor Adding Machine packing cases. COME AND GET ’EM! Bryan Business Machine Co. 209 North Main Dial 2-1328 Graduates to Get Commissions Soon One hundred and thirty-two graduates will receive reserve com missions in the Army and Air Force this month announced Lt. Col. Wilderman of the Military Science Department. There will be 88 commissions in the ground forces and 44 commis sions in the air forces. Most of the commissions will be in the Infan try, Field Artillery, and Armor sections of the ground forces. Four men have been selected for regular Army commissions and two for the Air Force commissions. The four men selected for regular army are D. E. Brown, N. H. Rud-i die, H. M. Sanders, and D. R. Avant. Regular commissions for the Air Force have not been an nounced. What’s Cookin’ AUSTIN CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Room 123, Academic Bldg. LAND O’ LAKES CLUB, Thurs day, 7:15 p. m.. Room 305, Good win. PISTOL TEAM, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., pistol range. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m., Room 304, Academic Bldg. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m., Room 3B- 3C MSG. Important meeting to dis cuss Aggieland ’51 picture and mid-term party plans. FOUR STATES (TEXARKA NA) CLUB, Thursday, 7 p. m., room 106, Academic Building. PERMIAN BASIN CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. in Lounge of YMCA. Emergency meeting to make plans for picture in Aggie land. LEGAL HOLIDAY Friday, January 19, 1951 being a Legal Holiday, in observance of Robert E. Lee’s Birthday, the undersigned will observe that date as a Legal Holiday and not be open for business. First National Bank City National Bank First State Bank & Trust Co. College Station State Bank Bryan Building and Loan Ass’n Be Sure To Attend Church Sunday! BANKING SERVICE COLLEGE STATION’S OWN College Station Banlc North Gate Central Texas Hardware Co. Bryan, Texas • HARDWARE • CHINAWARE • CRYSTAL • GIFTS Calendar of Church Services The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” American Laundry — and — Dry Cleaners Bryan, Texas Serving the College Station and Bryan Communities Since 1909 First State Bank & Trust Co. BRYAN TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Henry A. Miller & Co. A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:46 A.M.—Bible Classes 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Youth Meeting A&M METHODIST CHURCH 9:30 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship S. MARY’S CHAPEL St. Mary’s, Sunday Mass, 8:30 and 10 a.m. A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:46 A.M. — Sunday School 11:00 A.M. — Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M. — Student League and Fel lowship. COLLEGE STATION BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Training Union 7:15 P.M.—Evening Worship AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 A.M—Bible Class 10:45 A.M.—Worship Service ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Aggie Coffee Club 9:30 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Evening Services 6:30 P.M.—Student League 7:30 P.M.—Fellowship Service BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 800 S. College Ave. Bryan, Texas 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:46 a.m.—Morning Worship Service Wednesday Vespers—7:30 p.m. Luther Club—Wed. 8:30 p.m. The Rev. Wm. C. Petersen, pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 7:30 P.M.—Supper Group (3rd. Wed.) 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship Student Publications Texas A&M College North Gate Hardware Furniture Gifts Phone 4-1145 City National Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bryan, Texas LAUNDROMAT HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Authorized Dealer Hamilton (Home) Dryer One Block East of College View Apts. College Station, Texas A&M Grill North Gate THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER CHURCH When asked to prepare a statement concerning the proper use of time, a group of young people came up with these words: “Your time is God’s time.” Grewn-ups may well heed this truth. One’s time is really not one’s own. Even though budgeted to include only such things as business, golf, gardening, travel or what not, it is still God’s time. And when we fail to include in our time budget a few hours for the Church and its constructive program, then the One from whom we get all the time we have is being ignored and we are losing priceless returns. Time given to the Church and the enterprises for which it stands is an investment that pays dividends for all the other worthwhile things we have to do. Try it. Take an interest in some Church—in the Bible—in an activity on the high level of service to others—and see how much more productive all of your time will be- J. C. Penney & Company Bryan, Texas “Clothing for the Family” MARTIN’S PLACE For a special evening of entertainment bring the family to Martin’s for a de licious Barbecue Dinner. Fresh barbe cue seven days a week. Special rate for picnics. 3403 S. College Road Copyriaht 1W0, V *»