The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1951, Image 1

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    Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
Number 79: Volume 51
The Battalion
College Station Child
Helped by March of Himes
See Page 6
Price Five Cents
Daughter and Company
Stars of last nighCs performance of “The Daugh
ter of the Regiment” seen by an appreciative
crowd in Guion Hall are, left to right, Juanita
Teal, the Marchioness of Rerkenfeld; Edgar
Stone, Sgt. Sulpizio; Nancy Wright, Maria, the
“daughter”; David Taylor, Tonio, Maria’s lover
and Helen Marshall, the Duchess.
Photo by Sam Molinary
Aggie Ex Given Publicity
In January 6 Texas Parade ?
M. S. Church, ’05, leads off the
list of picturesque Texans in the
January issue of “Texas Parade.”
A story, “Texans in Action,” by
William H. Gardner, lists the var
ious pursuits of this GO-year-old
Dallas attorney.
The magazine names Church
v reeognized master” at his primary
profession of law and sidelines in
cluding scientific farming, pigeon
raising, collecting cook-books, and
His accomplishments in all
these lines are particular inter-
Florist’s Talk
Scheduled By
Dames Club
The Dames Club, only national
organization at A&M for student
wives, will hear John Stiles, local
florist, speak on “Spring Floral
Arrangements For the Home,” at
a meeting this evening at 7:30 in
Ihe YMCA cabinet room.
The speaker is owner of Stiles
Floral Company. He is a 1948 grad
uate of A&M. Since his freshman
days in high school he has been
interested in flowers and financed
part of his high school and col
lege education by working- as
florist. He was once employed as
a florist with the St. Anthony
Hotel in San Antonio.
The speaker will be introduced
Mrs. W. T. Matzen, vice-presi-
nt and program chairman for
he club. Previous to the program
Mrs. A. J. Oakes, president, will
conduct a business session. She
stressed that all college wives are
eligible for membership in the or
ganization and are invited to at
tend the Thursday meeting.
Hostesses for the social hour will
be Marge Chaney, Ruth Stanford,
Myra Burke and Annette Carroll.
Fish Meet Tonight
In Assembly Hall
The Freshman Class will meet
tonight in the Assembly Hall at
7 p. m. Thomas Clemens, president
of the class, announced today.
Clemens said the class will dis
cuss the Freshman Ball. The ball
will be held in Sbisa on Feb. 3.
The class will also discuss the
choosing of the Freshman Sweet
Deadline of entries in the con
test will be Jan. 20.
Six finalists will be chosen. From
these the Sweetheart will be chosen
the night of the Ball.
Food Group to Meet
The Foods Group of the A&M
Christian Church will meet in the
Women’s Social Club at 7 p.m. Fri
The occasion will be Party Night
and husbands and other guests have
been invited.
esting in light of the fact that
as a student at A&M, Church
became the first corps command
er. The position at that time was
worth a cadet major rating.
In the line of scientific farming,
Church manages four family-owned
farms, according to the magazine.
His tennants mix livestock rais
ing and row-crop growing to reap
a hax-vest for themselves and their
Regarding his farming Church
is quoted as saying, “I have come
to the theory that landlords need
educating as well as the tenant
farmer. First class farming- famil
ies will not put up with the kind
of dwellings offered them in the
past. I believe that for a land
lord to have a first class tenant,
he must have a first class house,
with conveniences.”
The tenant on the Church farm
at Richland has $15,000 worth of
The former cadet commander
reads every bulletin published by
the Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion since, as he says, “If you
ai-e going to farm, it takes as
much study on the problems in
volved as a lawyer must spend on a
Cone e'r n i n g Church’s other
avocations, “Texas Parade” cites
the four grand champions he won
with his favorite Giant Runt breed
of pigeons. Church is president of
the Texas Pigeon Association and
past president of both the Ameri
can Carneaux Association and the
National Pigeon Association.
His cook-book collecting began
when he asked a Negro, cook for
his recipe for Brunswick stew. He
now has 750 cook books in his li
brary, preserved in a permanent
binding. He has willed his com
plete collection to the TSCW Home
Economics Department. -
The cooking, of course, began
as a means of testing the results
from the recipes. Readers interest
ed in testing his ability in this
line might wrangle a personal in
vitation or take a try at his re
cipe for “Spaghetti Delight” con
tained in the magazine.
“Texas Parade,” incidentally, is
published by Ike Ashburn, former
commandant at A&M.
Church’s most recent visit to the
campus was as main speaker for
the Muster Ceremonies two years
Geography Course
Replaces Science
A new geography course which
will satisfy the science require
ment in the School of Arts and
Science, has been set up and will
be taught this semester, Dr. George
Schlesselman, head of the depart
ment, announced this morning.
The new course will have three
hours of theory and three hours
of laboratory with four hours cre
The course will include orienta
tion in the field of geography;
basic facts and geopraphical tools;
latitude and longitude; map con-
struction and map reading; ele
ments of the weather and climate;
and earths processes distinguished
from the classes of earth features.
“The point of view maintained
throughout the course is that the
physical earth is the home of man
and that consequently the resour
ces potentialities of the elements
ire of the paramount importance”.
Dr. Schlesselman said.
Film Receipts To
Benefit Polio
A chance to see one of the
“classic” war films of all times
and at the same time help out
the March of Dimes will be of
fered students and faculty mem
bers tonight at 7:30 in the YM
CA Chapel. The film, “All Quiet
on the Western Front,” is the
story of German soldiers in
World War I.
Profits from the showing will
be donated to the local March
of Dimes chapter to be used for
treatment, medical services, and
X-rays of polio cases.
Admission will be 25 cents
per person, although those who
wish to give more may.
i Daughter' > Troupe
Charms Guion Hall
Operetta Audience
By B. F. Roland
North Texas State College’s version of “The Daughter
of the Regiment,’’ proved to be a well-accepted and thor
oughly appreciated off-spring indeed to diversion seekers in
a nearly filled Guion Hall last night.
For many, seeing an operetta for the first time, the
presentation was a pleasant surprise. For those more fa
miliar with the world of higher music, it was a high-stan
dard production.
Nancy Wright in the title role of the daughter, Maria,
was as easy to look at as she was to listen to. But she had
to use the natural beauty to steal star-billing from David
Taylor and Edgar Stone.
Taylor, in the role of Maria’s
lover, Tonio, displayed both fine
voice and stage-mastery. Stone, as
the laugh-provoking and lovable
Sergeant Sulpizio, could well have
come from a professional troupe.
Nor did these three complete the
list of fine talent. Juanita Teal
did a creditable job as the late-dis
covered and finally relenting moth
er of Maria, while Bill Sparks back
ed her up solidly as her steward,
Featured performers Helen Mar
shall, A1 Skoog and Stewart Van-
nerson helped in paying tribute to
the direction of Mary McCormic
and well-known opera diva Mary
Garden who personally coached the
27-Voice Chorus
Not to be neglected on bouquets
are the 27-voice chorus and the 61-
piece symphony orchestra under
the able direction of Dr. Walter H.
Hodgeson, dean of the North Texas
School of Music.
And just to insure not missing a
chance for entertainment the
troupe provided an intermission
violin solo by Hans Muenzer, resi
dent violinist at NTSC. Muenzer’s
beautiful offering of the familiar
“Gypsy Airs” by Sarasate drew a
fine round of applause from the
Not a detail was lacking in the
Opera Workshop presentation of
the well-known Gaetano Donizetti
Captain’s Daughter
The story revolved around Maria,
daughter of a captain in the Grand
Army of Napoleon. Upon his death,
the captain leaves young Maria to
the care of the 20th Regiment.
Membex-s of the regiment adopt the
child and x’aise her to beautiful
young womanhood.
The opex-etta begins at the stage
in Maria’s life when she has found
as her lover, Tonio, a young Tyro
lese peasant who saved her from
falling over a precepice. The 20th
Regiment has just moved victo
riously into Tyrol.
The Countess of Berkenfeld dis
covers the young girl with the Reg
iment and claims her as a niece.
She demands that Maria be left
to her care. Tonio, meanwhile, en
lists to get the approval of the
Regiment for his pi'oposed mar-
(See DAUGHTER, Page 3)
US Turns Down
Commie Terms
For Settlement
Washington, Jan. 17 —
(AP)— The United States
swiftly rejected yesterday
Communist China’s proposal
for a settlement of the Korean
crisis on the Reds’ own terms. Sec
retary of State Acheson said the
proposal shows the Communists’
“contemptuous disregard of a
world-wide demand for peace.”
The Red Chinese, turning down
a UN cease-fire plan, called in
stead for seven-nation negotiations
to be held in China and withdrawal
of American forces from the For
mosa area.
Acheson issued a statement de
claring the proposal is “unaccept
able to the United States govern
ment.” He added that it doubt
less would be unacceptable to the
United Nations generally.
He issued another statement to
night which said:
“The reply of the Chinese Com
munists to the U. N. cease-fire
proposal is still further evidence
of their contemptuous disregard
of a world-wide demand for peace.
Their so-called ‘counter proposal’
is nothing less than an outright i'e-
“Once again, the Peiping re
gime has shown a total lack of in-
tei'est in a peaceful settlement of
the Korean question.
“There can no longer be any
doubt that the U. N. has explored
every possibility of finding' a
peaceful settlement of the Korean
question. Now we must face
squarely and soberly the fact that
the Chinese Communists have no
intention of ceasing their defiance
of the U. N.
“I am confident that the U. N.
will do that. The strength of the
U. N. will lie in the firmness and
unity with which we now move
Tot Smiles
Not Knowing
Death Near
Anniston, Ala., Jan. 18—UP)—
Five-yeai'-old Doi'othy Ann Otwell
lies in her bed and smiles at visit
ors, unknowing that physicians say
she can live only three to five
moi'e weeks.
Her pai'ents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
R. Otwell, said today doctors told
them the little blonde child has a
bx-ain tumor. They quoted the phy
sicians as saying the tumor is on
the brain and can not be removed
Dorothy Ann is a happy child,
the parents said. She knows she is
sick but she doesn't know death
stands so neax - , they added. A few
days ago, Mx-s. Otwell heax-d the
child pray:
“Jesus, don’t let me be too sick
so that I can’t go to the birthday
The parents first noticed some
thing was wrong a few months ago
when the child began holding pic
tures too close to her eyes. Then
she began to stagger when she
Red Offensive
Feared Along
Western Front
Tokyo, Jan. 18—UP)—A strong Red Chinese defender
force fought a blazing battle with probing U.N. troops to
night inside Kumyangjang, on the Korean western front.
The Allied scout-raider force was one of several feeling
out the strength in the vanguard of what appears to be a
Communist offensive buildup all across the peninsula.
An Allied commander said: “All hell might break loose
pretty soon.”
Associated Press Correspondent Jim Becker reported
the Kumyangjang fight started at 4 p.m. Thursday (2 a.m.
EST) and was still raging an hour later, with the Allied
commander of a motorized patrol calling for air support.
Then after 90 minutes of fight-~ *
ing the Allied commander repox-ted
Sophomores Need
Sweetheart Pics
All sophomores who plan to sub
mit entries for Sophomore Sweet
heart should do so immediately.
Pictures may be turned in to Joe
Blanchette in Doi'm 10-304. Dead
line for submitting entries is Feb.
10, Allen Pengelly, social secretary,
Two pictures of the entrant are
necessai’y. One picture should mea
sure appi'oximately 5x7”, formally
posed, and the other must be an in
formal snapshot of the girl in a
bathing suit, shorts or other spoi't-
ing attire.
Certificate Is
Needed for Vets
To Register
In order to do away with
delay for veterans registering
for the Spring term, Taylor
Wilkins, veteran advisor, has
announced the four categories
which veterans must have a Cer
tificate of Eligibility in order to
register under the GI Bill of
• Veterans who are in the fol
lowing categoi'ies must present a
Certificate of Eligibility at the time
they register:
• Veterans who change their
place of training.
• Vetei'ans who receive a degree
and desire to start working toward
another degree.
• Veterans who desire to change
• Veterans who enter training
for the first time.
Thex-e are only 12 days left in
which to secure this certificate,
Wilkins said. Veterans who do
not have the certificate at the time
they register will be required to
pay their own fees and buy their
own books until they receive their
letter of authorization.
The advisor pointed out that this
will also cause a delay in subsis
tence pay. Veterans who fall in
the four categoi'ies mentioned
above who have not applied for
their Certificate of Eligibility, ai-e
urged to come by the Vetex-an Ad
visor’s Office, Room 103, Goodwin
Hall for instruction on the proce
dure to secure it, Wilkins said.
Veterans whose GI benefits have
expired are entitled to matricula
tion fee exemption providing they
are residents of Texas. These vet
erans should report to the Veteran
Advisor’s Office for instructions
on this.
Almost Immediate Vengence
Promised by Air Force Chief
Tokyo, Jan. 18—-OP)—A sneak air
attack on the U. S. mainland would
bring American aerial x-etaliation
“almost immediately,” Gen. Hoyt
S. Vandenberg, Air Force Chief
of Staff, deelai'ed yesterday.
“Even in undeclared war there
would be certain indications which,
if properly utilized, should put us
into a position to retaliate almost
immediately,” he added.
Later Vandenberg and Gen. J.
Sweetheart Entries Open
Junior Prom Set Feb. 10
Refinery Tours
Halted by Humble
Baytown, Tex., Jan. 18 — UP) —
The Humble Oil and Refining Com
pany has stopped public tours
through its five huge plants here.
Nearly 50,000 people from all
over the nation and the world had
attended the lecture tours through
the opei'ating facilities since the
good will feature was introduced
at the close of World War II.
The national emergency and the
possibility of sabotage were given
as reasons for stopping the toui's.
Feb. 10 has been definitely set
as the date for this year’s Junior
Prom, Harold Chandler, Class of
’52 president, said this morning.
Date for the annual class dance
was changed to late April earlier
this month, but has been switched
again to the original time. Scene
for the thii'd-year men’s biggest
fling will be in the ballroom of the
Memorial Student Center, with the
ti'aditional Junior Banquet preced
ing in Sbisa Hall.
Tariffs have been set for both
events. Tickets for the Prom will
sell for $3, stag or dx'ag, while
banquet ducats will requii'e $1.75
per plate. Main speaker for the
banquet will be C. N. “Newt”
Hielscher, light-hearted orator of
the Engineering Drawing Depart
Hielscher was recently master
of ceremonies at the midwinter
sports banquet and has gained local
fame as director of the Bryan
Lions Club’s annual “Minstrels.”
Ticket sales will be handled
through tmit fii'st sergeants. Ax--
x'angements will be made soon for
sales to non-coi'ps and day stu-
Entries are now being accept
ed for the Junior Sweetheart
contest, committee chairman
Bob Chapman announced this
To enter a girl in the contest,
the junior must submit two pic
tures at the Student Activities
office in Goodwin Hall. One bust
picture and another full-length
snapshot, preferably in sports
clothing, will suffice. Chapman
asked that the bust picture be
5x7 or larger, if possible.
Entries will be accepted
through Monday, Feb. 5. A com
mittee will then select six final
ists, who will be presented at the
Junior Prom on Feb. 10. At that
time the sweetheart of the class
will be chosen.
dents, Chandler said. He expects
business in this categoi'y to begin
early next week.
Committees have been set up to
make ax-rangements for the Prom.
Following is a list of committee
Banquet—Eric Carlson; decora
tions—Dick Ingels; guests—co-
chairmen Bill Dalston and Ralph
Rowe; invitations—Ted Stephens;
queen selection—Bob Chapman;
pi'ogi'am—John Tapley; and pub
licity—Jim Anderson and Jack
MSC Club Rooms Open
Clubs desiring to reserve meet
ing rooms in the MSC have been
asked by Betty Bolandex-, assistant
social director, to make x-equest to
her before Jan. 31.
Rooms will not be assigned to
groups of less than 20 and X'eser-
vatidns will be taken on a first
come, first serve basis.
Lawton Collins, Ax-my Chief of
Staff, took off for Washington.
They had visited the Far East
Command and the Korean battle-
fronts for thi'ee days.
Vandenbei'g said it is an Air
Foi'ce maxim that offense is the
best defense.
“The whole proof of defense
against an enemy power is attri
tion and desti-uction on the other
end,” he added. “The American
strategic Air Force is small but
very efficient.”
Asked whether the U. S. would
not likely be hit by surprise air
attack if a Communist enemy de
cided upon a direct assault, Van
denbei'g replied “Yes, pi'obably.”
He even went on to discount the
element of surprise and speak of
swift avenging action.
Bi'itain at her best never knock
ed down more than 8 per cent of
raiding German bombers during
the battle for Britain, he empha
sized. The Germans never were
able to knock down more than 4
per cent when the tide turned the
other way.
The goal of the American air
defense system is to achieve a 20
to 30 per cent loss x-atio against at
tacking aircraft, “but this would
be extraordinary,” he said.
The so-called “radar fence”
guarding the air approaches to the
U. S. is just being built, he said.
Vandenberg said be concuri'ed with
General MacArthui'’s opinion that
the Far East Air Forces are “a
veteran professional outfit doing
magnificient job in Korea.”
He said it would be “most effi
cient” to launch strategic attacks
on Chinese factories in Manchuria
and China to cut their supplies
off at the source, “but you under
stand we qan’t do that.”
he had pulled both his units out of
the town and taken one prisoner.
Becker quoted the Allied com
mander as saying he had encoun
tered a larg-e enemy group, was
facing heav5^ x-esistance before the
pullout and that his position was
being flanked by the Red Chinese.
It was the first strong action
reported by patrols prowling the
far-flung Korean war lines during
the day. They penetrated as deep
as 26 miles.
An ominous quiet pi'evailed in
most sectors but there was abun
dant evidence of heavy Red troop
A pre-offensive buildup of enemy
troops became evident Wednesday
night when U. S. Fifth Air Force
B-26 bombers sighted six Red
troop trains and attacked five. Pi
lots claimed one was destroyed and
four others damaged.
Red Vehicles
Highway convoys totaling moi'e
than 400 Red vehicles likewise
were spotted and attacked on roads
leading to central and westex-n
Red China yesterday rejected the
latest U. N. cease-fire proposal.
A rough outline of enemy posi
tions was drawn by accounts of
patrol activity. The line slants
southeast from Seoul to Yongwol,
97 miles from the fire-blackened
South Korean capital. Yongwol is
33 miles northeast of Chungju, x-oad
junction city held by the Allies.
Red deployments appear to be de
signed to cut off Eighth Army
foi'ces strung out from western Ko-
x'ea toward the old Pusan frontier,
on the southeastern tip of the pe
Patrol Activity
Specifically, patrol activity re
ports indicate the Communist
forces ai'e stretched from a 90,000-
man force south of Seoul to Su
won, 17 air miles south of Seoul,
and then east through Ichon and
down to Yongwol, a mining town.
The Allied patrols roamed at will
through enemy front lines, meeting
only light opposition Thui'sday ex
cept at Kumyangjang.
Military Dept.
Announces New
Transfer Policy
A policy concerning trans
fer and assignment of ROTC
students between the Army
and Air Force has been an
nounced by the military de
In accordance with the State
ment of Joint ROTC Policies, dated
June 21, 1949, the PMS&T agree
that students will be divided on a
60-40 basis, that is 60 per cent
of the total enrolled ROTC student
body will be assigned to the Army
and 40 per cent to the Air Force.
This ratio may be revised from
time to time due to contract quota
Entering Freshmen will initial
ly be assigned to a unit within the
service of their choice, either Army
or Air Force, insofar as practicable.
Dui'ing the spring of each aca
demic year, Freshmen will be given
a final opportunity, in accox-dance
with their academic standing, to
select the service of their choice,
subject to the quota limitations
desci'ibed above, and no subse
quent transfer of students between
services will be approved, except:
• Where a mutual transfer can
be arranged between students in
the Basic Course who possess sim
ilar baccalaureate backgi'ounds.
• Transfer of students entering
the Advanced ROTC course will be
permitted . provided the 60-40 ratio
is retained in that, class.
Transfer students entei'ing A&M
for the first time will be assigned
to their choice as to service, either
Army or Air Force ROTC.
Language Division
Offers New Course
Public Speaking in Spanish-326,
a new two hour course, will be of
fered this spring announced Dr.
J. T. Woolket, head of the foreign
language department.
Each student will give a three
minute talk in Spanish every week
and will speak on a subject of his
own choice. The speech will be
recorded and played back to enable
the students to offer criticism.
Woolket also stated that a pi'o
posed couxse in beginning Russian
may be offered.
Levens to Address
Engineering Group
“Graphics in Engineering and
Research,” will be the topic of a
talk by A. S. Levens, of the Uni-
vex-sity of California, at Berkeley,
tonight in the new Biological Sci
ence Building at 8.
He will give pointer's to the
faculty and graduate students on
the presentation of reseai'ch and
educational material by graphic
Under the joint sponsorship of
the Engineei'ing Drawing Depart
ment and the Drawing Division
of the American Society of Engin
eering Education, Pi'of. Levens’
talk is part of the .Graduate Lec-
ture Sei'ies.
In addition to his text books
he is the author of a long list of
papers and axticles which have ap-
peax-ed in several journals.
On Parade
Freshman Squadron 7 passes in Review during the review held
yesterday on the field west of Law Hall. The Squadron is com
manded by Homer H. “Cotton” Johnson, senior Geo-physics major
from Iredell. (Photo by Bill Hites)