The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1951, Image 1
Circulated to More Than 90% of College Station’s Residents Number 78: Volume 51 The Battalion PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1951 Shoemaker Resigns; | | Accepts Georgia U. Job; See Sports, Page Three Price Five Cents NTSC to Present Comic Operetta At Guion Tonight liy ANDY ANDERSON The stage is set for the North Texas presentation of Donizetti’s “Daughter of the Regiment”.a comic operetta to be seen in Guion Hall tonight at 7:30. The North Texas State College Opera Workshop, under the direction of Miss Mary McCormic and the supervision of Mary Garden, a former opera star, will feature love, lyrics and comedy as they sing the romance of Tonio and Maria, the two leading personalities. Tonio will be handled by either David Jones of Green ville or David Taylor of Denton while Maria, the “daughter” | 1 ♦'will be sung by either Nancy Wright of Fort Worth or Leota Vincent, Sudan. Supporting roles will be hand led by Juanita Teal of Dallas as the Marchioness of Berkenfeld, Maria’s mother; Edgar Stone, Dal las as Sgt. Sulpice, a member of the 21st Regiment; Bill Sparks, Ft. Worth as Ortensio; Helen Marshall, Amarillo as the Duch ess, A1 Skoog, Borger as both a corporal and a notary; and Stewart Vannerson, Dallas as a peasant. A quick rundown of the story goes something like this. Maria as a young child is found on a bat tlefield by Sgt. Sulpice and adopted by the 21st Regiment, occupation troops of Napoleon’s army. 'When she grows up, Tonio, a Tyrolean peasant saves her life and as a reward, asks Maria to marry him. The Marchioness tells him that he is not good enough to marry her niece, a person of noble birth. Tonio Returns Later, Tonio, now a colonel and commander of the Regiment, re turns and again asks for permis sion to marry Maria. The March ioness tells Maria that she is real ly her mother and not her aunt. Maria renounces Tonio but the Marchioness, in an about face, fin ally consents,to the marriage. Music for the operetta will be furnished by the 61-piece NTSC symphony orchestra under the di rection of Dr. Walter H. Hodgson, dean of the School of Music at NTSC. Background music and color will be furnished by the 27-voice chorus from the North Texas School of Music. The operetta has been presented m Denton, Big Spring, and at the University of Texas. Admission is fifty cents. Stars for Tonight AF Suspends ■All Enlistments For Non-Vets Washington, Jan. 17 — The Air Force announced to day the suspension of enlist ments except for personnel with previous Air Force ser- Svice. A spokesman said the action Bwas taken due to heavy enlistments ..-and overcrowding of facilities at Air Force indoctrination centers. He said it is hoped the suspension can be lifted about Feb. 1. 1 Three exceptions were made to the order, he said. Still being ac- fllrepted are personnel with prior Air Foi’ce service, applicants for the Women’s Air Force (WAF), and young men appointed to avia tion cadet courses for pilots and navigators. i The Air Force spokesman said it Bis hoped to have the new Sampson j^iAir Force base at Geneva, N.Y., Beady by Feb. 15. He said this Bvould greatly facilitate handling of enlistees. The A.F. recently took ®>ver this base which was a naval . training station in World War II. I The spokesman said the princi pal indoctrination center is the ^•.Lackland Air Force base at San . . Antonio and this base is badly ®?overcrowded now and unable to I handle further enlistments at pres- Bent. Thursday Batt Last This Week Tomorrow’s Battalion will be the last this week and publica tion will be cut back to two is sues next week during finals and three issues will be publish ed the following week, the co editors announced this morning. Battalions will appear Tues day and Thursday next week and Tuesday, January 30. Regu lar daily publication will be re sumed Thursday, February 1. Persons with news items next week should ask for Mrs. Viv ian Castleberry, Battalion wo men’s editor, at 4-5444. UN Troops in ‘Killer Raids’ Against Chinese Tokyo, Jan. 17—(JP)—Allied forces scout ing Red positions on killer raids in western Korea clung stubbornly today to outposts within striking range of three Chinese Com munist armies. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, U.S. Army chief of staff, witnessed western front fighting on his tour of the Korean battlefronts. A delayed announcement tonight told of Collins’ visit to the sector where the Allies are carrying out a series of strikes called reconnaissance in force. Before them the Reds have possibly 120,- 000 troops massed south of the Han River near Seoul, less than 17 miles from the north- ‘Operation HS’ Plans Discussed By GEORGE CHARLTON vey, secretary of the Former Stu- . , dents Association, has volunteered “Operation High School is now -t 0 -write a news letter to all for- far into the planning stages,” said mer students club officers inform- C. G. “Spike” White, assistant dean in £ them of the project, and ask- of men for activities, informing j n g their cooperation in providing members of the Inter Council Com- transportion from the hometown to mittee yesterday at a meeting in the campus for the seniors making the MSC Senate Chamber. The In- the trip. ern-most Allied outpost near Suwon. Despite the nearness of the Chinese man power mass, an Allied tank column pierced a light crust of Chinese Red defenders around Suwon Tuesday. It caught a Chinese battalion napping and destroyed half of the 1,000 enemy troops. An AP field dispatch said leading attack columns swept on Suwon from two directions and mowed down many of the surprised Chinese in the open. Some were caught without their guns. “They came scurrying like rats out of houses in all directions,” a lieutenant said. Then 10 Allied tanks took up the fight inside the city. Their guns blazed at Red hideouts for an hour. “We knocked out their machine- guns with tanks and hit their fox holes with mortars,” a captain said. “Many of them never reached their foxholes—we got them while they were riming to them. “They threw a lot of stuff at ns but they didn’t hit a single man. We nearly caught them with their pants down.” Allied planes hit the town as the ground force withdrew. They rock eted and machihegunned troops on rooftops and Chinese fleeing north out of Suwon. 500 Chinese Killed ter Council, initiated this year, is composed of representatives from the various school councils. Room and Meals “Members of hometown clubs r f he project as a combined ef- will find beds in dormitories for fort of hometown organizations, the senior high school students, various former student clubs, the an d arrange for the housing of Office of Student Activities, and each visitor in their respective the College, in general, is a pro- hometown,” White told the group, gram encouraging outstanding high Meals will be eaten in Duncan Mess school seniors to visit the campus j| a i] a t the expense of the visiting and see what A&M has to offer, senior. Plans Explained Program of events for the high -,,r U . . school influx will include registra- White went on to acquaint mem- kevno t e a( ] f i r ess hv an out- bers of the council with plans for- t ' on ’.? ke y note address by an out- of o ™nnf;n„ Mon. standing student on the campus, a In rehearsal for “The Daughter of the Regiment” are, right to left, Nancy Wright, David Taylor, and Sally Max well. The -‘Daughter” will be staged in Guion Hall tonight at 7:30 under the sponsorship of Student Activities. Tickets may be purchased either at Goodwin Hall or at Guion for fifty cents for any seat in the “house.” mulated at a special meeting Mon- . ltc . , . r,. day night of hometown club presi- speech on Student Mllltar y Sta - dents and representatives. The date has been set March 3, White told the group. Drinkers Complain—-Stark Explains . . . Opinions Vary on Coffee Hike tus” by Colonel Parity Bowden, group tours of educational facil ities, attendance ^t Sports Day, a student talent vatideville show and “Between now and February 10, picture show at Guion, and service members of various hometown a t the church of individual’s choice clubs will invite outstanding high Sunday morning, school seniors from their home towns to visit the campus March Steering Group o, said White. Members of the steering commit- The number of seniors invited tee are Howard Karen, O. C. “Put- will be limited only by the amount ter” Jarvis, Olin Brashear, John F. of transportation the local former Ireland, and A. W. Siter. student clubs, the hometown mem bers, and seniors themselves are Previous to White’s report, the able to provide. motion had been passed to make m , the Corps Information Officer an Turn m Addresses ex 0 ffj c j 0 member of the Council Names and addresses of seniors this year, are to be turned into the Office of By DAVE COS LETT cup of coffee. Seven-cent coffee “Whadaya want, Mac—cream m j s ); your coffee?” That’s one to re place the traditional “egg in your beer.” (with cream, But the new phrase is more than a figure of speech to many slaves to the “steamin’ joe” who Tuesday were faced with the unhappy ne cessity of plunkin’ down an extra two cents for cream in their MSC From the reaction it caused patrons of the Memorial Student Center to display, you might think it was the overthrow of a form of government. And, quite possibly, it approaches just that. War Film Showing To Aid Polio Fund One of the greatest war films Texas is second only to Michigan lever concocted in the brains of in polio aid received from the Na- Hollywood producers will make a tional March of Dimes fund, to return Thursday night at 7:30 in which a definite apportionment of the YMCA Chapel, for the sake county-raised money goes. ■of charity, according to Herman Members Liked Movie Gollob, president of tbe A&M Film ; Society. Over 200 members of the soc- 1 The film is “All Quiet on the ^ e ty saw the impressive cinematic Western Front,” shown Tuesday condemnation of war Tuesday night night as part of the regular film ln the YMCA chapel. Also paying .f- • non-members were in attendance. non-members were in attendance Comments ranged from “pretty good” to “one of the best movies I’ve seen” and “I really enjoyed it.” The film, produced and released in 1930, stars Louis Wolheim as the rugged non-com and Lew Ayres as the young student whose ideas of war changed while at the “front.” Lewis Milestone, director of the movie, achieved fame through this i society series. Profits from the showing will be donated to the local March of Dimes fund for treatment, medical services, and X-rays of polio cases. Admission will be 25 cents. Help Worthy Cause It’s a chance to see one of the all time “greats” and at the same time help out a worthy cause,” ''ffort anr^ore^ recentlTlfas nut says George Charlton, secretary- Jis st S! ’ on “Halls of Monte- treasurer of the film society this t °„ be SseS year. ’ “Tomorrow night’s showing will World War I Story bt f or everybody; Tuesday night’s Story of the film takes place sho ving was for film society mem- during the first World War. Char- bers in particular,” Charlton says, acters are all members of the Kai- He further pointed out that spec- ser’s army. Of course, all dialogue ial screenings of film society mov- j s j n English, purposely with a ies will not be made in the future touch of American slang—showing for non-members. that basically the soldier is the “But this is an exception,” he same in any army, with the same said. temperaments, the same fears, and Money raised by the Brazos the same enjoyments. County March of Dimes fund last Promptness on the part of au- year was spent in particular on dience members is urged since hospitalization, medical services, many persons Tuesday night came drugs and medicines, orthopedic too late to find a seat, Charlton appliances, X-ray and miscellane- said. The film gets underway ous appliances, and nurses. And promptly at 7:30, small. Their most evident move has been the printing and wide distribution of a pamphlet urging students to “stick together” in forc ing the price back down. The form urges absolutely no coffee buying in the MSC and as little other patronage as possible. Some persons on the campus , . .. ., have expressed the belief that the That cup ot coffee, it seems, m0V e is being backed by business stands with ham and eggs and interests that would have a stake apple pie as an American heritage. } n such a move. No substantiation Almost every catfeine consumer on 0 £ |.hj s has been found, the campus reacted in some way to -what does the average cus- the price hike. tomer say? Here’s what some said Some merely shrugged their last ni ght. Donald Lance, an edu- shoulders and dug for the extra ca ti 0 n major from Mission figures two cents. Others screwed up their « the MSC knows how much they face and tried it black. And still should charge.” Not too much of a non-profit organization, why they can’t produce a cup of coffee for five cents.” Two other customers were drink ing hot chocolate and a coke re spectively. Both habitual coffee drinkers, they smiled and said they drank their coffee elsewhere. “We’d walk a mile before paying seven cents.” From a faculty viewpoint it (See STARK, Page 4)‘ Student Activities on, or before February 10. The Office of Stu dent Activities will then, in turn, send a form letter to each senior outlining tbe program.* A letter will also be sent to each senior’s principal. A paragraph will be included in Members of the Council and their Open House Day committees are: Follies Committee, Douglas Heame and Lloyd Manjeot; Program Com mittee, Dick Goodwyn, Herbert Mills, Frank Sims, and Joe Perry; Publicity Committee, George Charl ton and Curtis Edwards; Conces sions and Guide Booth Committee, the letter to tbe senior suggesting j ack Hurnall, Bill Hollowell, he bring other members, of bis Charles Copenhaver, Jack Berkner. class who are interested in visit- Jess Mclver is in charge of hous ing A&M College. j n g arrangements. Dick Tumlin- According to White, Dick Her- son is president of the council. Former Student Paper others actually gave up the habit (few have been reported in this latter category). In a more serious vein, threat of an MSC boycott took roots on the campus. And, in answer to a coffee-drinker, Lance was sup ping his first cup of seven-cent joe when approached. George Schwarz, a veteran and a farm management major from Mercedes, -expressed different sentiments. “It looks like a pret ty cheezy deal all around with the MSC here.” He added that “I don’t know the story behind it. An habitual drinker, Schwarz was forsaking cream which he prefers. Across the table, Bill Goldston, ag eco major from Hereford, al lowed that “The two-cents more doesn’t hurt so much. It’s the pennies . . . givin’ ’em . . . gettin’ ’em back . . . change.” Bill drinks coffee with or without as a social habit. He can take it or leave it. Ch.E Major John M’alcom, a corpsman from Corpus Christi, grimaced as he drank it black and said, “I don’t like it—black coffee that is.” He was against the prin ciple of the thing. His buddy, Roy Jones, a liberal arts major from Corpus, had dif ferent sentiments. He likes black coffee and drinks it habitually. His comment: “I get a kick out of bearin’ these guys bitch about it.” How about the feminine view point? Barbara Hodge, a grad uate student’s wife who indulges habitually — with cream — said, “If it’s necessary, it’s okeh.” Mrs. Hodge, incidentally, may be remembered as Ada in the recent Aggie Player production “Kind Lady.” Another grad student who drinks ticularly small group. But their coffee infrequently but with cream efforts have net been particularly maintains, “I don’t see how, if it’s J. Wayne Stark, Memorial Student Center director, has made a request in view of the fact that some students are evi dently quite serious in their op position to the coffee price rise. He states, "Rather than see someone hurt something that means so much to them (the MSC), I asked that those who have serious objection to the new price bring such objections eith er to me or to Joe Fuller, presi dent of the MSC Council.” Fuller’s offices are located in the MSC and are open almost every afternoon. Stark contin ues, “If we can’t satisfy them as to the justness of the increase we will assure them that the matter will be brought before the MSC Council on which they are represented.” this serious part of the question, the director of the Center laid on the table the reasons for the raise. Here’s the.question as it now stands. First we’ll look at the reaction side. Then we’ll inves tigate the “why” for the price . hike. The threatened boycott is, from all indications, the work of a par- L. O. Tiedt Resigns Batt Post to Edit Tex as Aggie By SID ABERNATHY L. O. Tiedt, junior agricultural journalism major, has resigned as managing editor of The Battalion, to accept the position of editor of The Texas Aggie, A&M’s former- ' students newspaper. He will offi cially assume his duties Feb. 1. : The opinion circulating around the Battalion office . is that his resignation is The Battalion’s loss and the Texas Aggie’s gain be cause Tiedt has proven his ability beyond doubt to those who have worked'with him in his three years with The Battalion. Hailing from a farm near LaGrange and with a scholarship from the First National Bank of Houston, Tiedt entered A&M in the Fall of 1948 and began studying journalism, his chosen profession. At the Annex, he was managing editor of the freshman page, a weekly feature of the regular Bat talion, and has since methodically stairstepped his way to the top. Tiedt began his sophomore year as copy editor but at the beginning of the Spring semester of that year he was promoted to news edi tor. On his day at the desk it was his job to see that the paper was out on time. The aspiring journalist then be came co-editor of the Summer Bat- only one step from the editorship, talion during the first semester of a job which he has had his eye on summer school in 1950 and feature since his freshman days, editor the following semester. Tiedt was prepared for another With the beginning of the fall y ears + , work .™ th „ Th , e ., Bat ^ n . ° ° m* -i, whpn rho rvneirirm r*T nr I he* 'semester this year, Iiedt was named managing editor which is L. O. Tiedt “ New Texas Aggie Editor — when the position of editor of The Texas Aggie developed. This, was not only a chance to work for money—something sel dom mentioned around the Bat talion Office—it was a chance for advancement in opportunity and prestige. But above all it was a chance to attain the goal he had set for himself—to be editor of a newspaper. His activities outside the class room were far from being con firmed to The Battalion. He has persistently been active in var ious' clubs and organizations. At present he is the junior Arts and Sciences Council representative from the Journalism Club, vice- pi*esident of the Agricultural Journalism Club, and a member of the Press Club. Despite his numerous activities around the campus, the sergeant from B Field Artillery has main tained a very reputable grade point ratio. And as the co-editors will testi fy, Tiedt has left a vacancy in The Battalion office that will cause a person of less vitality to wox*k long and late to fill. “I’d say the Chinese had 500 men killed in all,” a Colonel estimated. Other Allied scouting forces which had entered Osan, 28 air miles south of Seoul, and Kum- yangjang, 25 air miles southeast of the old Korean capital, withdrew by plan at dusk Tuesday to posi tions just south ,of tbe two towns. A blanket censorship imposed since noon Tuesday (10 p.m., EST, Monday) prevented the location by name of corps, divisional or lesser units. A security clampdown usu ally means a shifting in troop po sitions. Air Force and Navy planes pounded the enemy. B-29 super forts of the Far East air forces blasted Kaesong and Chongju Wed* nesday with 176 tons of explosives. Kaesong, a few miles south of Pa rallel 38, is a rail and highway junction. Chongju is in northwest Korea on the main Red supply line from Manchuria. B-29s Hit Rails Wave after wave of B-29s hit the rail yards at Kaesong and Chongju in clear weather. Pilots said the raids were successful. East of Seoul toward Ichon and abandoned Wonju on the central Korean front Red Korean and Chi nese troops dug in. They were not rushing to attack the new Al lied positions. Instead, they kept up steady ha rassment of Allied supply lines with busy guerrillas. U. S. Eighth Army headquarters has been reluc tant to discuss guerrilla activity in any specific Korean section. But an Allied corps commander said his raiders’ were bitting the guer rillas wherever they were found. Seventeen were killed Monday out of a band of 200 near the east coast port of Samchok. The strong western force that drove into Suwon, 17 miles south of Seoul, and Kumyangjang and Osan in the same area, routed some 300 Red Chinese Tuesday in a fire fight yesterday. ASED Society Registration Begins Tonight Early registration for the American Society for Engi neering Drawing, Engineering Drawing Division mid-winter meeting will begin this even ing at 6 p. m. in the Memorial Student Center. The meetings will continue through Saturday and will he held in the MSC. Thursday will be highlighted by inspection trips through two large plants in Houston and a dinner meeting of the executive commit tee. President M. T. Harrington will welcome the members at a lunch eon in the MSC ballroom after a Friday morning tour of the Engin eering Drawing Department on the campus. Friday afternoon will be devoted to talks on problems encountered by drafting students and Friday night will be highlighted by a talk on “The Future of Plastics” by Elgin B. Robertson, Texas pro- fessiontl engineer, Dallas. Music for the evening meeting will be furnished by the Bryan high school acappella choir. Saturday will be devoted to lec tures and movies on some of the problems and their possible cor rections.